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- 点击数:发布时间:2016-11-13来源:未知
摘要: 5 施工安装 Construction installation 9. 管材:排烟风管采用镀锌钢板,壁厚=1.2mm,板材间垫片采用3mm厚的石棉橡胶板,排烟系统中所有柔性短管、风口等均采用不燃材料。风管均采用镀锌钢板角钢法兰风管,风管均为底平接。空调冷凝水管采用PP-R管材,与设备
5 施工安装 Construction installation
9. 管材:排烟风管采用镀锌钢板,壁厚δ=1.2mm,板材间垫片采用3mm厚的石棉橡胶板,排烟系统中所有柔性短管、风口等均采用不燃材料。风管均采用镀锌钢板角钢法兰风管,风管均为底平接。空调冷凝水管采用PP-R管材,与设备采用丝扣连接。
Pipes:the smoke exhuast adopts galvanized steel sheet with thickness δ=1.2mm. The spacers between sheets are made of rubber asbestos with thickness of 3mm. All the flexible short tubes and tuyere nozzles in smoke extracting system are made of incombustible material. The air ducts are angle steel flange ducts made of galvanized steel sheet. All air conducts vertically joined at the end. The condensed water pipe in air conditioner adopts PP-R pipes and connects with equipment by screw thread.
10. 风管消防保护:如风管穿越楼板、沉降缝及防火分区,需加设防火阀和采取防火封堵措施。排烟风机前后设防火软接头。
Fire protection of air conduct: it needs to adopt fire dampers and anti-fire and plugging measures if the air conduct passes through floors, settlement joint and fire prevention divisions. There installs connecting hoses at the front and back of the smoke exhaust fan.
11. 吊架:风管吊架用膨胀螺栓固定,防火阀等设备独立吊架。
Cradle: use expansion bolt to fix cradle of the air duct and fire damper to operate the cradle.
12. 保温:除地下车库排烟风管不保温之外,风管保温采用带夹筋铝箔的离心玻璃棉,冷凝水管外用难燃发泡橡塑管壳(板)胶水粘贴双层错缝保温,保温厚度均为20mm。
Thermal insulation: the smoke exhaust in underground garage doesn’t own characteristics of thermal insulation. The smoke exhaust uses centrifugal glass wool made of aluminium foil in form of folder bars. The condensed water pipe is made of flame retardant foam rubber using glue to stick with the double staggered joints to perserve heat with thermal thickness of 20mm.
13. 管道坡度:冷凝水干管坡度0.003。Pipe slope: the slope of trunk of condensing water 0.003.
14. 油漆:所有支吊架及法兰均应刷防锈漆二度,调和漆一度。镀锌钢板镀锌钢管之脱锌,焊缝处必须清除表面污锈,刷红丹漆二道。室外管道(不保温)外再刷色漆二度。
Paint: brush antirust paint on all supports,cradles and flanges for two times and brush mixed paint for one time. Clear rust dirt on the surface in dezincification part and welding joint of galvanized steel sheet and steel pipeline and paint red lead paint for two times. Paint colored paint on outdoor pipeline (no thermal insulation) for two times.
15. 系统试压、清洗和风管气密试验:水管试压以30分钟内不降压且管道内不渗漏为合格。消防排烟、正压风管正压段,静压保持在750Pa时,风管漏风率应近似于零;消防排烟风管负压段,静压保持在-700Pa时,风管漏风率小于额定风量1%。
System pressure test, cleaning and air tightness experiment: the tested pressure of water tube doesn't decrease in 30 minutes and there’s no leakage, then the water tube is qualified. In positive pressure segment of fire control & smoke discharging air duct, the air leakage rate of air duct is near to zero when static pressure is kept at 750Pa. In negative pressure segment of fire control & smoke discharging air duct, the air leakage rate of air duct is less than 1% of rated air flow when static pressure is kept at -700Pa.
16. 排烟管道消防保护:如风管有穿越楼板、沉降缝、防火墙处,除设有防火阀外,还应将防火阀与防火墙之间的风管用2mm厚普通钢板制作,在风管穿越部位用非燃材料密实堵严。Fire protection of smoke exhaust: if air duct passes through floors, settlement joint and firewall, then it should install fire damper, and also the air duct between fire damper and firewall should made of general steel sheet of 2mm and the holes being passed through should be blocked tightly with non-burning materials.
3) 给水排水工程
序号 No. 项目名称 Project Name 设计概况 Outline of Design
1 室内外给系统 Indoor and Outdoor Water Feeding System 1、本项目给水源为城市自来水,拟从厂区北、东两侧D3和E7路的市政给水管网上分别引入一根DN200的给水管,经水表计量后分别给室外消火栓管网、室内生活给水系统及消防生产合用水池供水。
The water of the project is tap water from the city. We plan to install a DN200 feed pipeline from D3 and E7 Rd. Municipal feeding water network on north and east side of the factory. The water is supplied to outdoor hydrant pipe network, indoor house living water supply system and shared pool of hydrant and production after being measured by water gauge.
The house living water, water makeup of cooling tower and humidification of aid conditioner of this project is from municipal tap water. The water in production (production water for cutting and spraying blade edges, cleaning the inside and outside of the blade )is supplied by pump of production water in pumping station. The water for cleaning vehicles, watering the trees and cleaning the street is from the recycled rain.
The domestic hot water in production areas is provided by electric water heater and domestic hot water in offices (including wash basins in toilet and shower) provided by solar water heater. Assistant heat source is waste heat of air compressor and boilers and temperature of hot water is 50℃.
The outdoor water feeding pipeline of production and living is made of plastic-packed galvanized steel. Use flange to connect for diameter of pipeline ≥DN65 and screw for diameter of pipeline ≤DN150. The indoor cold water feeding pipeline of production and living and hot water feeding pipeline of living adopts thin-walled stainless steel with gouge to connect with diameter of pipeline ≥DN125 and ring compression type to conncet with diameter of pipeline≤DN125.
2 室内外排水系统 Indoor and Outdoor Drainage System
Separately discharge indoor production water drainage, domestic sewage and rain. Also separagely discharge outdoor sewage and rain.
The indoor domestic sewage is collected and being discharged to outdoor septic tank through pipelines and then discharged to municipal sewage pipe network. The emission load of domestic sewage is 40m3/d.
The emission load of production water drainage is 1040m3/d. In 2# blade production area, the raw edge of the blade cut sprayed waste water, the waste water is cleaned inside and outsidethe blade, and rinse water of cars will be processed in outdoor oil-filtering settling tank and then discharged into sewage pipe network and finally discharged to municipal sewage pipe network.
The rain on roof of reinforced concrete house in production area of 1# and 2# factories is charged by siphonic pressure flow and in administrative areas and driving force support area the rain on roofs is charged by gravity flow. The rain on the roof being collected by rain strainer and discharged into rain pipe network together with outdoor rain is discharged into municipal rain pipe network.
The outdoor sewage pipeline and rain discharging pipeline is wrapped by polythene plastic steel (HDPE) and conncected with clamp. The indoor drainpipe is made of and connected by UPVC plastic. The drain strainer of siphonic pressure flow drainage system on steel roof of plants is made of stainless steel. The siphonic draining pipe is made of imported high density polythene plastic and connected by means of hot melt.
3 室内消火栓系统 Indoor Hydrant System 1、室内消火栓系统采用稳高压系统,设置两台电动消火栓给水泵,一用一备及两台电动消火栓稳压泵,一用和备;水泵由水泵出水管上的压力开关直接连锁启动或由消火栓箱内的启动按钮直接启动。
The indoor fire hydrant system is stable high pressure system. There are two motor-driven hydrant pumps, one for use and another one in reserve. And also there are two motor-driven hydrant stabilized pressure pumps, one for use and another one in reserve. The pressure switch on outlet pipe of water pump will directly start the water pump. The start button inside hydrant box can also directly start the water pump.
It adopts natural way to exhaust smoke in production area and sets up sufficient scuttles in the roofs (meet FM requirements).
Set fire dampers in the following locations of the air pipe in adjusting system of air conditioners: cross fire compartmentation, air conditioning machine room, partition wall and floor of importance or big fire risk and the areas of horizontal air pipes on each floor which connect with vertical network of pipes. Use anti-fire staff to fill the air pipe and pipeline which pass through firewall and floors.
4 室内自动喷水灭火系统 Indoor Automatic Sprinkler System 1、室内自动喷水灭火系统采用稳高压系统,设置一台电动喷淋给水泵和一台柴油喷淋给水泵及两台电动喷淋稳压泵,水泵由水泵出水管上的压力开关直接连锁启动或报警阀上的压力开关直接连锁启动。喷淋给水泵从水池吸水加压后以两路接至湿式报警阀组,阀组前的供水成环状。本系统在室外设置8套DN150地上式水上水泵接合器,在报警阀前与供水干管相接。
The indoor automatic water spraying and fire extinguishing system is stable high pressure system. Fit one electric water spraying pump, one diesel spraying pump and two electric spraying stable pressure pumps. The pressure switch on outlet pipe of water pump will directly start the water pump. The pressure switch on alarming valve can also directly start the water pump. The water spraying pump suctions the water from the pool, presses it and transports it to alarming valve in two roads and water supply in front of valves takes circular shape. The system installs 8 DN150 ground type water pump adapters to connect with main pipe of feeding water in front of alarming valve.
The production area in 1# and 2# factory buildings adopts coverage-increasing nozzles. The steel roof of 1# and 2# warehouses adopts overage-increasing nozzles too. The rack is equipped with standard nozzles. The administrative area of 1# and 2# factory buildings adopts standard nozzles.
5 灭火器配置Configuration of Fire Extinguisher 各建筑按《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》GB50140-2005要求配置灭火器,灭火器均采用3Kg/具的磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器。厂房变配电站的配电柜采用火探管式自动探火灭火装置,灭火方式为局部全淹没,灭火介质为二氧化碳。厂房IT间采用二氧化碳气体灭火,灭火方式为全淹没,灭火介质为二氧化碳。
All buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers according to Code for Design of Extinguisher Distribution in Buildings GB50140-2005. Each extinguisher is equipped with 3Kg ammonium phosphate powder. The power distribution cabinet in electricity substation of factory buildings adopts firetrace automatic fire suppression devices with topical total flooding fire extinguishing and carbon dioxide as the medium. And IT room of factory buildings adopts carbon dioxide to extinguish the fire with total flooding and the medium is carbon dioxide.
6 消防工程其他要求 Other Requirements of Fire Fighting 1、室内消防管道≤DN65采用厚型内外壁热镀锌焊接钢管,丝扣连接,消防专用胶密封,≥DN80采用内外壁镀锌无缝钢管,卡箍连接。室外消防管采用K12耐压5MPa的T型接口球墨铸铁管及T型承插柔性接口球墨铸铁管件,室外埋地管消防管90度转变处做混凝土挡墩。
The indoor fire fighting pipeline with diameter ≤DN65 adopts thick welded steel pipe galvanized inside and outside and is connected with screw thread and sealed with glue specially used in fire fighting. The fighting pipeline with diameter ≥DN80 adopts seamless steel pipeline galvanized inside and outside and is connected with clamps. The outdoor fire fighting pipeline adopts K12 anti-pressure 5MPa T-type interface ductile iron pipe and T-type flexible socket type ductile iron pipe. The 90 degree position of outdoor buried underground fire fighting pipeline will be used for block pier of concrete.
The valves on outdoor underground pipeline(ductile iron pipe) of fire fighting system are connected with flange and valves on other pipelines (seamless steel pipeline galvanized inside and outside) is connected with clamp. The valves and piepelines are connected with screw thread with diameter of fire fighting pipelines ≤DN65 and valves(including signal butterfly valve, gate valve, butterfly valve, alarming valves and check valves) and piepelines are connected with clamps with diameter of fire fighting pipelines ≥DN80.
7 雨水收集系统 Rain Collecting System 厂区雨水经室外雨水管道收集后,排至雨水收集池,经沉淀处理后,用于厂区冲洗地面、浇灌绿化和冲洗汽车。
The rain in the factory buildings is collected by outdoor pipelines, discharged to rain pool, being processed by sedimentation and then used for cleaning the ground in plant, watering trees and washing cars.
4)供电及电气工程 Power Supply and Electrical Engineering
序号 No. 项目名称 Project Name 设计概况 Outline of Design
1 供电系统 Power supply system
The project plans to bring in two 10KV private lines as high-voltage supply from substations in different areas and introduce it into substations in PR producing plant. One road is 6000KVA private line in developing zone, another road is 3200KVA transformer assembly applied to power supply department and total capacity is 9200KVA (3 transformers of 2000KVA and 2 of 1600KVA). The power will be transported to each power unit through low-voltage cables.
The 10KV power electricity system of this project is supplied by two power supplies of Bus section of radial distribution system of single bus segment. The 10KV municipal power is 50Hz AC, three-phase three-wire system with neutral points not ground connected.
3、本工程低压配电系统(380V/220V)采用三相四线制、中性点固定接地的TN-S系统。生产厂区及办公区、门卫等其它辅助建筑的低压配电电源均由生产厂房建筑内的变电站引来。The low voltage distribution system of this project(380V/220V)is TN-S system with three-phase four-wire system and neutral points fixed to the ground. The low voltage distribution power of producing area, administrative offices and custodian are all from substation in factory buildings.
We provide dual cut power supply plus emergency diesel generator to the fire control room, emergency lighting, evacuation instructions, electrical safety of fire-fighting equipment (like fire fans, control system of fire control and transportation, fire alarm system ) of the project. It provides dual power supply to second class load and performs automatic switch at the end. Cut off power supply of non-fire power in fire-protection zone when the fire accident takes place.
The project plans to set up a power transformer and distribution station of high and low voltage in the south of #1 plant and it is made up of 11 high-voltage cabinets, three 2000KVA transformers and 28 corresponding low-voltage power distribution cabinets and 3 emergency low-voltage power distribution cabinets. We also plans to set up a power distribution station in #2 plant and it is made up of a 1600KVA transformer and 9 low-voltage power distribution cabinets and 5 emergency power distribution cabinets.
The 10KV high-voltage power distribution equipment adopts metal closed switch box of vacuum circuit breaker hand truck type. The distribution transformer adopts dry-type transformer which is installed in metal cabinet of IP41 protective class. Dry-type distribution transformer and high-low-voltage distribution panel joined as combinatory set variable power distribution device to distribute electricity to various electrical equipments.
2 防雷与接地Lighting protection and grounding
1、楼内各类低压系统均采用中性点直接接地的TN-S系统。供配电系统工作接地、保护接地、弱电系统的功能性接地以及建筑物的防雷接地采用共用基础接地装置,其共用接地装置的接地电阻不大于1欧姆。Various low-voltage system inside building adopts TN-S system with neutral points directly linked to the earth. The earthing of power supply and distribution system, protective devices, weak current system and buildings uses a common basic earthing device and the resistors of common earthing device is no more than 1 ohm.
It is planned to set up lightning belt on roof of the building, use steel fabric under the roof plate as lightning receptor, use steel bars inside the column of the building as down lead, use steel bars in foundations of architecture as earthing device, use steel bars under floors as voltage balancing net and preserve appropriate places outside the room as connecting earthing plate. They can be used to measure earthing resistors, connect with artificial earthed body and for isoelectric level.
Set up protective measures against lightning strike and electromagnetic pulse for electronic information system and precision equipment inside the building.
3 配电线路敷设 Laying of distribution line
1、室内一般低压配电线路采用ZA-YJV-0.6/1KV铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套A级阻燃电缆与BV-450/750V铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线。消防设备的配电线路采用ZAN- YJV-0.6/1KV铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套A级阻燃电缆与ZCN-BV-450/750V铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘C级阻燃耐火电线。
The indoor low-voltage distribution line adopts ZA-YJV-0.6/1KV copper-core cross-linked polythene insulated trichlorethylene jacket A-level flame-retardent cable and BV-450/750V copper-core trichlorethylene insulated wire. The distribution line of the fire fighting equipment adopts ZAN- YJV-0.6/1KV copper-core cross-linked polythene insulated trichlorethylene jacket A-level flame-retardent cable and ZCN-BV-450/750V copper-core trichlorethylene insulated C-level flame-retardent cable.
The cables inside the total power distribution station take ladder form cable tray with upper inport and export. The variable station is layed inside the cable tray. The cable outside the cable tray is layed with galvanized steel pipe. The cable tray is heat galvanized. The distribution cable of fire fighting equipment is layed with galvanized steel pipe with anti-fire paint on outside.
The distribution line of the part is directly buried into the earth or beside the wall. The lighting of the park includes road lighting, site lightting and floodlighting of the building. The road lighting is controlled in form of light control or time control and performed by attendants or guards in substation.
The power distribution system of processing unit in production plant adopts intensive slots to distribute power. The low-voltage distribution switchboard of substation use cables to distribute power to terminal box of cable of bus duct. Install stackers on the bus duct on each interval. Intall circuit breaker inside the box to prepare for connecting second distribution cable of process equipment.
4 照明 Lighting 1、备用及疏散照明配电系统电源由应急配电系统供给,照明灯具的用电电压均为220V。
The power supply of backup and evacuated lighting distribution system is supplied by emergency power distribution system. The voltage of all lighting instruments are 220V.
Choose different lamps in different environments. The ceiled part of production area adopts embedded grille fluorescent lamp with reflectors. The unceiled part of production area adopts chained metal halide lamp and controlling fluorescent lamp. Power station and air conditioning machine room adopts ceiling or chained tri-proof fluorescent lamp. The entrance hall and corridor has energy-saving down lamps. The offices and conference room adopts embedded or ceiling grille lamps.
Adopt waterproof and dustproof closed type lamp in warehouse which has requirements for fire protection and site which could give rise to mist. The lamps surrounded by dangerous explosive gas should bring anti-explosion products based on the classification of anti-explosion.
Lighting control: production workshop and warehouse with large space will directly start the circuit breaker on distribution cabinet or by contactor, other ones with small room will be controlled by spot lighting switches separately.
The human body sensor and switch of light perception and manual control panel is set up in offices, entrance hall and corridors. The lighting fixture can automatically control according to turnover of personnel and strength of lighting.
5 DDC自动控制系统 DDC system of automatic control 1、DDC控制系统用于监测和控制以下的动力设备:(1)空调系统,包括空调房间的温度、湿度与压力控制以及送风与排风连锁,(2)空调冷热水系统,(3)生产、生活给水系统、消防水箱控制系统,(4)其它自带有单独控制的系统,如压缩空气系统以及工艺设备控制系统,可以通过TCP/IP接口或现场总线接口把相关数据传输至中央管理工作站。中央管理工作站可以显示、记录这些数据并进行报警。
DDC controlling system is used for monitoring and controlling the following power equipment: (1) air conditioning system, including temperature, humidity and pressure control of air conditioned room and air supply and exhaust chain, (2) cool and hot water system in air conditioner, (3) feeding system of production water and living water, controlling system of fire water tank, (4) other systems with separate control, like air compressing system and controlling system of processing equipment, these devices can transport relevant data to central processing station through TCP/IP interface or fieldbus interface. Then the central processing station can display and record these data and alarm.
5)通信工程 Communications Engineering
序号 No. 项目名称 Project Name 设计概况 Outline of Design
1 网络/电话系统 Internet/telephone system
The customer telephone switch with full-time digital program control is set and the capacity of it is finally determined by requirements of the factory.
The switch adopts 48V DC and special power supply for communication.
The municipal direct dial is set up in department of importance or with frequent foreign exchanges. The equipments like SPC exchange is located in IT computer room on second floor of the plant.
The incoming line of telephone and network system is the same with most cable and fiber optical data by municipal department of telephone and network.
2 火灾自动报警系统 Automatic alarming system for fire
It adopts secondary bus local alarm system. The local fire alarm controller and special hydrant controller is set up in duty room for fire control and display panel of fire alarm is established in appropriate area in factory. The fire alarm and integrated fire control adopts intelligent inspection system with bus coding. There exists photo electronic smoke detector in each room and corridor in each room of the factory. The manual fire alarming button with socket of fire telephone and audible and visual alarm is set up inside each building and on channel exit and fire control dedicated telephone is installed in important engine room like substation and duty room. The fire alarming place can be shown, alarmed and printed out in fire control duty room and we can execute manual and automatic integrated control. We can also execute integrated control of air conditioner, pump and fire control devices like fire curtain, power failure by non-fire power. The alarming and transport system is powered by special fire control power with two circuits and each equipped with battery. The fire alarm system and joint control of fire adopts fire resistant cable.
In some areas of the factory the height is out of the limit of normal smoke detector, so it adopts infrared radial smoke detector or air sampling smoke detector.
In circumstances of fire, audible and visual alarm in that area will ring and accept fuse signal of fire damper and water flow indicator and signal valve , and fire check door in relevant area will close and smoke exhaust fan will be started to discharge smoke and the pressure switch will start fire hydrant pump to receive signals of running conditions.
3 门禁控制系统 Access control system
The host of access control contains database and it is located in security control room in 1# factory. The system will connect with Denmark Wind Power Company of *** with wind and company in Denmark can perform partial control of the system.
The access control system can control and manage the person in corresponding building and area and prevent illegal entrance.
The access control software own the following capabilities: track and classification of personal mobility(name, time, date), track the card reader, each movement into and out of each area and state report. Control different person in certain working area, control time, sound and light alarm, prohibition of reverse passing through and emergency alarm.
The access control system should be interconnected and integrated with intrusion alarm system. The capacity of access control system of this project is 50 and it includes card reader and push button etc. Access control system adopts shielding cable.
4 入侵报警系统 Warning system for invasion
Warning system for invasion is composed by warning CPU, control panel, mobile detector and audible and visual alarm etc.
Warning system for invasion is an address system and all detectors will be addressed so people in control room can know which region has fire.
There are 10 divisions for production and storage area and 10 zones for administrative area. All external doors and windows are equipped with magnetic switch to prevent illegal invasion. Mobile detectors are installed in all protective areas.
All warning systems for invasion adopt shielding cable.
5 CCTV系统 CCTV system
Closed-circuit television monitoring system is made up of video server, data exchanger, disk array, monitor and web camera etc. The control center is set up in security control room in first floor in 1# factory.
Install spheroidal camera, semi-spheroidal camera, fixed camera and explosion proof night facilities inside and outside each building. The outdoor camera is installed in water-proof and dust-proof covering. All indoor and outdoor cameras are equipped with automatic aperture and installed in adjustable support. All outdoor cameras own zooming capabilities and can pan, tilt and enlarge the image (remote control).
All equipments are supplied with electricity by centralized UP system.
5.7.1 通风及空调安装工程 Ventilation and Air Conditioner Installation Project
离心式冷水机组安装 Installation of centrifugal chilling water unit
1机组安装程序 Unit installation procedures
1.1检查验收 Acceptance check
开箱验收→外观检查→建设单位和供应商共同参加开箱检查验收,并完成相关验收记录 Open-case acceptance→ visual inspection → construction unit and suppliers together open box, check the unit and complete record of acceptance.
1.2安装流程 Installation Process
开箱检查→基础放线→支座安装→机组吊装→机组平移→机组就位→机组调整→机组接管 Open-case inspection→ despooling of foundation →installation of support → unit hoisting → translation of unit → uint in place → unit adjustment → connecting pipelines of unit
2基础放线 Despooling of Foundation
基础检查验收→基础顶面凿毛→确定基础和机组的纵横中心线 Inspection for acceptance of foundation→chiseling on top of foundation → identify vertical and horizontal centerline of foundation and uint
3机组弹性减振支座安装 Installation of Elastic Vibration Reduction Support of Machine Unit
Put four vibration reduction supports made of spring on bottom board and rubber vibration reduction bolster. Adjust expansion bolt passing through bottom plate and thus the height of bottom plate and foundation is 30mm.
Make use of level gauge to measure heights of four bottom boards and tolerance should be no larger than 0.5mm. Use level ruler to inspect levels of floors and tolerance should be no larger than 0.5/1000.
4机组运输就位 Transportation by Machine Unit in Place
根据吊装口的位置和设备的平面布置确定设备吊装的方案,确定运输的路线和就位的顺序。 Establish hoisting plans, route of transportation and sequence of taking place according to locations of hoisting and layout of equipment.
5机组调整 Adjustment of Machine Unit
Choose datum for measuring according to actual apperance of the equipment in leveling. Use level gauge to measure. Adjust bolts on floor and vertical and horizontal tolerance of the machine unit are both no larger than 1/1000.
Special attention is given to ensure vertical (axial)level degree of the unit.
6基础二次灌浆 Second grouting on the Basics
Perform the second grouting according to the diagram after machine unit is leveling and aligning. Clean the miscellaneous objects, dusts and grease stain and keep surface of foundation damp. But the concave pit on the surface should not store water. The grouting can’t stop until being finished. The grouting should be tamped at any time. The distance from template for grouting to the embedded plate is 80~100mm. Please take care of it after grouting.
7设备接管 Adapter
The pipeline should separately set up support and cradle. The equipments of don’t bear weights of pipelines, pipe unit and valve.
冷却塔安装 Installation of Cooling Tower
1冷却塔安装程序 Installation Process of Cooling Tower
索取基础图→基础施工验收→安装弹簧→冷却塔支架安装→下塔体安装→填料安装→上塔体安装→风机安装→喷嘴安装→清洗→连续试运行→交工验收 Request drawing of foundation → acceptance of foundation construction → install spring → install lower tower → install filling material → install upper tower → install fan → install nozzle → cleaning → continuously test trial → handing over for acceptance
2基础施工 Construction of Foundation
The foundation is constructed following its drawings of the sample or drawings provided by factories. The elevation of foundation should be on the same horizontal plane and the tolerance is 3mm.
The foundation must be kept for 15 days after being completed then the cooling tower can be installed.
3安装弹簧减振支架 Installation of Spring Bumper Support
4冷却塔安装 Installation of Cooling Tower
Installation of support: the support of the tower is installed on the foundation for leveling and welded firmly with embedded parts of the foundation.
Installation of Lower Tower: the lower tower is fixed on the scaffold tower with numbers and anchored on the base. It is required that the lower tower is leveled and put films on the seam to ensure excellent water seal.
Installation of packing material: install bracket and support for packing material and put point wave plate on them. It is required that two parts intersect and each surface is smooth with suitable spacing and even distance. There is no gap from the tower wall.
4.4上塔体安装 Installation of Upper Tower
Installation of fans: the bracket of the fan is installed on the blower while motor and fan are installed on the bracket. The fan is perpendicular to axes of the tower in rotation and the gap between blade and wall is even. Keep fan in balance, reduce vibration, keep upward wind and check that fastener aren’t loose. Assembling with force and striking glass steel component is strictly prohibited.
Installation of sprayer: there’s no air leakage in adjoining frames. First install main pipe, then install distribution pipe. Check the leveling, and then install nozzles to ensure the inlet water is clean. It is strictly forbidden that residuals and dirt block the pipes and water holes.
单级离心水泵安装 Installation of Single-Stage Centrifugal Pump
1安装流程 Installation Process
基础检查→开箱检查→支座安装→水泵吊装→水泵就位→水泵调整→附件安装→水泵调试 Inspection of foundation → open-case inspection → support installation → pump hoisting → pump in place → pump adjustment → installation of accessories → pump bebugging
2安装要点 Key Points for Installation
项 目 Items 安装要点 Key Points for Installation
安装前 Before installation 应进行水泵基础复核验收工作,基础尺寸、标高、地脚螺栓的纵横向偏差应符合标准规范要求
Check the foundation of pump for acceptance. The size of the foundation, elevation and vertical and horizontal tolerance of anchor bolt should meet requirement of normal standard.
开箱检查 Open-case inspection
Count components of pump following regulations of technical document of the equipment and keep the record. Contact suppliers to negotiate on missing components or defective ones. The protectors and plugs of the nozzle should be complete. Check that mounting dimensions of the pump should be consistent with engineering design.
水泵就位 Pumps in place
Level and align according to standard requirements. The horizontal degree should be larger than 0.1mm/m. The horizontal coupling tilts 0.8mm/m on horizon and radial displacement should not exceed 0.1mm
附件安装 Installation of accessories
Install acessories after leveling and alignment. Keep stainless expansion joint free in installation. Don’t connect it with force. Set up fixed support near valve.
立式水泵安装及隔振 Installation of vertical pump and vibration isolation
Prefer to choose national building standard design Vibration Isolation and Installation of Vertical Pump. Choose rubber vibration isolation cushion. If the pump type isn't consistent with the one on the atlas, then choose larger rubber vibration isolation cushion following the choosing methods. Choose 4 vibration isolation cushions and they must be anchored to foundation of the pump.
卧式水泵安装、隔振与防震 Installation of horizontal pump, vibration isolation and anti-shaking
Strictly follow the drawings to construct and priority is given to national building standard design Vibration Isolation and Installation of Horizontal Pump. The steel foundation is used for inertia block and vibration isolator is made of spring. If the pump type isn't consistent with the one on the atlas, then choose the shaped steel and spring vibration isolator of larger sizes following the choosing methods. There are 4 supporting points for vibration isolator and 4 or 6 vibration reducing cushions and anti horizontal moving supports.
水泵的调试 Pump debugging
Before debugging, check that the rotational direction of motor is the same with the pump, there’s no looseness of joining parts and each instrument and safety protective devices are accurate, correct and reliable. The rotor and other parts should function well with no abnormal sound and friction. The ancillary system functions well and there’s no leakage in joining parts of the pipeline. Test temperature rise of the bearing and it should meet the requirements.
After test run of the pump, the valve on inlet of the pump and attached pipe system will be shut down and water inside the pump will be thoroughly exhausted.
风机及部件安装Installation of Fans and Components
There are vertical and horizontal installations for fan coil unit. According to the drawing, some coil pipes are installed on the floor close to the wall whereas others are hoisted. Among them, the hoisted pipe can adopt Φ10 or Φ8 harness screw(decided by equipment specifications) and adjust the height and horizontal degree based on the facts.
1)施工准备 Preparation for Construction
Work out hoisting and transportation channel according to exterior size of the equipment. Check whether the size of the equipment is consistent with the size of casting concrete foundation and level the foundation. Open the case and check the technical documents like product manual and operation manual before installing machine unit.
2)设备运输 Transportation of Equipments
The most of air conditioning machine unit is assembled in sections. The contour of assembly section is small. Employ construction elevatro to steeply transport machine unit. Use hydraulic trailer to perform horizontal transportation.
Since the air conditioning unit possesses installation conditions, it will be transported to the provisional yard. If the unit is accepted by the principal of the equipment, then it will be transported to each installation place.
The air conditioning machine unit inside the floor will be transported to the common hoisting platform in each floor and then horizontally transported to the installation position. Among them, the small units can be transported by construction elevators. The combined air conditioning unit can be divided into segments and transported separately.
3)机组安装 Units Installation
3.1基础大样 Enlarged Details of Foundation
Assign numbers to each section, rank them in accordance with the design and distinguish left side and right side(the eyes will go with the direction of airflow) before installation. Start from one end of the equipment, lift each segment to calibrated position of the base and add gasket to it. Fix the adjacent segments by bolts. Clean the inside of each segment before joining them. Dismantle the fixed part of vibration reduction devices on the base of fans after installation.
3.2与系统管线接驳 Connect with System Pipelines
The air duct of inlet & outlet in air conditioning unit adopts soft joint made of canvas and has fire-retardant paint outside.
通风部件安装 Installing Ventilation Components
1) 风口 Tuyere
The tuyere is customized by professional producers and transported to site to be installed after receiving acceptance.
风口与风管的连接应严密、牢固;边框与建筑装饰面贴实,外表面应平整不变形,调节应灵活。水平安装其水平度的偏差不应大于3/1000,垂直安装其垂直度的偏差不应于2/1000。The joint with tuyere and air conduct should be tight and firm. The frame should stick with decorating side of the building and exterior surface should be level with no deformation and adjustment should be flexible. The tolerance of horizontal degree in horizontal installation should be no larger than 3/1000 and tolerance of vertical degree in vertical installation should be no larger than 2/1000.
Use square and circular diffusers and bar shaped tuyere to supply air. There should be cooperation with decoration before installation to achieve perfect decoration.
2) 阀门 Valve
Separately set up cradle in installing valves. When valve is installed on the ceiling or interior side of the wall, set up inspection hole in place which is convenient for inspecting on-state of valve and manual reposition and periodically check it.
When the air duct passes through fire protecting district and fire damper needs to be installed, then the air duct between valve and firewall should be made of steel plate of 2mm or above and ferrocement and other incombustible material will be employed as a protection.
The fuse should be put before air inlet of valve to face air flow in installing the fire damper.
3) 消声器(静压箱)安装 Installation of Mufflers(Static Pressure Box)
消声器安装前对其外观进行检查:外表平整、框架牢固,消声材料分布均匀,孔板无毛刺。 Inspect appearance of mufflers before installation: smooth appearance, solid structure, even distribution of muffling material and no burr on orifice.
The mufflers(static pressure box) will separately set up support and cradle. Air duct can’t bear weight of mufflers. It is good for inspection, dismantling, repairing and replacing individually.
The mounting direction of muffler is shown in the product. Set up 150×150 clean-out holes in the front and back of the mufflers and mark it.
4) 风管安装Air Pipe Installation
a) 支架和吊架制作The Making of Support and Hanger
Determine the air pipe elevation according to the deepened design drawings and construction baseline. Decide the form of air pipe support and hanger referring to spatial location of the air pipe system and standard drawings. And the result is as follows: galvanized angle steel should be used for support diagonal bracing, hanger cross-arm; round steel for suspender; flat iron for round air hose anchor ear.
b) 支架和吊架安装Support and Hanger Installation
Place support and hanger far away from draught, air valve, inspection door and determination holes etc. Set one mounting bracket every 20m along the whole pipe and every vertical pipe must have no less than 2 mounting brackets. Put the metal sheet between horizontal support and thermal insulation; put rubber mat at the joint of vertical pipe and support with rubber mat as thick as the thermal insulation.
Add mounting brackets to head pipes in every system when installing air pipe to prevent it from shaking and displacement during ventilation. Set one mounting bracket every 20m along the whole vertical air pipe which must have no less than 2 mounting brackets.
c) 风管组对连接Pairing Connection of Air Pipe
Transport the finished products to installation site and arrange them in numbers. Begin to pair after the checking of size and angle of all parts in air pipe system is correct.
Cover the surrounding edges of flange with sealant after all sections connection and set linking nuts on the same side as flange; use 4mm thick flame-resisting closed cell expanded rubber for connection of angle steel flange pad of air conditioner pipe and 3.5mm asbestos board for tenon-shaped connection of smoke evacuation air pipe pad and flange pad. After compression of flange, make sure that pad width remains parallel and level with inner wall of air pipe and exterior pad is consistent with flange edge.
d) 水平风管吊装Horizontal Air Pipe Hoisting
Lift the assembled horizontal air pipe onto the hanger with electric hydraulic elevators or hand elevators. The installation drawing is as follows:
Place air pipe on the hand elevator and lift it to the height which is about 200mm higher than final elevation. Pull the level line for tightening hanger cross-arm and put air pipe onto cross-arm for determining the installation height.
e) 垂直风管吊装Vertical Air Pipe Hoisting
Adopt the method of bottom-up link-by-link installation, connection and fixation. One important thing in vertical air pipe installation is that horizontal mounting distance of 1~1.5m should be left in advance at the joint of horizontal pipe when installing horizontal pipe.
5) 保温软管安装Insulation Pipe Installation
帆布柔性短管的制作应符合设计要求,其长度为150~250 mm,不得扭曲,与法兰接缝处严密、连接牢固;两端面应采用同一规格法兰,不得作为变径管使用。
Flexible canvas short pipe should be made in conformity with the design requirement that the pipe should be 150~250mm long without twist and should have tight and firm linkage with the flange seam; moreover, the pipe should have flanges of same specification at its two surface ends and it couldn’t be used as reducer pipe.
For the convenience of decoration, flexible pipe could be used between air pipe and draught when it is not convenient to use sheet iron and the flexible pipe should be tightened with matching nylon cable tie and stainless steel hose clamp. The important thing is that the flexible pipe should not be too long and horizontal displacement should not be too large in order to prevent influence on air circulation.
内弧形、内斜线矩形弯管,A≥500 mm,应设置导流片;导流片、连接板厚度与弯管壁厚相同;B<1000mm连接板与风管也可用拉铆钉连接。
Rectangular bend of concave and internal oblique line, A≥500 mm, should set guide vane; guide vane and connecting panel are as thick as bend wall; B<1000mm, rivets could be also used to link connecting panel and air pipe.
7) 风管的严密性测试Tightness Test of Air Pipe
After the installation of air pipe, leak detection should be carried out before heat insulation of air pipe.Leak detection is a method which uses high penetration of lighting against holes for qualitative detection of the tightness of air pipe system. The method goes like this, slowly move electric bulb in protective cover with no more than 36V voltage and no less than 100W power from one end to the other inside the air pipe of certain length in the dark. Any light outside the air pipe in the detection proves that the pipe has air leak problem and where it leaks should be mended and repaired.
给排水预埋 Embedded plumbing
Drainage works including give embedded water, fire water embedded, embedded sewage, rainwater embedded. The main material have: UPVC pipes, HDPE pipes and so on. Socket connection has the form of connection, bonding, etc
材料准备及验收 Material preparation and acceptance
Planned approach to check the number of materials and equipment and to check the specifications and design, size, model, quality meets. Works with the main materials, equipment and products in line with the national or ministerial technical quality of the current standard identification documents or product certification
管道预制 Pipe prefabrication
To ensure that the construction period, the standard approach, the greater the depth of the prefabricated pipeline. Pipe prefabrication Strict design requirements in accordance with the drawings, combined with the actual situation at the scene, drawing one-way map, determine in advance of prefabricated workload
Embedded casing and setting aside funds for the construction of holes
1、 根据施工图纸及有关规定规范,由专业工长绘制套管、预留孔洞图;图上应标明预埋套管的规格、预留孔洞的大小及相应的标高;
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the construction drawings and specifications drawn by professional foreman casing set aside holes map; map embedded casing should be marked on the specification, set aside the size of holes and the corresponding elevation
Organizations set aside a special buried construction operations group, responsible for the engineering job of all the reserved embedded
4、 每完成一个预埋套管、预留孔洞,施工作业组必须进行自检(主上检查坐标、标高、规格大小是否符合设计要求),同时作好标记,并进行有效的保护;
Embedded in each casing to complete a reserved hole, construction operations must be carried out self-test group (the main check on the coordinates, elevation, size specifications with the design requirements), while well marked and effective protection
5、 施工作业组自检合格后,由作业工长会同甲方代表、工程监理共同进行检查,同时作好隐蔽记录,三方签字认可;
Construction of self-operation group after passing by the Party on behalf of Council operations foreman, project supervision jointly carry out inspections at well concealed records, the tripartite signature recognition
Embedded sets in order to guarantee the installation of passenger and quality, at coordinates, elevation and specifications to check accuracy, the use of steel will be welded casing construction at主筋up to prevent the casing displacement; simultaneously with kraft paper or casing filled with soft material to avoid cement mortar to enter. If you are flexible casing, it is also necessary to protect the screw hole
管道安装的基本要求 Minimum requirement on piping installation
1 熟悉图样,充分领会设计意图,了解生产工艺概况及其对施工的要求,严格按照设计图样进行施工。
Familiar with the drawings, to fully understand the design intent, know the production profile and its impact on the construction process the request, in strict accordance with the construction design
2 安装在同一房间内的同类型管道、设备及管道附件,在没有特殊要求下,分别安装在同一高度。
Installed in the same room with the same type of pipe, equipment and piping attachment, in the absence of special request, separately installed at the same level
3 管道和设备安装前,严格清理内部污物和杂物,安装中断或完毕时敞口处,加临时封闭,避免异物进入管道内。
Piping and equipment installation before strict internal clean-up dirt and debris, the installation interrupted or the end of exposure, the add the temporary closure to prevent the entry of foreign matter in pipelines
4 明装管道成排安装时,保证直线部分互助平行。曲线部分:当管子水平或垂直并行时,保证与直线部分保持等距;管道水平上、下并行时,曲率半径相等。
Open installed loaded pipeline in rows , to ensure a straight line parallel to part of mutual aid. Curve in part: When the horizontal or vertical parallel tubes, to ensure and maintain a straight line equidistant part; pipeline level of the upper and lower parallel, the equivalent radius of curvature
5 多根管道纵横交错在一起时,按照如下原则:小口径管让大口径管,给水管让排水管,有压管让无压管,管件少的管道让管件多的管道。Multiple pipelines intersection together, in accordance with the following principles: small-bore tube to allow large-diameter pipes, to allow drainage pipes, there is pressure to allow non-pressure pipes and tubes, pipe fittings small pieces of pipe for the management of many pipelines
6 排水管道安装就位时,承口朝向水方向,同时用测量工具检查管段的坡度,确保管道的坡度符合设计及规范要求。
Installation of drainage pipes in place, the principal direction of the mouth towards the water, at the same time measuring instrument used to check the slope of pipe sections to ensure that the pipe slope with the design and specification
7 其中与卫生洁具连接的给排水管道安装还需注意以下几个问题:
Plumbming pipe connection with sanitary ware needs to be some attention to the following questions:
a. 排水管道的安装位置应依据图纸设计要求,结合所安装卫生洁具的排水口实际尺寸,根据土建对隔断的弹线,同时在考虑人员使用方便的基础上,确定排水管道预留口坐标后进行安装。Installation of drainage pipes should be based on drawings of the location of the design requirements, combined with the installation of sanitary ware actual size of the outlet, according to construction of the bombs cut off line, at the same time easy to use in considering the basis of staff to determine the coordinates of pipes after I set aside installation
b. 给水管道出于美观上的考虑,管道要做埋墙处理,因此管道敷设完后应作好标识,避免其他分包商在作墙面处理时,破坏管道。Water supply pipeline for aesthetic considerations, pipeline deal to be done against the wall, the pipeline should be ready after the logo, to avoid the other subcontractors at the wall for treatment, the damage to pipelines
管道安装的工艺流程Pipeline installation process
一、虹吸式雨水系统施工工法1. Construction Method of siphon drainage systems
Siphon drainage systems has been since its birth in Europe, with its large volume, low cost pipe, saving space and reducing construction and other ground excavation prominent advantages develop rapidly in a global scale and continuous improvement. In China, with the increasingly of large-span, large number of buildings, requirements of building space is increasing, at the success on lots of airports and the exhibition hall, the siphon drainage systems have been developed rapidly.
Siphon rain bucket fixed by mechanical method, ensure the rain water bucket sealed connection with the roof, has excellent corrosion resistance, rust-proof installation without doing to deal with.
Drainage pipe achieve on full pipe flow, saving materials, space-saving, a decrease of the cross between the professional operation, so that construction pleasing in appearance, save money.
Siphon high mechanical strength, drainage systems, construction simple. There is a pressure and flow, not easy to plug the pipeline.
This method provides bucket rain, the level of suspension of pipes, exhaust pipe construction process to ensure that the construction of drainage systems syphonic quality in line with the "construction to the drainage and heating norms for Construction Quality Acceptance of Health" (GB500243-2003) and CECS standards "syphonic Roof Drainage System Technical Specification "requirements.
适用范围The scope of application
适用于大面积、大跨度屋面的排水。Applicable to large area, large-span roof drainage.
A、施工准备:. Preparation of construction:
Exam the drawings carefully, reserve the holes in the pipeline across the floor and wall. The roof construction’s structure, construction reserve with the installation holes in line with the rain bucket, or directly to the protection of the rain bucket seat, together with screws embedded in the concrete roof, the roof to stay should embedded leveling layer thickness (the location should be reserved for civil construction plans, according to the axis, elevation and water set aside Sturzenegger accurate hole location).
B、支架制作安装:The installation and manufacture the support:
Accordance to the design requirements and spec of pipe material do the installation, should be noted:
. Set the fix parts when the pipeline installation, fixed pieces must be able to bear the full weight of pipe flow and flow generated by high-speed impact. For HDPE pipe systems, fixed pieces of pipe should be absorbed when temperature leads to the axial stress.
Fixed pieces of pipe in accordance with requirements of a variety of settings, the location is accurate, laid flat and in close contact with the pipe, but not damage the surface pipe.
Fixed pieces of suitable roof and siphon drainage systems dedicated fixed pipeline system. Its useful life not less than siphon roof drainage system life.
Pipe Supports and Hangers should be fixed in the load-bearing structure, the position is correct, firmly planted.
Branch pipe, hanger space and the setting up of the requirements to meet regulatory requirements
HDPE suspension pipe use a square steel tube. The size of the square steel tube as Table 4.2.6. Square tube alongs the HDPE tube hanging in the building structure, HDPE pipe is used suspension-tube cards and card connected to the anchor tube catheters on a square steel.
(g)HDPE 管悬吊管的固定支架一般设置在横管的始端、末端和三通的两端及支管处;当 HDPE悬吊管管径大于DN250时,每个固定点应采用两个锚固管卡c
HDPE pipe tube’s suspension fixation generally installed in the beginning of horizontal pipe, and three at the two ends of the end and support office; when larger than diameter HDPE pipe DN250 suspension, each fixed-point anchoring tube should be used two cards.
HDPE pipe riser card spacing of the anchor tube up to 5m, card-tube spacing of 15 times the largest diameter pipe. When syphonic the bottom of the buckets of rainwater and suspended from the pipe greater than or equal to 750mm, in a square steel tube catheter or suspension, the addition of two lateral tubes cards.
C、雨水斗安装:Installation of rain water funnel:
基本要求:The base requirement:
a. Siphon rain bucket should be set up in the roof or the lowest point Gutter, each of the rainfall catchment area of not less than the number of the Big Dipper 2. Asked two of the rain bucket spacing not exceeding 20m. Bucket of rainwater from the roof away from the edge of not less than im, is not greater than lOm.
Siphon rain bucket or Gutter and roofing and piping system should be reliable connection.
When the system connect with more than 1 syphonic rain bucket, the bucket of rainwater drainage pipe connected to the access control in the suspension should not directly access in the rain at the top of the riser.
Access to the same suspension Siphon tube bucket rain water elevation should be in the same roof.
Gutter should be the starting point of the depth of the roof catchment area, slope and rainfall syphonic fight before the fight to determine water depth. Gutter slope of not less than 0.003.
Pay Attention to that debris, filling or packaging materials should not be left in bucket, eliminate the inflow of short pipe sealant, and then install the other components, to prevent blockage.
Rain water bucket installed on the roof to complete the construction, installation screws at the protection of spin off to clean the surface, the installation of the rain bucket supporting screw, fitted with rubber ring seal. Buckets of rain water intake high to ensure that days of rain through the rain trench fighting net emission to the level of fighting and the installation of rainwater. The laying of flexible roof waterproofing membrane, it will roll in drilling screw position. Nut Roll with the pressure ring, air baffle, gate rectifier rain bucket seat fixed in the rain. In accordance with the requirements of a good air-conditioning upper baffle adjustment screw, and screw fixation. Such as concrete roof, should be laying around in the rain bucket 1m2 (the lengh and the width is 1m separately), thickness 50mm, diameter greater than 12mm of gravel.
F、 钢板或不锈钢板天沟(檐沟)内雨水斗安装(如图4.2):
Gutter steel or stainless steel plate (groove canopies) fight with the installation of rainwater(as pic. 4.2):
安装在钢板或不锈钢板天沟(檐沟)内的雨水斗,可采用氩氟焊与天沟(檐沟) 焊接连接。雨水斗与雨水管道连接时,如材质不同,可采用法兰转接或不锈钢卡箍连接。
Installation of steel or stainless steel plate in the Gutter (canopies groove) of the rain bucket, to be used in welding and Gutter argon fluoride (canopies groove) welded connection. Stormwater and rainwater pipes to connect fighting, such as different materials, to be used in stainless steel flange adapter or clamp connections.
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