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摘要: CONSTRUCTION AND ORGANIZATION DESIGN FOR 500MW WIND OWER PROJECT 500兆瓦风电工程合同施工技术附件 目录 Index 第1部分 施工组织设计总说明 1.1 工程概况 Generals 1.1.1项目情况 Condition 1.1.2建筑结构概况 General of Building Structure 1.1.3地质


目录 Index
第1部分       施工组织设计总说明   
1.1   工程概况 Generals     
1.1.1项目情况 Condition   
1.1.2建筑结构概况 General of Building Structure   
1.1.3地质情况  Geological Condition
1.1.4水纹及周围道路情况 Water wave and peripheral road and underground pipelines
1.1.5安全文明施工目标 Safety and civilized construction objectives    
1.1.6工程特点、难点及对策 Project difficulty and countermeasure     
1.2   工程目标 Project Objective
1.2.1质量目标 Quality Objective
1.2.2工期目标 Schedule Objective   
1.2.3安全、文明施工目标 Safety, Civilized Construction Goal
1.3   施工大型机械的配备  
Preparation of large equipment for construction 
1.4   工程施工设想 Construction Consideration
1.5   编制依据 Reference   
第2部分       施工进度计划     
2.1   进度计划编制说明 Description of Schedule Preparation 
2.2   施工流水段划分    Division of Streamlined Construction Section    
2.2.1施工流水段划分的原则 Principle of the Division of Streamlined Construction Section
2.2.2流水段划分 Division of Streamlined Section   
2.3   施工总进度计划 General Construction Schedule     
2.3.1总工期安排 General Schedule Arrangement    
2.3.2主要节点工期 Key Milestone Dates 
2.4   施工进度计划表 Construction Schedule   
2.5   工期保证措施 Measures to Guarantee Schedule Time     
2.5.1进度目标体系的要求 Requirement of Progress Objective System 
2.5.2成立工期保证领导班子 Establishment of Leading Team to Guarantee Scheduled Time
2.5.3设备的保障 Equipment Guarantee    
第3部分       施工机械配备     
3.1   施工机械的选择及布置 Option and Arrangement of Construction Equipment
3.2   主要施工机械设备一览表 Schedule List of Main Construction Equipment    
3.3   施工机械配备明细表 Deployment Breakdown of Construction Equipment    
第4部分       施工平面布置     
4.1   施工总平面布置 General Construction Layout Plan 
4.1.1材料堆场及加工场布置 Arrangement of Material Laydown Area and Working Shed   
4.2   施工用水、用电方案 Construction Water and Electricity Plan
4.2.1临时用电布置 Temporary Electrical Consumption  
4.2.2       临时用水布置 Temporary Water Consumption 
4.3   施工现场平面布置图(见附图)Construction Site Layout Plan (See attached diagram)
4.4   施工现场临时用水、用电布置图。见附图
Temporary Water and Electrical Distribution on Jobsite, see attached diagram 
第5部分       施工方案     
5.1   施工流程 Construction Flow     
5.1.1钢筋混凝土工程施工流程 Construction Process of Reinforced Concrete Engineering
5.1.2钢结构工程施工流程 Construction Process of Steel Structure Work    
5.2   施工总体设想方案 General Construction Consideration Plan  
5.2.1工程总体施工组织设想 Consideration for Organization of Overall Construction  
5.2.2基础结构工程施工设想 Consideration for Foundation Structure Construction     
5.2.3主体结构工程施工设想 Consideration for Main Structure Construction
5.3   工程测量及测量复核方案 Engineering Survey and Review Check Plan 
5.3.1施工测量方案 Construction Survey Plan 
5.3.2建立固定的观测路线 Establishment of Fixed Observing Route     
5.3.3沉降观测 Settlement Observation
5.3.4测量复核 Review Check of Measurement
5.4   基础及主体工程 Foundation and Main Work   
5.4.1施工准备 Construction Preparation  
5.4.2桩基础施工 Pile Foundation Construction
5.4.3土方开挖工程 Earth Excavation Work
5.4.4桩头连接施工 Pile Head Splicing Construction
5.4.5钢筋工程 Reinforcement Work 
5.4.6模板工程 Formwork 
5.4.7混凝土工程 Concrete Work     
5.4.8后浇带的施工 Post-concreting area construction   
5.5   外脚手架工程 External scaffolding work  
5.5.1外脚手架的选择 Option of external scaffolding
5.5.2脚手架搭设施工 Erection of scaffolding 
5.5.3注意事项 Points for Attention   
5.6   钢结构工程 Steel Structure Engineering   
5.6.1钢构工程概况 Overview of Steel Structure Engineering  
5.6.2本钢构工程特点 Features of the Steel Structure Engineering 
5.6.3施工方法与技术措施Construction Methods and Technical Measures   
5.7   安装工程Installation Project
5.7.1通风及空调安装工程 Ventilation and Air Conditioner Installation Project1
5.7.2给水排水工程Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering  
5.7.3消防工程Fire Engineering 
5.7.4电气工程Electric Engineering   
5.7.5通信工程 Communication Engineering     
5.8   装饰工程 Decoration Engineering     
5.8.1装饰工程施工程序 Construction procedure for decoration engineering 
5.8.2屋面工程 Roof Engineering
5.8.3抹灰工程 Plastering Engineering
5.8.4吊顶工程Suspended Ceiling Engineering  
5.8.5墙面、顶棚乳胶漆饰面Emulsion Varnish Surface of Wall and Ceiling   
Factory Terrace Construction by means of Laser Levelling Machine
5.9   室外绿化及道路工程 Outdoor afforestation and civil engineer
5.9.1绿化工程概况 Introduction to afforestation project 
5.9.2工程特点 Project features 
5.9.3主要施工方案和技术措施Main construction program and technical measures    
5.10 与分包协作和管理 Cooperation with Subcontractors and Management 
第6部分       质量、安全、文明施工保障措施
6.1   质量保证措施Quality Guarantee Measures
Institutional Framework of Quality Management Of General Contractor  
6.1.2质量控制过程与阶段Quality Control Process and Stage
6.1.3质量因素控制Quality Factor Control
6.1.4质量控制方法 Quality Control Method    
6.1.5工程材料、设备控制Engineering Material and Equipment Control 
6.1.6施工工序的质量控制Quality Control of Construction Procedure   
6.2   安全保证措施 Safety Guarantee Measures
6.2.1安全目标 Safety Objective
6.2.2安全实施依据 Safety Implementation Reference    
6.2.3安全、消防保证总体措施 General Safety and Fire Control Guarantee Measures 
6.2.4安全生产管理组织机构 Organization Chart for Management of Safety in Production
6.2.5安全设施及其管理措施 Safety facilities and other control measures    
6.2.6各级安全生产责任制 Safety in production responsibility at all levels    
6.2.7各项安全管理措施 Safety Control Measures for Each Work 
6.2.8模板工程安全管理措施 Safety Control Measures for Formwork  
6.2.9施工用电安全措施 Safety Measures for Construction Electricity  
6.2.10施工机具 Construction Equipment and Tools 
6.2.11防台防汛 Typhoon and Flood Control    
6.2.12项目部安全检查制度 Project management safety inspection system   
6.3   文明施工措施 Civilized construction measures 
6.3.1场容场貌 Field appearance and image
6.3.2材料堆放管理 Material laydown management 
6.3.3文明建设措施 Civilized construction measures
6.3.4强化工地卫生建设 Strengthening of field sanitation building  
6.3.5地下管线及周边防护措施 Underground pipeline and peripheral protection measures
第7部分       项目人员配备     
7.1   项目组织管理体系 Project organization management system  
7.2   项目主要管理人员配备 Provision of Key Project Management Personnel     
7.3   施工队伍的组建和劳动力的配备
 Establishment of construction team and mobilization of labor force     
7.3.1施工队伍组建 Establishment of construction team 
7.3.2劳动力人员动态分布图 Labor personnel dynamic distribution chart     
7.3.3劳动力配备 Provision of Labor Force     
第8部分       LEED项目施工实施方案   
8.1   LEED项目施工实施方案 LEED Project Construction Execution Plan   
8.1.1节水 Water Conservation   
8.1.2节能 Energy Saving   
8.1.3节材 Material Saving  
8.1.4使用绿色建材 Utilization of green building materials
8.1.5垃圾管理 Rubbish and wastes control
8.2   节能型工地实施方案 Energy-saving Site Execution Plan
8.2.1组织措施Organization Measures
8.2.2技术措施 Technical Measures  
第1部分       施工组织设计总说明
Section I        General Description of Construction and Organization Design
本章内容提要:Headlines of This Section:
       工程概况 Generals
       工程目标 Objectives
       施工大型机械设备 Large Equipment for Construction
       工程施工设想 Construction Consideration
       编制依据 Reference
1.1   工程概况 Generals
1.1.1       项目情况 Condition
    工程名称:风电500MW 叶片和机舱项目Project Name: 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project
    建设单位:风力发电叶片(上海)有限公司
    设计单位:Design Company:
管理顾问:Administrative Consultant:
    工程规模:Project Scale
The project has an area of 34771.04m2 in total and a building area of 40770.05m2. The project comprises the constructions of 1# and 2# production buildings, guardhouses, spraying shop, garbage house and bicycle shed, as well as outdoor roads and greening engineering.
1.1.2       建筑结构概况 General of Building Structure
项目名称Project Name
建筑面积Building Area
建筑层数及总高度No. of Building Level and Total Height
结构类型Structure Type    
基础形式Foundation Form
1#生产厂房1#Production Building     
钢筋砼框架Steel structure RC frame 
桩基承台基础Bearing platform for pile foundation
2 号生产厂房Production area 2# 15311.15 1(局部partial2 )
14.3 钢结构钢筋砼框架Steel structure RC frame    
桩基承台基础Bearing platform for pile foundation
喷漆间及垃圾房Paint Shop &Garbage House    1088.80   19.3
钢结构框架混凝土Steel structure RC frame    
承台基础Bearing platform for pile foundation
    1号建筑:1号生产厂房 1# building: 1# production building
1号生产厂房占地面积为18793.10㎡。生产区为单层钢结构建筑,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,虹吸式排水,防水等级二级。其中机舱生产区包括大件装配区域和小件装配区域,层高17m,檐口高度17m,占地面积4917㎡,建筑面积为4917㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×24)×(8m×4);叶片生产区为完整大空间车间,层高15.2 m,檐口高度15.2 m,占地面积4908㎡,建筑面积4908㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×24)×(8m×4);原材料储藏区为单层钢结构,局部二层6m+6m,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,虹吸式排水,防水等级二级。其中收货区、技术室、装料间层高6m,二层为管理办公区,层高6m,占地面积819㎡,一层面积819㎡,二层面积670㎡,柱网尺寸为(6.6m×3)×(8m×4);原材料储藏单层区域包括机舱仓库、叶片仓库和环氧仓库,层高为15.2 m,檐口高度15.2 m,占地4703㎡,建筑面积4703㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×24)×(8m×4)。
1# production building has an area of 189793.10m2. The production area comprises single-storey building with steel structure, the roof uses light steel profiled sheet roof with siphon drainage internal gutter in a Grade II Waterproof. Its nacelle production area includes both assembly shops of big and small parts, of which the floor height is 15.2m, cornice height is 17m, the area is 4917m2, construction area is 4917m2 and net post size is (6m*24)*(8m*4). The blade production area is a workshop with integral bulk space, of which the floor height is 15.2m, the cornice height is 15.2m, the area is 4908m2, the construction area is 4908m2 and the net post size is (6m*24)*(8m*4). The roof of raw material storage area is single-storey structure and its partial 6m+6m roof in the second floor uses light steel profiled sheet roof with siphon drainage internal gutter in a Grade II Waterproof level. The floor height of receiving area, technical room and charging room is 6m, the second floor is used as office area with 6m floor height, the whole building has an area of 819m2 in total including 819m2 for the first floor and 670m2 for the second, as well as (6.6m*3)*(8m*4) net post size.
    2号建筑:2号生产厂房 2# building: 2# production building
2号生产厂房占地面积为14635.64㎡,建筑面积为15311.15㎡。其中机舱生产区和叶片生产区为钢结构,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,虹吸式排水,外排水,层高13.5 m,占地面积为12669㎡,建筑面积为12669㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×61)×(8m×4),机舱生产区檐口高度14 m,叶片生产区檐口高度14 m。
2# production building has an area of 14635.64m2 and construction area of 15311.15m2. Its nacelle production area and blade production area comprise steel structure and their roof use light steel profiled sheet roofs with external siphon drainage, including 13.5m roof height, 12669m2 roof area, 12669m2 construction area and (6m*61)*(8m*4) net post size, as well as 14m cornice height in both nacelle and blade production areas.
    3号建筑:喷漆间及垃圾房 3# building: spraying room and garbage house
喷漆间及垃圾房占地面积1023.80㎡,建筑面积1088.80㎡,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,外排水。喷漆间为单层钢结构建筑,层高9 m,占地面积为700㎡,建筑面积为700㎡,柱网尺寸为(8m×4)×21m;管理用房、垃圾房和化学品库为单层钢结构建筑,层高为6 m,占地面积为323㎡,建筑面积为323㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×8)×6m。
 Spraying room and garage house have a floor area of 1023.80m2 and construction area of 1088.80m2, their roofs use light steel profiled sheet roofs with internal gutter but external drainage. The spraying room comprises single-storey structure, including 9m floor height, 700m2 floor area, 700m2 construction area and (8m*4)*21m net post size. Management room, garbage house and chemical storage comprises single-storey structure, including 6m floor height, 323m2 floor area, 323m2 construction area and (6m*8)*6m net post size.
门卫1和门卫2均为单层混凝土框架结构建筑,为民用建筑,屋面为混凝土防水卷材屋面,屋面坡度为2%,内天沟,内排水,层高为3.0m,建筑高度3.3m,占地面积为76.45㎡,建筑面积为89.65㎡,柱网尺寸为(4.8m+3.6m+4.8m)×4.8m。 Guardhouses 1 and 2 comprise single-storey structure with concrete frame and belong to civil architecture. Their roofs use concrete waterproofing prepared roll-roofing with 2% slope. The buildings contain 3.0m floor height, 3.3m building height, floor area 76.45m2, construction area 89.65m2 and (4.8m+3.6m+4.8m)*4.8m net post size.
    6号建筑:自行车棚 6# building: bicycle shed
自行车棚为单层钢结构建筑,民用建筑,占地面积165.60㎡,建筑面积82.80㎡,采光板屋面,自由排水,无围护结构,柱网尺寸为(4m×8)×5.1m,建筑高度2.8 m。
 Bicycle shed comprises single-storey steel structure and belongs to civil architecture. It contains 165.60m2 floor area, 82.80m2 construction area, plane skylight roofing, free drainage, (4m*8)*5.1m net post size and 2.8m building height, meanwhile it is without outer protective structure.
    生产区外墙1.20 m以下水平为深绿色外墙面砖(RAL7016),1.20m以上为银灰色(RAL7035)小波纹三明治板,水平铺设。外窗采用银灰色(RAL7035)铝合金窗,深绿色(RAL7016)玻璃,银灰色(RAL7035)金属外门。
 The area of outer wall around production area below 1.20m is built by dark green facing titles (RAL7016), the above 1.20m part is built by silver gray (RAL7035) sandwich plates with ripple, using level placing. External window uses silver gray (RAL7035) aluminum alloy window with dark green (RAL7016) glass and silver grey (RAL7035) metal external door.
    办公区立面采用银灰色(RAL7035)光面三明治板,水平铺设;立柱垂直外包银灰色(RAL7035)光面三明治板;银灰色(RAL7035)铝合金框外门窗、深绿色(RAL7016)玻璃。
Office area elevation is built by silver gray (RAL7035) smooth sandwich plates, using level placing. External door and window use silver gray (RAL7035) aluminum alloy with dark green (RAL7016) glass.
1.1.3       地质情况  Geological Condition
 The site planned to be built locates in normal sedimentary formation region of Shanghai City. The shallow part contains silty soil of thick layer 2 and 3, the deep part contains dark green silty clay of Layer 6 (commonly referred to as hardpan) and 7, but gray mucky silty clay of Layer 3 and clayey stratum of Layer 8 are lack here.
具体介绍详见工程地堪报告。 Details are attached in the geological prospecting reports.
1.1.4       水纹及周围道路情况 Water wave and peripheral road and underground pipelines
Underwater and soil of the planning building construction site are noncorrosive to concrete. The underwater contains weak corrosion to steel structure, but is noncorrosive to reinforcing steel bars in the concrete under long-term submergerence.
The surrounding environment is open and quiet. The construction site locates west to Miaoxiang Road and south to Jiangshan Road which are within Heavy Equipment Zone of Lingang New City of Nan Hui District, Shanghai.
1.1.5       安全文明施工目标 Safety and civilized construction objectives
 Civilized construction is organized on site, according to requirements of  Wind Power Blade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its bidding document. According to the requirements of bidding document, the civilized construction of this project must strictly follow the Document No. 393 issued by the State Council of PRC and Management Manual of Safety and Health of Shanghai.
施工现场按市级 “文明工地”标准进行施工。确保本工地文明施工,进行文明施工管理考核,实行建设单位和监理单位监督、检查下的责任制。
Construction on jobsite will be performed as per municipal-level civilized site standard. Ensure civilized construction on the site, proceed to evaluation and examination of civilized construction management, exercise responsibility system subject to the supervision and inspection by the building company and supervision company.
Jobsite will meet the requirement of civilized construction, all level personnel will go on duty with badge carried. On the site, Potted landscape, flowers will be placed at the primary road junctions. The site will be kept clean and neat, thus redoubling a working atmosphere with a relaxing environment.
Civilized construction integrated management team will be established on the jobsite. Project manager will take the initiative in person, organize implementation of concrete personnel management, establish fire control supervision group, security meeting, conciliation meeting. At the same time take all necessary measure to control noise, dust and blowdown according to the environmental stresses of the project.
1.1.6       工程特点、难点及对策 Project difficulty and countermeasure
    工程特点 Construction features
本工程除具有一般厂房钢结构的主要特点外,由于特定的原因,还具有以下特点: Except for the main feature of common steel structure workshop, the construction also contains the following features due to special reasons:
(1)工程量大 Large work amount
 Large work amount means about total 9000 tons needed in steel structure engineering. Meanwhile, this construction covers huge site area, so structural elements must be placed to the site as close as possible to avoid second transport.
(2)构件数量多 Large number of structural elements
The whole structure remains high stiffness with high requirement in stability and many nodes.
Cross construction and flow operation between civil engineering and steel structure.
    工程难点 Construction difficulties
The construction is bound to a series of difficulties due to above features and practical situations.
(1)工程组织难度大 Difficult in construction organization
The construction includes short time limit, large work amount and many structural elements, so that it contains extremely high difficulty to install and finish steel structure in such a short period. However, the cross operation between civil construction and steel structure not only reduces the working plane, but also increases difficulty in steel structure construction. Meanwhile, roof construction, water and electrical installation, ventilation and aircondition, pipe installation and other construction performed by professional work types will be across done during steel structure construction, the site thus must include careful organization, overall coordination, reasonable layout and overall management, increasing construction difficulties.
(2)施工平面布置难度大 Difficult in construction plane layout
Because of large input amount of cranes on site, construction plane layout, crane operation route and transportation route for structural elements, as well as temporary stock yard arrangement are limited to a certain extent, and the concurrent construction of large amount of civil engineering to workshop even increases the difficulty in construction plane layout of steel structure.
(3)材料采购难度大 Difficult in material purchases
The construction requires not only numerous medium and thick plates, but also numerous finished H steel and steel tubes with various specifications. It is very difficult to purchase such large-tonnage material in so short time.
(4)节点复杂,焊接难度大 Difficult in welding due to complex nodes
The construction requires high quality of nodal strength and stiffness, so the nodal structure is more complex than common workshop structure, especially for more nodal quantity. Thus, no matter assembly and production within factory or on-site installation which includes large work amount of and difficulty in on-site welding, they both have certain difficulty.
(5)高强螺栓孔精度要求高 High requirement on precision of high strength bolt holes
Except for large amount of welding work, the construction also contains lots of joint forms with high strength bolts. The key points of control shall be attached to joint strength and stiffness, especially to the quality of high strength bolt joints and welding, so the construction requires extremely high precision of hole positions of high strength bolts. Meanwhile, the precision of high strength bolt holes directly refer to the quality and progress of on-site installation.
(6)构件管理难度大 Difficult in management of structural elements
The construction requires numerous structural elements in various specifications and categories, but includes short time limit, so if the management of structural elements is deficient, it will lead to confusion of on-site structural elements and seriously affect on-site installation progress. Thus, the dynamic management must be performed to structural elements during the whole progress (from processing to installing) to ensure that the manufacturing and on-site installing can be performed strictly and orderly according to the schedule.
    对策措施 Countermeasures
Our company has long-term cooperation with steel structure companies and owns lots of construction machinery and equipment, mainly including multi burner cutting machine, gantry welding machine, traveling crane, gantry crane and CN plane drill machine, which can fully meet the requirements of the construction.
 The professional steel structure company has large processing site and stock yard for structural elements, which is capable to meet the time requirements on centralized manufacture and stock of steel structure elements in the construction.
The professional steel structure company owns strong technical advantages and welding equipment for the technical difficulties and high requirements of welding quality. Meanwhile, the company also has senior fault detection capability and staff to ensure the welding quality, such that it can ensure the manufacturing quality requirements of the construction.
(4)专业钢构公司先后施工过各种大型钢结构厂房,有一大批钢结构管理和施工经验的管理人员、技术人员及操作工人,能充分满足重型钢结构厂房和民用高层钢结构的施工和管理。 The professional company with rich experience in construction of various large steel structure workshops retains numerous experienced management, technical and operation staff in management and construction, who can fully meet requirements of management and construction of heavy steel structure workshops and civil high-level steel structure.
    根据招标文件要求,本工程文明施工必须严格执行国务院颁发第393号文件要求、上海市安全和健康管理手册和环境管理标准GB/T24000idtISO14000的要求来施工。我们将成立专门的小组来实施执行。
According to the requirements of the bidding document, the civilized construction must strictly implement the requirements of Document No. 393 issued by the State Council of the PRC and Management Manual of Safety and Health of Shanghai, as well as Environment Management Standard GB/T24000idtISO14000. we will form a special team for the implementation.
    严格执行业主单位及上海申英基建咨询有限公司的安全管理体系的要求
。 The requirements of the owner unit and safety management system of Shanghai SIP Engineering Consulting must be strictly followed.
    厂房地面的平整度的要求,我司将采用先进设备达到业主要求。
 For surficial smoothness, we will deploy advanced equipment to the owner's satisfaction.
1.2   工程目标 Project Objective
1.2.1       质量目标 Quality Objective
    风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目我司承诺质量目标为:确保各单位工程一次交验合格率100%。
 The quality objective of  Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project promised by us is: ensuring each unit construction passes the first inspection with 100% acceptance rate.
1.2.2       工期目标 Schedule Objective
我们确保风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目承包工程施工的总工期在259日历天完成。
We ensure  Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project will be finished in a total construction time of 259 calendar days.
 The construction is planning to start on 5th October, 2009 and be completed on 1st July, 2010.
1.2.3       安全、文明施工目标 Safety, Civilized Construction Goal
The construction site will be managed by the safety and health system based on the requirements of Document No. 393 issued by the State Council of the PRC and Management Manual of Safety and Health of Shanghai and achieve the requirements of civilized construction.
 Safety objective:put an end to casualties accident,frequency of annual injuries will be controlled at a rate of 1‰ and below.
1.3   施工大型机械的配备
Preparation of large equipment for construction
 The construction includes 2 steel structure workshops and 1 spraying room, as well as 1 garbage house. In order to maximize the resource utilization in a high speed but low consumption way and to achieve safe construction, vertical transportation is also a key issue except for optimization and perfection to each construction scheme. The whole construction structure, quantity, height, progress and frequency must be taken into consideration when choosing equipments, it is very important to choose the equipments with reliable quality, stable performance and high efficiency. Thus, the mutual complementation of various equipments should be considered according to above factors to ensure major construction machines can be put into fullplay. By combining our machine resource with the construction features, we decide to use 2 QTZ63 stationary tower cranes for the concrete structure parts of the whole construction, and 3 small-sized derricks for decoration construction. The arrangement of concrete pump trucks will be planned based on completing a concrete casting within 15 hours for each time, ,meanwhile, at least 2 trucks (one for backup) will be arranged for one casting. 4 25T cranes will be used for steel structure to meet hoisting requirements of steel structure of 1# and 2# workshops. Rest construction machines are detailed in Section III, Preparation List of major equipment for construction.
1.4   工程施工设想 Construction Consideration
根据风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目工程规模(建筑面积40770m2)和建筑物的功能特点、及特殊的工程场地、业主提供的项目时间节点控制、场地和周边环境特点及我司已施工类似工程的施工经验,为确保本工程高效、高质的完成,将施工区域划分为3个区域进行施工,即Ⅰ施工区域为1#生产厂房、Ⅱ施工区域为2#生产厂房、Ⅲ施工区为喷漆间及垃圾房、自行车棚及门卫工程,项目部按照划分的3个区域在施工全过程中实行“分区域”、“分段”、“分层”、“分块”、“分条”进行管理,在施工全过程中,坚持合理的施工顺序,严密组织与计划。在施工全过程中,除了我们将作好自身的统筹安排外,由项目经理统一掌握与协调好各区域的土建结构、钢结构施工阶段与安装预埋工程、配套工程的相互协调配合等,协调配合好才能互相不受干扰而影响工程的整体工期和质量,在项目管理上我司总体施工部署按施工作业、质安控制、协调配合两条线分区域进行施工管理。在施工全过程中,将以技术措施确保管理措施的落实,将思想教育、技术措施、专人看管、奖罚制度有机的结合起来。 According to functions and features of  Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project and its buildings, special construction site, project time node control provided by owner, and features of site and surrounding environment, as well as our construction experience in similar constructions, we divide the construction into 3 areas to ensure completing the construction with high efficiency and quality, i.e. construction area I is 1# production building, construction area II is 2# production area and construction area III includes spraying room, garbage house and bicycle shed, as well as guardhouse engineering. According to the 3 divided areas, the project department performs management with different levels, such as “area”, “section”, “floor”, “block” and “segment”, meanwhile, the department shall also keep the reasonable construction sequence by strictly organizing and planning during the whole construction. During the whole construction, except for comprehensive arrangement to our own, the project manager shall be in charge of controlling and coordinating embedded inserts installation and matching engineering in different areas at civil and steel structure construction stages. Good coordination can remove mutual influence which affects the construction period and quality, project management in our general construction arrangement will be performed according to construction operation, quality and safety control, as well as coordination in every area separately. During the whole construction period, the technical measures will be treated as the assurance for implementing management measures, and political education, technical measures, special supervision and system of rewards and penalties will be integrated.
1.5   编制依据 Reference
    风力发电叶片(上海)有限公司所提供的招标文件及所有可供参考的资料。
Bidding documents and all information for reference submitted by  Wind Power Blade Factory, China
    风力发电叶片(上海)有限公司所提供的所有施工图纸。
All drawings released for construction submitted by  Wind Power Blade Factory, China
    答疑纪要及现场勘察情况。
Clarification meeting minutes and site investigation instance.
    按照招标文件的技术规程、国家现行有关施工验收规范及上海市有关建筑工程的施工规程编制。
Prepared according to technical regulations of bidding document, relevant national construction acceptance standards currently in effect and construction specifications of Shanghai
    公司现有的技术装备、技术素质、工程经历等自身条件。
Current existing technique, technical quality, project experience of the Company.
    依据本工程的工地实际条件、工程现场地形地貌、周围环境条件及障碍物情况、水电供应条件、水文、地质、气候等自然条件
Physical condition of the construction site, topography and topographical feasures, ambient environmental condition and obstruction instance, water and electricity supply condition, hydrology, geology, and  climatic condition, etc.
    我司企业质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系文件,文件名称:中建四局第五建筑工程有限公司QEHS管理手册;
Our management system documentation for quality, environment and occupational health and safety, its name: QEHS Management Manual of China Construction Fourth Bureau Fifth Engineering Division Co., Ltd
    上海市建筑市场行情、材料供应状况、劳动力及生产设施条件、交通运输及机械设备供应条件。
Shanghai building market information, material supply status, work force and production facility condition, transportation and communication and mechanical equipment supply condition.
第2部分 施工进度计划Section II      Construction Schedule
2.1    进度计划编制说明 Description of Schedule Preparation
我司根据自身的施工经验,利用比较科学的工序搭接和流水作业,充分发挥现场机械设备和材料优化配置,选用熟练的操作工人,完全可以在259日历天完成本工程合同范围内的全部的工作内容,保质保量按期给业主一个满意称心的结构工程。 Our division will rely upon our own construction experiences, utilize more scientific procedure and flow operation, give full play to optimization of site equipment and materials, employ skilled operation crews and complete all works specified in the engineering contract within 259 calendar days and deliver a desirable structural work with guaranteed quality and quantity on schedule to the Owner's satisfaction.
2.2    施工流水段划分
Division of Streamlined Construction Section
2.2.1 施工流水段划分的原则 Principle of the Division of Streamlined Construction Section
根据本工程施工规模,为确保质量和计划工期的完成,创业主满意工程,我司总体施工部署按照各单位工程特点、施工特点及我们以往施工管理经验,将整个办公区划分成区域进行管理,按所划分的区域分别配备区域综合工长,综合工长下设单位工程栋号长进行管理,各区域按照施工作业、质安控制、协调配合三条线进行组织的原则。施工作业线以项目部区域生产经理→综合工长→栋号长→专业负责人→专业生产班长→生产工人为主线进行管理,各区域的综合工长主要负责是进行直接的施工生产,并在施工生产中发现问题,解决问题,提出建议。质安控制线由项目部专职质量员、安全员组成,主要负责是在各区域施工中进行跟踪检查,及时发现问题,将问题消灭在初始阶段;积累质检资料,提出质量控制方案;进行安全巡视,发现并排除安全隐患;搞好文明施工,进行现场管理。协调配合线由项目经理及项目部相关人员综合负责,项目经理主要协调与总包、指定分包的相互交叉作业工作面,整个工程建设按区域将以三条线相辅相成,互为依托,以项目经理统一指挥,分级管理,责任到人,确保施工计划顺利进行。 Our division, on the basis of construction scale of this project, will make a general construction arrangement according to the unit work features, construction characteristics and our previously-accumulated construct management experience to ensure completion of the project with guaranteed quality on schedule, divide office block into areas for management. It will assign regional foremen according to the divided areas. under the foremen will be provided unit work building headers for management. All areas will be controlled according to the principle of construction quality and safety, cooperative organization. Construction activity will be managed through project management area production manager→ synthetic foremen→ building headers→ specialty superintendent→ specialty production monitor→ production labor. all synthetic foremen will be responsible for direct construction and finding out issues during construction, solving problems, offering suggestions. Quality and safety control will be by full-time quality inspectors and safety officer, who will be in charge of tracing inspection under construction at all areas and eliminating issues at the initial phase, collecting quality inspection information, putting forward quality control plan, proceeding to patrol safety inspecting, finding out and removing potential safety hazard, getting civilized construction well done and managing and controlling the site. Cooperation and supporting will be charged by project manager and relevant management personnel. Project manager will be mainly responsible for coordinating with the General Contractor, appointing working planes of intercrossing activities among subcontractors.
2.2.2 流水段划分 Division of Streamlined Section
     主体施工段分别划分为:Construction section of main body is divided into:
     第一施工区域为1#生产厂房 The first construction area is 1# production building
     第二施工区域为2#生产厂房The second construction area is 2# production building
     第三施工区域为喷漆间及垃圾房、自行车棚及门卫工程
The third construction area is spraying room, garbage house, bicycle shed and guardhouse engineering
2.3    施工总进度计划 General Construction Schedule
2.3.1 总工期安排 General Schedule Arrangement
总工期为225日历天。计划开工日:2009年10月5日;计划竣工: 2010年5月28日。 The total construction period covers 259 calendar days. Project start: 5th October, 2009; completion: 28th May, 2010.
2.4   施工进度计划表 Construction Schedule
施工总进度计划见附表《风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目施工总进度计划》 Aggregate scheduling of construction is attached to Appendix: Aggregate Scheduling of Construction of  Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project
2.5    工期保证措施 Measures to Guarantee Schedule Time
2.5.1 进度目标体系的要求 Requirement of Progress Objective System
We will take into consideration the Owner’s schedule requirement, site condition, design progress and other factors when we prepare out general construction plan and define progress control point.
We will use advanced planning software to prepare and improve construction plan. Make clear construction procedures, guide construction.
充分利用进度控制目标体系,落实各层次进度控制的人员、具体任务与工作职责。We will take full advantage of progress control objective system, assign progress controller at all levels, detailed tasks and responsibility.
We will prepare ten days’ construction plan and detailed divisional work construction plan, define task and scheduled time, elevate labor productivity.
     列出各衔接施工工序的时间控制点,并得到各相关指定分包单位的签字认可,从而监督施工计划的实施。
We will list out construction procedure time control point subject to signature and approval by relative subcontractors.
We will do our dispatching work in proper manner, coordinate relations with all designated subcontractors, reinforce monitoring for weak link
We will keep record of construction progress, complete construction progress statistic chart.
We will Intensify progress supervision, ensure not to delay divisional and itemized work, stage construction, schedule at control points, thus ensuring not to delay project schedule.
We will coordinate relations with designated subcontractors, contract architects, management company immediately against the delayed work to find out accelerating method and plan and.
     根据现场实际,采用先进的施工工艺和技术措施加快进度。
We will adopt advanced construction technique and technical measures to accelerate progress according to the physical site condition.
     利用合同的制约关系,采取必要的经济措施保证进度的实施。
We will take necessary economical measures to ensure performance of progress.
2.5.2          成立工期保证领导班子
Establishment of Leading Team to Guarantee Scheduled Time
Project manager will hold a routine meeting every week, initially fixed on every Wednesday, to summarize the completed work last week and arrange plan this week, find out causes and shortcoming, seek for accelerating construction procedure factors, shorten scheduled time and obtain completion ahead of time.
We will develop detailed and practical schedule guarantee measures, apply scientific and rational technical arrangement during the whole process of construction, adjust construction procedures and personnel in a reasonable manner.
建立可靠的质保体系,依照GB/T 19001ISO 9001标准,对现场各环节确定相应的质量责任制,责任到人,执行“过程精品、动态管理、目标考核、严格奖罚”的管理理念,保证工程一次验收通过,避免和杜绝质量通病的产生,创无开裂、无渗漏、无质量通病工程,达到保证工期的目的。
We will establish a reliable quality guarantee system, define corresponding quality responsibility according to GB/T 19001ISO 9001 standard, carry out such management ideology as Good Process, Active Management, Target Audit and Strict Award and Punishment”, ensure the work pass acceptance at once time, avoid and put an end to the occurrence of quality issues, create a project without cracking, without leakage and without quality issues, in order to ensure to achieve schedule objective.
We will prepare complete labor force within construction period, bring management into full play, coordinate relations between working teams, ensure accomplishment of schedule objective.
Based on our previous construction experiences, Installation of embedded parts, sleeves will be carried out by close combination with civil work during structure construction phase, to occupy lesser key schedule time as much as possible, shorten construction period.
2.5.3 设备的保障 Equipment Guarantee
本工程我司主要配备的设备及其备用情况详见第3部分。垂直机械采用2台塔吊及3台井架,并保证设备供应单位可在24小时内保障提供常用配件。 Major equipments and their backups prepared by our company are detailed in Section III. Vertical machines use 2 tower cranes and 3 derricks and are ensured by supplying units to provide common accessories within 24 hours.

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