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摘要: 第3部分施工机械配备Section III Deployment of Construction Equipment 3.1施工机械的选择及布置 Option and Arrangement of Construction Equipment 从全局出发,考虑施工机械在整个工程中的综合利用,在现有的或可能获得的机械中选择。选用的机械必须满足
第3部分施工机械配备Section III     Deployment of Construction Equipment
3.1施工机械的选择及布置 Option and Arrangement of Construction Equipment
 We take into consideration the integrated utilization of construction equipment during the whole project, choose the equipment from our existing and possible available equipment. The equipment must satisfy construction need. We consider mutual support of different equipment and ensure to bring the leading construction equipment into full play.
 According to our machine resource status and the construction features, 1 tower crane and 1 derrick are arranged for vertical Conveyance of mixed structure of building frame to the third floor of 1# production building, 1 tower crane and 1 derrick are arranged for vertical Conveyance of mixed structure of building frame to the second floor of 1# production building, 1 derrick is arranged for vertical Conveyance of mixed structure of building frame to the second floor of 2# production building. Above measures ensure the smooth progress of construction.
Construction site layout, in combination with the actual condition, we provide 2 sets of reinforcing steel equipment and 2 sets of woodworking equipment. For details of other construction equipment selected, please see schedule list of main construction equipment. Equipment moving into and removing from the site must follow Owner’s requirements. For mechanical facility layout pleas refer to general construction layout plan
第4部分       施工平面布置Section IV     Construction Layout Plan
4.1   施工总平面布置 General Construction Layout Plan
    根据现场情况及招标要求,现场设立两个施工出入口,施工道路宽4m,路面碾平压实,做250cm厚道渣,浇筑C20,15cm厚混凝土,道路两侧设明沟排水。
Two gates are built on site according to site situation and bidding requirements, construction road has 4m width and its surface should be flattened and compacted, ballast should be 250cm thick, C20 concrete with 15cm thickness should be coasted and open ditch drainage should be built along both sides of the road.
    施工现场条件在大门入口处设置清洗处,并在工地现场大门处设专人进行车辆出入管理。开出工地的车辆须先清洗车轮后,方可允许进入市区,确保不影响厂容、市容卫生。
 A washing room may be built up at the entrance according to site situation and special personal should be appointed to manage vehicle access at the gates. Vehicles leaving the site are allowed to run into the city only after cleaning tires to maintain both appearance of the company and city.
    在大门口做拦水沟,设沉淀池和高压水泵供车辆出门之前冲洗用,施工污水经沉淀后才能排入城市管网。
 Retaining ditch should be built at the entrance, settling tank and high-pressure hydraulic pump for washing vehicles before leaving site are also built. Waste water from construction must be processed with settlement before discharge.
Site construction road will be arranged along the gate on the construction site within the plant. Also the project bulletin board and publicity column will be set up at the entrance.
    在现场出入口门卫旁集中放置消防器材,在其它临时设施,特别是重点防火区域,按规定设置消防器材,并绘制消防器具分布及责任包干图,张贴于明显部位。
Beside the guardhouse at the entrance will be provided with fire control apparatuses. At other temporary facilities, especially at the fire control area fire control apparatuses should be provided as specified and draw up fire control apparatus distribution and responsibility chart.
Guardhouse will be set up on site. Inside the guardhouse will be set up valid management system and have safety helmets prepared. Moving into and removing from the site must be registered. Security service must be on duty within 24 hours every day.
Construction roads set up road entrances and exits marked for warning notices, as well as the marked point of the night, and set up dedicated personnel for the management of import and export vehicles
    主要临时设施包括我司、监理、各分包单位在工地的临时办公室,钢筋加工厂、木工厂、以及我局统一布置的材料样品间、仓库、会议室、材料仓库、材料堆场、试块池等。以上各临时设施均在总平面布置图中作了总体布置。
Main temporary facilities include the site temporary office for our division, supervision company and all subcontractors, reinforcing steel processing shop, carpenter’s shop, and our material sample room, warehouse, conference room, material storage, material laydown area, test cube basin, etc. These temporary facilities lay out in the general construction layout plan.
4.1.1       材料堆场及加工场布置 Arrangement of Material Laydown Area and Working Shed
Material laydown area and fabrication shop will be arranged according to building distribution and construction road, production facility in proper manner.
    施工现场准备足够的防雨材料,为防备恶劣天气覆盖和保护所有工程和材料。
Construction site will be prepared with sufficient waterproof materials  for coverage against severe weather and protection of all works and materials.
    我司确保施工机械、脚手架的进入、离开及存放位置在获得发包方同意后方组织进场。
Our division ensure moving construction equipment and scaffolding into site and removing from the site and placing position subject to the Owner’s approval.
Without prior consent of the Owner, our personnel and equipment and material should not be allowed to move into the buildings that have been put into use during construction.
Our division will erect material storage and fabrication shop at the places designated and approved by the Owner and maintain them in good condition.
    我司确保施工材料的堆放与管理,现场的布置遵守有关政府部门及发包方对工程现场安全管理的规章和要求。
Our division ensures that placing and management of construction materials must observe the rules and regulations and requirements for site safety management set out by relevant governmental authorities and Owner.
    为满足整体工程的施工,在施工现场设置两个钢筋加工厂;
In order to meet the main body structure construction, at the second construction block will be set up two reinforcing steel fabrication shops.
4.2   施工用水、用电方案 Construction Water and Electricity Plan
4.2.1       临时用电布置 Temporary Electrical Consumption
    本工程施工用电甲方提供的临时电力系统,由我单位负责引至各施工机械。
For construction electricity, the Owner will provide temporary power system. Our company will be responsible for connecting to all construction equipment.
    施工区用电缆设计规格为120mm2,约每40米设置一个2级电箱,电缆线路埋于地下,并在相应地方设立警告标志。办公用电与施工用电分别从这些电箱接出。
Design cable size used at construction block will be 120mm2,every 40 meters will be provided with a 2-class distribution box. Cable line will be buried underground and signboards will be set up on the corresponding places. Electricity used for office and construction will be connected from the distribution box.
    施工临时用电竖向布置,选用电缆规格25mm2,每层设置一个三级电箱,该三级电箱除符合上海市建筑施工安全规范条例外,还必须达到是60安培3相5线施工配电箱,箱内装置带漏电保护开关控制的单相220V15A插座6个,漏电保护开关控制的三相380V20A插座3个,30A插座1个,并装置4个10安培单级开关,以供拉设临时照明。
Construction temporary electricity vertical layout, selection of cable size 25mm2, each floor will be set up a 3-class electrical box, which must be 60A 3-phase 5-wire construction distribution box in addition to complying with Shanghai Safety Specification and Ordinance for Construction. Inside the box will be equipped with 6 sockets of single-phase 220V 15A controlled by leakage protection switch, 3 sockets of 3-phase 380V 20A and one socket of 30A controlled by leakage protection switch, and 4 single-pole switches of 10A to be used for temporary lighting.
    每一楼层装设临时施工用节能灯。节能灯应平均分布在电梯厅、楼梯口、预留洞口以及疏散通道等地方。
On each floor will be installed energy-saving lamp for construction use. Energy-saving lamps should be evenly distributed in the elevator hall, stairs, holes, as well as reserved places, such as evacuation routes.
    塔吊大型机械的用电从专用电箱单独拉出电缆供应,电缆规格为120mm2和120mm2、75mm2。所有电箱的制造和线路布置按照上海市建筑施工安全规范条例规定执行。
Power used for tower crane, derrick and other large equipment will be separately pulled out cable from a dedicated electrical box, cable sizes will be 120mm2 and 120mm2, 75mm2. The manufacture of all electrical boxes and circuit layout will be performed in accordance with Shanghai Safety Specification and Ordinance for Construction
    用电平面布置参见附图。For electricity layout refer to attached diagram
4.2.2       临时用水布置 Temporary Water Consumption
           本工程施工用水甲方提供施工所需的工程临时用水Φ50。
The Owner will provide temporary construction water Φ50 used for construction for this project.
    水管和电缆沿场地四周布置,每50m设一只水龙头,每40m设一只电源箱,业主提供临时用水管径为50,由我司将其引至现场。
Pipes and cables will be arranged around the site, every 50m will be set up a tap, every 40m set up a power box. The Owner will provide temporary water pipe  size 50, and we will be responsible for connecting to the site.
    施工用水在平面上和立面上分开布置,在平面上沿施工场地周边布置,水管用2管,在施工场地周边的水管每隔40m左右,设一个3/4¢水龙头。Construction water will be separately distributed on plane and elevation. Construction water on plane will be arranged around the construction site, use 2” water pipe. Every 40m of water pipe around the construction site will be provided with a 3/4’ water tap.
    竖向供水要求每层设1只3/4¢施工水龙头,每二层设置一临时消防栓,每消防栓旁设一封闭式手动开关,于火警时能启动临时消防泵。Construction water on elevation will be required to provide a 3/4’ construction water tap every floor, every two floors will be provided with temporary fire hydrant, beside every fire hydrant will be provided with a closed-type manual switch to activate firefighting pump in case of fire alarm.
    总承包方成立施工用水和消防用水管理小组,专人负责日常监管和维修工作,保证消防重要救险系统不被滥用及24小时操作性能正常,以及确保施工正常用水。
The General Contractor Party will establish a management group to control construction water and firefighting water, dedicated  personnel will be responsible for daily supervision and maintenance to ensure the firefighting rescue system not being abused and the operation maintained in normal condition within 24 hours.
    施工平面布置详见附图。For construction layout plan see attached diagram
4.3   施工现场平面布置图(见附图)Construction Site Layout Plan (See attached diagram)
4.4     施工现场临时用水、用电布置图。见附图
4.5     Temporary Water and Electrical Distribution on Jobsite, see attached diagram
第5部分       施工方案Section V              Construction Plan
5.1   施工流程 Construction Flow
5.1.1       钢筋混凝土工程施工流程 Construction Process of Reinforced Concrete Engineering
管桩拼缝允许偏差表Allowable Deviation of Pipe Pile Splicing Seam
    几种特殊情况的处理 Handling for certain special situations
1、  按照设计桩长压力不能达到要求的情况处理
2、  Situation handling according to pressure of designed pile length below the standard
 In practical construction, it is often found that the dept reaches the designed requirement, but the pressure does not reach designed elevation, under such situation, the pile follower should keep pressing downward, if the situation remains, then it should be reported to supervision engineer and design unit, subsequently, relevant remedial measures suggested by supervision engineer and design unit should be performed, e.g. pile patching.
2、不能压至 设计标高的处理 Handling for failing to press to the designed elevation
实际施工过程中,有时会遇到个别桩因地质等原因,不能压至设计标高的情况,如果有这种情况出现,应首先查找压桩设备的原因,在确认设备正常后,将情况汇报监理工程师及设计部门, 按照监理工程师及设计单位提出的相应措施执行。
 In practical construction, it is sometimes found that few piles cannot be pressed to the designed elevation due to geology or other reasons, under such situation, equipment reasons should be firstly confirmed, after confirming equipment in good condition, then it should be reported to supervision engineer and design department, relevant remedial measures suggested by supervision engineer and design department should be performed.
3、断桩处理 Handling broken pile
桩施工过程难免出现错位,垂直度不好,桩头压烂等,要坚决废桩,重新补桩。当地质不良如淤泥层过厚或软硬土层变化急剧时,容易出现断桩事故,如果出现这种情况必须采用加桩的方法处理。严禁采用混凝土封底的方法进行难以圆其说的处理。而在桩头受到轻微破坏时,可采取混凝土封底的办法 进行防水处理,可以弥补桩头的损伤。
It is unavoidable to find dislocation, poor verticality and squished pile head during pile driving construction, if so, damaged piles must be removed and new piles should be filled. Pile breaking will easily occur, when geology is poor, such as silt layer is too thick or soft and hard stratums rapidly change, if so, the adding stake method must be adopted. It is forbidden to use the method of bottom sealing with concrete which can cause complex results. However, when pile heads are lightly damaged, the bottom sealing method with concrete can be used for waterproof handling to cover the damage of pile heads.
4、管桩与基础底板连接 Connection between tubular pile and foundation mat
 For effectively preventing foundation floating up and ensuring entire coordination between foundation and pile foundation, garbage and feculence in pile holes must be cleaned after earthwork excavation reaches the designed elevation and tubular pile expose. Before binding foundation steel bars, the design drawing must be strictly followed to ensure the connection of tubular pile and foundation. Anchor bars of tubular piles should be firmly welded with steel bars of foundation mat by binding foundation steel bars, meanwhile, steel bars of foundation should be also firmly welded with tubular pile head.
For few tubular piles above the designed elevation, the above parts should be cut by direct cut of cutting machine. It is forbidden to damage tubular pile parts below the designed elevation of pile top in any form.
5、压桩过程质量控制 Quality control of pressing pile
(1) 准确无误的放样数据计算,正确规范的施工放样操作,是确保桩位标准的前提,决不允许出现因测量放样而引起桩位错误的情况发生,所以在放样全过程中一定要反复校核,严禁发生错误。
 Accurate calculation on staking out data and correct operation of staking out of construction are preconditions for ensuring stake standard, it is never allowed to raise wrong placement of stake due to inaccurate measurement and staking out, so the whole process of staking out must be repeatly inspected to avoid any mistakes.
(2) 严格按已审批的施工方案进行施工,接桩的焊缝一定要由有经验的且的有专业焊工证的焊工按照技术规程的要求认真进行,确保焊缝要均匀、饱满符合设计及规范要求,电焊结束后的停歇时间、上下节平面偏差、节点弯曲矢高均应满足规范的要求。
The construction must be performed in strict accordance with approved construction scheme, pile extension welding must be carefully done by  welder with experience and professional qualification based on requirements of technical regulation, to ensure welding lines homogeneous and full. Technical down time, deviation between up and down nodal plane and node bending bilge should achieve requirements of regulations.
(3) 最后的成桩要采取长度及压力双控,长度及压力均应满足设计要求。
 The final pile-forming is controlled by length and pressure which should meet design requirements.
(4) 打桩的次序要合理,一定要坚持先里后外、先中心后边区、先深后浅、先密后疏先近后远(离建筑物近的桩先打,远的后打)的原则施工,尽量降低挤土效应。
 Sequence of pile driving should be reasonable, following the principles such as “from inside to outside”, “from centre to side”, “from deep to shallow” and “from thick to thin”, as well as “from close to far” (piles close to building should be derived firstly, then the far distance), to minimize compaction effect.
(5) 插桩及接桩应确保中心正确、桩身垂直。桩尖就位、对中、调直。对于YZY型压桩机,通过起动纵向和横向行走油缸,将桩尖对准桩位;开动压桩油缸将桩压入土中1m左右后停止压桩,调正桩在两个方向的垂直度。第一节桩是否垂直,是保证桩身质量的关键。
Pitching pile and extension pile should ensure centre correct and pile shaft vertical. Placing pile tip should follow steps as emplacement, centering and straightening. For YZY pile driver, pile tip should be centered through starting longitudinal and transverse translation cylinder. Pile driving cylinder starts to press pile about 1m into soil then stops, followed by adjusting the verticality of pile in two directions. Whether the first part of pile is vertical or not is the key to ensure the quality of pile shaft.
(6) 压桩。通过夹持油缸将桩夹紧,然后使压桩油缸伸程,将压力施加到桩上,压入力由压力表反映。在压桩过程中要认真记录桩入土深度和压力表读数的关系,以判断桩的质量及承载力。当压力表读数突然上升或下降时,要停机对照地质资料进行分析,看是否遇到障碍物或产生断桩情况等。
Driving pile. Pile is clamped by clamping cylinder, then pressure is brought to pile by extension stroke of driving pile, press-in force is indicated on gauge. Relationship of pile depth and gauge readings should be carefully recorded during driving pile to judge quality and bearing capacity of pile. When readings of gauge suddenly rise or drop, the machine should stop and analysis should be carried out according to geological data to find out if there is an obstacle or broken pile.
(7) 遇到须做断桩处理的情况,决不姑息迁就,坚决做断桩处理,重新补打。
 When broken pile occurs, the broken pile must be removed and filled again without any delay.
(8) 对打桩过程中的任何异常情况,应向监理工程师和设计单位反映,以便及时作出正确的应对措施,严禁自行解决。
 Any abnormal conditions during driving pile should be reported to supervision engineer and design unit to make correct counter-measures timely, self-settlement is strictly forbidden.
(9) 施工完成后,要严格按照规范及设计要求,进行各种检测及试验,对不合格桩基坚决进行补桩。
 Various tests and inspections should be performed in strict accordance with specifications and design requirements after completion, unqualified pile foundation must be removed and filled again.
(10) 压桩过程中的各种数据记录,要详细、周全、标准、规范。
 All data records during driving pile should be detailed, complete, standard and normative.
5.4.3       土方开挖工程 Earth Excavation Work
Observe Construction drawings technical requirement, Shanghai specification and standard, Code for Construction and Acceptance of Cement Concrete Road Surface GBJ97-87, Code for Design of Building Subgrade GB50007-2002, Technical Specification of Building Sloping Work GB50330-2002, Technical Specification for Treatment of Building Subgrade JGJ97-2002, Code for Construction and Quality Acceptance of Building Subgrade Foundation, Standard of Geotechnical Testing Method GB|T50123-1999.
    关于基坑开挖施工时将提交给业主的文件 Submittals deliverable to the Owner
    所有运进来现场材料的的合格证明、测试结果来源及样品
all delivered materials quality certificates, test result, source and sample.
    夯实机械出场说明书和性能。Compaction equipment instruction manual and performance
    拟采用的夯实方法、测试方法、测试结果及建议的测试方法。
Compaction method, testing method, test result and proposal.
    施工过程控制:在施工过程中的动态控制更为重要。施工中的动态控制可归结为:多沟通、勤测量、善调整。
Construction process control: during construction dynamic control is more important. Dynamic control includes more communication, frequent survey and improving adjustment.
    勤测量、善调整:在施工中,应勤于测量,掌握工程的质量状况,对发现的问题进行分析,作出必要的调整,并对调整后的情况进行跟踪,持续提高工程施工质量。
Frequent survey and improving adjustment: during construction, frequently survey, grasp work quality, analyze issues, make necessary adjustment, trace the situation after adjustment, steadily improve work quality.    挖土施工 Excavation Work
    依据施工图纸及技术规程实施:挖土前的准备工作施工区域和通道三米范围内的现场,都应清理,移走现场的树,灌木,树桩和垃圾,挖出树根(直径大于25MM)和其他植被,严禁破环现场内需要保留的树,根据国家和上海市规定的处理废物。完成现场清理后要得到管理公司的同意方可退除顶层土。顶层土的去除:开挖和回填之前,要砍断顶层土内树和其他植被的根,不要将顶层土和下层土掺在一起。
According to construction technical drawings and technical specifications: the preparation before excavation includes cleaning construction area and passageways within 3m of the site, as well as removing tress, bush, stumps and garbage on site, digging out roots (diameter greater than 25mm) and other vegetation. It is forbidden to destroy trees required to be left, waste disposal should be according to national and local regulations. After cleaning the site, topsoil could be only removed with approval of management company. Topsoil and subsoil should never be mixed.
    开挖采用4台1m3反铲挖机和配合2台0.5m3反铲挖机开挖桩间土方。和15辆卡车进行运土。
Excavation will be done by two backhoe excavators 1m3 capacity and one backhoe excavator 0.5m capacity and 15 vehicles are used for moving soil.
    场地“三通一平”,即水通、电通、路通,场地平整;挖土时,为防止挖机下陷,在挖机底铺钢垫板。
Field water connection, electricity connection, road connection and grading are finished. During excavation, place steel plate under excavator to prevent it from collapse.
 土方开挖:Earth Excavation
    基坑开挖程序一般是:测量放线—切线—分层开挖—排降水—整平—留足预留土层等。相邻基坑开挖时,应遵循先深后浅或同时进行的施工程序,挖土应自上而下分层进行。分层为1.5米,每层分段开挖长度不得超过30m。
Foundation excavating procedure” survey and setting out – cutting line – excavation in layers – discharge and lower water – leveling – reserve sufficient soil layer.
    本工程土方开挖深度按设计要求;挖至基础底上300mm高承台等局部深处时,采用人工挖土到设计标高。再统一检查坑底宽和标高,要求坑底凹凸不超过1.5cm。但必须注意土方不能超挖扰动原有土质,因此要求施工测量人员必须时刻注意测量高度,正确指导挖机挖土和人工挖土。
According to the design requirement, when earth excavation is deeper to the capping of 300mm high above foundation slab, use manual digging till obtain design elevation. Then inspect bottom width and elevation, unevenness of bottom of foundation pit is required not to exceed 1.5cm. but pay attention not to over excavate and disturb the existing soil quality. Therefore, surveyor is required to attend the measuring height at all times and correctly guide excavator digging and manual digging.
    对测量放线,即在土方开挖前,按放线要求将各测量控制点按外延法将测量控点延伸至车辆运输不能损坏的地方,最好在该基坑边缘以外设定控制点做好记录;并做好保护;
For survey and setting out, i.e. before earth excavation, all survey control points extend to the place where vehicles could not damage them according to setting out requirement, it is better to set control point at the outside of the foundation edge and keep record.
    基底后浇带土方挖取,在挖至基础底面下标高时,采用人工挖土。挖土时深度比基础底板深100mm;另在后浇带两端头,挖掘深度为400mm,并设砖砌集水井,内用1:2水泥砂浆抹面;
Post-concreting area earth excavation of the foundation base, when excavate to the lower elevation of foundation slab, adopt manual excavation. Excavation depth will be 100mm deeper than foundation slab; in addition, at two ends of the post-concreting area, excavating depth is 400mm, and set masonry sump well, plaster with 1:2 cement mortar inside the well.
    人工挖土至设计标高时,需要测量员全程跟踪,并用250mm长竹签按每1.5-2m左右钉设一个,竹签上端标高作为垫层上表面标高控制;
Manually excavate to the design elevation, the surveyor is required to trace all process, and use a 250mm long prod for every 1.5-2m. the top  elevation of the prod is used to control surface elevation of the bedding course.
    当基坑内挖土全部结束时,按设计要求和施工要求,将基坑以各轴线为方格平面图绘出,每隔2-4小时监测基坑土是否有上涌现象,如有发生,及时与公司技术部门或与业主、设计院联系;
After completion of excavation inside the foundation pit, draft grid plan drawing according to design requirement and construction requirement. Monitor foundation soil at intervals of 2-4 hours. If water suring occurs, immediately notify company technical department or contact the Owner and design institute.
    基坑挖土完成后,及时请监理、业主、必要时请设计院参与对基坑的验槽,做好基坑验槽的工程资料。
 After completion of foundation pit excavation, immediately report supervision, Owner and design institute, if necessary, to witness the trench acceptance and prepare and record foundation acceptance information and data.        基坑开挖对周边环境的监测
Monitoring of Peripheral Environment when Foundation Pit Excavation        基坑内和基坑外排水措施
 Drainage Measures inside and      outside the foundation pit
    在基坑施工过程中所有排水均依照《地表排水作业规程》来实施。
During foundation pit construction, all water draining will be done according to the Specification for Operation of Surface Water Drainage”.
    基坑挖土从开始起在基坑的各大角挖800800800深的集水井,中间每隔30m左右再设置一个集水井,转角处增设集水井,各集水井之间用300200排水沟相连通,使基坑内排水形成畅通路径。
 Foundation pit excavation starts with sump of 800800800 deep, in the middle set a sump at intervals of 30m, at the corner add sump. Between all sumps connected with 300200 drainage ditch, make drainage in the foundation pit unblocked.
    在坑周设置贯通的400×400砖砌排水沟,并在沿排水沟隔20-30m设置800×800×800(H)集水井。将地面雨水、污水集中后,视情况设置沉淀池,排入城市下水管网或泄洪渠;
set a through drainage ditch with 400x400 brick masonry, set 800×800×800(H)sump along drainage ditch at intervals of 20-30m. collect the surface rainwater, wastewater, set precipitation tank, drain into the municipal underground piping system or flood channel.    基坑四周的安全围护 Safety Protection around foundation pit
    从基坑挖土开始时,为保证基坑四周人员及其他杂物不掉入坑内,基坑四周沿围护结构边应设置安全围护架。围护架高度1.20m,每隔4m左右设一固定立杆其余立杆按2m间距设在其中,横杆设三排,立杆埋设于土下50-70MM。钢管外涂黄黑相间油漆。围护架外用安全网封闭;
Start from the foundation excavation, safety protection support set around the protection structure, the protection support height is 1.20m, set a fixed post at intervals of 4m, other poles set between them at intervals of 2m, cross bar set three rows, poles embed under the earth 50-70mm. steel tube surface coated with yellow-black paint. Protection support will be enclosed with safety net.
    为方便基坑内操作人员上下和材料运输,从挖土一开始进行,根据现场实际情况搭设上人跑梯。梯子宽度不小于1.5m。
To facilitate the operator up and down and material conveyance inside the foundation pit, from the very beginning of excavation, set an accessible ladder according to site physical condition. Ladder with will not be smaller than 1.5m.    土方回填注意事项 Points for Attention of Earth Backfilling
    回填土按照设计单位提供的技术和国家规程来执行。
 Backfilling should be in accordance with techniques provided by design unit and national regulations.
    回填材料 Backfilling materials
    石块材料回填:所需要石块回填的地方,材料应级配良好干质石块、砖块、混凝土块及其他硬质的材料。碎石最大不能超过50毫米。每层回填不超过150毫米。表面需密实。
 Stone backfilling: the stones must be graded dry stones, bricks, concrete and other hard material. Max. gravel size will not be larger than 50mm. backfilling will not exceed 150mm in every layer. The surface will be compacted.
    回填材料中不应含有树枝、杂草、有机物及其他有毒物。如回填碎石,碎石应干净、坚硬、耐久、良好级配、细骨料含量适当,碎石最大直径不能超过150毫米。
 Backfilling material should not contain branches, weeds, organic matter and other toxic substances. If for gravel backfilling, gravel should be clean, hard, durable, good gradation, appropriate fine aggregate content , maximum gravel size should not over 150 mm
    当回填材料为黏土时,土壤最佳含水量和相应的最大干重量要通过夯压测试来定。
When the backfilling material is clay, the best soil moisture content and the corresponding maximum dry weight will rely upon testing of ramming pressure.
    为了夯实和回填必须得到业主的同意,方可在离墙体或混凝土结构1.5米的距离内使用机械。夯实靠近混凝土墙体的回填土,应用手工操作设备。
Compaction and backfilling must obtain the Owner’s approval. Equipment will be used within a distance of 1.5m from the wall or concrete structure. Compaction of the backfilling soil close to concrete wall will be done with manual operating equipment.
    对于暗浜区域的回填土及结构地面下的回填土:回填土到指定的深度,每层回填土不可超过250毫米,压实密度不可小于88%,对于顶层填土要留有余地。
Backfilling for the concealed river area and structure subsurface: backfill soil to the designed depth, each layer backfilling will not exceed 250mm, compaction ratio will not be less than 88%, backfilling on the top is required to leave room.
    要求每层土回填接近水平,每层的厚度依据土壤的状况来定,但是不能超过200MM。
Each layer backfilling is close to horizontal, the thickness in every layer relies upon the soil condition, but will not be over 200mm.
    在夯实期间要对土的含水率加以控制,最佳含水量为正负2%
At the period of compaction, control water content rate in soil. The best water content will be plus or minus 2%
    对于夯实设备要进行现场测试,确保达到密度要求。
Conduct site testing on compaction equipment, ensure obtaining compaction requirement.
    验收标准的夯实土密度百分比根据GBJ225-97最大干密度规定来定。见下表
For compacted soil density percentage, acceptance standard will rely upon the max. dry density specification in GBJ225-97.
    夯实土的要经过密度实验测试。
Compacted soil must pass density experimental test.    混凝土垫层施工 Concrete Cushion Construction
    基坑土方开挖完毕后,基底土方上表面标高及排水设施施工完成,应尽快浇捣垫层混凝土,基底土方不应暴露过长,最好控制在24h之内。
After excavation of foundation pit, bottom earth top elevation and drainage facility finish construction. Place cushion concrete as soon as possible, bottom earth should be over exposed, control within 24 hours is best.
    垫层为C15混凝土,150mm厚。在基底挖土完成的当天,应组织人浇捣混凝土;
Cushion C15 concrete, 150mm thick. On the day completing the foundation bottom excavation, organize crews to place and tamp concrete.
    混凝土采用商品混凝土,因此在浇捣混凝土前,应联系好厂家。对商品混凝土生产厂家的要求是:混凝土生产资质,混凝土试配试验报告,混凝土的最终配合比以及混凝土的生产、运输等;
Concrete will be ready-mixed concrete. Before purring concrete, get in touch with the concrete manufacturer. Requirement on ready-mixed concrete manufacturer: concrete production qualification, concrete test report, final concrete mixing ratio and concrete productivity, transportation capacity.
    准确放出基坑C15混凝土垫层边线。垫层超出基础底板边100mm宽。用50mm厚100mm宽木枋做模板,模板用短钢筋固定;
Accurately set out side line of foundation pit C15 concrete cushion. The cushion will be over the foundation slab side for 100mm wide. Adopt 50mm thick and 100m wide timber as formwork. The formwork will be fixed with short rebar.
    后浇带垫层做法按结施总说明施工。
Post-concreting cushion method according to general structuring construction description.
    混凝土浇捣时用振动棒或平板振动器对混凝土进行振捣,再用2m括尺找平,最后用人工木抹子搓毛混凝土表面;测量员需随时测量垫层上表面标高;
use vibrating needle or platen vibrator to vibrate concrete, then use 2m screeder for leveling, finally manually roughen concrete surface with wood trowel. Surveyor will measure the surface elevation on the cushion.
    后浇带两端头的垫层宽度,应充分考虑后浇带防水要求、模板安装、混凝土浇筑时围护和操作的空。
Cushion width of the two ends of post-concreting area should fully consider waterproofing requirement, formwork installation, protection during concrete pouring, operation space, etc.
    做好混凝土的收料工作,试件试样和基础底板施工的各项工程资料。
Make good receiving work of concrete, test pieces, test cubes and all engineering information and documents for foundation slab construction.
5.4.4       桩头连接施工 Pile Head Splicing Construction
Foundation pile, after acceptance, its head will be treated, connect the pile to the capping according to national and local drawing atlas requirement. (See the following diagram)
   5.4.5  钢筋工程 Reinforcement Work
Work requirements should be built by implementing requirements of construction drawings and relevant national regulations, as well as local requirements. GB1499、GB13013、GB50204-2002.
    结合建设单位的要求、混凝土结构工程GB 50204-92。合同要求、及工程图纸及说明。 Combining requirements of construction unit, Concrete Structure Engineering GB 50204-92. contract requirements, construction drawings and instructions.    钢材的进场、检验与标识 Steel delivery, test and identification
    我公司将在公司合格供应商名录里挑选几家,进行综合评审,进货时货比三家,选定最后的做为本工程的钢材供应商。严把进货关。
Our company will choose several suppliers from the qualified supplier’s list for synthetic assessment. When importing materials choose the final supplier as our supplier for steel material.
    进货验收:钢材在进场时由材料员、专职质检员对钢材进行检验。钢材每捆(盘)上挂有标牌(注明生产厂家、生产日期钢号、炉罐号、钢筋级别、直径标记)并附有质量证明书;
Acceptance on receipt: material controller, dedicated quality inspector inspect steel when moving into site. Steel per bundle (pan) should have index tag (indicating manufacturer’s name, production date, steel number, heat number, steel class, diameter) and attached with quality certification.
    检查每批由同牌号、同炉罐号、同规格,同交货状态钢筋组成,重量不大于60t。并从中抽取5%进行外观检查,钢筋表面不得有裂纹,结疤和折叠、钢筋表面允许有凸块,但不超过横肋高度,钢筋表面允许其它缺陷的深度和高度不得大于所在部位尺寸的允许允许偏差。
Inspection per batch is composed of the same brand, same heat number, same size, same delivery steel, weight is not greater than 60t. conduct visual observation at a rate of 5%. Steel surface should not have cracks, scars and wrinkles, but allow projection, the projection will not exceed cross rib height. Other allowable defect depth and height should not be greater than the allowable deviation of the location size.
    从每批钢筋中任选两根钢筋,每根取两个试样分别进行拉伸试验(包括屈服点,抗拉强度和伸长率)和冷弯试验。如有一项试验结果不符合要求,则从同一批中另取双倍数量的试样重作各项试验。如仍有一个试样不合格,则该批钢筋为不合格品,需退回厂家。
Choose any two reinforcing steels from the back reinforcing steels for tensile strength test (including yield point, tensile strength and elongation) and cold bending test. If one item test result is not be in accordance with the requirement, choose the test sample in double quantity from the same batch for all items of testing. If one test sample still could not be qualified, that batch of reinforcing steel is considered as non-compliance product and shall remove back to manufacturer.
    热轧钢筋在加工过程中发现脆断,焊接性能不良或机械性能显著不正常现象时,应进行化学成分分析或其它专项检验。
Hot rolled reinforcing steel will pass chemical composition analysis or other special testing if finding fracture, bad welding performance or mechanical property during processing.
    依照ISO9000的2000标准,执行本公司《产品标识和可追溯工作程序》建立合格钢材堆码区,要求分规格堆码,挂标识牌,注明钢材等级、规格、产地、数量等,钢筋必须检验合格方可进入合格钢材堆码区。此堆码区为该单体工程单独设置。
According to ISO9000 2000 standard, execute our company “Program for Production Identification and Traceability Work” , establish laydown area for qualified steels, place the steels by different sizes, tag out, indicating steel class, size, place of origin, quantity, etc. Reinforcing steel should be subject to qualified test then enter into the laydown area for qualified steel. The laydown area will be individually set up as its unit work.
    提供业主的资料:Submittals to the Owner
Mill test reports certifying physical and chemical properties or ex-factory certificate of qualification for reinforcing steel to be delivered to the site.
    钢筋施工详图。Reinforcing steel construction detail
    各种焊接焊工的资格证书。A copy of all welder’s certificates prior to any welding.
    有关钢筋铺设检验的钢筋报告。Reinforcing steel placing test report    钢筋翻样 Reinforcing steel Lofting
    我司将由专业工长对图纸钢筋进行翻样,工程技术负责人对翻样单进行审核之后才进行下一步的钢筋制作与加工。
Our division will assign a professional foreman for reinforcing steel lofting according to drawing, engineering technical principal will review the lofting sheet, then the further rebar fabrication and working can be done.
    根据本工程的实际情况,翻样时依据图纸结构说明及03G101-1、03G101-2、04G101-4标准图集进行。
Lofting will be done according to the actual work condition, drawing structure description and standard drawing atlas 3G101-1、03G101-2、04G101-4.
    主要技术措施:基础钢筋主要受力钢筋B14采用搭接连接,基础梁主要为C18-C25等钢筋采用闪光对焊,柱竖向钢筋采用电渣压力焊焊接。
Major technical measures: main reinforcement of reinforcement foundation uses lap joints, foundation beam comprises C18-C25 reinforcement welded by flash welding, column vertical reinforcement is jointed by electroslag pressure welding.
    焊接接头不宜在最大受拉区,且同一断面接头数不超过50%,搭接接头禁止在最大受拉区,且同一截面内不超过1/4(搭接长度为44d)或不超过50%(受压区、搭接长度为48d)。
welding joint will not be set at max. compression area, and the number of the same cross-section joint will not be over 50%, overlap joint will not be allowed to set at max. tensile area and within the same cross section the overlap joint will not be over 1/4 (overlap length 44d) or 50% (compression area, overlap length 48d).
    钢筋下料长度的计算:根据图纸尺寸考虑钢筋的锚固长度,接搭长度(如下表);闪光对焊增加闪光量,电渣压力焊增加钢筋熔化量25mm;钢筋锚固、搭接长度表:
Length calculation of reinforcing steel undercut: according to the size indicated on the drawing, consider reinforcing steel anchoring length, overlap length (see following table); flash butt-welding increases flash capacity, electroslag press welding increases reinforcing steel melting capacity 25mm; reinforcing steel anchoring, overlap length table
    箍筋的尺寸计算考虑梁筋的根数、直径、等分钢筋间距并满足钢筋保护层要求。
Calculation of stirrup size considers number, diameter of beam bar, divide spacing of reinforcing steel equally and meet reinforcing steel covering requirement.    闪光对焊 Flash Butt-welding
    本基础工程采用预热闪光对焊,采用三台闪光对焊机。
 The foundation work will use preheating flash butt-welding method, adopt three sets of flash butt-welding machines.
    对焊操作必须持有证件,在上岗操作之前对其进行考核,方才正式上岗。 Butt-welding operation must have permit. Before welding the welder shall pass welder’s examination.
    在焊接之前,应在清除钢筋端头的铁锈、污泥等,如钢筋有弯头应先截除。焊接完毕后,不能马上松开夹具,等接头变为红黑色之后才松开夹具,平稳取出钢筋,以免钢筋产生弯曲。焊接好钢筋架空堆放,同时确保焊接场地防风、防雨,以免接头发生骤然冷却,发生脆断。
Before welding remove rust, sludge, on the reinforcing steel end, if reinforcing steel have elbow should be cut off. After welding, should not immediately release the fixture, wait until the joint becoming red and black release the fixture, smoothly remove out reinforcing steel so as not to produce bending. Welding reinforcing steel shall be placed overhead, and ensure that the welding site has weather-proof protected, so as not to happen suddenly cooling joints, brittle fracture happened.
    试验:同一台班内由同一焊工完成的300个同级别、同直径钢筋焊接接头应作为一批。当同一台班内,可在一周内累计计算;累计仍不足300个接头,也按一批计;力学性能试验时,试件应从成品中随机切取6个试件;若当出现试验结果不符合要求时,可随机再取双倍数量试件进行复试。
Test: in the same shift, 300 welding joints done by the same welder for same class, same diameter will be considered as one batch. In the same shift, the joints can be accumulated and calculated within one week. If a total of 300 joints is still insufficient, also considered as one batch; for mechanical properties test,  6 specimens shall be randomly obtained from the finished products; if test results do not meet request, may take double the number of specimens to retest    电渣压力焊 Electroslag press welding
    据钢筋直径大小选择焊接参数。
Select welding parameters according to the diameter of reinforcing steel
    焊接参数的选择: Preference of welding parameters
    质量检查:Quality Inspection
Visual inspection: inspect joint appearance for full of welding, burned marks, displacement. Displacement shall not exceed 0.1d of reinforcing steel diameter, and not greater than 2mm.Joint bending point shall not greater than 4,if finding such issue cut off the joint and reweld.
Tensile test: at one level, joints of the same size not less than or equal to 300 consider as one batch. Obtain three joints on site for tensile test. Reinforcing steel can be put into use in the work after qualified test. If unqualified, obtain double the number of specimens for retest. If retest can not obtain the requirement, that batch will be deemed as non-compliance and they will be cut off and reweld.    钢筋的辅助配件 Auxiliary reinforcing steel parts
绑扎用铁丝:16号以上退火软黑铁丝 tie wire: 16 gauge or heavier black soft annealed wire.
    钢筋垫块根据要求按照不同类型选择合适的垫块
Bar supports: proper type for the intended use in conformance with related requirements.
    不允许垫块外露时用标准垫块。
Bright basic supports where the supports do not come in contact with exposed concrete surfaces.
    允许垫块外露是用塑料钢筋保护垫块。
Plastic-protected supports where the support come in contact with exposed concrete surfaces.
    混凝土浇筑在坡度上或土上,应使用带砂垫板的垫块或预制垫块
Bright basic bar supports with sand plates or precast concrete bar supports in concrete placed on grade or against earth cuts.
    敦粗直螺纹机械连接套管,要求连接强度达到钢筋屈服强度的110%
Upset threaded mechanical couplers: designed to develop 110% of the yield strength of the reinforcing steel.
    熔焊对接套管,要求连接强度达到钢筋屈服强度的100%
fusion mechanical couplers: designed to develop 100% of the yield strength of the reinforcing steel.
    端头连接件:要求他们的抗压强度达到钢筋屈服强度的100%
End-bearing splice devices: designed to develop 100% of the compressive strength of the reinforcing steel.    钢筋绑扎 Reinforcing steel Binding
before binding reinforcing steel, remove the contaminants on the reinforcement, especially the rust mark and the welded points.
    主筋的摆放顺序从下至上为:主梁底1次梁底1主梁底2次梁底2主梁面2次梁面2主梁面1次梁面1,主筋摆放间距均匀且净距不小于50mm,两层筋之间每1.5m用C25作为垫铁保证其净距,在主筋划出箍筋位置,箍筋开口应交错布置,钢筋帮扎用20#铁丝,不能漏扎。
Main bar placing procedure from bottom to top: primary beam bottom 1 secondary beam bottom 1primary beam bottom 2secondary beam bottom 2primary beam surface 2secondary beam surface 2primary beam surface 1secondary beam surface 1. main bar spacing placed evenly and clear distance not less than 50mm. use C25 as shim between two reinforcement layers at intervals of 1.5m. mark out stirrup position on main bar, stirrup opening staggered arrangement, use 20# tie wire to secure reinforcing steel bar.
    柱筋主筋接头当钢筋直径为16≤25时,采用竖向钢筋电渣压力焊, <16时采用搭接连接,主筋接头应按50%错开。
Column main bar joint, when reinforcing steel is 16≤25 in diameter, select vertical reinforcing steel electroslag press welding, if the bar is larger than 16 in diameter use lap connection. Main bar joint shall be 50% staggered.
    柱受力钢筋机械连接接头宜相互错开,其连接区段的长度为35d,同一连接区段内受力钢筋接头面积百分率不宜大于50%。
Column stress bar mechanical connection joint shall be mutually staggered, connecting length shall be 35d, area percentage of stress rebar joint within the same connection section shall not be larger than 50%.
    梁受力钢筋接头采用对焊连接,板钢筋接头采用绑扎搭接连接。
Beam stress rebar joint use butt-welding, slab rebar joint use lap connection by tie wire.
    钢筋的锚固长度为lae=35d;受力钢筋的搭接长度为ll=44d(接头面积百分率25%);ll=48d(接头面积百分率50%)。非受力钢筋的搭接长度:(即架立分布筋)ll=35d,且不小于200。
Anchoring length of rebar is lae=35d;lap joint length of stress rebar is ll=44d(joint area percentage 25%); ll=48d (joint area percentage 50%). Non-stress rebar lap joint length (distribution bar) ll=35d,and not less than 200.
    同一截面受力钢筋接头面积的允许百分率:除绑扎骨架和绑扎网中的钢筋的搭接接头在受拉区为25%外,其他形式的搭接接头均为50%。
Allowable stress rebar joint area percentage of the same cross section: within tensile area, rebar lap joint in the skeleton and mat 25%, other type of lap joint 50%.
    钢筋交叉处的附加钢筋,拉结钢筋及箍筋,应带有180°弯钩。
Alternate corner bars at wall intersections and tie and stirrup cap hooks 180°.
    螺旋钢筋的搭接长度,取48倍的钢筋直径及300毫米两者之大。
Spiral lap splices shall be 48 bar diameters minimum or 300mm, whichever is greater.
    钢筋的垫块间距在任何一个方向上的距离最大不超过1米。
Reinforcing steel shall be supported by use of bar supports at one meter in any direction.
    混凝土运送的设备不能直接支撑在钢筋及垫块上。
Concrete conveying equipment, etc. shall not be supported on reinforcing steel or supporting accessories.
    剪力墙及暗柱绑扎:Shear wall and concealed column binding
    墙、柱子筋绑扎前,应根据所放的定位线再次校正予埋插筋,位移严重时要按规定认真处理,必要时找设计院、监理共同商定,予埋墙、柱插筋时,为确保位置准确,对予留插筋施工时要求:墙水平筋不少于三道,柱箍不少于三道,并且第一道必须点焊固定与板面筋上。墙板竖向钢筋如图。
Before walls, pillars binding, should be based on the positioning line once again calibrate dowel bar, severe displacement required earnestly treated and, if necessary, request design institute, supervision for agreement, embedding dowels in the wall and column shall ensure the correct position. Requirement: wall horizontal bar shall not be less than 3 courses, column hoops not less than 3 courses, and the first course must be fixed and spot welded on the slab surface bar. Vertical wall rebar see Figure

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