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摘要: 5.5.1 外脚手架的选择 Option of external scaffolding 根据工程特点,本工程外架采用落地式脚手架,作为结构操作架。 According to the engineering characteristics of the projects using floor-frame scaffolding, as the structure operation of aircraf
5.5.1 外脚手架的选择 Option of external scaffolding
According to the engineering characteristics of the projects using floor-frame scaffolding, as the structure operation of aircraft
Outer diameter of φ48 scaffolding steel pipe wall thickness of 3.5mm steel, fasteners and pipe to match the form
Scaffolding springboard 50MM thick plate with the wooden planks
计算见后附 see below calculation annex
5.5.2 脚手架搭设施工 Erection of scaffolding
Scaffolding landing the following order: site formation, foundation, siteerection hardening (100 thick C20 concrete) → Positioning settings base length vertical sweeping strokes → → → Pole sweeping horizontal strokes → large → small bar → (grid ) → → scissors even wall bar → Shop →scaffolding plate protective railings erected → Lashing Safety Net
Floor-standing steel pipe scaffold structure: Longitudinal Pole from an average of 1.5 meters, 1.05 meters horizontal distance, 1.8 meters Bugao, medial Pole 0.3 meters distance from the wall. Two-step three inter-linked set of rigid-wall bar, and even bar the use of steel pipe wall fastener even wall pieces. Facades along a row set scissors shoring
With the structure to keep pace with increased shelf, Pole structure of the top higher railings at least 1.5M, Pole connectors in addition to the top of the top step, the remaining steps on each floor of the docking connector fasteners must be used to connect, Pole with the big rectangular bar the use of withholding pieces to connect. Joints staggered arrangement, two adjacent columns to avoid joints in synchronization with the cross inside, and at the direction of at least stagger the height of 50 cm; the joint center distance of the main node of the distance is not more than step 1 / 3
Pole lap at the top, the lap length is not less than 1M, must wait three rotating fastener spacing is fixed, the end fastener plate to overlap the edge of the vertical distance between the level of client杆杆not less than 100 mm
Large bar placed under small bar inside the column, using right-angle fastener fastens with the Pole, they are advised to adopt 6M long steel tube and bar with a step around the big circle to pay
Large bar fastener to connect the use of docking, the staggered arrangement of joints, is not synchronized with the cross inside; adjacent joints staggered horizontal distance not less than 50 cm, the joints shall not be greater than the distance from the column longitudinal distance of 1 / 3 (this works not more than 50 cm), large bar in the same plane with the vertical step height difference between the level of full-length does not exceed 1 / 300 (this project does not exceed 50 cm), partial elevation of not more than 5 cm
Pole with the big bar of each interface (master node) should have a small bar, and the use of right-angle fastener fastens on in the bar, the rod axis deviated from the master node is not more than 15 cm. Pole small bar spacing with the same vertical distance, and under the operation of the necessary layer scaffold erection, equidistant between the two pillars set a small bar, the largest spacing is not more than 75 cm
Small bar protruding big bar from the edge of not less than 10 cm, extending from the bar in row major structural outer edge 15 ㎝. At a small bar on the lower Pole Department staggered arrangement, with the layer adjacent to a small bar opposite layout at Pole Department
Vertical bar the use of discredited right-angle fastener fixed at 20 cm distance from the base of the epithelial column, the horizontal sweeping strokes using right-angle fastener fixed at close to the vertical sweep stroke on the bottom of the column. Pole exist for a greater level of bad, the sweeping shots staggered, vertical height sweeping strokes to extend to the end of two-span with a fixed column
Scissors and horizontal bracing combination, with the column, and vertical and horizontal strokes to the level of erection synchronous with scissors along the length of high continuous frame layout, all single-rod length scissors
Scissors Step 5 5 cross each set together, oblique and horizontal strokes of the rod at an angle 45 ° ~ 60 ° between. Oblique stroke at the same intersection point on a straight line along a row of high frame arrangement, the scissors at an oblique stroke Pole buckle up, buckle another small bar at the end protruding heads at both ends, respectively, with a rotating fastener fixed at one of increased 2 ~ 4 buckle node. All fixed distance away from the main node is not more than 15 cm
To ensure that the straight scissors scissors at the same time give full consideration to the safety role, scissors rotary fastener connected fastener lap length is not less than 1.0m, fastening point of not less than 3 bar, bar-point distance pipe the end of not less than 100mm
This process at each corner in addition to setting the horizontal bracing things, at intervals of between 6 cross-set together. Horizontal braces at the same internode, from the end to the top floor was a row zigzag layout, oblique pole pieces of the same pole, the use of rotating fastener fixed at the intersection with the horizontal level of the Pole or rod protruding side up
Pole bottom support placed parallel to the wall. Operating at the lower layer together with an additional level of Net pocket, with the operating layer increased, the structure of the construction, only a layer at the same time permit the construction, decoration of construction at the same time the construction operations shall not exceed two-tier layer. Shop脚手layer over the first floor panels, cantilevered steel scaffolding at age also need to shop on the template as a layer of isolation layer, and set up a safety net and protective railings
Spread scaffolding late should be full-frame, paved, Shop stable seams located two small bar, the rod away from the distance between joints shall not exceed 15 cm.脚手plate against the wall side of the distance from the structural walls is not more than 15 cm. The direction of the corner of two overlapping脚手plate placed to avoid the probe and the gap phenomenon
Connecting wall pieces using rigid connections: even the wall of the first pieces of the structure from the bottom of the first step in beginning elevation Office settings, and even pieces of the wall as close as possible to the main node, deviation from the master node is not more than 350 mm
Connecting wall pieces in the wall even par as far as possible the level was set, when the level should not set the time, and the scaffolding should be connected to one end of connecting ramps, on ramps shall not be used to connect; when scaffolding should not set up a temporary wall pieces may even throw up the erection, support the use of parabolic pass scaffolding pole and reliable connections, and form included angle 45 ° ~ 60 ° with the ground.
5.5.3 注意事项 Points for Attention
Fastener fastening extent appropriate at 40-50N / M, not more than 65N / M, docking of the tensile bearing capacity of fasteners for 3KN. Fastener on the bolt tightened to maintain the appropriate level, docking fastener should be installed within the openings to prevent the Progressive rain, right-angle fastener installation openings shall be a downward trend, to ensure security
The rod ends protruding fastener plate edge should not be less than 100 mm in length
Pipe having a serious corrosion, squash or cracks may not be used to prohibit the use has rattle, deformation, phenomena such as slide fastener wire
Steel and bamboo scaffolding is strictly prohibited, prohibit use of fasteners, rope, wire, plastic mix
48 mm and 51 mm steel pipes mixed use will be prohibited
脚手架搭设的安全技术措施 Safety technical measures for erection of scaffolding
Basic scaffolding must be hardened to meet the bearing capacity of treatment requirements, do not water, not sinking, the roof of the concrete foundation must meet the design strength of 75% or more to be constructed
Erection job course to draw the marked area, to prohibit pedestrian access, unified command, echoing up and down, movement coordination, no one is prohibited under the command of operations. When untied with another person when the relevant fasteners must first tell the other side, and be allowed to prevent the fall of wounding
Starting pole erection should be set at intervals of a parabolic cross-6 up until even the stability of the wall pieces installed only after the demolition according to the circumstances
Scaffolding timely tie with structure or take temporary roof erection process to ensure the safety of scaffolding at the unfinished call it a day before the day, we must ensure that the shelf stability
Scaffolding must tie in with the construction progress of erection, erection a height of not more than the adjacent wall even more than two steps
At the course of erection by the security staff, monitor shelf, such as inspection, acceptance and visa. Acceptance once every two steps to the design and construction requirements of a license after passing a piece of hanging.
Safety technical measures for operation of scaffolding
结构外脚手架每支搭一层,支搭完毕后,经项目部安全员验收合格后方可使用。任何班组长和个人,未经同意不得任意拆除脚手架部件。Structure scaffold layer of each ride, ride support after the project by the Department of Safety Officer qualified acceptance before use. Any class and group leaders and individuals, without consent shall be subject to arbitrary removal of scaffolding components
Strict control of working load, shall not be concentrated on scaffolding plate, Construction load shall not exceed 4KN / ㎡, ensure safety
Structure construction permit only one operation, decoration of construction operations at the same time does not exceed two-storey low-rise, temporary use of cantilevered layers operating at the same time frame of not more than one layer
When operating under higher layer wall pieces even more than 3.6M, and its not even on the wall pieces, should take appropriate measures to pull the temporary shoring
Periodic inspection scaffold and found that the problems and dangers, timely repair at pre-construction reinforcement, so as to achieve robust stability and to ensure construction safety
Safety technical measure for removal of scaffolding
Scaffolding must be erected and demolished by the professional scaffolders after test and obtain certificates. Even pieces of the wall should be located in their rod on all removable parts are dismantled before demolition
Before removing scaffolding, inspect the scaffold thoroughly to be demolished, according to test results, develop a work plan submitted for approval, after the technical preparationjob
Before dismantling the frame, we must see the construction site environment, including overhead lines, outside the scaffold, ground facilities, such as various types of obstacles, to anchor, get the wind to justice, even the walls were removed and two pieces and the hanging body, the attachment, electrical device situation, who can advance as far as possible to dismantle
Dismantling operation should be designated areas, located around the绳绑establish warning signs or fences, ground-based special enclosure, the prohibition of non-operating personnel
When dismantling the unified command, from top to bottom echoes, motor coordination, when solved with another relevant person must be told when the fastener and permit each other to avoid falling wounding
Removing scaffolding shall not be allowed to change personnel, if need to change, the dismantling of the situation should be explained clearly before leaving
Removing scaffolding every day after work, we should not leave a hidden location
When dismantling scaffolding frame a collision is prohibited near the power cord of the accident against electric shock
At dismantling process, where the loose connection rod, the timely removal of fittings should be removed to avoid misuse of Rotary, has been misused by the bar loose. Removal of the bar, throwing down fittings is prohibited, should be hanging to the ground, at the same time do a good job with co-ordination to prohibit a single person to carry out removal of the heavier pieces, such as the risk of stroke operation
All bars and fasteners at the time to dismantle the separation, they are not allowed on pole attachment fastener or two attached to the ground
All scaffolding board, shall be erected in handling export-oriented in order to prevent脚手boards and garbage objects falling from height wounding
Dismantle the parts to put into containers under the crane used in hanging baskets; removed steel banding to secure, dual-point lifting, is strictly prohibited thrown from a height
when strong breeze above (including 6) stop the demolition of construction scaffolding
文明施工要求 Civilized construction requirements
Enter the construction site must wear safety helmets, high above the seat belts, put on their shoes, such as anti-skid
Enter the construction site personnel to care at various facilities and logo licensing, dismantled and moved freely licensed logo
严禁酗酒人员上架作业,施工操作时要求精力集中、禁止开玩笑和打闹。Alcohol is strictly prohibited personnel shelf operations, construction operations concentrate on the requirements, the prohibition of jokes and rough
Scaffolding erection personnel must be professionally qualified by examination架子工, posts regular medical examination to be successful hair appointment card. Where there is high blood pressure, anemia, heart disease and other unsuitable for high altitude operations, and will not be allowed on the scaffolding
Workers from top to bottom on the shelf should walk through gang way, are not allowed to climb the shelves
When mid-railing, scaffolding board, toe board, safety net affect formwork team operation, necessary for change and removal the work shall be completed by scaffolder.
Scaffold after passing the acceptance of any person shall not be changed and removed randomly, such as the need for local removal would be subject to the consent by technical department and operated by the scaffolder
Lifting heavy objects are not allowed to make use of scaffolding, workers are not allowed to climb the shelves up and down operating surface, carts are not allowed to run up at the shelf, tower crane when lifting objects collision and should not drag the scaffold
Formwork can not be supported by concrete and mortar pumping pipeline fixed up at the scaffolding, lifting equipment is strictly prohibited arbitrary suspension
At the shelf operating personnel are not free to move down the scaffolding of all scaffolding tie points and boards, and fastening of all shelf components, such as banding
Dismantling the use of welding gas cutting shelf when to send full-time staff in fire prevention work, with a hopper to prevent the Mars and cutting splash
Scaffolding board a long time, so necessary in the course of the inspection and found that the sinking of foundation, pole deformation serious protection was incomplete, such as tie loose to solve the problem
To ensure the integrity of the scaffolding frame body may not be in conjunction with the construction elevators
Do not throw rod, materials, fasteners and other, materials, tools and a rope pulley transport,
Used instrument place in the bag to prevent falling wounding, working at height shall wear non-slip shoes, fasten cuffs and trousers.
脚手架堆放场做到整洁、摆放合理、专人保管,并建立严格领料手续。Scaffold dumps to do clean, placing reasonable person custody and expected to set up strict procedures collar
施工人员做到活完料净脚下清。确保脚手架施工材料不浪费。 Construction workers shall remove materials and wastes after work finish. To ensure that the scaffold is not a waste of construction materials
Materials shipped to the ground should be designated as the delivery point with the demolition, sorting stacking, the day of demolition the same day clearance, removal of the fastener and wire handle Recycling should be concentrated, it is timely to collate, check, according to species, sub-standard stacked neatly and properly custody
More than six grade (including six) winds, heavy snow, fog, rain and other inclement weather scaffolding have to stop operating. In winter, rain period to regular checks scaffolding board, ramps board, on whether or not a springboard for snow, water and other objects at any time if it should be clean, and anti-skid measures to be taken
5.6 钢结构工程 Steel Structure Engineering
5.6.1 钢构工程概况 Overview of Steel Structure Engineering
1#生产厂房生产区为单层钢结构建筑,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,虹吸式排水,防水等级二级。其中机舱生产区包括大件装配区域和小件装配区域,层高17m,占地面积4917m2,建筑面积为4917 m2;柱网尺寸为(6mx24)x(8mx4),叶片生产区为完整大空间车间,层高15.2m,占地面积4908m2,建筑面积4908m2,柱网尺寸为(6mx24)x(8mx4)。原材料储藏区为单层钢结构,局部二层。屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,虹吸式排水,防水等级二级。原材料储藏单层区域包括机舱仓库、叶片仓库和环氧仓库,层高为15.2m,占地4703m2,建筑面积4703m2,柱网尺寸为(6mx24)x(8mx4)。
Production area of 1# production building is single steel structure building, its roof is light steel profiled sheet roof with siphon type internal gutter in Grade II Waterproof. The nacelle production area thereof includes big and small parts assembly areas with 17m floor height, 4917m2 floor area, 4917m2 building area and (6m*24)*(8m*4) net post size; blade production area is a workshop with holomonic large space, of which the floor height is 15.2m, floor area is 4908m2, building area is 4908m2 and net post size is (6m*24)*(8m*4). Raw material stock area comprises a single storey steel structure, the partial of the area contains two floors. Its roof is light steel profiled sheet roof with siphon type internal gutter in Grade II Waterproof. Single storey area of raw material stock area includes nacelle storage, blade storage and epoxy storage with 15.2m floor height, 4703m2 floor area, 4703m2 building area and (6m*24)(8m*4) net post size.
2 #生产厂房钢结构部分由支持动力区、机舱生产区和叶片生产区。占地面积为14635.64 m2,建筑面积为15311.15m2。2 号生产厂房生产火灾危险性类别为丙类,耐火等级二级,抗震设防烈度7 度,防水等级二级。
Steel structure of 2# production building comprises supporting dynamic area, nacelle production area and blade production area. It floor area is 14635.64m2, building area is 15311.15m2. Fire risk of 2# production building belongs to Class III, its fire resistance rating is Grade II, seismic fortification intensity is 7 Degree and waterproofing grade is II.
3 号建筑:喷漆间及垃圾房钢结构,喷漆间及垃圾房生产火灾危险性类别为甲类,耐火等级二级,抗震设防烈度7 度。占地面积1023.80m2,建筑面积1088.80m2。屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,内天沟,外排水,防水等级二级。喷漆间为单层钢结构建筑,层高9m,占地面积为700m2,建筑面积为700 m2;柱网尺寸为(8mx4)x21m,管理用房、垃圾房和化学品库为单层钢结构建筑,层高为6M,占地为323M2,建筑面积为323M2,柱网尺寸为(6mx8)x6m。 3# building:
spraying room and garbage house comprise steel structure, their fire risk is Class I, the fire resistance rating is Grade II and the seismic fortification intensity is 7 Degree. Their floor area is 1023.80m2 and building area is 1088.80m2. their roofs are light steel profiled sheet roofs with external drainage internal gutter in Grade II Waterproof. The spraying room is single storey steel structure building with 9m floor height, 700m2 floor area and 700m2 building area; net post size is (8m*4)*21m, management house, garbage house and chemical storage are single storey steel structure building, of which floor height is 6m, floor area is 323m2, building area is 323m2 and net post size is (6m*8)*6m.
6 号建筑:自行车棚为单层钢结构建筑,民用建筑,耐火等级三级,抗震设防烈度7 度。占地面积165.60m2,建筑面积82.80m2。车棚依道路及流线布置设计,作为员工停放自行车。采光板屋面,自由排水,无围护结构,柱网(4mx8)x5.1m,建筑高度2.8m。 6# building: bicycle shed is single storey steel structure building and civil building, its fire resistance rating is Grade III, the seismic fortification intensity is 7 Degree. Its floor area is 165.60m2 and building area is 82.80m2. the bicycle shed is designed and arranged along the road and flowline, used as bicycle parking place for employees. Its roof is constructed by daylighting panels, free drainage and no outer protective structure are used, net post size is (4m*8)*5.1m and building height is 2.8.
5.6.2 本钢构工程特点 Features of the Steel Structure Engineering
Short period: according to the general schedule plan, the construction totally covers 259 calendar days from starting to completing, so working time and transition time at different stages in subitems of the steel structure must be reasonably arranged and the latest transition time for each procedure must be confirmed, to ensure punctual completion.
Large construction site: structural elements must be unloaded near the building site as closely as possible, to avoid second transportation.
Various structural elements: various structural elements must be numbered to avoid the elements missing and dislocation during hoisting.
5.6.3 施工方法与技术措施Construction Methods and Technical Measures
All finished foundations must be backfilled and compacted, the surface should be well paved with ballast to meet the requirements of 25T mobile crane and transportation vouches. Civilized construction should be performed during stacking process for keep the construction plane clean and order. All steel structural elements are hoisted by mobile crane. In order to reduce the hoisting work amount, beams should be assembled on the ground as much as possible before hoisting.
安装前准备工作 Preparation before installation
Carefully studying the construction drawings, to know the owner and design requirements well.
Construction period plan and resource marshalling plan should be prepared according to the work amount of the construction.
Axis control point for reviewing location and installation, and reference point for measuring scalar quantity and elevation.
Releasing elevation control line and hoisting auxiliary line.
Reviewing Axis, elevation, level line, position of pre-buried bolts and exposed length of pre-buried parts, technical treatment should be carried out when the data is above allowable deviation.
Steel ruler should be matched with the steel ruler for steel structure manufacture, to obtain the certificate of legal measures.
预埋件的定位安装 Location and installation of pre-buried parts
Due to the requirements of steel column hoisting, the pre-buried parts should be installed before steel structure installation, which means the pre-bury should start during civil construction. Thus, the pre-buried parts will be positioned by control net during the civil construction.
According to arranged construction square grid, the pre-buried parts should be firmly fixed on the main bar of concrete structure with localization frame manufactured by steel plates.
前期预埋: Pre-bury at early stage:
Steel structure installation includes pre-bury at early stage and centralized installation at late stage.
Pre-bury at early stage refers to the pre-bury of anchor bolts of which the precision has direct affect for installation quality of steel structure engineering and great affect for increasing work efficiency of installation.
钢构件的吊、安装 Hoisting and installing steel structural elements
Position axis, basic axis, elevation and stone bolt position of building should be reviewed before installing steel structure, meanwhile, foundation inspection and intermediate transition acceptance should be also performed.
When top surface of foundation is directly used as supporting surface of column and pre-buried steel plates or support saddles of top surface of foundation is used as supporting surface of column, the allowable deviation of their supporting surface and stone bolt (anchor bolt) should be in accordance with the specifications in following table:
Table of Allowable Deviations of Supporting Surface and Pre-buried stone bolt (Anchor Bolt)
吊装机械 Hoisting machinery
1) 根据此工程钢架的特点,故在钢结构吊装中可采用二台25T汽车吊,其他次构件使用16T汽车吊单机悬吊。因为汽车吊具有移动灵活,快速便捷等优点,这样地构件的卸货、倒运等均可带来很大方便,可以大大加快施工进度。
According to the features of steel frame of the construction, so two 25T mobile cranes will be used in steel structure hoisting and other secondary members will be hoisted by 16T mobile cranes. Because mobile crane is featured with mobility and high speed, it is very convenient for unloading and transporting structural members and increases the construction progress greatly.
吊装顺序: Hoisting sequence:
构件吊装顺序为:钢柱——钢梁(吊车梁)——屋面檩条——屋面支撑系统——其余檩条及墙架。 Hoisting sequence of structural members: steel column —— steel beam (crane beam) —— roof purline —— roof supporting system —— other purlines and wall frame
钢柱的吊装 Hoisting steel column
Before hoisting, foundation axis and level elevation should be checked according to foundation plane of civil construction. Once finding out any problem, it should be consulted with construction and design units.
As soon as the foundation acceptance is qualified, hoisting steel column starts. Steel column should be placed at the edge of the foundation in the order, rotatary hoisting method or coasting hoisting method should be used during lift, colligation points of steel cable node on steel column should be attached with attention to avoid slippage of steel cable.
Crane should only unhook when the verticality deviation is within 20mm, after the initial examination of steel column. The verticality of steel column should be examined with theodolite, if finding deviation, the adjustment must be performed again. During the adjustment, the void between column bottom and control block of elevation should be momentarily observed, to prevent causing deviation of level elevation during adjustment. After the crane unhooks, steel column should be temporarily fixed with cable, the verticality of column should be examined again and well recorded after hoisting roof frame and beam.
吊车梁吊装 Hoisting crane beam
Level elevation of upper plane of corbel should be examined whether matching the allowable deviation range, after steel column hoisting is in position and fixed, if it is above the deviation range, checking reasons. The maximum point should be used as the reference for making riser block, and the cross centre line of corbel plane should be made, the crane beam should be hoisted and fixed according to cross line, the a leveling instrument should be set up on the crane beam. Level elevation of each point should be checked and well recorded, to adjust its levelness during installing crane rail.
屋架梁的吊装 Hoisting roof frame and beam
Before hoisting, external and physical dimensions of structural members should be carefully examined according to Code for construction and acceptance of steel structure engineering GB50205-2001.
According to practical, roof frame and beam should be installed on the ground at first before hoisting. With this measure, not only the hoisting efficiency increases, but also the stability of hoisting is guaranteed.
According to practicals, roof frame and beam should be installed on the ground at first before hoisting. With this measure, not only the hoisting efficiency increases, but also the stability of hoisting is guaranteed.
Before hoisting roof frame and beam, the steel beam must be washed to reduce high-attitude operation and increase construction progress.
To avoid swing or collision with other structural members, roof frame and beam hoisting uses suspended hoisting. Before hoisting, tighten the string connected strand with hawser cable which is respectively controlled by worker and released at assembly, to ensure the stability of roof frame and beam. Two points near the middle of the first beam must be fixed with steel wind-cable before hoisting is in position and after the crane unhooks. The linear straightness of steel beam should be examined by the tagline survey method or theodolite, the crane can only unhook after examining the steel wind-cable is fixed and tight. After hoisting the second roof beam and frame, it should be supported and fixed with purline before unhooking, pay attention to the distortion of roof frame and beam. The third beam is hoisted by the same way, and so on.
结构吊装注意事项: Precautions on hoisting structure:
To confirm the lifting points, the strength and stability of steel structural member s should be checked before hoisting for preventing deformation of members caused by unbalanced stress.
The structure and mechanical properties of riggings, hooks and fixtures should be in accordance with requirements of hoisting construction.
The sequence of hoisting structural members: column, beam (side beam, crane beam), roof frame and other members.
Main control projects by positioning steel column include: position, elevation, verticality, levelness, splicing and measurement of which the poisoning axis should be strung along control straight line from ground.
Main projects by hoisting steel beam include: elevations of camber value and bearing surface position.
Main projects by hoisting steel roof frame include: levelness of roof frame, verticality, camber dimension which meets regulations of requirement and code.
(7)钢结构的柱、梁、屋架、支撑等主要构件在安装就位后,应立即进行校正、固定,使形成空间刚度单元。在作业工作的当天必须使安装的结构构件形成及时形成稳定的空间体系。 When main structural members, such as column, beam, roof frame and support, are installed and positioned, adjustment and fixture should be immediately carried out to form spatial stiffness unit. Installing structural members must form stable spatial system on the day of operation.
For tightened nodes required by design, 70% of their interface should hug closely, compactness should be examined with 0.3mm thick proof stick, the sum of inserted areas should not exceed 30% of connecting surface area. The max gap on the edge should not be greater than 0.8mm.
连接作业 Connecting operation
By hoisting, set up mobile scaffold which cooperates with mobile crane, operational staff perform connecting work on the scaffold.
By installing high strength bolts, rubbing surface of members should be kept dry and the work should not be performed under rain.
By installing high strength bolts, peen crowbar and nail should be inserted in appropriate position of screw hole on upper and lower or pre and post junction panel, making bolts free through.
High strength bolts should be put in with the same direction on the same junction face, and high strength bolts should smoothly through holes without forced beat.
High strength bolts should be screwed by torque spanner, construction staff must control the torque within the specified range and tighten high strength bolts twice (initial and final screw).
楼面钢框架梁的吊装 Hoisting steel frame beam of floor
Situations with similar structure types should be generalized as standard frame.
By hoisting every frame, the entire frame should be assembled firstly without adjusting the verticality and spacing torlance of column, which is enough to meet limits of floor beam installation and bolt installation (but if the deviation is oberviously above the range, adjustment should be also performed). To quickly form the frame and increase the stability at hoisting stage, the single column should avoid suspension in long time as much as possible.
The general hoisting sequence should be from frame column to beam and support of frame, from main members to secondary members.
By installing high strength bolts and performing electric welding, the work must be strictly carried out from top beam to bottom beam, and the beam of middle layer should be the last, to control the installation quality of frame. By welding every frame, analysis on deviation of verticality should be performed at first, column parts with large deviation should be welded firstly, so that these parts produce deformation after welding to reduce the vertical deviation of the column.
Steel stair and metal profiled sheet in every frame should be timely installed with the progress of frame installation. This measure can not only solve problems of partial vertical upraise and horizontal channel, but also make the security isolation effective.
Bolts on the same junction surface should be tightened from the middle to both ends of seam. The tightening sequence of two connecting members is: from main members to secondary members.
Bolts installation should be completed on the installation day and their screw threads should never be less than 2 threads.
Dirt of all parts must be cleaned, which is difficult to clean after hoisting.
檩条安装 Purline installation
Bundled roof purline should be transported by crane to roof and distributed for installation by manual work. Two principles should be adhered: the first is installation, because roof frame is several meters high above the ground, working staff should fasten safe belts and wear safe helms to prevent any accidents; the second is quality, position of the second steel frame should be accurately adjusted above all and fixed, positions of other frames should be adjusted by calabashes, then knee brace and tension rod of purline should be installed step by step, after completing the installation, spacing and straightness of purline should be controlled by adjusting stay bolts.
钢结构表面涂装 External coating of steel structure
Construction environment: environmental requirements of the preservative system are: temperature between 5 – 38℃, relative humidity is below 85%, outdoor construction is forbidden under rain, fog, snow and considerable amount of dust.
Preparation: whether the superficial treatment of steel achieved rating requirements, whether corrosion or pollution is found, whether treatment should be performed again, all above problems should be checked before coating, meanwhile, primer should be made within 12 hours after derusting. For parts which are not required or forbidden to coat, they should be covered with tape in advance, to avoid painting.
Measures for manufacturing and hoisting roof and wall board
1) 屋面板制作及吊装 Manufacture and installation of roof board
Roof board should be assembled by special suspension bracket for assembled color board and then hoisted to roof, the bracket is 45 meters long and has 6 wire ropes from the bracket to hook, the bracket and roof are fixed by hoisting belt tightener with 8 1.5T/piece floss aramid and both ends are held by wind-cable. As soon as the roof boards arrive the roof, they should be immediately distributed for fixture in position, all hoisted boards should be installed on the same day without overnight installation, to prevent from falling by strong wind.
2) 屋面板安装 Roof installation
Installation should observe design requirements and color plate installation code, the first board must be vertically across axis, as well as related joint and position between boards, which should be pay special attention. In installation sequence, antiseepage and leakage control should be well performed, which means tightening procedures of fixing bolts should be notices to prevent from detrimental effect of unsealed joint washers, especially in seam installation between boards.
Trims: all external roof boards manufactured by our company could use special tool to trim their ends. For ends close to ridge, the base plate locating between end ribs of steel board could be bended upward by lifting tool to form water stop end, the water stop end will be used at the upper end of all roof boards of which the slope is below 25 degrees, to prevent water blown by wind under flashing or cover board from flowing in the building. Hem operation could be performed before positioning steel plate or after installing the plate, but with the later method, the plate should be reserved 50mm gap on the top of the plate, which makes the operation of lifting tool convenient. When the roof slope is less than 10 degrees, the base plate of lower end of steel plate should be bended downward, this process could be realized by lifting tool and forms water drip, which can ensure the rain could be discharged along steel plate end without refluxing to underneath of flat plate by wicking or wind action. The downward hem must be operated after fixing the roof boards, otherwise, this operation will meet difficulties.
3) 墙面板轧制及安装 Rolling and installing wall board
Rolling wall board: wall board will be directly transported to the site after completing process in the factory. Boards will be unloaded by single section 9m suspension bracket for color board and placed near the working site.
(1) 安装步骤:用墙面安装专用管架架设于墙面板安装位置,管架单面与墙面檩条分段固定,安装人员约每三档檩条一个就位于管架上,将压型钢板平放在平整干净的地面上,墙面板顶部打一Ф6mm吊板工艺孔,由地面人员将沿墙方向放置,由管架上部人员用绳向上拉,地面人员向上送,安放至安装位置,对准位置,然后用自攻螺丝固定,第二块板准确地搭接在第一块板上,并与第一块压紧再用自攻螺丝固定,随时检查压型板的平行度和垂直度,发现不垂直时,应及时调整。
Installation steps: special pipe frame for wall surface installation should be built up on the installation position, single side of pipe frame and wall surface purline should be fixed in each section, installation staff sands on the frame with the spacing of about three purlines and the profiled steel plates should be placed on flat and clean ground. A Ф6mm fabrication hole of hanger plate should be drilled on the top of wall surface plate and placed along the wall direction by ground staff, the plate will be lifted by staff on frame top and supported by ground staff till to the installation position, after aligning the position, the plate should be fixed with self-tapping screws; the second plate should accurately lapped on the first and fixed with self-tapping screws after tightly compressing with the first one. The parallism and verticality of the profiled plate should be checked at any time, if it is not vertical, adjustment should be performed timely.
(2) 竖向搭接:一般当压型板作墙面板时,长度足够覆盖整个墙面,无需进行竖向搭接,但有些特殊结构需要进行竖向搭接。压型钢板的竖向搭接方法与屋面板的纵向搭接相似,安装时上面的板搭接在外,下面的板搭在里面,搭接长度为150mm。
Vertical lap: in general, when the profiled plate is used as wall surface board, its length could cover the whole wall surface so that it is unnecessary to perform vertical lap. By installation, the upper board is lapped outside and the lower board is inside, the lap length is 150mm.
4) 泛水板及收边板的安装 Flashing and trim plates installation
Flashing and trim plates installation is an important part in the whole bounding system installation, which can influence quality and effectiveness of the entire construction, thus special attention should be attached.
(1) 纵向泛水板和盖板 Longitudinal flashing and cover plates
Longitudinal flashing and cover plates should contain downward bending roll flanging edge on flat plate and wave through of roof board, the depth of downward bending should correspond to the shape of steel plate. In general, flashing plate should be fixed to wave peak of roof plate by self-tapping screws, lap between longitudinal flashing plates could refer to lapping form of longitudinal profiled plates, with 200mm lapping length, and could be lapped on the flashing plate lap joint near slope top along the slope direction, the lap joint should be sealed with sealant.
(2) 横向泛水板和盖板 Transverse flashing and cover plates
Transverse flashing and cover plates for roof contain a breach along lower sideline, in order to ensure rain-proof, the cutting breach could be matched with ripple or trimmed a little to make it embed into groove. For roof with little slope, it is better to cut the breach to close ripple, transverse flashing and trim plates with rib steel plate should be grooved or downward bended along low edge to match the shape of steel plate, so that water blown by wind could not leak below the flashing plate.
横向泛水板的固定一般用自攻螺针固定在屋面板的波峰上,横向泛水板和泛水板之间的搭接长度为200mm,在搭接处应使用密封剂来密封,在搭接定位和固定前将上面一片翻转过来,在内面终端12mm处的整个宽度涂上3mm宽的连续的密封剂,并用拉铆将其固定。 Transverse flashing plate should be commonly fixed on wave peak of roof board by self-tapping screws, lapping length between transverse plate and flashing plate is 200mm, the joint should be sealed by sealant, the upper plate should be turned over before positioning and fixing the lap, sealant with 3mm wide brushing range should be applied on 12mm of inner face end without interruption and the inner face end should be fixed with blind rivets.
5.7 安装工程Installation Project
Compile the table according to technical requirements of construction drawings and state and local regulations.
本工程机电安装设计新颖,结构合理,系统复杂,用作上海***风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目。具体概况如下:
The electromechanical equipment installation of the project owns characteristics of novel design, appropriate structure and complicated system and it is used in *** Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project.
通风及空调Ventilation and air conditioner
一、 风机盘管设置区域 Regional setting of fan coil unit
Administrative area adopts fan coil unit plus fresh air system. The fan coil units are located in necessary air conditioning areas. The air in air-conditioning area will be cooled down/heated in coil unit by cooling/heating water and then be transmitted back into the air-conditioning area by fan. The fresh air will be directly transmitted into the room after being processed by fresh air conditioner.
二、单冷空调机组设置区域 Regional setting of single cold air conditioner
The IT studio in office building will adopt single cold air conditioner, cool down the return air in air conditioner in coil unit in constant volume, adjust the supply air temperature to required state and deliver it to the demanded area by air conditioner.
Regional setting of combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air
There are 4 combined air conditioners with heat recovery of fresh air in 1# office building. They provide services for 1st to 3rd floor and they are located on the floors of the building. The volume of fresh air/exhaust air:12000CMH.The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated by coil unit and then transmitted into the room.
There exist two combined air conditioners with heat recovery of fresh air in production area of engine room of 1# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. Among them, the volume of fresh air/exhaust air from one air conditioner:35000CMH and it serves left half court and the volume from another air conditioner: 20000CMH and it serves right half court. The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and humidified, transmitted into the cycling air conditioner, mixed with return air and then transmitted into the room after being processed by cycling air conditioner.
There exists one combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air in storehouse of 1# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of fresh air/exhaust air:27000CMH. The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and then directly transmitted into the room. There exists one combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air in interlayer office of the warehouse. The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and then directly transmitted into the room.
There exists one combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air in blade production zone of 1# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of fresh air/exhaust air:27000CMH.The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and then directly transmitted into the room.
There exists one combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air in offices of 2# building and the air conditioner is located on roof of the office. The volume of fresh air/exhaust air:10000CMH. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and then directly transmitted into the room.
There exists one combined air conditioner with heat recovery of fresh air in production area of engine room of 2# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of fresh air/exhaust air:20000CMH. This air conditioner serves for Cell1~3 in production area of service engine room. The fresh air/exhaust air will encounter heat exchange. The fresh air will be further cooled down/heated and humidified, transmitted into the cycling air conditioner, mixed with return air and then transmitted into the room after being processed by cycling air conditioner.
四、组合式循环空调机组设置区域Regional setting of cycling combined air conditioner
The big-room production area of the factory adopts cycling air conditioning box. The air conditioning box will cool down/heat return air in air conditioner in coil unit in constant volume, adjust the supply air temperature to required state and deliver it to the room through air pipe.
There are 4 cycling combined air conditioners in production area of engine room of 1# office building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. Among them, there exists two air conditioners in left half court and the volume of each is 55000CMH and two air conditioners in right half court with volume of each station 65000CMH. The fresh air and return air mixed and being processed by the air conditioners and then delivered into the room through nozzle fitted on air pipe.
There exists 6 cycling combined air conditioner in blade production zone of 1# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of each air conditioner is 45000CMH. The fresh air and return air mixed and being processed by the air conditioners and then delivered into the room through nozzle fitted on air pipe.
4、2#建筑机舱生产区设3台组合式循环空调机组,设置于厂房屋面设备平台。每台风量为35000CMH,服务于机舱生产区的Cell 1~3。新、回风混合后经机组进一步处理后,通过风管经风管上设置的喷口送入室内。
There exist 3 cycling combined air conditioners in production area of engine room of 2# building and the air conditioner is located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of each air conditioner is 45000CMH. The fresh air and return air mixed and being processed by the air conditioners and then delivered into the room through nozzle fitted on air pipe.
Regional setting of suspended interior cycling air conditioner
The air conditioning system in warehouse of 1# building adopts new air exhausting conditioners plus two-pipe indoor cycling air conditioners.There exists 10 suspended interior cycling air conditioners and the volume of each one is 8700CMH.
Regional setting of combined air conditioners with heat recovery
1、2#建筑办公右侧的Cutting room及 Practice room设1台组合式热回收空调机组,风量为25000CMH。
There exists one combined air conditioners with heat recovery for Cutting room and Practice room on the right side of 2# building with air volume of 25000CMH.
2、2#建筑叶片生产区共设6台组合式热回收空调机组,均设置于厂房屋面设备平台,每台风量为45000CMH,分别服务于叶片生产区的Cell 1~6。
There exist six combined air conditioners with heat recovery in blade production zone of 2# building and the air conditioners are located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of each air conditioner is 45000CMH and each of them serves Cell 1~6 of blade production zone.
3、建筑机舱生产区共设3台组合式热回收空调机组,均设置于厂房屋面设备平台,每台风量为40000CMH,分别服务于叶片生产区的Cell 4~6。
There exist three combined air conditioners with heat recovery in production zone of engine room in the building. The air conditioners are located in the equipment platform of factory’s roof. The volume of each air conditioner is 40000CMH and each of them serves Cell 4~6 of blade production zone.
通风系统 ventilation system
There exist ventilation systems for distribution station, air compressing station, engine room for supplying and draining water, fire pump room, toilet and dressing room. The air will be discharged outside from the sidewall for rooms with external walls and air exhausts are kept inside the room with no external walls.
防火及防排烟控制 control of anti-fire and anti-smoke
。Discharge smoke naturally in administrative area and install windows which meet the requirements.
Discharge smoke naturally in production area and install enough smoke-discharging dormers on the roof(meet FM requirements).
Set fire dampers in the following locations of the air pipe in adjusting system of air conditioners: cross fire compartmentation, air conditioning machine room, partition wall and floor of importance or big fire risk and the areas of horizontal air pipes on each floor which connect with vertical network of pipes. Use anti-fire staff to fill the air pipe and pipeline which pass through firewall and floors.
节能 energy conservation
The air conditioning systems are all self-regulating. They can automatically regulate based on the changes of indoor load and thus save energy.
The heat reader and exchanger will recycle energy of discharged air to save energy.
The rooms and corridor with external windows can absorb radiations from the sun to improve temperature in the room in times of heating in winter.
It adopts high-performance rubber plastic materials to make water tube and air pipe in air conditioners to avoid energy loss.
施工安装 Construction installation
1. 管材:排烟风管采用镀锌钢板,壁厚δ=1.2mm,板材间垫片采用3mm厚的石棉橡胶板,排烟系统中所有柔性短管、风口等均采用不燃材料。风管均采用镀锌钢板角钢法兰风管,风管均为底平接。空调冷凝水管采用PP-R管材,与设备采用丝扣连接。
Pipes: the smoke exhaust adopts galvanized steel sheet with thickness δ=1.2mm. The spacers between sheets are made of rubber asbestos with thickness of 3mm. All the flexible short tubes and tuyere nozzles in smoke extracting system are made of incombustible material. The air ducts are angle steel flange ducts made of galvanized steel sheet. All air conducts vertically joined at the end. The condensed water pipe in air conditioner adopts PP-R pipes and connects with equipment by screw thread.
2. 风管消防保护:如风管穿越楼板、沉降缝及防火分区,需加设防火阀和采取防火封堵措施。排烟风机前后设防火软接头。
Fire protection of air conduct: it needs to adopt fire dampers and anti-fire and plugging measures if the air conduct passes through floors, settlement joint and fire prevention divisions. There installs connecting hoses at the front and back of the smoke exhaust fan.
3. 吊架:风管吊架用膨胀螺栓固定,防火阀等设备独立吊架。
Cradle: use expansion bolt to fix cradle of the air duct and fire damper to operate the cradle.
4. 保温:除地下车库排烟风管不保温之外,风管保温采用带夹筋铝箔的离心玻璃棉,冷凝水管外用难燃发泡橡塑管壳(板)胶水粘贴双层错缝保温,保温厚度均为20mm。
Thermal insulation: the smoke exhaust in underground garage doesn’t own characteristics of thermal insulation. The smoke exhaust uses centrifugal glass wool made of aluminum foil in form of folder bars. The condensed water pipe is made of flame retardant foam rubber using glue to stick with the double staggered joints to preserve heat with thermal thickness of 20mm.
5. 管道坡度:冷凝水干管坡度0.003。Pipe slope: the slope of trunk of condensing water 0.003.
6. 油漆:所有支吊架及法兰均应刷防锈漆二度,调和漆一度。镀锌钢板镀锌钢管之脱锌,焊缝处必须清除表面污锈,刷红丹漆二道。室外管道(不保温)外再刷色漆二度
Paint: brush antirust paint on all supports, cradles and flanges for two times and brush mixed paint for one time. Clear rust dirt on the surface in dezincification part and welding joint of galvanized steel sheet and steel pipeline and paint red lead paint for two times. Paint colored paint on outdoor pipeline (no thermal insulation) for two times.
7. 系统试压、清洗和风管气密试验:水管试压以30分钟内不降压且管道内不渗漏为合格。消防排烟、正压风管正压段,静压保持在750Pa时,风管漏风率应近似于零;消防排烟风管负压段,静压保持在-700Pa时,风管漏风率小于额定风量1%。
System pressure test, cleaning and air tightness experiment: the tested pressure of water tube doesn't decrease in 30 minutes and there’s no leakage, then the water tube is qualified. In positive pressure segment of fire control & smoke discharging air duct, the air leakage rate of air duct is near to zero when static pressure is kept at 750Pa. In negative pressure segment of fire control & smoke discharging air duct, the air leakage rate of air duct is less than 1% of rated air flow when static pressure is kept at -700Pa.
8. 排烟管道消防保护:如风管有穿越楼板、沉降缝、防火墙处,除设有防火阀外,还应将防火阀与防火墙之间的风管用2mm厚普通钢板制作,在风管穿越部位用非燃材料密实堵严。Fire protection of smoke exhaust: if air duct passes through floors, settlement joint and firewall, then it should install fire damper, and also the air duct between fire damper and firewall should made of general steel sheet of 2mm and the holes being passed through should be blocked tightly with non-burning materials.
气动工程 Pneumatic Project
序号No. 项目名称Project Name 设计概况Outline of Design
1 冷冻站(冷冻水、冷却水系统)Cooling station (Cooled water, system of cooling water) 1、在动力站二层设置冷冻站(冷却塔设置于屋面),提供空调和空压站冷却用冷。
There are cooling station (cooling tower is set on roof)on the second floor of power station and it provided air conditioners and air compression station for cooling.
2、冷冻站系统组成:水冷离心式冷水机组2台,每台制冷量为650RT;双工况水冷离心冷水机组2台,每台制冷量为650RT;蓄冰槽,总蓄冷量为7000RT;乙二醇泵3台,其中1台备用,单台流量450m3/h,功率75KW;水—水板式热交换器2台,单台换热量2500KW,一次侧4/11℃, 二次侧6/13℃;冷冻水一次泵5台,对应于冷水机组,其中1台备用;冷冻水二次泵4台,其中1台备用;冷却塔4台,单台流量480 m3/h,冷却水循环泵5台,其中1台备用;冷冻水定压补水装置、乙二醇定压补液装置、加药装置、管道阀门及附件、保冷材料等。
The constitution of cooling station: 2 water-cooling centrifugal chillers with cooling capacity of each chiller 650RT, 2 dual-operation water-cooling centrifugal chillers with cooling capacity of each chiller 650RT, ice storage tank with total storage capacity 7000RT, 3 glycol pumps with 1 pump in serve and flow of each pump is 450m3/h and power is 75KW, 2 water-water plate heat exchangers with heat exhchange capacity of each one 500KW and first part is 4/11℃ and secondary part is 6/13℃, 5 primary pumps for cooling water which correspond with chillers with 1 pump in serve and 4 secondary pumps for cooling water with 1 pump in serve, 4 cooling towers with flows of each pump 480 m3/h, 5 circulation pumps for cooling water with 1 pump in serve, constant pressure and water makeup device for cooling water, constant pressure and fluid makeup device for glycol, dosing device, valves of pipelines, accessories, cooling materials etc.
The controlling modules of PLC units equipped on chillers will measure and monitor running parameters and control chiller, primary pumps for cooling water, cooling tower and circulation pumps for cooling water.
The pipeline of chilling water and cooling water system is seamless steel pipeline made of carbon. The same is with valve and accessories of the pipeline. The rubber thermal insulating frame is used on cooling pipelines.
2 锅炉房系统 System of boiler room 1、热水系统组成:全自动燃气冷凝式热水锅炉3台,热功率1400KW;热水变频循环水泵4台,3用1备;软水装置及软水箱、补水定压装置、水一水板式热交换器1台、管道及阀门、保温材料等
The constitution of hot water system: 3 fully automatic condensing boilers using fuel gas for hot water with thermal power 1400KW, 4 cycling hot water pumps of changing frequency with 3 for use and 1 in reserve, soft water unit and tank, water makeup unit of constant pressure, 1 water-water plate heat exchanger, pipeline, valve and thermal materials etc.
The composition of gas system: pressure regulating station(box) of natural gas, measuring apparatus of burning gas, controlling system of fuel gas in boiler, pipeline and accessories of valves etc.
3、排烟系统组成:烟道、烟囟。The composition of smoke extraction system: flue and chimney.
The hot water boilers equip with complete devices of automatic control and safety protection. The flow of hot water system is controlled by frequency transformer. There are natural gas concentration alarm in boilers and it controls emergency cutting valve of natural gas pipelines and emergency fan.
The pipeline of hot water system is seamless steel pipeline made of carbon. The same is with valve and accessories of the pipeline. The glass wool frmae and aluminum shell is used on pipelines for 80/60℃ hotwater.
3 压缩空气系统 Air compressing system
Discharge smoke naturally in administrative area and install windows which meet the requirements.
Discharge smoke naturally in production area and install enough smoke-discharging dormers on the roof(meet FM requirements).
Set fire dampers in the following locations of the air pipe in adjusting system of air conditioners: cross fire compartmentation, air conditioning machine room, partition wall and floor of importance or big fire risk and the areas of horizontal air pipes on each floor which connect with vertical network of pipes. Use anti-fire staff to fill the air pipe and pipeline which pass through firewall and floors.
4 节能 Energy conservation
The air conditioning systems are all self-regulating. They can automatically regulate based on the changes of indoor load and thus save energy.
The heat reader and exchanger will recycle energy of discharged air to save energy.
The rooms and corridor with external windows can absorb radiations from the sun to improve temperature in the room in times of heating in winter.
It adopts high-performance rubber plastic materials to make water tube and air pipe in air conditioners to avoid energy loss.
5 环保 Environmental protection
All fans own characteristics of high efficiency and low noise.
All air conditioning systems are equipped with mufflers. All air conditioners and centrifugal fans used for discharging air are fitted with vibration reduction platform to reduce noises and vibration.
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