汉语中的主语经常省略,英语的主语不能省略。有人见到无主句就不加区分地翻译为英语的被动句。当然,许多情况下翻译为主动语态或被动语态对意思的传达不产生实质性影响,但根据我们对简明英语的学习,主动语态在文体上更直截了当。 下面,安徽译博翻译小编试举两例加以说明。
A complete and up-to-standard network of Hood collection and distribution will be created according to law to strengthen institutional capacity. Blood resources will be conserved by using blood rationally and scientifically. Provincial blood centers will be established or improved. By the end of 2002,necessary changes will be made to prefectural and city blood centers that do not meet standards.
We will strengthen the institutional capacity in accordance with the law by creating a complete and up-to-standard network of blood collection and distribution. We will conserve blood resources by using blood rationally and scientifically. We will establish or improve provincial blood centers. By the end of 2002,we will make the necessary changes to prefectural and city blood centers that do not meet standards.
A. Efforts will be made to develop markets of consumer goods and factors of production in the western region.
B. We will develop markets of consumer goods and factors of production in the western region.
上例中,efforts will be made to不起任何实质作用,惟一的作用就是为了把短语变为句子,这不符合简洁的原则。所以,主动句更好一些。