1.4墙上安装灯具 Installation of lamps on walls 墙上安装的灯具用膨胀螺栓固定,在灯具的位置预留接线盒,灯具的底部开孔从接线盒内引进电源线,灯具开孔处用塑料护套保护电线。墙内嵌入式安装的灯具,在结构施工阶段预留灯具孔洞,装饰施工阶段安装灯具,1.4墙上安装灯具 Installation of lamps on walls
Lamps installed on the wall shall be fixed by expansion bolts, and connection box shall be reserved in the lamp position. Open holes at the bottom of the lamp and lead power wires in through the connection box. Plastic sheath shall be used to protect the wires. Lamps that are to be installed embedded in walls shall be reserved with holes at the structure construction phase, and installed at the decorative construction phase together with exit lamps.
1.5吸顶灯具安装 Installation of ceiling lamps
Ceiling fluorescent shall be fixed on the roof byφ6 expansion bolts. Install connection box in the position of fluorescent when reserving, and bring out the power wires of the lamp from the connection box.
1.6开关插座安装 Installation of switch and socket
Switch and socket boxes shall be cleared prior to installation. Firstly set aside the length of wire for repair, strip the thread heads without damaging the wire core and connect it to the terminal block of the switch or socket. Then push the switch or socket into the box, the flush-mounted switch and socket panel being closely sticked to the wall. Wire connection inside the switch and socket box shall apply connection cap and pressed with special pressure clamp.
For horizontal installation of single-phase two-hole socket, the right hole facing the socket shall be connected to phase line and the left hole to zero line; for vertical installation, the upper hole facing the socket shall be connected to phase line and the lower hole to zero line. Ground wire of single-phase three-hole socket and three-phase four-hole socket shall be in the upper position.
The switch or socket box shall be connected to aluminum alloy casing of the rear joint and casing inside the box, and then compacted by pressure cap and pressure clamlp to insert the wire into the pressure cap. If it is not filled, 1~2 wire cores of the same material and the same diameter shall be used to fill in the pressure cap and then compacted by pressure clamp.
Switches or sockets that are installed in rows in the same room shall be no more than 0.5mm in height, and the distance to the door frame shall be in the range of 150~200mm.
1.7器具试电 Power test of equipment
Insulation test shall be performed prior to power test of the lamp, switch and socket to check whether the components inside the distribution box are at normal conditon. Before power transmission to the lamps, there shall be checks conducted to each lamp to find out whether the lighting switches can be flexibly and correctly controlled. After power transmission, illumination intensity shall be determined in each area by illuminometer to check whether the actual intensity complys with the design requirements. Before power transmission to the socket, there shall be checks conducted to the phase line, ground line and zero line to find out whether they have been correctly wired, and whether leakage protection switch can be flexibly and reliably controlled.
(一) 避雷引下线敷设
Laying of the lightning protection down lead.
A、 避雷引下线需要装设断接卡子或测试点的部位、数量按图施工设计,无要求时按以下规定设置:
Install lightning protection down lead disconnect or test point location, quantity by construction design plans, no demands set by the following provisions:
(a) 引下线扁钢截面不得小于25mm×4mm;圆钢直径不得小于12mm。
Flat steel down lead section shall be not less than 25mm × 4mm; bar diameter shall be not less than 12mm.
(b) 建、构筑物只有一组接地体时,可不做断接卡子,但要设置测试点。
Building, structure, only one group of grounding, they can not disconnect Nagarze, but to set up test points.
(c) 建、构筑物采用多组接地体时,每组接地体均要设置断接卡子。
Building structures using multiple sets of grounding, the grounding in each group had to set up Nagarze disconnect.
(d) 断接卡子或测试点设置的部位应不影响建筑物的外观且应便于测试,暗设时距地高度为0.5m,明设时距地高度为1.8m;1.8m以下部位应用竹管或镀锌角钢保护。断接卡子所用螺栓直径不得小于10mm,并需加镀锌垫圈和镀锌弹簧垫圈。
Disconnect or test points settings should not affect the parts of the appearance of the building and that it should be easy to test, conceal-based time-distance to a height of 0.5m, located at the prescribed distance and height of 1.8m; 1.8m below the application site Penny protection of galvanized pipe or angle iron. Disconnect Nagarze diameter bolts used shall be not less than 10mm, and the need to add zinc galvanized spring washers and washers.
B、 避雷引下线暗敷设的有关规定:
Concealed lightning down lead laying the relevant provisions:
(a) 利用主筋作暗敷设引下线时,每条引下线不得少于两根主筋,每根主筋直径不能小于φ12mm。每栋建筑物至少有两根引下线(投影面积小于50m2的建筑物例外)。防雷引下线最好为对称位置,例如两根引下线要做成“一”字形或“乙”字形,四根引下线要做成“I”字形,引下线间距离不应大于20m,当大于20m时应在中间多引一根引下线。
Use main bar for dark down lead when laying, each down lead not less than two main bars, each main bar should not less than the diameter of φ12mm. Each building has at least two down lead (projected area of the building less than 50m2 exception).down lead lightning protection the best location for the symmetry, such as 2 down leads to make "one" shaped or "B"-shaped, 4 down leads to make "I"-shaped, should not be greater than the distance between down leads 20m, when more than 20m should be cited in many a middle down lead.
(b) 现浇混凝土内敷设引下线不做防腐处理。
Down lead laying in the cast-in-place concrete do not need anti-corrosion treatment.
(c) 主筋搭接处按接地线要求焊接,当主筋连接采用压力埋弧焊、对焊、冷挤压、丝接时其接头处可不焊跨接线及其他的焊接处理。
Main bar lap joint welded according to earthing requirements, when use of pressure welding, butt-welding, cold extrusion, wire connection to connect main bar, junction wire, and other welding treatment may not be necessary.
C、 避雷引下线暗敷设做法:the laying of the practice of dark lightning down lead:
(a) 首先将所需扁钢(或圆钢)用手锤(或钢筋扳子)进行调直或扳直。将调直的引下线运到安装地点,按设计要求随建筑物引上、挂好,及时将引下线的下端与接地体焊接,或与断接卡子连接,随着建筑物的逐步增高,将引下线敷设于建筑物内至屋顶并出屋面一定长度,以备与避雷网连接。如需接头则应进行焊接,焊接后应敲掉药皮并刷防锈漆(现浇混凝土除外)及银粉,最后请有关人员进行隐检验收,做好记录。
first flat steel required (or bar) hand hammer (or reinforced wrench) to straighten or straight plate. Will be transferred straight to the installation location down lead, according to design requirements as cited on the building, linked to good, timely down lead the bottom with the grounding welding, or with the disconnect Nagarze connection, with the buildings gradually increased will down lead laying in the building to the roof, and the length of the roof must in order to keep the lightning protection network. For joints should be carried out welding, welding and coating should be removed. Antirust Paint brushes (except for cast-in-place concrete), and silver, and finally request the staff implicit admission test, do a good job records.
(b) 利用主筋作引下线时,按设计要求找出全部主筋位置,用油漆做好标记,距室外地面0.5m处焊接断接卡子,随钢筋逐层串联焊接至顶层,并焊接出屋面一定长度的引下线镀锌扁钢40×4或φ12的镀锌圆钢,以备与避雷网连接。每层各引下点焊接后,隐蔽之前,均应请有关人员进行隐检,同时应填写隐检记录。
When making use of main bar as down lead , according to design requirements to find out all main bar location, marked with paint from outdoor ground 0.5m welding disconnect, with the reinforcement layers to the top tandem welding and welding of roofing length must down lead galvanized flat steel 40 × 4 or φ12 galvanized round steel, and lightning protection for Net connections. Each point of the primer after welding, before concealed, should request the personnel seized implicit, should be completed simultaneously seized Record implicit.
D、 避雷引下线明敷设的有关规定:
Relevant provisions of lightning protection down lead:
(a) 引下线应躲开建筑物的出入口和行人较易接触到的地点八以兔发生危险。
Down lead should avoid building entrances and pedestrian access to locations easier to eight rabbits dangerous.
(b) 引下线必须调直后方可进行敷设,弯曲处不应小于90°并不得弯成死角。
Down lead must be straightened before laying, bend should be not less than 90 ° and shall not be bent dead corners.
(c) 引下线除设计有特殊要求外,镀锌扁钢截面不得小于48mm2,镀锌圆钢直径不得小于8mm。
In addition to specific design of down lead, galvanized flat steel sections shall be not less than 48mm2, galvanized round bar diameter shall be not less than 8mm.
E、 避雷引下线明敷设做法:lightning protection practices for down lead:
(a) 引下线如为扁钢.可放在平板上用手锤调直;如为圆钢可将圆钢放开,一端固定在牢固地锚的机具上,另一端固定在绞磨(或倒链)的夹具上进行冷拉直。
Down lead, such as flat steel, can be placed on the plate and use hammer for straightening; such as round reinforcing steel can be open, one end fixed firmly anchored at the equipment on the other end fixed in the cutter mill ( or inverted-chain) on the fixture for cold straightened.
(b) 将调直的引下线运到安装地点。
Transfer straightened down lead to the installation location.
(c) 将引下线用大绳提升到最高点,然后由上而下逐点固定,直至安装断接卡子处。如需接头或安装断接卡子,则应进行焊接。焊接后清除药皮,局部调直,刷防锈漆(或银粉)。
Use large rope elevate the down lead to the highest point, then fixe top-down point by point until the installation of disconnector. For joint or the installation of disconnect Nagarze, welding should be carried out. After the removal of welding coating, partial Straightening, Antirust Paint Brush (or silver).
(d) 将引下线地面以上2m段套上保护管,卡固、刷红白油漆。
Install protective tube for down lead ground at 2m sectioin, secure and brush red-white paint.
(e) 用镀锌螺栓将断接卡子与接地体连接牢固。
Use galvanized bolts disconnect with a solid grounding connections.
(二) 避雷网安装 Installation of lightning protection Net
A、 避雷网安装的有关规定
the lightning protection installation of the relevant provisions of Nets:
(a) 避雷网卡固时应加镀锌弹垫、平垫。
the lightning protection network card should be solid shells add galvanized pad, flat pad.
(b) 避雷线弯曲处不得小于90°,弯曲半径不得小于圆钢直径的10倍。
Ground Wire bend shall be not less than 90 °, bending radius of not less than 10 times the diameter of round steel.
(c) 避雷线如用扁钢,截面不得小于48mm2;如为圆钢直径不得小于8mm。
Ground Wire such as using flat steel, cross-section shall be not less than 48mm2; such as for the round bar diameter shall be not less than 8mm.
(d) 遇有变形缝处应做煨弯补偿。
In the event of deformation joint should make simmer bending compensation.
B、 避雷网安装做法:Net installed lightning protection practices:
(1) 避雷线如为扁钢,可放在平板上用手锤调直;如为圆钢,可将圆钢放开一端固定在牢固地锚的夹具上,另一端固定在绞磨(或倒链)的夹具上,进行冷拉调直。
Ground Wire such as for flat steel can be placed flat on hand hammer Straightening; such as for the round bar, round bar can be open at one end fixed firmly anchored on the fixture, at the other end of the fixed cutter mill (or inverted chain) on the fixture, for cold-drawn Straightening.
(2) 将调直的避雷线运到安装地点。
Transfer straightened lightning protection to the installation location.
(3) 将避雷线用大绳提升到顶部,凋直、敷设、卡固、焊接连成一体,同引下线焊接。焊接的药皮应敲掉,进行局部调直后刷防锈漆及银粉。
Ground Wire rope rose to the top of large, wither straight, laid KAKU, welding fused with down lead welding. Welding peeling should be removed.
(4) 建筑物屋顶上有突出物,如金属旗杆、透气管、金屑天沟、铁栏杆、爬梯、冷却水塔、电视天线等,这些部位的金属导体都必须与避雷网焊接成--体。顶层的烟囱应做避雷带或避雷针。
Building has extruded objects on the roof such as metal flagpole, air tube, the cuttings Gutter, iron railing, ladder, cooling towers, television antennas, etc., these parts of the metal conductors and lightning protection must be welded into a Net - body . The top of the chimney should be to do with lightning, or lightning.
(5) 在建筑物的变形缝外应做防雷跨越处理。
Outside deformation joint of the building make across treatment for lightning protection
(6) 避雷网分明网和暗网两种,暗网格越密,其可靠性就越好。网格的密度应视建筑物的重要程度而定。重要建筑物可使10m×10m的网格;一般建筑物采用20m×20m的网格即可。如果设计有特殊要求应按设计要求去做。
lightning Net distinct two dark grid more dense, and its reliability, the better. Grid density should be as important building degree. Key buildings will enable the 10m × 10m grid; general building using 20m × 20m grid can be. If you have special requirements for the design of the design requirements should be done.
5.7.5 通信工程 Communication Engineering
火灾报警系统施工流程 Construction process of fire alarm system
Select wires duc paying off and breaking retaining mouth threading wire joint tin rinsing binding line inspection insulation rolling test
(2)测定设备位置→探测器安装→手报、模块安装→扬声器安装→端子箱安装→联动设备压接线→消防控制设备安装→系统调试开通→验收 Equipment location determination detector installation manual alarm button and module installation amplifier installation terminal box installation linkage equipment wire jointing fire control equipment installation system debugging and commissioning acceptance
1)配管布线 Piping and wiring
1.1 火灾自动报警系统的布线,应符合现行国家标准《电气装置工程施工及验收规范》的规定。
Wiring of fire alarm system shall comply with the provisions of the current national standard Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electric Device.
1.2. 火灾自动报警系统布线时,应根据现行国家标准《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》的规定,对导线的种类、电压等级进行检查。
When wiring, checks shall be executed to the wire types and voltage grades in accordance with the provisions of the current national standard Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System.
Threading inside pipes or trunkings shall begin after completion of building plastering and surface project. Water and sundries inside pipes or trunkings shall be cleared prior to threading.
Wires inside the pipe or trunking shall be free of any joint or kink. Wire joints shall be connected inside the connection box by terminal.
1.5. 敷设在多尘或潮湿场所管路的管口和管子连接处,均应作密封处理。
Sealing treatment shall be conducted to nozzles and pipe junctions in the pipeline layed in dusty or damp places.
1.6. 管路超过下列长度时,应在便于接线处装设接线盒:
Connection box shall be equipped in the convenient wiring part when the pipeline exceeds the following lengths:
1.7. 管子入盒时,盒外侧应套锁母,内侧应装护口,在吊顶内敷设时,盒的内外侧均应套锁母。
When the pipe inserts into the box, lock nut shall be fixed in the outer side of the box and retaining mouth shall be mounted in the inner side. When laying inside the ceiling, lock nuts shall be fixed on both sides of the box.
1.8. 在吊顶内敷设各类管路和线槽时,宜采用单独的卡具吊装或支撑物固定。
When laying various pipelines and trunkings inside the ceiling, it is appropriate to fix by separate lifting fixtures or supports.
1.9. 线槽的直线段应每隔1.0~1.5m设置吊点或支点,在下列部位也应设置吊点或支点: Hanging or supporting points shall be set up each 1.0~1.5m in the straight section of the trunking. In the following parts, hanging or supporting points should also be set up:
(一)线槽接头处;(1) Trunking joints;
(二)距接线盒0.2m处;(2) Position at a distance of 0.2m from the connection box;
(三)线槽走向改变或转角处。(3) Position where the trunking direction changes or corners.
1.10. 吊装线槽的吊杆直径,不应小于6mm。
The boom diameter of the hoisting trunking shall be no less than 6mm in length.
1.11. 管线经过建筑物的变形缝(包括沉降缝、伸缩缝、抗震缝等)处,应采取补偿措施,导线跨越变形缝的两侧应固定,并留有适当余量。
Compensatory measures shall be taken to the deformation joints of building where the pipeline crosses (including settlement joint, expansion joint and seismic joint, etc). Both sides of the deformation joints where the pipe crosses shall be fixed and with appropriate margin left.
1.12. 火灾自动报警系统导线敷设后,应对每回路的导线用500V的兆欧表测量绝缘电阻,其对地绝缘电阻值不应小于20MΩ。
After the wire laying of fire automatic alarm system, insulation resistance shall be measured by 500V megger to wires in each circuit, and the insulation resistance value shall be not less than 20MΩ.
2火灾探测器的安装 Installation of fire detector
2.1 点型火灾探测器的安装位置,应符合下列规定:
The installation position of point fire detector shall comply with the following regulations:
(1) The horizontal distance from the detector to wall and beam side shall be no less than 0.5m;
No shelter objects exist around the detector within a radius of 0.5m;
(3) The horizontal distance from the detector to the air inlet of air-conditioner shall be no less than 1.5m; and the horizontal distance to the air inlet of porous air roof shall be no less than 0.5m;
(4) Detector to be fixed on the roof the corridor which is less than 3m in width is suitable to placed in the middle. The installation space for thermal detector shall not exceed 10m; the installation space for smoke detector shall not exceed 15m. The distance from the detector to the end wall shall not exceed half of the installation space of detectors.
(5) Installation of detectors should better be horizontal. When inclined installation is a must, the angle of inclination shall not exceed 45°.
2.2 线型火灾探测器和可燃气体探测器等有特殊安装要求的探测器,应符合现行有关国家标准的规定。
Linear fire detectors and combustible gas detectors as well as other detectors having special installation requirements shall comply with the provisions of the current national standards.
The detector base shall be solidly fixed and the wire shall be reliably connected through press-fit or welding. When welding is applied, corrosive flux is strictly prohibited.
In the detector, “+” indicates red wire, while “-" indicates blue wire. The rest wires shall be distinguished by their functions, but wires with the same function in one project shall be of the same color.
The external wire of the detector base shall be left with an allowance of at least 15cm in length, and the access end shall be clearly marked.
2.6 探测器底座的穿线孔宜封堵,安装完毕后的探测器底座应采取保护措施。
The threading hole at the detector base shall be blocked off. Protective measures shall be implemented to the detector base after installation.
The indicating lamp of the detector shall face the main entrance director to facilitate observation.
Detectors shall not be installed until debugging has been finished. They shall be under protection against dust, damp and corrosion before being installed.
3手动火灾报警按钮的安装 Installation of manual fire alarm button
3.1. 手动火灾报警按钮,应安装在墙上距地(楼)面高度1.5m处。
Manual fire alarm button shall be installed on the wall at a height of 1.5m above the ground (floor).
3.2. 手动火灾报警按钮,应安装牢固,并不得倾斜。 Manual fire alarm button shall be solidly mounted without inclination.
3.3. 手动火灾报警按钮的外接导线,应留有不小于10cm的余量,且在其端部应有明显标志。
The exterior wire of manual fire alarm button shall be left with an allowance of at least 10cm in length, and the ends shall be clearly marked.
4火灾报警控制器的安装 Installation of fire alarm controller
4.1. 火灾报警控制器在墙上安装时,其底边距地(楼)面高度不应小于1.5m;落地安装时,其底宜高出地坪0.1~0.2m。
When installing fire alarm controller on the wall, the distance from its lower edge shall be at a height of at least 1.5m above ground (floor); for floor installation, its lower edge shall be 0.1~0.2m higher than the floor.
4.2. 控制器应安装牢固,不得倾斜。安装在轻质墙上时,应采取加固措施。
The controller shall be solidly mounted without inclination. Reinforcement measures must be taken if it is installed on light walls.
4.3. 引入控制器的电缆或导线,应符合下列要求:
Leading in cables or wires of controller shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The wiring shall be in order without crossing and shall be reliably fixed;
(2) Ends of the cable core and the matching wires shall be marked with numbers which consists with the drawing. The words shall be clear and not easy to fade;
(3) Each wiring end of the terminal strip shall allow no more than 2 wires;
(4) Cable cores and wires shall be left with an allowance of at least 20cm in length;
(五)导线应绑扎成束;(5) Wires shall be branded into a beam;
(6) The lead-in pipe shall be blocked off post to threading of lead-in wire.
The lead-in wire of the controller’s main power shall be directly connected to fire power. Power plug is strictly prohibited. The main power shall be clearly marked.
The grounding of controller shall be stable and with clear mark.
5系统的调试 System debugging
5.1. 调试前应按设计要求查验设备的规格、型号、数量、备品备件等。
Checks shall be executed prior to debugging to equipment specification, model, quantity and spare parts according to design requirements.
5.2. 应按本规范第二章的要求检查系统的施工质量。对属于施工中出现的问题,应会同有关单位协商解决,并有文字记录。
Checks shall be executed to the construction quality of the system in accordance with requirements in the chapter 2 of this code. Problems occurred during the construction period shall be settled through negotiation with related companies, and a record shall be kept.
5.3. 应按本规范第二章要求检查系统线路,对于错线、开路、虚焊和短路等应进行处理。 Checks shall be executed to the system lines in accordance with the requirements in chapter 2 of this code, and if wrong line, open circuit, dry welding or short circuit happens, treatment is needed.
5.4. 火灾自动报警系统调试,应先分别对探测器、区域报警控制器、集中报警控制器、火灾警报装置和消防控制设备等逐个进行单机通电检查,正常后方可进行系统调试。
Fire automatic alarm system debugging shall be at the end of normal result of electricity inspection to detector, regional alarm controller, central alarm controller, fire alarm device and fire control device.
5.5. 火灾自动报警系统通电后,应按现行国家标准《火灾报警控制器通用技术条件》的有关要求对报警控制器进行下列功能检查:
After the fie automatic fire alarm system is electrified, inspections shall be implemented to the following functions of the alarm controller in compliance with requirements of the current national standard General Technical Conditions for Fire Alarm Controller.
5.6. 检查火灾自动报警系统的主电源和备用电源,其容量应分别符合现行有关国家标准的要求,在备用电源连续充放电3次后,主电源和备用电源应能自动转换。
Inspect the main power and stand-by power of fire automatic alarm system. The capacity of them shall comply with the requirements of the current national standard. After three times of continuous charging and discharging, the main power and stand-by power shall be able to automatically switch with each other.
5.7. 应采用专用的检查仪器对探测器逐个进行试验,其动作应准确无误。
Special inspection equipment shall be used to test the detectors one by one, and the action shall be accurate.
5.8. 应分别用主电源和备用电源供电,检查火灾自动报警系统的各项控制功能和联动功能。 The main power and stand-by power shall be used separately as power supply so as to check the different control functions and linkage functions of the fire automatic alarm system.
5.9. 火灾自动报警系统应在连续运行120h无故障后,按本规范附录一填写调试报告。 Debugging report shall be filled out according to appendix 1 in this code after the fire automatic alarm system has been continuously running for 120h without any failure.
综合布线系统施工方案 Construction plan for comprehensive wiring system
(一)双绞线传输通道施工 I Construction of twisted pair transmission channel
1. 配线设备的安装 Wiring devices installation
(1)机架安装要求 Installation requirements of rack
; The horizontal and vertical degrees of rack after installation shall comply with requirements of manufacturers. If there are no requirements from manufacturers, the vertical deviation shall not exceed 3mm;
Parts of the rack shall not fall off or be damaged. All marks shall be complete and clear.
Racks shall be stably fixed, and reinforcement is needed in accordance with shock-proof requirements.
When installing the rack panel, a space of 0.6m shall be reserved in front of the rack, while the distance from the back side to the wall shall depend on the model so as to facilitate installation and maintenance.
(2)配线架安装要求 Installation requirements for distribution frame
In down lining, the position of the rack bottom shall correspond to cable on-line hole;
The linear, vertical and inclining deviation shall not exceed 3mm, and the base horizontal deviation shall not exceed 2mm each sqm;
c.接线端子各种标记应齐全; Marks for terminal block shall be complete;
The switching box or wall box shall be set up inside the wall. Rack installation and wiring equipment grounding shall comply with the design requirements, maintaining a good electric connection.
(二)双绞线线缆布线 II Twisted pair cable wiring
1. 线缆布放的一般要求 General requirements for cable laying
The specification, program, routing and position shall be checked prior to cable laying in order to find out whether they comply with design requirements;
Cables layed shall be straight, free of any twist or circle, and shall not receive any extrusion or damage from external force;
Cables prior to laying shall have labels on the two sides, identifying the start and end point as well as the information point. Writings on the labels shall be clear, decorum and correct;
Signal cable, power wire, twisted pair cable, fiber optical cable as well as other weak current cables inside buildings shall be separately layed.
Space shall be reserved when laying cables. Generally, the length reserved of twisted pair cables in secondary cross-connect room and equipment room is 3-6m, and 0.3-0.6m in working area. Reservation shall comply with the special design requirements.
(6) 布放线缆,在牵引过程中吊挂线缆的支点相隔检举不应大于1.5m。
When laying cables, the distance to each two support points hanging cables in the traction process shall not exceed 1.5m.
(7) 线缆布放过程中为避免受力和扭曲,应制作合格的牵引端头。如果采用机械牵引,应根据线缆布放环境、牵引的长度、牵引张力等因素选用集中牵引或分散牵引等方式。 Qualified traction terminals shall be made in the process of cable laying in order to avoid stress or distortion. If mechanical traction is applied, ways of concentrated traction or distributed traction shall be selected according to cable laying environment, traction length, traction tension and other factors.
2. 放线 Paying off
(1)从线缆箱中拉线: Pulling cable through the cable box:
a.除去塑料塞;Remove the plastic plug;
b.通过出线孔拉出数米的线缆; Pull out cable of a few meters through the outlet hole;
Pull out length of cable required, cut off it, and slip the cable back to the trunking, leaving the length of several centimeters outside;
d.重新插上塞子以固定线缆。 Re-insert the plug to fix the cable.
(2)线缆处理(剥线): Cable handling (stripping);
Open a crack of “1” shape on the plastic coating by oblique clamp;
b.找出尼龙的扯绳; Find out the pulling rope of nylon;
Clench firmly the cable in one hand, clamp one end of the pulling rope by sharp nose plier, and pull it away from the cable end, the pulling length depending on needs;
d. 割去无用的电缆外衣。(另外一种方法是利用切环器剥开电缆。)
Cut off the useless cable coating. (An alternative is to strip off cable by central cutting device.)
3. 线缆牵引 Cable traction
Cable traction refers to draw cable into the wall pipeline, ceiling and floor pipeline by a drawing cable. The joint of the drawing cable and other cable shall be smooth, so electric tape shall be used to tightly wound outside the joint to ensure smoothness and reliability.
(四)光纤传输通道施工 Construction of Optical Fiber Transmission Channel
1. 光缆施工基础知识 Basic knowledge for optical fiber construction
(1) 操作程序 Work procedure
* 在进行光纤接续或制作光纤连接器时,施工人员必须戴上眼睛和手套,穿上工作服,保持环境洁净。
When connecting optical fiber or making optical fiber connector, workers shall wear glasses, gloves and overalls, keeping the environment clean.
* 不允许观看已通电的光源、光纤及其连接器,更不允许用光学仪器观看已通电的光纤传输通道器件;
Workers are not allowed to watch the energized light source, optical fiber and its connectors. Furthermore, they are not allowed to watch energized optical fiber transmission channel devices with optical instrument;
* 只有在断开所有光源的情况下,才能对光纤传输系统进行维护操作。
Maintenance to optical fiber transmission system is allowed only after all light sources have been disconnected.
(2) 光纤布线过程 Process of optical fiber cabling
Firstly, the fiber core of optical fiber is made of quartz glass that is broken easily, so the bending shall not exceed its minimum bending radius in construction. Secondly, the tensile strength of optical fiber is smaller than that of cable, so it is not allowed to exceed the tensile strength of various optical fibers in operation. After finishing cabling, tie the fibers together in the equipment room and floor wiring room, and then connect the fibers. Modular connection can be established through OUT, fiber coupler and fiber connecting panel. Fiber connector can be fixed on the fiber end to establish fiber connection when the radiation fiber work has finished, and fibers have cross-connected as well as have established interconnect module in proper positions. Finally, a performance test shall be implemented to examine the effectiveness of the overall channel, after which all connections shall be labeled.
特别注意:网线、按钮连接线、感应头连接线在条件许可的情况下必须采用双绞线(四芯),并且在接线时注意双绞线的配对,一般两根按钮线用一对绞线,尤其注意感应头的接线为:信号线与电源地采用一对绞线,电源正与另外一对绞线的任意一根或两根连接。 Special attention: When conditions permit, network cable, button connecting wire and sensor connecting wire shall all apply twist cables (four cores), and attention shall be attached to the matching of twist pairs: generally, one twist pair shall be used for two button connecting wires. Besides, pay particular attention to the sensor cabling: signal cable and power ground shall use one twist pari, and the power positive shall be connected to one or two wires of the twist pair.
(2)电锁的安装 Installation of electric lock
Installation of electric lock: install in proper positions in accordance with the installation manual and drawing of electric lock;
Definition of power control lines: Generally there will be 5 input/output wires for each electric lock, but only two input wires will be used, the other auxiliary signal wires for reflecting the switch state of the lock and monitoring. However, the internal insulation shall be paid attention to. Normally, the red wire indicates positive input of power, while the black wire indicates negative input of power;
入侵报警系统 Intrusion Alarm System
系统概述 System overview
Intrusion alarm system is employed in Wind Power Project. The production and storage area consist of 10 subareas, and the office area consists of 10 areas. All external doors and windows are equipped with magnetic switches to prevent illegal intrusion, and mobile detectors are installed in all protective areas.
The alarm modules shall be installed inside the detector through bus mode. All detectors are transmitted to the control host in the control center by dedicated alarm cable.
当有人非法入侵防范区域而触动探测器时,可联动现场摄像机,并联动厂区声光报警器,或发现紧急情况,手动按下紧急报警按钮,报警信号传输到声光报警器,发出声光报警信号,且显示入侵部位,以便于安保人员处警,提高技防的控制能力。在安保控制中心的大屏幕墙上显示入侵位置,保安值班人员随时观察入侵者动向,同时通知就近安保巡逻人员及时到达出事现场,并通过厂区CCTV系统随时切换入侵者的及时位置,有效的指挥人员进行处理。 In case of illegal intrusion into the protective area and the detector is activated, the scene camera and factory audible and visual alarm can be linked. Or in case of emergency, press the emergency alarm button, and alarm signal will be sent to audible and visual alarm and give audible and visual signal to indicate the intrusion position. In this way, the security personnel can dispatch the alarm and improve their control capacity of technical protection. The large screen-wall in the security control center will show the location of intrusion so that security personnel on duty can timely observe the intruder’s movement and inform the nearest security patrol officers to reach the scene. Meanwhile, they can effectively direct staff to take action through the CCTV system timely switching the position of the intruder.
方案说明 Program description
(一)移动探测器 I Mobile detector
Mobile detectors shall be installed in all protective areas in the factory. These detectors shall be placed in pairs along the shape of the perimeter. For the consideration of the influence of attenuation and adverse climate, the distance between each pair shall be calculated 60%-75% of the theoretical distance. For example, the actual installation distance for 100m nominal of infrared radial should be in the range of 60-75m.
Dual-beam infrared light is employed in the mobile detector to avoid false alarm caused by fallen leaves or little birds. Meanwhile, the mobile detector is equipped with environment identify system so that it can automatically reduce sensitivity under poor weather to minimize systematic false alarms.
控制中心 II Control center
The control center is equipped with an alarm CPU host. Through communication interface modules, alarm linkage with CCTV system and alarm recording can be realized in all protective areas. The central host is also equipped with monitoring and management software which can provide electronic map management. By automatical or manual arming and disarming, the control center can provide all-around observation, realizing in the true sense the combination of anti-matter, anti-person and anti-technology to nip accident in the bud.
When the infrared radial detector detects illegal climbing or actions, it will be activated and give out alarm signals. When the security personnel receives the acoustic-optical signal sent from the alarm management system, the camera in the corresponding place will automatically control the switch to the large screen so as to timely monitor the video in the alarm position. In this way, the nearest security patrol officers can reach the scene and handle the emergency there, and dispatching security personnel to the spot for reinforcement, or call regional 110 through special line.
CCTV系统方案 CCTV System Scheme
功能 Functions
CCTV闭路电视监控系统(闭路电视监控系统)是一种计算机控制的图像矩阵交换系统,利用CCTV系统控制台,操作人员可以选取各种摄像机,将其图像显示在所用的图像监视器上。CCTV系统可以自动地管理外部报警信号,可以由选定的监视器依照程序进行显示。系统能够监视摄像机的图像信号电平,如果摄像机出现故障,CCTV系统会及时作出报警反应并记录下故障。 CCTV系统的外围设备,可以通过系统辅助通讯接口进行联动控制。例如广播系统等都可以直接由CCTV系统控制台控制,本系统的设计使得它可以适应各种场合的应用,包括和智能保安系统联网完成联锁联动,或与其他的一些系统(防火系统)联网,录像部分采用数字硬盘录像方式,数字硬盘录像选用D1格式的16路全实时即30f/s的硬盘录像机。系统配置存储容量能使记录保存时间为30天。
CCTV system (Closed Circuit Television System) is a computer-controlled image matrix switching system. By use of CCTV system console, operators can select various cameras and present the images on the image monitor used. CCTV system can automatically manage external alarm signals and present pictures in the selected monitor according to program. The system can monitor the image signal level of the camera. And if there is camera failure, CCTV system will timely send out alarm and make record of the failure. The peripheral equipment of CCTV system can take linkage control by auxiliary communication interface system. The broadcasting system, for example, can also be controlled by CCTV system console. The system can also be used in other occasions, including interlocking joint with intelligent security system or networking with other systems (fire system). The video employs DVR which applies D1-format 16 30f/s totally real hardware video machine. The storage capacity of system configuration can allow 30 days of record-keeping time.
Television monitoring system can be effectively linked with access control system and alarm system. The front detector can activate the alarm host, and further link with the hardware host for video recording and alarm signal sending. It can automatically switch the pictures to the designated monitor according to needs and automatically record the pictures and recheck them; the television pictures can present the number, date, location and date, etc, realizing manual or automatic switch. Digital mode shall be applied in picture recording and storage; all the system controls are centrally managed in the control center.
The pictures on the local hard disk video host can be transferred to sectors related through network for remote monitoring.
监控流程 Monitoring procedure
The multi-channel video signal in the front of the factory video camera is transmitted to the video matrix and hard disk video machine of the monitoring center. Every channel of signal shall be separated into two lines by video distributor, one for recording in hard disk video machine and the other for switching in video matrix. For the reason that the video camera is far away from the central equipment room, optical fiber transmission is used to transmit it to the central equipment room, and it is linked with the perimeter systems.
Television monitoring system employs video matrix and is equipped with multi-media graphic monitoring software. The matrix system has super central micro-processing chip which allows free switch, PTZ camera control, system programming and many action authorization, etc. For example, transfer any picture to any monitor on the screen wall, control rolling, pitching, zoom, several pre-positions, PTZ automatic rolling and random scanning, etc of PTZ or speed dome cameras.
The video matrix control system is established linkage with anti-theft alarm system and access control system through system integration, not needing a lot of alarm input modules. In case of alarm, the video matrix control system receives alarm by communications, and the monitors on the television wall will show pictures of the alarm location as well as the related entrances by automatic switch, and meanwhile the video camera will keep a real time record of the alarm pictures; if more than one alarm happens at the same time, the multi-media integrated computer will real time show the alarm location pictures in parade so that the personnel on duty can be informed of the spot situation in the quickest way.
5.8 装饰工程 Decoration Engineering
5.8.1 装饰工程施工程序 Construction procedure for decoration engineering
5.8.2 屋面工程 Roof Engineering
根据施工总体布置,主体结构施工完毕经验收合格后,选择干燥,晴朗的季节,组织屋面工程的施工。彻底清理干净结构层表面的垃圾、杂物、砂浆及混凝土残渣等,排除积水。 According to the general arrangement of the construction, choose a dry and sunny season to organize roof engineering after the acceptance of the main structure construction. The clean structure surface shall be cleared of garbage, miscellany, mortar, concrete residues, etc, and be removed off water.
本工程屋面为,屋面为混凝土屋面板,防水卷材屋面,内天沟内排水,屋面坡度为3%,防水等级二级。门卫1 和门卫2 均为单层混凝土框架结构建筑,为民用建筑,耐火等级二级,抗震设防烈度7度,屋面为混凝土防水卷材屋面,屋面坡度为2%,内天沟,内排水。Roof in this project is concrete roof panel, water-proof membrane roof with inner gutter and inner drainage. The roof slope is 3%, and water-proof is of second grade. Entrance guard 1 and 2 are civil architectures of single-story concrete frame structure. The fire-proof is of second grade, and the seismic fortification intensity is 7. The roof is made of concrete water-proof membrane with inner gutter and inner drainage, and the roof slope is 2%.
5.8.3 抹灰工程 Plastering Engineering
抹灰前的准备:Preparations for plastering:
a) 在抹灰前要立好门窗樘,做好嵌樘、嵌缝工作和阳角护角,打好灰饼,冲好筋。
Before plastering, erect the door and window frame, embed the frame, do the caulking work and protect the external angle, make ash cake and flush the muscle.
b) 水电安装的各种线盒,电箱预留孔洞,预埋铁件等都要在抹灰前全部处理好。
Holes shall be reserved in wire boxes and electric boxes in water and electricity installation. And the embedded irons shall be all handled before plastering.
c) 抹灰前还要做好结构层的清理工作,隔夜洒水湿润,刷素水泥浆一遍,天棚抹灰要隔夜刮糙,杜绝一次成活,防止空鼓、裂缝。
Do the clean-up work before plastering. Sprinkle with water overnight, brush neat cement mortar once, and the ceiling plastering shall be rough scratched overnight to avoid one-formed construction and prevent hollows or cracks.
Construction procedure: base course treatment base plastering middle plastering surface plastering
施工方法: Construction method:
a) 抹灰前,应检查门窗框位置是否正确,与墙连接是否牢固,连接处的缝隙应用水泥砂浆分层嵌塞密实,且对基底表面的灰尘、污垢、油渍、碱膜等均应仔细清除干净,并洒水湿润,混凝土表面应先刷一层JCTA界面剂。
Before plastering, check the position of the door and window frame and whether they are firmly connected with the wall. The junction seam shall be embedded and compacted by cement mortar. The base surface shall be cleared of dust, grime, oil stain and base film, and sprinkle with water. The concrete surface should be brushed with one layer of JCTA surfactant.
b) 抹灰的工序流程一般按照“先上后下”的原则进行,以便做到减少修理,保护成品。
The work flow of plastering is generally from top to bottom so as to reduce repairs and protect the finished part.
c) 在墙上用2m托线板进行挂线做塌饼,洒水湿润墙面,用1:2.5水泥砂浆做好门窗及阴阳角的侧边和护角,然后做竖筋刮糙。
Ceiling with 2m plug for sink cake on the wall, sprinkle the wall with water, make the side edges and protective angles for window, door and internal/external angles, and then do rough scratching in vertical.
d) 墙面基底凹凸不平或抹灰层较厚处,必须先用水泥砂浆分层抹平,每层厚度不宜大于20mm,必要时用钢丝网加固。
The base course of wall that is uneven or coated with thick plaster shall be stratifiedly smoothed by cement mortar at first. Each layer shall not exceed 20mm in thickness. Reinforce by steel mesh if necessary.
e) 底层抹灰应压实粉平,使其粘结牢固,中层应待底层稍干后方能进行操作,并用刮尺和木槎搓压平整。
Base plastering shall be compacted and smoothly painted for solidly bind it. The middle layer shall only be operated after the base layer is dried and floated smooth by foot scrapper and wood twist.
f) 罩面应待中层达到六七成干后进行,先从阴阳角开始,铁板压光应不少于二遍。
g) The overlay shall start after the middle layer has been 60%-70% dried. Start from the internal/external angles and pressure polish iron at least twice.
Base course treatment: Clear the wall off dust, grime, base film, cement mortar and other attachments. Sprinkle with water; handle the plastered region of reinforced concrete wall cylinder with concrete interface treating agent. Maintain the interface layer thickness at about 2mm. smear interface treating agent while plastering in order to strengthen the adhesive force between the plastered layer and the base course and avoid hollowing.
Set of parties, hanging straight, make ash cake: find the custom before plastering, i.e., find the squares of the four corners, the level of the straight line, pop out the baseline, dado and skirting. Check the flatness and verticality of the wall cylinder by plug. In places where the squareness deviation of the internal angle is too big (can be regulated by square ruler), do the ceiling and make ash cake after approximately determining the plaster thickness (the thinnest being no less than 7mm). While for rooms of face bricks and ceiling roof, the room shall be squared first. Generally pop out cross line as the baseline on the ground, and then preparing ceiling for ash cake making after determining plaster thickness according to the flatness and verticality of the wall. Make standard cakes on the left and right wall corners when plastering, and then make standard cakes at the bottom corners by vertical line hanged by line hammer. Pull a pass line across the standard cakes between the right and left wall corner. Make up several ash cakes about each 1.2m-1.5m above and below the external angles of the door and window exit.
墙面冲筋:等灰饼结硬后,使用与抹灰层相同的砂浆,在上下灰饼之间做宽约30-50mm的灰浆带,并以上下灰饼为准,用压尺推平,冲筋完后应待其稍干后才能进行墙面底灰作业。 Flush the muscle on wall surface: When the ash cake solidified, make a mortar belt of 30-50m in width between the upper and lower ash cakes, and compact level by pressure bar according to the upper and lower ash cakes. Bottom ash work shall start only after muscle flushing has been finished and the wall has been dried.
Angle protection: Straight hang and fix the guiding rule on both sides of the external angle according to the gap between ash cakes and wall beside door frame after squaring by square ruler. Make cement mortar protective angles, and build a small round angle by external angle float. Finally, cut off and clean up the excessive mortar at an oblique angle of 400° 500mm outside the external angle sides.
Base and middle layer plastering: Plaster the base layer on the condition that the wall is sprinkled. Smear the concrete wall with a coat of some 2mm concrete interface treating agent, and then plaster the base, maintaining the thickness at 5~7mm. after the base plaster has been dried, plaster the middle layer at the same way, maintaining the thickness best at 7-9mm. If the middle plaster is too thick, it shall be sufficiently smeared and then scratched to find squares and grinded by wood grinding board by scratcher according to muscle flushing. After the middle layer has been completely smeared and smoothed, exercise overall checks to the verticality, flatness and whether the internal/external angles are square, leveled or straight. Conduct remedial treatment if any problem is discovered.
Surface plastering: Surface plaster can start after the base layer has been 60-70% dried. If the base plaster is too dried because the down time is too long, sprinkle with water, twice smear the plaster and compact it. When the layer has been slightly dried, timely close the light when “closing the body”. The surface shall be free of bubble, spoon mark or uneven joint. The internal angle converged by the ceiling floor, wall edge and side beam shall be at the same horizon, while the convergence of the side beam, cylinder and the beam edge shall be at one vertical line.
5.8.4 吊顶工程Suspended Ceiling Engineering
弹线定位 Snap Line Location
In light of concrete conditions, lay joist and suspension point on the undersurface of floor according to design drawings.
Determine elevation reference line of floor and ground and shake it in gray line to the surrounding walls.
Determine ceiling elevation which is based on detailed design and subject to elevation reference line of floor and ground. Shake lines on the wall with horizontal deviation of no more than ±5m.
Determination of ceiling symmetry axis and symmetrical arrangement of joist and suspension point should be done if the ceiling design requires certain shape or pattern.
Shake elevation line of floor and ground in accordance with design around the room.
Shake big-size luminaries and suspension point in accordance with design.
固定吊杆Fixed Derrick
Material for derrick joist: aluminum alloy joist of 15/16in size, the variety, size and pattern of all joists all conform to detailed design requirements.
Drill holes on the under plate of floor with percussion drill and fasten stainless steel lifting bail plate in the center of derrick with 10mm stainless steel dilating screw. The lifting bail should be located correctly without displacement. Weld 10mm stainless steel derrick onto lifting bail after the fixation of lifting bail plate. There should be screw thread at the bottom of derrick. The distance between derricks is 1200mm and the distance between derrick and the top of main joist should be no more than 300mm, otherwise there should be derricks added.