语言拥有神奇的魅力,能帮助人们打开新世界的大门,带你体验前所未有的美妙。而翻译就是把一种美妙的语言转换成另一种美妙的语言,将充满魅力的文字带给更多的人。 今天,译博小编就为大家带来一篇优秀的英文译文,与大家一同体会英文是如何阐释我们中文的美语言拥有神奇的魅力,能帮助人们打开新世界的大门,带你体验前所未有的美妙。而翻译就是把一种美妙的语言转换成另一种美妙的语言,将充满魅力的文字带给更多的人。
Fine Art and Life
形状和色彩有一种奇妙的力,能在默默之中支配大众的心。例如春花的美能使人心兴奋,秋月的美能使人心沉静;人在晴天格外高兴,在阴天就大家懒洋洋地。山乡的居民大都忠厚,水乡的居民大都活泼,也是因为常见山或水,其心暗中受其力的支配,便养成了特殊的性情。Fine Art and Life
Shapes and colors seem to be quietly extending a mythical grip on us. For example, spring flowers bring delightfulness; autumn moon radiates tranquility; and sunshine imparts enthusiasm while gloomy weather dampens our spirit. The fact that honesty is seen as a defining character among mountain dwellers and vivacity a hallmark of waterside inhabitants can also be explained by the incremental influence of mountains or water on their temperament.
Creatively-arranged shapes and colors are works of fine art. They are called paintings or drawings if presented on a two-dimensional plane; they fall into the category of sculpture when they are three-dimensional; and they become architecture when put to practical use. These art works have a stronger hold on us simply because they reflect human creativity.
That is where the affinity between fine art and man asserts itself.
Thus, we would all be overwhelmed by the grandeur of mighty mountains and dashing rivers in an ink painting, or enchanted by the exquisiteness of a gold-colored picture of flowers and butterflies, or struck with awe by a breathtaking landscape masterpiece, or mesmerized by the gentle touches of an artistic presentation of plants and birds When an engaging movie starts, as the cine projector clicks along, the audience would be thrust into complete silence, because they are in the grip of the unfolding scenes.
Sculpture, as a three-dimensional art form, holds a more potent appeal. A bronze statue of a great man in an urban public square greets thousands of passers-by as if he were reiterating his teachings on a rostrum all the time. Stepping into a Buddhist temple, we would be met with a giant golden statue of Buddha. Even if we ae not believers, we would slow down our pace and hush our voices in awe. The ancient Egyptian monarchy built a limestone statue of a reclining creature with a lion’s body and a human head, more than 20 meters in height, called the Sphinx, whose imposing presence might have been partly responsible for the complete submission of the Egyptian populace.
Among all types of fine art, architecture is presented on the grandest scale, and has the greatest bearing on our life, because we spend most of our time inside works of architecture.

Elegant college buildings contribute in no small way to the purposes of education by helping improve the attention span of students, whether in a lecture room or in a research building. From antiquity onward, kings ruled from palaces unrivaled in majestic splendor in their kingdoms,leaving their subjects in awe looking up at rows upon rows of towering structures. For their part, religious sites, such as halls of Mahavira, have no less share of grandiosity, which seems capable of casting a humbling spell on monks and laymen alike and keeping them in the fold. This is how the power of architecture is used to condition the inclinations of individuals. Likewise, exquisitely-appointed restaurants and hotels are better positioned to boost revenues; businesses are not slow in taking any architectural advantage to appeal to customers.
Architecture is most intimately intertwined with our life. A building boom is inevitably accompanied by cultural prosperity. Thus, the Greek Golden Age witnessed the erection of temples that demonstrate superb craftsmanship, and the Italian Renaissance landscape is dotted with architectural jewels, especially in the form of cathedrals and basilicas. Modern Europe and North America are embracing new urban architecture, which is, so to speak, representative of modern European and North American culture.