摘要: 本期译博小编为大家介绍关于化工设备采购合同国际招标文件的文章,希望对各位读者带来帮助!秉承着打造立足与合肥翻译行业内:专业、优惠的翻译公司理念,安徽译博翻译一直在不停的摸索!
IFB NO.招标编号:
Section 1.Invitation for Bids投标邀请
Project Name:Procurement of Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units for Coal to olefin Project ( hereafter called “Project” )
Entrusted by Group Corporation Ltd (hereafter called “Tenderer”), International Ltd. (hereafter called “Tendering Agent”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Procurement of Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge &storage units for EPC contract performed by International design institute for Coal based propylene Project.
1.Bidding Scope招标范围:
2.Name of Goods货物名称:
Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reductionfor coal discharge & storage units
Quantity: 2 sets 数量:2套
Technical Specifications主要技术规范:
Details See Technical procurement specification in the bidding document
2.Time of Selling Bidding Documents发售招标文件时间:
3.Place of Selling Bidding Documents购买招标文件地点:
4.Price of Bidding Documents招标文件售价:
A complete set of Bidding Document of each package may be purchased by any interested Bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee RMB 800.
5.The Deadline for Submitting Bids / Time of Bid Opening投标截止时间和开标时间:
At 10:00 am on.(Beijing Time), Bidding Documents arrived later than this time or bidding documents in nonconformity with requirements will not be accepted. Mailing bidding documents will not be accepted.
6.Place of Bid Opening开标地点:
7.Clarify Before Bid Opening标前澄清答疑方式:
Bidders shall fax questions of bidding documents to Tendering Agent five (5) days before the date of Bid Opening.
Tendering Agent:.招标机构:
Section 2.Bid Data Sheet 投标资料表
This sheet is a specific supplement and amendment to the requirements for purchasing the Goods on the basis of Instructions to Bidders. In case of discrepancy between this sheet and the Instructions to Bidders, this sheet shall prevail.
Section 3. Definition定义
一、Instructions 说明
1“OWNER” or “The Tenderer ”means Group Corporation Ltd
EPC contractor means ZHONGMEI International Wuhan design institute.
2“The Project”means Project of Coal to olefin Project
3 “The Site”means Location of Halinger town Baotou, inner magnolia Autonomous Region China. where the GOODS are to be installed and operated;
4 GOODS: Crusher,distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units, Quantity: 2 sets
货物:卸储煤装置细碎机及布料器、减振平台,2 台套
5“The Tendering Agent”means International Ltd.
Section 4 The Bidding Documents 招标文件
Language of bid: Chinese or English and Chinese, Chinese is the prevailing language.
1 Bidder’s proposed Guarantees and completed details of shop Test & Inspection to satisfy the Performance requirements.
2 A listing of the Bidder’s sub suppliers including their scope of supply.
3 Provide your corporate QA/QC policy and confirm compliance with the project standards included in this ITB.
4 Provide a typical manufacturing schedule demonstrating your ability to meet the delivery time offered in your bid.
5 Bidders are also requested to make sure that the Suppliers or his Sub-suppliers(if any) shall satisfy all Quality requirement of Chinese Authority, for instance, the Safety, Quality License (SQL) or his latest updated system, and provide in their Quotation the Evidence of relevant licenses and certificates.
6)Bidder shall clearly indicate in his bid exceptions, if any, to the individual clauses of the bidding document. Furthermore the requested information, where applicable, shall be made available.
Section 5. Bid Prices投标报价
Bidders Bid prices must take into account the scope of supply and quantity of all items necessarily for the GOODS in the bidding documents.
The bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Bid Schedule of Prices the detailed breakdown prices for the Goods, accessories, Spare parts, Special tool, Technical services etc. including the unit prices (where applicable) and total bid price of the Goods it proposes to supply under the contract. The total bid price shall not omit any items required in the bidding document, otherwise the highest offer of the same item among the effective bids will be added to the total bid price in bid evaluation.
Bid prices shall include投标价必须包括:
1 The equipment price and breakdown price 设备价格及其分项价格
2 List of spare parts and unit prices for the Erection /installation, commissioning, start-up, trial operating, testing and warranty period.
3 The special tools lists and unit prices 专用工具清单及其分项报价
4 The Seller’s Technical service fee,include:卖方技术服务费用,包括:
a.The prices of Supervising erection/ installation, commissioning, start-up, trial operating, testing at the Erection Site. List the number of persons, Number of round trip times, total man-hours, man-hour rates, over time man-hour rates, round trip fee, meals and accommodation fee etc and total service fee. local and abroad engineer service fee shall be listed separately.
5 The Seller’s fee of design liaison meeting, training purchaser’s personnel and factory inspection, except the fee of Purchaser’s personnel.
List the number of persons, Number of round trip times, total man-days, expert/engineer man-days rates, round trip fee, meals and accommodation fee, technical document fee, working facilities fee, etc and total service fee, local and abroad service fee shall be listed separately.
Design liaison meeting and training purchaser’s personnel at purchaser’s Erection Site and/or at the Seller’s workshop shall be listed separately,
6 Fees of supervision, factory inspection for the Buyer personnel, which lists separated (included in the bidding prices)
Section 6. option quotation投标价可选项:
Lists of spare parts and its unit prices for 2 years operational after warranty.
List the main Items and units prices from the sub-suppliers and names of the manufactures and origin of country for purchaser reference.
1For Goods offered from inside the P.R. China, The bid price shall include:
1 The Price of the Goods(including equipment & its auxiliary, spare parts, special tools specified in clauses 11.1) quoted EXW, Including Value Added Taxes(VAT), and other taxes already paid or payable to the government of PRC, as well as all customs duties, VAT and other taxes, paid or payable:
i) on the components and raw material used in the manufacture or assembly of goods of foreign origin quoted ex-works or ex-factory. Or
ii) on the previously imported goods of foreign origin quoted ex-warehouse ,ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf.
2The price for inland transportation, insurance and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination etc, .
3 Services etc.技术服务费。
4others 其它
5 For Goods offered from outside P.R.China, The bid price shall include:
The Price of Goods (including equipment & its auxiliary, spare parts, special tools specified in clauses 11.1) shall be quoted DDU Site,
The price of services.服务费。
Goods Offered from Offshore shall be quoted in USD.
Goods Offered from the P.R. China shall be quoted in RMB.
Section 7. Bidder’s Qualifications: 投标方资质:
1The Bidders shall be long-term experienced manufacturers of Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units. that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods under the contact which the Bidder does not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Bidder has been duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer or Producer to supply the goods in this bidding project, format as per Section 4 Attachments 9-4;
2 The Bidder has the finance, technical and production capability of necessary to perform the contract. and shall provide the audited financial statements ( including balance sheets ,profit and loss account and cash flow statement ) of the last three years of the Bidder, in which each annual total volume of business of the last three years shall not lower than three times of the bid price.
3 The Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units recommended in bidder’s proposal should have successful experiences on similar case. The same or bigger type Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units’ successful experiences shall be deemed as valid.
The bidder shall provide in proposal the above-mentioned reference list in the latest 5 years including customer’s name, location and operation time, etc
4 that, the Bidder shall provide the bank credit reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy.
5 The Bidders shall be long-term experienced manufacturers of The Crusher, distributor, and platform of vibration reduction for coal discharge & storage units.
6 The Bidder shall not be in either a condition of liquidation, assets being taken over or frozen, or being bankrupt;
Section 8. Evidence Documents 文件
The documentary evidence of conformity of the goods and services to the bidding documents may be in the form of literature,drawings and data,and shall consist of:
1.a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the goods; and
2.A list, giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a warranty period specified in Section 8, following commencement of the use of the goods by Tenderer. and this price shall be included in the bid price.
And a list including available sources and prices of spare parts for two years after the warranty period of the use of the goods by Tenderer, and this price shall not be included in the bid price.
投标人需提供货物从招标人开始使用规定的质保期结束正常、连续使用所必需的备件和专用工具清单,包括备件和专用工具的货源及现行价格,此价格包括在投标报价中。 另投标人须报质保期后运行二年所需的备件清单、单价,作为业主在设备质保期后运行二年订购此种备件的价格,此价格不包括在投标总价中。
3)an item-by-item commentary on the Tenderer's Technical Specifications of the bidding document demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the goods and services to those specifications, and a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications. Particularly, to those specifications with specific parameters , the bidder shall furnish specific parameter value of offered goods
4) A list of commercial deviations to our ITB document. 对本招标文件的商务偏差表
5) A list of technical deviations to our ITB document. 对本招标文件的技术偏差表
6) Bidder shall complete equipment data sheets, and provide adequate descriptive literature and documentation relating to the goods.
7) Storage , Preservation & Maintenance 存储、保存以及维护
In case special precautions are required to safeguard Bidder’s guarantee, such specific conditions shall be specified in the quotation. The recommended precautions shall cover the period of storage, preservation and maintenance following delivery thru plant star-up, i.e. during warehousing, installation, commissioning, etc.
8) Amount of Bid Security: no less than 2% of the total bid price
9) Period of Validity of Bids: 90 days 投标有效期:90天
10) The Bidder shall prepare one (1) original, five (5) copies, two (2) compiled electronic version(U disk or CDs) of the Bidding Documents according to the format as furnished in the Bidding Documents, clearly marking each “ORIGINAL”, “COPY” or “Electronic Copy” of bid, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between original and copy, the original shall govern. In the event of any discrepancy between paper documents and electronic copy, the paper documents shall govern.
11) Submission of Bids 投标文件的递交
The Place for Submitting Bids: 投标文件提交地点:
The Deadline for Submitting Bids: 投标截止日期和时间:
Section 9. Opening and Evaluation of Bids 开标与评标
1 The Time of Bid Opening:开标时间:
Place of Bid Opening: 开标地点:
2 Bid evaluation method: lowest evaluated price method.评标办法:最低评标价法。
The total Evaluated Bid Price (EBP) will be calculated on the basis of the scope of supply and quantity of all items necessarily for the Goods and technical services specified in the bidding documents (at least including but not limited):
3 For goods offered from within PRC, the total EBP shall be EXW Price (including Value Added Taxes and other taxes), plus the price of inland transportation, insurance, other costs relevant to delivery of the goods to the final destination, technical services (including technical document) fee and so on,
4 For goods offered outside PRC, the total EBP shall be DDU Price, technical services (including technical document) fee etc. and the price of Value Added Taxes, customs duties and other taxes, inland transportation, insurance, other costs relevant to delivery of the goods to the final destination.
5 The delivery of the contractual goods under the Invitation for bid shall be before October 15, 2008. Taking this schedule requirement as the basis, a delivery “adjustment” will be calculated for each bid by applying 0.3% of the price for each week of delay beyond the basis, and this will be added to the bid price for evaluation. Time less than a week is computed as a whole week. No credit shall be given to Early delivery.
6 Cost of components and spare parts: 零部件和备件费用:
The list of items and quantities of components and spare parts likely to be required during the warranty period shall be annexed to the Technical Specifications. The total cost of these items will be computed by 2% of the price of the main equipments in the bid and shall be added to the bid price. But this choice of the Tenderer will not release the responsibility of the bidder in the warranty period of the contract.
7 The list of items and quantities of spare parts, likely to be required during two years after the warranty period shall be annexed to the Technical Specifications. The total cost of these items will be computed from unit prices proposed by the Bidder, but will not be added to the bid price.
8 The Bidder shall establish the minimum service facilities and parts inventories in the PRC. If not, 1% shall be added to the evaluation price on the basis of bidding price. Bidder to provide details of the facilities currently available in the PR China.
9 Performance and productivity of the equipment:
Bidders shall state the guaranteed performance of efficiency in response to the Technical specifications. No credit shall be given to better performance and higher productivity. For each drop of 1% in the performance or efficiency (below the norm of one hundred percent (100%)), an adjustment of 1% will be added to the bid price for each 1% of deviation to the requirements (deviation less than 1% will be computed as 1%). Or adjustment will be added to the bid price using the methodology specified in the Technical Specifications. or representing the capitalized cost of additional operating costs over the life of the plant, using the methodology specified in the Bid Data Sheet or in the Technical Specifications.
投标人应响应技术规格中的规定,说明所提供的货物保证达到的性能和效率。高于标准的,不考虑降低评标价;低于标准性能或效率的(假设为100 %),每低一个百分点,其评标价将在投标价的基础上增加1%,偏离不足1%的按1%计算。或按技术规格中规定的方法,调整其评标价格。或技术规格中规定的方法,计算设备在使用年限中的运行成本所额外增加的费用。
10 The bidder is only permitted to offer one proposal. Otherwise, the bid will be rejected. In the case that alternative bid is allowed in the Technical Specifications, the bidder must specify the main proposal, and only the main proposal will be evaluated. the bidder’s failing to specify the main proposal will result in its bid being rejected.
11 Special additional factor and criteria: 特殊附加因素和标准:
1 The Bidder shall indicate clause by clause whether requirements and conditions of the bidding document can be fulfilled according to the Bidder’s commercial and technology capacity. A bid will be rejected as non-responsiveness if there is any deviation to the key technical specification or commercial clauses marked by a star (“*”) in the bidding documents or the supporting technical evidence to these specifications is not provided accordingly. Every deviation to the technical data or commercial clauses marked (“△” )will lead to an addition of 1.0% on the base of the bid price onto the evaluation price.
2 Every deviation to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract, except the clauses marked (*)or (“△” ) , will lead to an addition of 0.2% on the base of the bid price onto the evaluation price.
3 Every deviation to the technical specifications, except the clauses marked (*)or (“△” ) or specified how to adjust the EBP in the bidding document, will lead to an addition of 0.5% on the base of the bid price onto the evaluation price.
12 some additional factor and criteria :部分附加评标因素和标准:
(1)Letter of Guarantee for Down Payment预付款保函
(2) Performance Bond履约保函
(4) Liquidated Damage for Delay延迟违约金
(5)Liquidated Damage for Performance Guarantee (for each guaranteed figure)
(6)Overall Limit of Liability最高责任上限
(8)warranty period质保期
(9)Terms of Payment 付款条件
13 The bid shall be rejected if the Bidder is proven to have provided any profile or data in the bid that is not true.
14 The bid shall be rejected if the Bidder’s total deviations of technical clauses and deviations of commercial marked with “D” are equal to or more than 15 items.
Section 10 Award of Contract 合同授予
1 Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award: 授予合同时变更采购货物数量的权力:
The Tendering Agent and the tenderer reserve the right at time of award of Contract to increase or decrease by 15 percent more or less the quantities of Goods and Services specified in the Schedule of Requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions.
Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the form and amount of Performance Security will lead to the rejection of the bid.
2 Service Charge for Bidding: 中标服务费:
The successful bidder should pay the certain amount of the bidding service charge to the Tendering Agent (International Ltd.) as following:
(1) The total bidding value in the Notification of Award will be taken as basis when calculating the bidding service charge.
(2) the bidding service charge will be calculated at the following rate as the Chinese national planning commission stipulated (2002) 1980 and paid by the bidder within 15 days after receiving the Notification of Award.
(3) The currency of the bidding service fee is the same as that in the contract,(or is in RMB, converted at the selling rate published by Bank of China on the date of bid opening).
(4) The form of paying the bidding service charge: The bidder shall pay directly to the tending agent of the bidding service charge in cheque, bill, remittance, and cash.
(5) If the bidder didn’t pay the service charge on time, the tendering agent has the right to deduct from the Bid Security.:
Attachment and Forms 附件及表格
Attachment 1 Bid Form附件1.投标书格式
Bid Form投 标 书
Dated: 日期
To: 致:
In compliance with your IFB No. for supply and delivery of goods and services of____________ for Project, the undersigned representative (full name and title) duly authorized to act in the name and for the account of the Bidder (name and address of the Bidder) hereby submit the following in Chinese and English in one (1) original, five (5) copies, and two (2) compiled electronic copy:
1.Summary Sheet for Bid Opening投标一览表
2.Bid Prices Forms投标分项报价表
3.Descriptions Forms of Goods货物说明一览表
4.Deviation Form for Technical Specifications技术规格偏离表
5.Deviation Form for Commercial Terms 商务规格偏离表
6.All the other documents required in response to Instructions to Bidders and Technical Specifications
7.Qualification Documents资格证明文件
8.Bid Security in the amount of issued by (name of issuing bank).
By this letter, the undersigned representative hereby declares and agrees:
1 That the Total Bid Price for the supply and delivery of the Goods and Services for the project specified in the attached Bid Schedule of Prices is (specify currency) , that is (in words) .
2 That the Bidder will take full responsibility for performance of the Contract in accordance with all provisions of the Bidding Documents.
3 That the Bidder has examined in detail all the documents including amendments (if any) and all information furnished for reference as well as relevant attachments and that he is perfectly aware that he must renounce all right of invoking ambiguities or misunderstandings in this respect.
4 That his bid is valid for a period of calendar days from the date of the bid opening and it shall remain binding upon the Bidder and may be accepted by the buyer at any time before the expiration of that period.
本投标自开标之日起有效期为 个日历日,在上述日期到期之前始终对投标人具有约束力,并随时可能被买方所接受。本投标在投标有效期截止日期之前不得撤销或撤回,否则投标保证金将被没收。
5 That in the event the bid is withdrawn after the time and date set for bid opening, within the period of validity, his Bid security may be forfeited by International Ltd.
6 That pursuant to ITB Clause 2, he declares that, he is not associated with a firm or any its affiliates which have engaged by the Tendering Agent/the Purchaser to provide consulting services for this Project, and we are not a dependent agency of the Purchaser.
7 That he agrees to furnish any other data or information pertinent to his bid that might be requested by International Ltd. and that he understands that you are nor bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive.
That all official correspondence pertinent to this bid shall be addressed to: