摘要: Commercial General Liability Insurance Quotation of Insurance Company Limited 某外资保险公司商业综合保险报价单 Type: Commercial General Liability 险种:商业综合责任保险 Named Insured: 记名被保险人 Insured Location: 被保险场所 Area: 5,000
Commercial General Liability Insurance Quotation of
Insurance Company Limited
Type: Commercial General Liability 险种:商业综合责任保险
Named Insured: 记名被保险人
Insured Location: 被保险场所
Area: 5,000 Square-meters 面积:平方米
Business: 业务性质
Policy Period: 保险期间
One year with effective date to be advised 自起保日起一年内有效
Contract Value: 合同金额
Limit of Liability 责任限额
Policy aggregate limit:保单累计责任限额: 人民币5,300,000
General Aggregate Limit (other than Products - Completed Operations)
赔偿总限额 (非“产品责任 - 完工操作责任”) RMB5,300,000
Products – Completed Operations Aggregate Limit
产品责任 - 完工操作责任之赔偿总限额
Each Occurrence Limit 每次事故赔偿限额 RMB5,300,000
Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit 记名被保险人租用场所损害之赔偿限额
Territorial Limit: 承保地域
People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国
Jurisdiction Limit: 司法管辖地
People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国
Rate: 费率
flat charge 固定收费
Minimum Earned & Deposit Premium: 最低应缴及预付保险费
Payment Terms: 支付条件
100% Minimum Earned Premium payable within 60 days of inception
最低应缴及预付保险费应在起保日起60 日内支付
1. 2004 ISO Occurrence policy 2004 年ISO 事故发生制保单适用条款及批单
2. Batch clause 同类索赔归一批单
3. Defenses costs within limit of liability 赔偿限额含抗辩费用
4. Cancellation Clause (30 Days Notice of Cancellation/Non-Renewal and 10 days for Non-
Payment of Premium)
保险合同解除条款 (30 天通知保单撤销和不续保及10 天通知保单撤销基于保费未予支付)
5. Jurisdiction 司法管辖批单
6. Territory 承保地域批单
7. Minimum Earned and Deposit Premium Endorsement 最低应缴及预付保险费批单
8. Deductible Coverage Endorsement 免赔额批单
9. Special Conditions Endorsement 特别约定批单
- Claims Handling Endorsement 理赔特别约定批单
- Risk Increase Endorsement 危险增加批单
- Full and Accurate Disclosure Endorsement 投保人如实告知义务批单
- Notification of An Insured Incident Endorsement 保险事故通知义务批单
- Advance Payment Endorsement 先行赔付义务批单
- Lawsuit Limitation Endorsement 诉讼时效批单
- Subrogation Endorsement 代位求偿批单
- Compensation to Third Party Endorsement 对第三者赔偿批单
10. Additional Insured – Where Required Under Contract Or Agreement
附加被保险人 – 附加被保险人(合同或协议要求)批单
Research in Motion limited Subjectivities: 承保前提条件
The quotation is subject to the condition that: 本保险公司基于以下条件出具本报价单:
Any liability falling under or not being excluded by Professional Indemnity insurance
(policy number t be advised) is excluded.
Exclusions: 除外责任
1. Absolute(Total) Pollution Exclusion 污染绝对(完全)责任免除条款
2. Asbestos and Silica Exclusion 石棉和硅责任免除条款
3. Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion (Broad Form) 核能源责任免除条款
4. Absolute Lead Exclusion 关于铅的绝对责任免除
5. Employees’“Bodily Injury” Exclusion 雇员“身体伤害”责任免除条款
6. Professional Liability Exclusion 职业责任除外条款
7. Fungus Exclusion 菌类责任免除条款
8. Product Recall Exclusion 产品召回除外责任条款
9. SDN Exclusion 恐怖活动或从事非法交易责任免除批单
10.Consequential Financial Loss Exclusion 间接经济损失责任免除批单
Other conditions 其他承保条件
Other terms and conditions as per standard ABC China Commercial General Liability Insurance policy wording.
Validity 报价有效期
Quote valid for 20 days 报价有效期为20 天
Presented by: 呈递者
Authorized Representative 授权代表签名
Date: 日期
Named Insured Declaration 记名被保险人声明
We acknowledge that before applying for the insurance, we have read carefully the terms and conditions of the Policy, especially the exclusions, and fully understands the insurance company’s explanations and reminders. We understand that all insurance coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy.
We agree that application form, quotation, policy wording, schedule, any endorsement attached hereto or marked thereon and any other written agreement shall form integrated parts of a policy, should the policy be issued.
Agreed and Accepted by: 同意报价,请按上述条件出具保单
Effective Date 起保日期为:
Authorized Representative & Corporate Chop 公章及授权代表签名
Date: 日期