双语: 欧洲央行发出新刺激信号 遭特朗普抨击


Trump hits out at Draghi over fresh stimulus signal
欧洲央行发出新刺激信号 遭特朗普抨击
US president Donald Trump has accused Mario Draghi of “unfairly” manipulating the euro, after the European Central Bank president made dovish comments that sent government bond prices sharply higher and pushed down the single currency.
美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)指责马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)“不公平地”操纵欧元。此前这位欧洲央行(ECB)行长发表了鸽派言论,导致政府债券价格大幅上涨,并压低了单一货币汇率。

Speaking at the ECB’s annual symposium in Sintra, Portugal, Mr Draghi said the bank could launch a fresh expansion of its €2.6tn quantitative easing programme if the inflation outlook failed to improve.

The euro sank about 0.5 per cent against the dollar, reaching a low of just under $1.12, while European and US equities rose — Germany’s Dax index was up 2 per cent on the day and the S&P 500 was more than 1 per cent higher in afternoon trading.
欧元对美元汇率下跌约0.5%,触及略低于1欧元兑1.12美元的低点。与此同时,欧洲和美国股市上涨——德国Dax指数收盘上涨2%,标普500指数(S&P 500)收盘上涨0.97%。
