甲方(委托方): Party A: (consigner)
乙方:(受委托方): Party B: (consignee)
For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational specifications, through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:
一、甲乙双方责任、义务:Responsibilities and Obligations:
Party A will notify Party B booking information before shipment of goods; Party B is responsible for chartering, booking, customs declaration, inspection, signing and other related export business.
Party A shall provide Party B with the documents needed to conduct business , including packing lists, invoices, contracts, verification forms, customs proxy, Entrust Letter of Inspection. etc..
Party A promise not to engage in smuggling, or concealing state-prohibited and related products, in case such problems arise from the above mentioned circumstances, costs and responsibilities shall be borne by Party A.
Party B shall keep customer data and related costs Provided by Party A strictly confidential.
二、代理费用 Accounting
The currency of payment of Party A shall be effected in USD unless specified. Payment shall be made via telegraphic transfer to following account.
开户银行:Beneficiary Bank Name:
银行代码:Bank CODE:
银行地址: Address:
Swift代码:Swift Code:
银行账号:Account No.:
甲方可以对其托运的货物自行投保,也可委托乙方代为办理保险事宜,保险费由甲方承担,此费用不在双方约定的费用以内,如甲方未予保险 ,则非乙方原因产生的货损乙方不予负责。
Party A may self-insure their consignment, and can also commission Party B to handle insurance issues, insurance premiums shall be borne by Party A, the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed; In case Party A is not insured, Party B shall not be responsible for the damage from non-B causes.
四、索赔条款Claim Terms
In case Party B transits the wrong goods, or causes the actual loss of Party A by damaged cabinet, or the absence of box sealing, Party B shall assist with claims, and strive to ensure interests of Party A. Party B shall be exempted for damage due to force majeure, natural properties of the goods themselves or defective goods, reasonable loss or loss from fault of the shipper or the consignee.
五、争议解决条款Dispute Settlement
Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be solved by friendly negotiation. In case negotiation fails, it subjects to legal channels.
六、本合同一式二份,双方各执一份。协议未尽事宜,甲乙双方另行商议,作为对协议的补充。合同自签订之日起生效, 有效期为一年,合同期限届满后如续约,则需另签。如一方提前解除合同,需提前一个月通知对方并一次性结清费用及退单。
The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one. Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein. The contract becomes effective since the date of signing and remains in force for one year. In case of renewal, another contract shall be needed. If either party terminates the contract in advance, it shall inform the other party in advance for one month and settle all the costs at one time.
甲方 乙方
(Party A) (Party B)