国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则第8至10章 全文结束

上一期译博翻译小编为大家介绍了关于 国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则第8至10章 的文章,秉承着打造专业、优秀合肥翻译公司的理念,今天依然为大家带来与翻译相关的文章,希望给各位译者带来帮助。 第八章抵销CHAPTER 8SET-OFF 第8.1条抵销的条件 ARTICLE


第8.1条 抵销的条件  ARTICLE 8.1 Conditions of set-off


(1) Where two parties owe each other money or other performances of the same kind, either of them("the first party") may set off its obligation against that of its obligee("the other party") if at the time of set-off,


(a)第一方当事人有权履行其债务;  (a) the first party is entitled to perform its obligation;



(b) the other party’s obligation is ascertained as to its existence and amount and performance is due.




(2) If the obligations of both parties arise from the same contract, the first party may also set off its obligation against an obligation of the other party which is not ascertained as to its existence or to its amount.


第8.2条 外汇抵销  ARTICLE 8.2 Foreign currency set-off


Where the obligations are to pay money in different currencies, the right of set-off may be exercised, provided that both currencies are freely convertible and the parties have not agreed that the first party shall pay only in a specified currency.


第8.3条 抵销通知   ARTICLE 8.3 Set-off by notice


The right of set-off is exercised by notice to the other party.


第8.4条 通知的内容   ARTICLE 8.4 Content of notice


(1) The notice must specify the obligations to which it relates.



(2) If the notice does not specify the obligation against which set-off is exercised, the other party may, within a reasonable time, declare to the first party the obligation to which set-off relates. If no such declaration is made, the set-off will relate to all the obligations proportionally.


第8.5条 抵销的效力  ARTICLE 8.5 Effect of set-off

(1)抵销解除双方债务。  (1) Set-off discharges the obligations.



(2) If obligations differ in amount, set-off discharges the obligations up to the amount of the lesser obligation.


(3)抵销自通知之时起生效。  (3) Set-off takes effect as from the time of notice.


第九章 权利的转让、债务的转移、合同的转让




第9.1.1条 定义  ARTICLE 9.1.1 Definitions


“Assignment of a right” means the transfer by agreement from one person(the “assignor”) to another person(the “assignee”), including transfer by way of security, of the assignor’s right to payment of a monetary sum or other performance from a third person(“the obligor”).


第9.1.2条 排除适用  ARTICLE 9.1.2 Exclusions


This Section does not apply to transfers made under the special rules governing the transfers:



(a) of instruments such as negotiable instruments, documents of title or financial instruments, or


(b)一项商业转让过程中发生的权利转让。 (b) of rights in the course of transferring a business.


第9.1.3条 非金钱权利的转让  ARTICLE 9.1.3 Assignability of non-monetary rights


A right to non-monetary performance may be assigned only if the assignment does not render the obligation significantly more burdensome.


第9.1.4条 部分转让  ARTICLE 9.1.4 Partial assignment


(1) A right to the payment of a monetary sum may be assigned partially.



(2) A right to other performance may be assigned partially only if it is divisible, and the assignment does not render the obligation significantly more burdensome.


第9.1.5条 未来权利  ARTICLE 9.1.5 Future rights

未来权利视为在转让协议达成时转让,但以该项权利在出现时必须能 够被确定是属于被转让的权利为条件。

A future right is deemed to be transferred at the time of the agreement, provided the right, when it comes into existence, can be identified as the right to which the assignment relates.


第9.1.6条 未逐一指明的权利的转让

ARTICLE 9.1.6 Rights assigned without individual specification

数项权利可同时转让,而无需逐一指明,但以这些权利能够于转让时 或出现时被确定是与转让相关的权利为条件。

A number of rights may be assigned without individual specification, provided such rights can be identified as rights to which the assignment relates at the time of the assignment or when they come into existence.


第9.1.7条 让与人和受让人协议即可转让

ARTICLE 9.1.7 Agreement between assignor and assignee sufficient


(1) A right is assigned by mere agreement between the assignor and the assignee, without notice to the obligor.



(2) The consent of the obligor is not required unless the obligation in the circumstances is of an essentially personal character.


第9.1.8条 债务人的额外成本  ARTICLE 9.1.8 Obligor’s additional costs

因权利转让产生的任何额外成本,债务人有权要求让与人或受让人给 予补偿。

The obligor has a right to be compensated by the assignor or the assignee for any additional costs caused by the assignment.


第9.1.9条 非转让条款  ARTICLE 9.1.9 Non-assignment clauses

(1)尽管让与人和债务人之间存在限制或禁止转让的协议,金钱支 付的权利的转让仍然具有效力。但是,让与人可能因此向债务人承担违约责任。

(1) The assignment of a right to the payment of a monetary sum is effective notwithstanding an agreement between the assignor and the obligor limiting or prohibiting such an assignment. However, the assignor may be liable to the obligor for breach of contract.


(2)非金钱性履行的权利的转让,如果违反让与人与债务人之间限 制或禁止转让的协议,则转让无效。但是,如果受让人在转让发生时既不知道也不应知道该协议,则转让有效。但让与人可能因此向债务人承担违约责任。

(2) The assignment of a right to other performance is ineffective if it is contrary to an agreement between the assignor and the obligor limiting or prohibiting the assignment. Nevertheless, the assignment is effective if the assignee, at the time of the assignment, neither knew nor ought to have known of the agreement. The assignor may then be liable to the obligor for breach of contract.


第9.1.10条 通知债务人  ARTICLE 9.1.10 Notice to the obligor


(1) Until the obligor receives a notice of the assignment from either the assignor or the assignee, it is discharged by paying the assignor.



(2) After the obligor receives such a notice, it is discharged only by paying the assignee.


第9.1.11条 连续转让   ARTICLE 9.1.11 Successive assignments


If the same right has been assigned by the same assignor to two or more successive assignees, the obligor is discharged by paying according to the order in which the notices were received.


第9.1.12条 转让的充分证据  ARTICLE 9.1.12 Adequate proof of assignment


(1) If notice of the assignment is given by the assignee, the obligor may request the assignee to provide within a reasonable time adequate proof that the assignment has been made.



(2) Until adequate proof is provided, the obligor may withhold payment.



(3) Unless adequate proof is provided, notice is not effective.


(4)充分证据包括但不限于,让与人作出的并能够表明转让已做出的 任何书面文件。

(4) Adequate proof includes, but is not limited to, any writing emanating from the assignor and indicating that the assignment has taken place.


第9.1.13条 抗辩权和抵销权  ARTICLE 9.1.13 Defences and rights of set-off


(1) The obligor may assert against the assignee all defences that the obligor could assert against the assignor.


(2)债务人在收到转让通知时,可向让与人主张的任何抵销权,都可 以向受让人主张。

(2) The obligor may exercise against the assignee any right of set-off available to the obligor against the assignor up to the time notice of assignment was received.


第9.1.14条 与权利转让相关之权利  ARTICLE 9.1.14 Rights related to the right assigned

一项权利的转让将下列权利转至受让人: The assignment of a right transfers to the assignee:


(a)根据与被转让权利相关的合同,让与人的所有金钱支付或者其他 履行的权利,以及

(a) all the assignor’s rights to payment or other performance under the contract in respect of the right assigned, and



(b) all rights securing performance of the right assigned.


第9.1.15条 让与人的担保  ARTICLE 9.1.15 Undertakings of the assignor


The assignor undertakes towards the assignee, except as otherwise disclosed to the assignee, that:



(a) the assigned right exists at the time of the assignment, unless the right is a future right;


(b)让与人有权转让该权利;  (b) the assignor is entitled to assign the right;



(c) the right has not been previously assigned to another assignee, and it is free from any right or claim from a third party;


(d)债务人不存在任何抗辩;  (d) the obligor does not have any defences;



(e) neither the obligor nor the assignor has given notice of set-off concerning the assigned right and will not give any such notice;



(f) the assignor will reimburse the assignee for any payment received from the obligor before notice of the assignment was given.



第9.2.1条 转移的模式   ARTICLE 9.2.1 Modes of transfer


An obligation to pay money or render other performance may be transferred from one person(the “original obligor”) to another person(the “new obligor”) either



(a) by an agreement between the original obligor and the new obligor subject to Article 9.2.3, or



(b) by an agreement between the obligee and the new obligor, by which the new obligor assumes the obligation.


第9.2.2条 排除适用   ARTICLE 9.2.2 Exclusion


This Section does not apply to transfers of obligations made under the special rules governing transfers of obligations in the course of transferring a business.


第9.2.3条 对债权人转移同意的要求 

ARTICLE 9.2.3 Requirement of obligee’s consent to transfer


The transfer of an obligation by an agreement between the original obligor and the new obligor requires the consent of the obligee.


第9.2.4条 债权人的预先同意  ARTICLE 9.2.4 Advance consent of obligee

(1)债权人可以预先同意。 (1) The obligee may give its consent in advance.



(2) If the obligee has given its consent in advance, the transfer of the obligation becomes effective when a notice of the transfer is given to the obligee or when the obligee acknowledges it.


第9.2.5条 原债务人债务的解除  ARTICLE 9.2.5 Discharge of original obligor

(1)债权人可以解除原债务人的债务。 (1) The obligee may discharge the original obligor.



(2) The obligee may also retain the original obligor as an obligor in case the new obligor does not perform properly.



(3) Otherwise the original obligor and the new obligor are jointly and severally liable.


第9.2.6条 第三方履行  ARTICLE 9.2.6 Third party performance


(1) Without the obligee’s consent, the obligor may contract with another person that this person will perform the obligation in place of the obligor, unless the obligation in the circumstances has an essentially personal character.


(2)债权人保留对债务人的请求权。 (2) The obligee retains its claim against the obligor.


第9.2.7条 抗辩和抵销权  ARTICLE 9.2.7 Defences and rights of set-off


(1) The new obligor may assert against the obligee all defences which the original obligor could assert against the obligee.



(2) The new obligor may not exercise against the obligee any right of set-off available to the original obligor against the obligee.


第9.2.8条 与被转移债务相关的权利 

ARTICLE 9.2.8 Rights related to the obligation transferred

(1)债权人可以对新债务人主张与被转移之债务相关的合同项下的 金钱支付或者其他履行的所有各项权利。

(1) The obligee may assert against the new obligor all its rights to payment or other performance under the contract in respect of the obligation transferred.


(2)原债务人根据第9.2.5条第(1)款解除债务的,除新债务人以 外的任何其他人对于债务履行提供的担保随之解除,但是该其他人同意该担保对债权人继续有效的除外。

(2) If the original obligor is discharged under Article 9.2.5(1), a security granted by any person other than the new obligor for the performance of the obligation is discharged, unless that other person agrees that it should continue to be available to the obligee.



(3) Discharge of the original obligor also extends to any security of the original obligor given to the obligee for the performance of the obligation, unless the security is over an asset which is transferred as part of a transaction between the original obligor

and the new obligor.



第9.3.1条 定义  ARTICLE 9.3.1 Definitions

“合同的转让”是指一人(“让与人”)将产生于与另一人(“另一方 当事人”)的一项合同的权利与义务,以协议方式转移给另一人(“受让人”)。

“Assignment of a contract” means the transfer by agreement from one person(the “assignor”) to another person(the “assignee”) of the assignor’s rights and obligations arising out of a contract with another person(the “other party”).


第9.3.2条 排除适用  ARTICLE 9.3.2 Exclusion


This Section does not apply to the assignment of contracts made under the special rules governing transfers of contracts in the course of transferring a business.


第9.3.3条 另一方当事人同意的要求 

ARTICLE 9.3.3 Requirement of consent of the other party


The assignment of a contract requires the consent of the other party.


第9.3.4条 另一方当事人的预先同意  ARTICLE 9.3.4 Advance consent of the other party

(1)另一方当事人可预先同意。  (1) The other party may give its consent in advance.


(2)另一方当事人预先同意的,合同转让自转让通知到达该另一方 当事人时,或者当该另一方当事人认可该合同转让时,生效。

(2) If the other party has given its consent in advance, the assignment of the contract becomes effective when a notice of the assignment is given to the other party or when the other party acknowledges it.


第9.3.5条 让与人债务的解除  ARTICLE 9.3.5 Discharge of the assignor

(1)另一方当事人可解除让与人的债务。  (1) The other party may discharge the assignor.


(2)另一方当事人可继续将让与人作为债务人,如果受让人的履行 不适当。

(2) The other party may also retain the assignor as an obligor in case the assignee does not perform properly.



(3) Otherwise the assignor and the assignee are jointly and severally liable.


第9.3.6条 抗辩和抵销权  ARTICLE 9.3.6 Defences and rights of set-off

(1)在一项合同的转让中涉及权利转让的范围内,适用第9.1.13条 的规定。

(1) To the extent that the assignment of a contract involves an assignment of rights, Article 9.1.13 applies accordingly.


(2)在一项合同的转让中涉及债务转移的范围内,适用第9.2.7条 的规定。

(2) To the extent that the assignment of a contract involves a transfer of obligations, Article 9.2.7 applies accordingly.


第9.3.7条 随合同转让的权利  ARTICLE 9.3.7 Rights transferred with the contract


(1) To the extent that the assignment of a contract involves an assignment of rights, Article 9.1.14 applies accordingly.



(2) To the extent that the assignment of a contract involves a transfer of obligations, Article 9.2.8 applies accordingly.



第10.1条 本章范围  ARTICLE 10.1 Scope of the Chapter


(1) The exercise of rights governed by these Principles is barred by the expiration of a period of time, referred to as “limitation period”, according to the rules of this Chapter.



(2) This Chapter does not govern the time within which one party is required under these Principles, as a condition for the acquisition or exercise of its right, to give notice to the other party or to perform any act other than the institution of legal proceedings.


第10.2条 时效期间  ARTICLE 10.2 Limitation periods

(1)一般时效期间为三年,自债权人知道或应该知道导致其能够 行使权利的事实之日的次日起计算。

(1) The general limitation period is three years beginning on the day after the day the obligee knows or ought to know the facts as a result of which the obligee’s right can be exercised.



(2) In any event, the maximum limitation period is ten years beginning on the day after the day the right can be exercised.


第10.3条 当事人对时效期间的修改 

ARTICLE 10.3 Modification of limitation periods by the parties

(1)当事人可以修改时效期间。  (1) The parties may modify the limitation periods.


(2)但是他们不得:  (2) However they may not



(a) shorten the general limitation period to less than one year;



(b) shorten the maximum limitation period to less than four years;



(c) extend the maximum limitation period to more than fifteen years.



ARTICLE 10.4(New limitation period by acknowledgement)



(1) Where the obligor before the expiration of the general limitation period acknowledges the right of the obligee, a new general limitation period begins on the day after the day of the acknowledgement.



(2) The maximum limitation period does not begin to run again, but may be exceeded by the beginning of a new general limitation period under Art. 10.2(1).


第10.5条 因司法程序而中止  ARTICLE 10.5 Suspension by judicial proceedings

(1)时效期间在以下情况下中止计算:  (1) The running of the limitation period is suspended



(a) when the obligee performs any act, by commencing judicial proceedings or in judicial proceedings already instituted, that is recognised by the law of the court as asserting the obligee’s right against the obligor;



(b) in the case of the obligor’s insolvency when the obligee has asserted its rights in the insolvency proceedings; or



(c) in the case of proceedings for dissolution of the entity which is the obligor when the obligee has asserted its rights in the dissolution proceedings.



(2) Suspension lasts until a final decision has been issued or until the proceedings have been otherwise terminated.


第10.6条 因仲裁程序而中止  ARTICLE 10.6 Suspension by arbitral proceedings


(1) The running of the limitation period is suspended when the obligee performs any act, by commencing arbitral proceedings or in arbitral proceedings already instituted, that is recognised by the law of the arbitral tribunal as asserting the obligee’s right against the obligor. In the absence of regulations for arbitral proceedings or provisions determining the exact date of the commencement of arbitral proceedings, the proceedings are deemed to commence on the date on which a request that the right in dispute should be adjudicated reaches the obligor.


(2)时效中止持续至有约束力的裁决做出之时或以其他方式程序终止 之时。

(2) Suspension lasts until a binding decision has been issued or until the proceedings have been otherwise terminated.


第10.7条 替代性争议解决机制  ARTICLE 10.7 Alternative dispute resolution


The provisions of Articles 10.5 and 10.6 apply with appropriate modifications to other proceedings whereby the parties request a third person to assist them in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute.


第10.8条 因不可抗力、死亡或无行为能力而中止

ARTICLE 10.8 Suspension in case of force majeure, death or incapacity


(1) Where the obligee has been prevented by an impediment that is beyond its control and that it could neither avoid nor overcome, from causing a limitation period to cease to run under the preceding articles, the general limitation period is suspended so as not to expire before one year after the relevant impediment has ceased to exist.



(2) Where the impediment consists of the incapacity or death of the obligee or obligor, suspension ceases when a representative for the incapacitated or deceased party or its estate has been appointed or a successor has inherited the respective party’s position. The additional one-year period under paragraph(1) applies accordingly.


第10.9条 时效期间届满的效力  

ARTICLE 10.9 The effects of expiration of limitation period


(1) The expiration of the limitation period does not extinguish the right.



(2) For the expiration of the limitation period to have effect, the obligor must assert it as a defence.



(3) A right may still be relied on as a defence even though the expiration of the limitation period for that right has been asserted.


第10.10条 抵销权  ARTICLE 10.10 Right of set-off


The obligee may exercise the right of set-off until the obligor has asserted the expiration of the limitation period.


第10.11条 返还  ARTICLE 10.11 Restitution


Where there has been performance in order to discharge an obligation, there is no right of restitution merely because the limitation period has expired.