讲起来这世间都是苦海,赶快到极乐世界。Also, the fact that Buddhist are always saying, “this world is filled with sufferings so quickly go to Pure Land” makes one sad.
你以为到极乐世界就解决问题了吗?Do you think things will be better by going to Pure Land?
极乐世界的人比我们娑婆世界的人更辛苦。You might not realize that people live a harder life in Pure Land.
你们读《阿弥陀经》的人就知道,每天早上起来,要以鲜花供养十万亿十方诸佛,要很早,要做功课。You will find evidence in the Amitabha Sutra where the heavenly beings in Western Pure Land have to wake up very early, travel far distances to make offering of flowers. This is their daily practice.
供养过十方诸佛回来,你还以为能再睡回笼觉吗?不能。要念佛、念法、念僧。After the traveling and offering, do you think you go back to bed? No, you have to go back to chanting the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha, you have to keep working.
要跟诸上善人相处,怎么样让诸上善人接受我们呢?You have to constantly be the person of virtue. How do you do that?
我要有礼貌,我要勤劳,我要负责任。You have to have manners, you have to be diligent, and you have to be responsible.
甚至吃过饭以后还要饭食经行,还要运动呢。And then after eating a meal, you have to do walking meditation, you have to exercise.
那许多树木花草,你能不去浇水吗?Then you have to tend to all the trees along the roads.
那些七宝楼阁,你能不保持它的清洁、干净、庄严美丽吗?And then you have to maintain all these jewel pavilions by keeping them clean.
我的意思是,到了极乐世界一样的很辛苦。What I'm trying to say is life in Pure Land would be just as hard.
你在这个世间上,养成了勤劳的习惯,念佛、念法、念僧,加以信仰,将来到了极乐世界,就会习惯了。Therefore, what's more important right now is for you to begin by nurturing your nature of diligence in chanting the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, and one day when you eventually arrive in Pure Land, everything would be easier.