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摘要: 安徽译博翻译的小编为大家带来一篇非常实用的翻译稿件,希望对大家所有帮助! 安徽译博翻译 成立至今一直致力于工程类型稿件翻译,争做安徽第一工程类型翻译服务商! CONTRACT No合同号 BETWEEN 签约方 Owner 业主: Contractor 承包方: THIS CONTRACT AGRE

Owner 业主:
Contractor 承包方:
THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made on the day of 本合同协议书于 年 月 日签订。
Name of Project: Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: 双方一致同意:
The following Documents shall constitute the contract between OWNER and the Contractor, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the Contract:
1.1 Order of Precedence 优先顺序
1.2 In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the Contract Documents are listed in Article 1.1 (Contract Documents) above.
如果上述合同文件出现了模糊和冲突,其优先顺序按照第1.1 条(合同文件)的次序。
1.3 Italicized words and phrases used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to them in the General Conditions of Contract.
Article 2. Contract Price and Terms of Payment (Reference GC11 and GC12 – General Conditions ).
合同价格和支付方式(参考第1 卷的ITB 中的GC11 和GC12)
2.1 The price shall be fixed 合同总价固定
Owner hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor the Contract Price in consideration of the performance by the Contractor of its obligations stated in the Contract. The Lump Sum Contract Price shall be the aggregate of:
(1) Foreign Currency Portion (amount of foreign currency) and
(2) Local Currency Portion (amount of local currency)
The breakdown of the Lump Sum Contract price in accordance with forms is given in Price Schedule – Appendix 9 hereto. Within 3 months after Effective Date of Contract, if requested by the Contractor, the Foreign Currency Portion and Local Currency Portion may be re-corrected.
(1) 外币支付部分(外币金额)
合同价格的分项价格列于附件9:分项报价表 合同生效之日起3 个月内,如果承包商要求,外币支付部分和当地货币支付部分可以重新调整。
2.2 The Contract Price shall be a fixed lump sum not subject to any alteration except in the event of a Change in the Works or otherwise provided in the Contract.
2.3 The Contract Price specified in Article 2.1 includes:
条款2.1 中注明的合同价格包括
(1) All of fees and taxes except Import tax and VAT for import equipment (refer to GC 14 – Tax and fee) which constitute the fixed assets of  Power Plant.
进口设备除了进口税和增值税之外的所有费用和税款(参考GC14 – 税费) 
(2) The supply of essential spare parts required up to the Final Acceptance of the Plant (Official taking over of the Plant at the end of Guarantee period). However, the Contract Price does not cover the total sum for supply of optional spare parts.
电厂最终验收(电厂在性能担保期限结束时的正式移交) 前的所有必需的备品备件的费用
2.4 The Contract price define in 2.1 included the provisional sum of 300,000 USD (three hundred thousand US Dollar) for payment of expenses (consist of travelling expenses, accoodation, allowance,according to international rules) relate to participation of Owner  and/or Consultant for these design meetings are organized in the Contractor’s head office and participation of Owner /Consultant and/or third party (quality control companies) on testing/inspection of major equipments at Contractor’s workshop. This provisional amount of money which the Contractor will spend with approval by OWNER is reimbursable. The unused part of this provisional amount of money
will be deducted from EPC contract price.
条款2.1 中注明的合同价格包括300,000 美元的临时费用(包括根据国际规则的交通费、膳宿补贴费和津贴等),用于业主和/或顾问到承包商的总部参加设计会议、业主和/或顾问和/或第三方(比如质量控制公司)到承包商的工厂参加主要设备的试验和检测所发生的临时性费用。这笔临时费用,承包商经业主批准可以使用和索偿,未使用的部分从合同价格中扣除。
2.5 The amount, if any, to be added to or deducted from the Contract price in respect of any Change in the Works specified in GC 38 (Change in the Works) of the General Conditions shall be calculated in accordance with GC38.5 of the General Conditions/Volume 1 - ITB.
如果根据GC38(工程的变更)的规定,合同价格有所增加或者减少,应该根据第1 卷-ITB 的GC38.5 的规定计算。
2.6. The Terms and Procedures of Payment according to which Owner will reimburse the Contractor are given Appendix 1 (Terms and Mode of Payment) hereto
Article  Time completion Plant for : 电厂竣工时间
Unit No.1: 36 (thirty six) months from effective date of Contract.
Unit No.2 and the whole Plant: 42 (forty two) months from effective date of Contract.
Article 3. Effective Date (Reference Contract Data Sheet)
Effective Date 生效日期
3.1 The Contract shall enter into full force and become effective on the date when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:
Contractor shall coence work on the Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant right after the Effective Date
The Contract shall enter into full force and become effective on the date when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:
this Contract Agreement has been signed for and on behalf of YY and the Contractor;
The Bidder has submitted to YY the Performance Security and Advance Payment Guarantee ;
The Bidder has received the Advance Payment from YY in accordance with relevant terms of the Contract.
Amount of Performance Bond is 10% of Contract price 履约保函是合同总价格的10%
this Contract Agreement has been signed for and on behalf of OWNER and the Contractor;
The Contractor has submitted to Owner the Performance Bond and Advance Payment Bond.
The Contractor has received the Advance Payment from Owner in accordance with relevant terms of the Contract.
承包商收到了业主 按照合同相关条件支付的预付款
Article 4. Appendices附件
The Appendices listed in the Part II of Article 1 form an integral part of this Contract
条款1 中所列的第二部分的附件构成合同协议整体不可分割的部分
Reference in the Contract to any Appendix shall mean the Appendices attached hereto
and the Contract shall be read and construed accordingly.
1.List of Civil and Architecture drawings and time for submission
2.engineering, manufacturing, procurement, supply, transportation, erection and coissioning, detailed for all system and main parts of the power plant, civil works, and specified time for start/finish and relationship for each task
3.Technological diagram(with P & I diagram) 技术图纸(工艺管道及仪表流程图)
4.Layout of CCB with detail arrangement of tables and panel (3 dimensions)
5.General Plant Lay-out, consisting of buildings, out door systems, road, established on the base on topography investigation at site
6.Drawings for all buildings arrangement and architecture, included perspective of power plant and sections (scale 1:100)
7.including list of pipes and valves with the descriptions of material, diameter and rated pressure, dimension, insulation thickness of all pipes. Isometric Drawings (3 - dimensional with pipe length) are included
Article 5. Coencement, Completion, Possession and Liquidated Damages
Time for Coencement 开工时间
5.1 The Contractor shall coence the Works right after the Effective Date according to the time schedule as described in Appendix 4 of the Contract.
承包商须在合同生效日后,立即按照合同附件4 的时间进度要求开始工作。
Time for Possession 进场时间
5.3 Owner shall give full possession of and accord all rights of access to the Site and rights to all other areas for implementation of Contract on or before the date(s) of Contract Effective Date.
业主在合同生效之日或者之前, 给承包商进入和占用现场各部分实施合同的权利.
Time for Completion 竣工时间
5.2 Without prejudice to GC 26.2 of the General Conditions Volume 1 Bidding document, the Contractor shall proceed with the Works in accordance with the time schedule specified in Appendix 4 (Project Implementation Schedule) hereto and shall attain Provisional Acceptance of the  Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant within 36 months for Unit No.1 and 42 months for Unit No.2 and the whole Plant from the Effective Date of Contract.
在不违背招标文件第1 卷的GC26.2 的规定的前提下,承包商应该根据附件4(项目实施进度表)的规定,在合同生效之日起36 个月内获得 燃煤火电厂1 号机组的临时验收,在合同生效之日起42 个月内获得 燃煤火电厂2 号机组和整个电厂的临时验收。
Liquidated Damages for Delay 工期延迟约定损害赔偿金
5.4 If the Contractor fails to attain Provisional Acceptance of the  Coal-fired
Thermal Power Plant or any part thereof within the Time for Completion Specified in Article 5.2 (Time for Completion) above or within such extended time to which the Contractor shall be entitled under GC 39 (Extension of Time for Completion) of the General Conditions/Volume 1-ITB, the Contractor shall pay to OWNER USD120,000/day x total days of delay for each Unit pursuant to GC26.2 of the General Conditions. Such amount shall be paid as liquidated damages and not exceed ten percents (10%) of Contract Price.
如果承包商未能按照条款5.2(竣工时间)的规定时间获得 燃煤火电厂的临时验收,或者根据第1 卷(ITB)的GC39(竣工时间的延长)的规定,在延长后的担保竣工之日仍未获得燃煤火电厂的临时验收,那么根据GC26.2 的规定,从规定竣工之日起开始计算,承包商应该向业主支付的工期延迟违约赔偿金为每台机组120,000 USD/天,作为延迟违约赔偿金支付的金额不得超过合同总价格的10%。
5.5 Guarantee Period 保证期
The Guarantee Period for the Plant shall be not less than 24 months effective
from the date of Provisional Acceptance Unit issued by OWNER and in accordance with GC27
根据GC27 的规定,电厂的保证期是从业主对机组临时验收起的二十四(24)个月内
Article 6 Insurance保险
The insurance to be taken out and maintained by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34
(Insurance) of the General Conditions Volume 1 – Bidding Document shall be as specified in Appendix 3 (Insurance Requirements) hereto.
Article 7 Performance Guarantees and Liquidated Damages
Performance Guarantees 性能保证
7.1 The Contractor guarantees the attainment of the Performance Guarantees specified in Performance Guarantees (Appendix 8) hereto in accordance with GC 28 (Performance Guarantees) of the General Conditions/Volume 1 – ITB, subject to and upon the conditions specified in Performance Guarantees (Appendix8) hereto.
承包商承诺达到附录8(性能担保)规定的性能担保值,并符合第1 卷(ITB) GC28 的规定。
Liquidated Damages for Failure to Attain Performance Guarantees
Liquidated Damages for delay in Time for Completion of each Unit of OWNERPower Plant will be 120,000USD/day of delay for each unit from the guaranteed Date of Completion or from the date resulting from an Extension of Time for Completion granted in accordance with GC 39, up to a maximum of 10% of the contract price.
对于业主燃煤火电厂每台机组或其任何一部分,如果实际竣工时间延迟,那么从保证竣工期起开始计算,或者根据GC39的规定,从延长后的保证竣工期起开始计算,违约赔偿金为120,000 USD/天,总违约赔偿金不得超过合同总价格的10%。
Liquidated Damages payable upon failure to meet Performance Guarantees未达到性能担保的要求,需要支付的违约赔偿金是:
The Contractor shall pay to YY for Liquidated Damages as stipulated in Appendix 8 of the Contract Agreement. Liquidated Damages for failure to meet the Performance Guarantees shall be 20%  of the Contract Value as maximum. Total aggregate liability for all liquidated damages as stipulated in GC26.2 and GC28.2 in this contract shall not exceed 20% of contract price.
承包商向YY集团支付的违约赔偿金在附录8(合同协议)中有规定,性能担保的最高违约赔偿金是合同总价格的20%。本合同GC26.2 和GC28.2范围类所有的违约赔偿金的累计金额不得超过合同总价格的20%。
7.2 If the Contractor fails to attain the Performance Guarantees specified in Performance Guarantees (Appendix 8) hereto the Contractor shall pay to OWNER liquidated damages as set out in Appendix 14 of the Contract Agreement (Performance Guarantees and Penalty for failure to meet Performance Guarantees) hereto. The Contractor’s payment for failure not to attain Performance Guarantees shall not exceed twenty percents (20%) of Contract price.
如果承包商未能达到附件8(性能保证)的要求,承包商应该按照附件14 (性能保证和未能达到性能保证要求的违约赔偿金)中的规定,向业主支付违约赔偿金,未能达到性能保证的违约赔偿金不超过合同总价格的20%。
Article 8 Bonds 保函
Advance Payment Bond 预付款保函
8.1 Pursuant to GC 13.2 (Advance Payment Bond) of the General Conditions, the Contractor shall deliver to OWNER not later than twenty one (21) days after signing
the Agreement, a bond in the form set out in Part III- (Forms and Procedure - Advance Payment Bond) hereto issued by a bank acceptable to OWNER, issued with amount is   , a sum equal to the amount of the advance payment calculated in accordance with Appendix 1 (Terms and Mode of Payment) hereto.
根据GC13.2(预付款保函)的规定,承包商应在协议签署之日起21 天之内通过业主可接受的银行,按照第三部分的格式(格式和程序-预付款保函)向业主开立预付款保函,保函金额为     等同于根据附件1 计算的预付款金额。
Performance Bond 履约保函
8.2 Pursuant to GC 13.3 (Performance Bond) of the General Conditions/Volume 1 - ITB, the Contractor shall deliver to OWNER within twenty one ( 21) days after the date of signing the Agreement, a bond in the form of Performance Bonds (Part III Forms and Procedure – Performance Bond) hereto issued by bank acceptable to OWNER, issued with amount is      equivalent the ten percents (10%) of Contract Price. Performance Bond in an amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the Contract Price shall remain valid from the date of its issuance until the issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate of the first unit issued by OWNER. Performance Bond in an amount equal to the remained five percent (5%) of the Contract Price shall remain valid from the date of its issuance
until the issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate of the second unit.
根据第1 卷(ITB)的GC 13.3(履约保函)的规定,承包商应该从签订合同协议之日的21 天之内,通过业主接受的银行,按照履约保函的格式(第三部分-格式和程序-履约保函)向业主开立一份履约保函,保函金额为    .等同于合同总价格的百分之十(10%)。金额等同于合同总价格百分之五(5%)的履约保函有效期将从出具之日起直到业主颁发一号机组最终验收证书为止。金额等同于合同总价格百分之五(5%)的履约保函有效期将从出具之日起直到业主颁发二号机组最终验收证书为止
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Defect Liability Period is extended with respect to any part of the Plant in accordance with GC 27.8 of the General Conditions, the Contractor shall arrange for the bond to remain valid until the expiration of the Defect Liability Period with respect to such part in an amount equal to five per cent (10%) of the Contract Price of that part.
但是,如果根据GC 27.8 的规定,电厂的任何部分的缺陷责任期延长, 承包商应该安排履约保函的有效期相应延长到缺陷责任期结束,相应的金额为该部分合同价格的百分之十(10%)。
Article 9 Contractor’s Total Maximum Liability 承包商的最大责任
The Contractor’s total maximum liability pursuant to GC30.1 shall not exceed the Contract Price. The maximum total liabilities of the Contractor for all Liquidated Damages shall be limited to 20% of the Contract Price.
根据GC30.1 条,承包商的全部最大责任不超过合同价格。承包商对所有违约赔偿金的最大全部责任不超过合同价格的20%。
Article 10 Financing 融资
The source of capital for payment to EPC Contractor is financed by Owner.
支付给EPC 总承包商的资金由业主筹措。
Article 11 Notices 通知
All notices to be given under the Contract shall be sent to OWNER or the
Contractor, as the case may be, at the address set forth below:
Article 12 Governing Law 条款12:适用法律
The governing law of the Contract shall be the law of OWNER. The Contract will be implemented in compliance with the laws of OWNER.
合同适用的法律是    的法律。承包商应该严格遵循   国法律执行合同。
Article 13 Arbitration 条款13:仲裁
13.1 The place of any arbitration pursuant to GC 6.1 (Arbitration) of the General Conditions/Volume 1-ITB shall be the OWNER International Arbitration Centre at the OWNER Chamber of Coerce and Industry (VCCI).
根据GC6.1(仲裁)的规定,任何仲裁地点应该是    国工商总会的国际仲裁中心。
13.2 The language of the arbitration shall be English.仲裁语言为英语。
附件一:工程保险要求 The requirement  of Insurance for Engineering
Before PAC, the Owner shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by reason of the Owner (including his employee and consultant); If the loss and/or damage is caused by any third party, the Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which cannot be claimed from the insurer; The Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by other reason (excluding Force Majeure);From PAC to FAC, the Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by the Contractor. YY shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by other reasons.
The Contractor shall indemnify YY against all actions, suits, claims, demands, cost or expenses arising from or in connection with any accident, illness or death (other than such as may be attributable to YY, its agents or servants) to persons employed by the Contractor or his Subcontractor at Site.
The Contractor shall indemnify YY against all loss and/or damage arising from its improper design for the Works.
The Contractor shall initiate and successfully obtain security payments covering losses and/or damages arising out of the Contract. Failure to initiate or settle the claim within a reasonable period of time shall constitute sufficient grounds for YY to exercise its rights under the Contract. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to maintain its insurance above, YY will secure, renew or maintain said insurance, and any and all expenses incurred thereby shall be deducted from any and all sums due or may become due to the Contractor. The Performance Bond submitted by the Contractor shall also be used where necessary to cover such expenses.
2. All Risk Insurance for Transportation of Equipment and Materials.
Without prejudice to the Contractor's obligations and responsibilities under the Contract, the Contractor shall insure the equipment and materials to be supplied and delivered with a reputable insurance company acceptable to YY. The insurance shall be taken out in the joint names of the Contractor and YY for their respective rights and interests, and shall cover all Risks including sea and land transport, and war risk, from place of origin to the Site.
The insurance coverage shall be one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the delivered cost and insurance premiums shall be paid by the Contractor. Under such insurance, the indemnity must be payable in US dollars, freely usable to replace or repair such goods. The Contractor, acting as agent for YY, shall initiate proper action and pursue settlement regarding insurance claims whenever damages and/or losses are inflicted on the goods. The Contractor shall be authorized to receive the indemnity directly from the insurance companies unless otherwise directed by YY.
YY shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1, except for Workman’s Compensation,and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall be named as co-insurance under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1 except for the Cargo Insurance During Transport, Workman's Compensation, and all insurer's rights of subrogation against such co-insureds for losses or claims arising out of the performance of the Contract shall be waived under such policies.
YY集团应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了工人赔偿险;承包商的分包商应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了货物运输险,工人赔偿险;在该些保险单项下,所有承保人应放弃对以上共同被保险人的代位求偿权。
The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable but not later than one (1) month prior to the first scheduled shipment furnish a copy of the Insurance Policy to YY.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss and/or damage of the goods shipped without the specified insurance coverage.
1) Terms and Mode Payment 付款条件和方式
2) Contract Data Sheet 合同数据表
3) Insurance Requirements 保险要求
4) Project Implementation Schedule 项目实施进度计划
5) List of Sub-contractors 分包商名录
6) Power of Attorney 授权书
7) List of Documents for Approval or Review by OWNER 由业主批准和审查的文件清单
8) Performance Guarantees 性能保证
9) Price Schedule 价格表
10) List of Spare Parts 备品备件清单
11) List of Import Items 进口货物清单
12) Limits of Supply 供货范围
13) Training Program 培训计划
14) Performance Guarantees and Penalty for failure to meet Performance Guarantees
15) Minutes of Contract Negotiation Meeting 合同谈判会议纪要

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