摘要: 本期译博小编为大家介绍关于订货代理协议的文章,希望对各位读者带来帮助!秉承着打造立足与合肥翻译行业内:专业、优惠的翻译公司理念,安徽译博翻译一直在不停的摸索!
1.The Party A hereby grants to the Party B the exclusive right to sell the GYROCOMPASS in Tokyo, Japan for the period of three years from the date hereof.
2.The Party B covenants that it will use every reasonable diligence in executing all orders placed with it by The Party A and will not, without the consent of The Party A, deviate from any instructions given by The Party A in regard to its orders and shipment.
3.On all orders executed by The Party B during the continuance of this contract, The Party B shall be paid the following commissions:
On an order to the total amount $ 50,000 (Say US Dollar Fifty Thousand only)or less, 10 per cent;
On an order amounting to more than $100,000(Say US Dollar One Hundred Thousand only), 15 per cent;
一份订单金额的为10万美元以上,佣金为15 %;
4.The amount of an invoice rendered by The Party B, including its commission and its disbursements except postages and petties, shall be paid by The Party A under irrevocable Letter of Credit against the delivery of shipping documents.
5.This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon three months’ written notice delivered or sent by registered mail to the other, and may be terminated at any time, without such notice, upon breach of any of its terms and conditions.
Witness the hands and seals of the parties of this Agreement the day and year aforesaid.
For the party A (Signed)
For the party B (Signed)