摘要: 中国-德国合资经营合同 SINO - GERMAN JOINT VENTURE CONTRACT 制作人:Elaborated by: 中德双边政府委员会下设的中德法律工作组 Sino-German Legal Working Group under the Bilateral Sino-German Government Commission 合同背景说明: 德国联邦经济与技
制作人:Elaborated by: 中德双边政府委员会下设的中德法律工作组
Sino-German Legal Working Group under the Bilateral Sino-German Government Commission
德国联邦经济与技术部和中华人民共和国商务部共同发布了《中德合资企业合同示范条款》。该示范合同条款的制作方为中德双边政府委员会下设的中德法律工作组。德国工商总会大中华区对此次示范条款的起草也做出了重要贡献。《中德合资企业合同示范条款》包含12章,内容涉及注册资本和出资、股份转让、董事会建立、保密、终止、争议解决等诸多方面。德国工商总会大中华区的作用是确保示范条款内容覆盖在华德企进行合资企业合同谈判时可能涉及的所有重要方面。德国工商总会大中华区法律专家凯福安博士说:“中德双方共同发布的示范条款内容包含了各类重要的法律问题。这将对中德企业在华建立合资公司奠定坚实的基础。”中德法律工作组成员不仅包括德国工商总会大中华区的中德法律专家,来自德 国泰乐信律师事务所的Magdalena Harnischfeger-Ksol女士也是其中一员,且起到了主导作用。在Harnischfeger-Ksol女士的努力下,中德双方进行了多次成功的会议磋商,并最终在友好并具有建设性的合作氛围下达成共识,确定了该示范条款的最终版,从而保证了两国企业的平等利益在条款中均有体现。
目录Table of contents
目录I Table of contents I
附件清单 III Liste of Appendices III
章节标题 Chapter Heading
第一章 定义和释义 Chapter 1 Definitions and Interpretation
第二章 合同双方 Chapter 2 Parties to the Contract
第三章 注册资本和出资Chapter 3 Registered Capital and Capital Contributions
第1条 投资总额和注册资本 Article 1 Total Investment and Registered Capital
第2条 出资Article 2 Capital Contributions
第3条 注册资本的增加或减少Article 3 Increase and Decrease of Registered Capital
第四章 股份转让Chapter 4 Transfer of Shares
第五章 小股东保护条款 【可选条款】 Chapter 5 Minority Shareholders Protection Clauses第1条 跟售权 Article 1 Tag-along Right
第2条 卖出期权 Article 2 Put Option
第六章 董事会和经营管理机构Chapter 6 Board of Directors and Management
第七章 第1条 董事会的组成 Article 1 Composition of the Board of Directors
第八章 第2条 董事会的职责 Article 2 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
第九章 第3条 董事会会议和董事会决议
Article 3 Meetings and Resolutions of the Board of Directors
第4a条 管理委员会 Article 4a Management Board
第5条 管理委员会及其成员的职责
Article 5 Responsibilities of the Management Board and its Members
第6条 管理委员会会议和决议 Article 6 Meetings and Resolutions of the Management Board第4b条 总经理 Article 4b General Manager
第七章 技术转让 Chapter 7 Technology Transfer
第1条 技术提供 Article 1 Provision of Technology
第2条 商标Article 2 Trademarks
第3条 合资产品(可选条款)Article 3 JV Products (optional)
第八章 保密 Chapter 8 Confidentiality
第1条 保密信息 Article 1 Confidentiality Information
第2条 除外情形 Article 2 Exceptions
第3条 保密信息的安全保护 Article 3 Safeguarding of Confidentiality Information第4条 违反保密义务 Article 4 Breach of Confidentiality Obligations
第5条 终止后的保密义务 Article 5 Confidentiality Obligation upon Termination
第九章 不竞争 Chapter 9 Non-Competition
第十章 违约责任 Chapter 10 Liability for Breach
第十一章 期限/终止 Chapter 11 Duration/Termination
第1条 期限 Article 1 Term
第2条 终止 Article 2 Termination
第3条 购买价格的确定Article 3 Determination of Purchase Price
第4条 清算 Article 4 Liquidation
第4条 股权转让时采取的行动
Article 5 Actions to be taken in Equity Interest Transfer
第6条 其他权利 Article 6 Other Rights
第7条 持续义务 Article 7 Continuing Obligations
第十二章 争议解决 Chapter 12 Dispute Resolution
第1条 友好协商解决 Article 1 Amicable Settlement
第2条 仲裁 Article 2 Arbitration
附件清单List of Appendices
章节标题Chapter Heading
合资经营合同Joint Venture Contact
第一章 定义和释义Chapter 1 Definitions and Interpretation
第二章 合同双方Chapter 2 Parties to the Contract
第三章 注册资本和出资Chapter 3 Registered Capital and Capital Contributions
第1条 投资总额和注册资本Article 1 Total Investment and Registered Capital
1.1 双方同意公司的投资总额为[...]人民币/美元/欧元(RMB/USD/EUR).
1.1 The Parties agree that the amount of total investment of the Company shall be ... Renminbi/United States Dollar/Euro (RMB/USD/EUR ...).
1.2 公司注册资本的金额为[...]人民币/美元/欧元(RMB/USD/EUR [...])[可选方案:相当于投资总额的百分之[...]([…]%)].
1.2 The amount of the Company's registered capital shall be [...] Renminbi/United States Dollar/Euro (RMB/USD/EUR [...]) [Optional:,equaling [...] percent ([…]%) of the total amount of investment.].
1.3 每一方应按以下方式认缴注册资本:
1.3 The capital contribution to the registered capital subscribed by each Party shall be as follows:
1.3.1 甲方应出资[...]人民币/美元/欧元(RMB/USD/EUR [...]),相当于注册资本的[...] %。
1.3.1 Party A shall contribute [...]. Renminbi/United States Dollar/Euro (RMB/USD/EUR [...]), equivalent to [...] % of the registered capital.
1.3.2 乙方应出资[...]人民币/美元/欧元(RMB/USD/EUR [...]),相当于注册资本的[...] %。
1.3.2 Party B shall contribute [...] Renminbi/United States Dollar/Euro (RMB/USD/EUR [...]), equivalent to [...] % of the registered capital.
1.4 除非双方另有约定,一旦一方全额缴纳出资,其不应被要求通过出资、担保、贷款或其他方式向公司或代表公司提供任何进一步的资金。除第__条[违约条款]提及的外,根据本合资经营合同,对于公司的任何损失或针对公司提出的任何权利主张,任何一方对另一方、公司或任何第三方均不承担任何责任。
1.4 Unless the Parties agree otherwise, once a Party has paid-in its contribution to the registered capital in full, it shall not be required to provide any further funds to or on behalf of the Company by way of capital contribution, guarantees, loan or otherwise. Other than as mentioned in Article __ [Article on Breach of contract], pursuant to this Joint Venture Contract, no Party shall have any liability towards the other Party, the Company or any third party for any losses by or any claims against the Company.
第2条 出资Article 2 Capital Contributions
[可选方案1:以现金出资[OPTION 1: Capital Contributions in Cash
2.1 双方应以现金出资。
2.1 The Parties shall contribute the registered capital in cash.
2.2 甲方应以人民币缴纳出资。
2.2 Party A’s contribution shall be made in Renminbi.
2.3 除第2.3.2条的规定外,乙方应以美元或欧元缴纳出资。
2.3 Party B’s contribution shall be made in United States Dollar or Euro except as provided in Article 2.3.2.
2.3.1 用于确定人民币出资金额的汇率应为缴款当日中国人民银行公布的美元或欧元的中间汇率。
2.3.1 The exchange rate which shall be used for determining the amount of the capital contributions in Renminbi shall be the mid point price of United States Dollar or Euro published by the People’s Bank of China on the date when the capital contributions are made.
2.3.2 尽管存在第2.3条的规定,乙方也可以其自己在中国境内的投资产生的人民币利润缴纳其注册资本份额,如果适用中国法律和法规要求获得政府批准的,以取得相关政府批准为前提。
2.3.2 Notwithstanding Article 2.3 Party B may also use Renminbi profits from its own investments in China to make its contributions to its share of the registered capital, subject to relevant governmental approvals, if required by applicable PRC laws and regulations.
2.4 双方应根据第0条到第0条的规定,按照各自的股权比例,同时分期缴纳出资。
2.4 The Parties shall contribute the registered capital according to their equity ratio by paying in simultaneously the installments in accordance with Article 0 to Article 0.
2.4.1 每一方应在公司营业执照颁发之日起【三(3)】个月内缴纳百分之[…]([…] %)的出资,即甲方缴纳[...]人民币 […] (RMB…),乙方缴纳[...] 美元/欧元 […] [注:目前法律规定为在营业执照颁发之日起3个月内缴纳15%]
2.4.1 […] percent ([…] %) of each Party’s contribution to the registered capital, being [...] Renminbi […] (RMB…) by Party A and United States Dollar/Euro […] (USD/EUR [...]) by Party B shall be paid in within [three (3) months] of the date of issuance of the Company’s business license. [NOTE: Statutorily at the moment 15% within 3 months of the date of issuance of the business licence]
[可选方案2:以实物和现金出资[OPTION 2: Contributions in Kind and in Cash
2.5.1 甲方应按以下方式缴纳出资:
2.5.1 Party A shall contribute the following to the registered capital:
a. 价值为[...]人民币 […] (RMB…)的机械设备。
a. Machinery and equipment with a value of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
b. 价值为[...]人民币 […] (RMB…)的技术、专利和专有技术以及相关文件。
b. Technology, patents and know-how and related documentation with a value of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
c. 相当于金额为[...]人民币 (RMB…)的[...]人民币现金。
c. Cash in Renminbi equivalent to the amount of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
The assets to be contributed in kind as stated in a) and b) above are listed in Annex […].
2.5.2 乙方应按以下方式缴纳出资:
2.5.2 Party B shall contribute the following to the registered capital:
a. 价值为[...]人民币 […] (RMB…)的机械设备。
a. Machinery and equipment with a value of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
b. 价值为[...]人民币 […] (RMB…)的技术、专利和专有技术以及相关文件。
b. Technology, patents and know-how and related documentation with a value of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
c. 相当于金额为[...]人民币 (RMB…)的[…]美元/欧元(USD/EUR [...])现金。
c. Cash in United States Dollar/Euro […] (USD/EUR [...]) equivalent to the amount of [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]).
The assets to be contributed in kind as stated in a) and b) above are listed in Annex […].
2.5.3 各方声明并保证其向公司注册资本出资的所有资产均不存在任何请求权、留置权、抵押权和负债。甲方(注:为中方合作伙伴)声明并保证其已经遵守了有关国有资产评估和转让的所有相关法律法规。
2.5.3 Each Party represents and warrants that all assets contributed by it to the registered capital of the Company shall be free of claims, liens, mortgages and debts. Party A (remark: being the Chinese partner) represents and warrants that it has complied with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the evaluation and transfer of State-owned assets.
[可选方案2a:[OPTION 2a:
2.5.4 如果在缴付上述实物出资时,根据第2.5.2条中的验资报告所确定的实物出资价值已经发生变化,出资与本第2.1条所确定的价值不符的一方应当向公司支付所要求的余额[请与财务顾问核对:或者应各自从公司领取超出的金额]以确保达到第1.2条要求的注册资本额以及第1.2条中所规定的各方的股权比例。
2.5.4 In the event the value of the contributions in kind as determined in the verification report according to Article 2.5.2, has changed by the time the aforementioned contributions in kind are made, the Party whose contribution does not correspond to the value determined in this Article 2.1 shall pay the remaining amount required to the Company [check with accounting advisor: or shall receive the exceeding amount respectively from the Company] to ensure the registered capital as per Article 1.2 and the Parties’ equity ratio as set out in Article 1.2 are attained.
[可选方案2b:[OPTION 2b:
If any assessed value exceeds the value set forth in Article 2.5 for each group of assets, any surpassing amount shall be treated as reserve of the Company. Any assessed value less than the value set forth in Article 2.5 for each group of asset shall be covered by the respective Party in cash in the currency of its cash contribution within [...] days after receipt of the Capital Contribution Certificate.]
2.6 甲方应以人民币缴纳其现金出资。
2.6 Party A’s cash contribution shall be made in Renminbi.
2.7 除第2.3条的规定外,乙方应以美元或欧元缴纳其现金出资。
2.7 Party B’s cash contribution shall be made in United States Dollar or Euro except as provided in Article 2.3.
2.7.1 用于确定人民币出资金额的汇率应为缴款当日中国人民银行公布的美元或欧元的中间汇率。
2.7.1 The exchange rate which shall be used for determining the amount of the capital contributions in Renminbi shall be the mid point price of United States Dollar or Euro published by the People’s Bank of China on the date when the capital contributions are made.
2.7.2 尽管存在第2.3条的规定,乙方也可以其自己在中国境内的投资产生的人民币利润缴纳其注册资本现金出资份额,如果适用中国法律和法规要求获得政府批准的,以取得相关政府批准为前提。
2.7.2 Notwithstanding Article 2.3 Party B may also use Renminbi profits from its own investments in China to make its cash contributions to its share of the registered capital, subject to relevant governmental approvals, if required by applicable PRC laws and regulations.
2.8 双方应根据第0条到第0条的规定,按照各自的股权比例,同时分期缴纳出资。
2.8 The Parties shall contribute the registered capital according to their equity ratio by contributing simultaneously the installments in accordance with Article 0 to Article 0.
2.8.1 每一方应在公司营业执照颁发之日起三(3)个月内缴纳百分之[…]([…] %)的出资,即甲方缴纳[...]人民币 […] (RMB…),乙方缴纳[...] 美元/欧元 […] [注:目前法律规定为在营业执照颁发之日起3个月内缴纳15%]
2.8.1 […] percent ([…] %) of each Party’s contribution to the registered capital, being [...] Renminbi […] (RMB…) by Party A and United States Dollar/Euro […] (USD/EUR [...]) by Party B shall be contributed within three (3) months of the date of issuance of the Company’s business license. [NOTE: Statutorily at the moment 15% within 3 months of the date of issuance of the business license]
出资时间表Contribution Schedule
[可选方案 1:[OPTION 1:
2.8.2 双方应根据本合资经营合同附件______中规定的时间表或者董事会所确定的其它时间表缴纳公司注册资本的其它部分。董事会应有权按照双方在注册资本中的比例要求双方缴纳一期或一期以上的出资,并及时行使其该要求权,使得全部出资能够在公司营业执照颁发之日起两(2)年内或董事会所确定的任何其他时间(须受制于法律的强制性要求)内缴足。【注:法律是指任何已公布并可公开获得的中国法律、法规和规章。】
2.8.2 The Parties shall contribute the further portions of the registered capital of the Company in accordance with the schedule set forth in Annex ... to this Joint Venture Contract or as otherwise determined by the board of directors. The board of directors shall be entitled to call for the contributions in one or more installments from both Parties in proportion to their participation in the registered capital and shall exercise its calls so timely that all the contributions are to be made within two years of the date of issuance of the Company’s business license or within any other period determined by the Board of Directors subject to mandatory requirements of Law.] [Note: Law shall mean any published and publicly available PRC laws, regulations and rules.]
[可选方案 2:[OPTION 2:
2.8.3 根据第2.5条和第2.10条,双方应根据项目的实际进展缴付双方的其余出资。董事会将在收到总经理的提议后起草出资时间表。
2.8.3 Subject to Article 2.5 and Article 2.10 the Parties shall pay in the rest of their capital contributions according to the actual project progress. The Board of Directors will prepare the contribution schedule upon receipt of a proposal by the General Manager.
The dates of payment of capital contributions shall be decided by the Board of Directors based on the budgets prepared according to the progress of the project construction and any deadlines provided for under mandatory requirements of Law.]
[可选方案3:[OPTION 3:
2.8.4 双方应根据第2.10条的规定自公司营业执照颁发之日起缴付以下比例的出资:
2.8.4 The Parties shall contribute subject to Article 2.10 the following percentage of the registered capital starting from the date of issuance of the Company's business license:
a. 公司营业执照颁发之日后的第 [...] ([…])个营业日缴纳注册资本总额的百分之[…]([…] %);
a. On the [...] ([…]th) Business Day following the date of the issuance of the Company's business license: […] percent ([…] %) of the total Registered Capital;
b. 公司营业执照颁发之日后的第 [...] ([…])个月的第 [...] ([…])个营业日缴纳注册资本总额的百分之[…]([…] %)。
b. On the […] ([…]th) Business Day of the […] ([…]rd) month following the date of the issuance of the Company's business license: […] percent ([…] %) of the total Registered Capital.
董事会可以,通过董事的[多数票/三分之二票/一致同意/……]表决,推迟出资时间表;但是,所有出资必须自营业执照颁发之日起[...] ([…])个月内缴足。如果工厂建设的实际进度加快,董事会可以,通过董事的[多数票/三分之二票/一致同意/……]表决,根据公司的财务需要加快出资时间表。在任何此种情况下,董事会应当确定修改后的出资时间表的确切出资额和日期。]
The Board of Directors may, by [majority/two third/unanimous/…] vote of the Directors of the Board, postpone the contribution schedule provided that all contributions shall be paid in within […] ([…]) months from the date of issuance of the business license. In the event that the actual progress of the construction of the Plants is accelerated the Board of Directors may, by [majority/two third/unanimous/…] vote of the Directors of the Board, accelerate the contribution schedule based on the financial needs of the Company. In any such event the Board of Directors shall determine the exact amounts and dates of the revised capital contribution schedule.]
2.9 每一方均应支付因其出资而产生的其各自的税费和其它收费,包括但不限于印花税等。
2.9 Each Party shall pay its respective taxes and charges incurred due to its capital contribution, including but not limited to, stamp duties etc.
2.10 只有当下述各项前提条件已经实现或者双方通过书面形式进行豁免,各方才有义务对公司的注册资本进行出资:
2.10 No Party shall have any obligation to make any contribution to the Company’s registered capital until each of the following conditions precedent has been ful¬filled or waived by the Parties in writing:
a. 主管机关已经批准了项目报告、本合资经营合同和公司章程,且没有变更其条款或条件或施加额外条款或条件(除非经双方书面同意);
a. The competent authority has approved the Project Report, this Joint Venture Contract and the Articles of Association of the Company without varying their terms or conditions or imposing any additional terms or conditions unless consented by the Parties in writing;
b. 主管的国家工商行政管理局已经颁发了反映本合资经营合同下经营范围的约定内容的公司营业执照(但是不必使用相同的措词)。
b. The competent State Administration of Industry and Commerce has issued the Company’s business license reflecting the agreed content, but not necessarily the same wording, of the business scope under this Joint Venture Contract;
[OPTIONS: other conditions precedent to be added according to the specific case including e.g.
[The [technology license agreement/trademark license agreement] between the Com¬pany and [...] attached hereto as Annex [...] were signed and became registered by the competent authorities;]
[Evidence to the satisfaction of Party […] that the certificate on granting of the land use rights for the project as defined in Article […] will be issued in accordance with Annex […]; ]
[The Company's Board of Directors was established in accordance with this Joint Venture Contract and the Articles of Association]
[The certified public accountant, who shall verify the Parties' contributions to the Company, was determined by the Board of Directors and entrusted by the Company,]
[The Annexes (including the Related Agreements) were ratified by the Company's Board of Directors at its first meeting and became binding upon the Company and, to the extent required by mandatory law, were registered with the competent authorities and became legally effective as set out there in]
[The Parties received evidence satisfactory to them that the competent Chinese authorities will grant in due course the relevant approvals, li¬censes, permits and registrations required for the operation of the Company;]
[Receipt by the Company of a Confirmation Letter issued by the appropriate Chinese authority confirming that the machinery, equipment and parts imported by the Company and financed out of its total amount of investment are exempted from customs duties and import value added tax;]
[Availability of evidence satisfactory to the Parties that the Company will be granted [Encouraged Status] and all preferential tax treatments thereunder available at the time of scheduled contributions under this JV-Contract;]
【合法有效的结论以及在法律要求的范围内,对本合资经营合同附件X中规定的《土地和建筑物租赁合同》进行登记【对[ ]方在第___条中所作的令[ ]方满意的保证进行核实。】】
[Legally valid conclusion and to the extent required by law, registration of the Contract on Rental of Land and Buildings as set out in Annex X hereof [and verification of the warranties given by Party [ ] in Article… to the satisfaction of Party [ ];]]
[Availability of evidence in respect of environmental compliance for the Factory Building and Land in accordance with relevant environmental law of the People´s Republic of China;]
[No breach of any warranty, representation or covenant or other underaking by the other Party has occurred;]
[The Company organized a financing plan for the initial phase of the Company which is approved by the Parties / the Company received evidence on provision of financing as determined in Annex […].]]
如果自以上(a)和(b)项中规定的前提条件实现后的九十(90)天内,第([…])中的(c)项中的任何前提条件未能实现,且双方未以书面形式同意豁免该等前提条件或者延长其实现该条件的时间,则每一方均有权书面终止本合资经营合同;在此情况下,任何一方或任何第三方或机构均无任何权利要求对方或双方中的任何一方对注册资本进行任何出资或者向对方或双方中的任何一方请求任何损害赔偿。在此情况下,除非一方按照本合资经营合同第[ ]条的规定从对方获得其在公司的股权,否则,公司应按第[ ]条规定进行解散和清算。
If any of the conditions precedent as of Subparagraph (c) to ([…]) is not fulfilled in 90 (ninety) days after the fulfilment of the conditions precedent as of Subparagraph (a) and (b) above, and the Parties do not agree in writing to waive such conditions precedent or to extend the time for its fulfilment, then each Party shall have the right to terminate in writing this Joint Venture Contract, in which case no Party and no third party or authority shall have any right whatsoever to require the other or either of the Parties to make any contribution to the registered capital or to claim any damages from the other or either of the Parties. In such case the Company shall be dissolved and liquidated as set out in Article [...] unless one Party acquires from the other Party its equity stake in the Company as provided for in Article […] of this Joint Venture Contract.
If the conditions precedent according to Subparagraph (a) and (b) are not fulfilled within the time-limit stated in Article [...] or such other date as agreed by the Parties, this Joint Venture Contract and the Articles of Association shall automatically become null and void as set out in Article [...].
2.11 如果一方未能根据本第[…]条的规定进行全部或部分出资,则该方应向对方赔偿违约金,违约金数额应为未付金额的每日万分之五(0.05%),自该笔出资额到期之日起算直至支付日。如果一方未进行全部或部分出资,在收到对方通知的三十(30)天内未进行补救,通知方应有权根据第[…]条书面终止本合资经营合同。
2.11 In the event that a Party fails to make its contribution, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this Article […], such Party shall be liable to pay liquidated damages to the other Party amounting to [0.05% (point zero five percent) per day] of the unpaid amount commencing from the date the amount is due until date of payment. If the failure of a Party to make its contribution, in whole or in part, is not remedied within thirty (30) days of notice from the other Party, the notifying Party shall have the right to terminate in writing this Joint Venture-Contract pursuant to Article [...].
2.12 除了该终止权利之外,在不损害公司或对方就违约方因其违反合资经营合同而享有的任何权利的情况下,守约方应有权对注册资本未支付的部分进行出资并从违约方获得其在公司注册资本中的相关股权比例。在此情况下,违约方同意并接受实现对方进行该收购所需采取的所有措施。
2.12 In addition to such termination rights and without prejudice to any rights the Company or the other Party may have against the defaulting Party due to its breach of Joint Venture Contract, the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to contribute the unpaid portion of the registered capital and to acquire the respective equity ratio in the Company’s registered capital from the defaulting Party. In such case, the defaulting Party shall agree and consent to all measures required to realize such acquisition by the other Party.
2.13 如果公司一方未能支付任何一期注册资本,对方应无义务支付将来的任何一期出资。
2.13 If a Party to the Company fails to pay any installment of the registered capital, the other Party shall be under no obligation to pay any future installments.
2.14 双方对注册资本进行每期出资后的一(1)个月内,公司应当促使公司的注册会计公司核验出资并向公司和每一方出具验资报告。公司应根据审计公司提供的验资报告向每一方颁发出资证明书。出资证明书应当包括如下事项:
2.14 Within one (1) month after each contribution by the Parties to the registered capital the Company shall cause the Company's certified accounting company to verify the contribution and issue a contribution verification report to the Company and to each Party. The Company shall issue to each Party an Investment Certificate based upon the verification report provided by the auditing company. The Investment Certificates shall include the following items:
a. 公司名称;a. The name of the Company;
b. 注册资本额;b. The amount of the registered capital;
c) 公司设立的年、月、日;
c) The day, month and year of establishment of the Company;
d) 相关方支付或缴付出资的日期和金额;
d) The date and amount of the contribution paid in or made by the Party concerned;
e) 颁发出资证明书本身的年、月、日;
e) The date, month and year of issuance of the Investment Certificate itself;
f) 公司公章;f) The seal of the Company;
g) 公司董事长和副董事长的签名。
g) The signatures of the Chairman and of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.
The Investment Certificates shall constitute conclusive evidence of the contributions of the Parties.
第3条 注册资本的增加或减少Article 3 Increase and Decrease of Registered Capital
3.1 双方可以约定,经审批机关审批(如果该审批是强制性法律所要求的),增加或减少注册资本。如果增资或减资使双方根据第1.3条享有的股比可能发生变化,则应根据增资或减资后投资总额确定股比。增加的注册资本出资可以通过再投资利润缴付。
3.1 The Parties may agree, subject to approval of the Examination and Approval Authority if such approval is required by mandatory law, to increase or to reduce the registered capital. In the event of a capital increase or decrease the Parties' share ratio in accordance with Article 1.3 may be changed and be determined based on the total investment subsequent to the increase or decrease respectively. Contributions to increased registered capital may be made by reinvesting profits.
[可选方案 1:[OPTION 1:
3.2.1 在双方同意向公司提供除注册资本以外的进一步资金的情况下,他们应当通过次级贷款或担保的方式根据其股权比例提供该额外款额。根据双方之间的相关协议、董事会的决议以及主管的政府机关的批准,该次级贷款可以转为注册资本。]
3.2.1 To the extent that the Parties agree to provide further funds to the Company in addition to the registered capital they shall provide such additional amount by means of subordinated loans or securities from the Parties according to their equity ratio. Subject to respective agreements between the Parties, resolutions of the Board of Directors and approval by competent government authorities, such subordinated loans may be converted into registered capital. ]
[可选方案2:[OPTION 2:
3.2.2 如果一方认为,为了公司的发展和业务经营而有必要增加公司的注册资本,并提议增加注册资本,则非提议方应对此提议给予充分考虑。
3.2.2 In the event that one Party considers it necessary for the development and business operations of the Company to increase the registered capital of the Company and proposes to increase the registered capital, the non-proposing Party shall give its fullest consideration to such proposal.
The non-proposing Party must consent to such increase of the registered capital and must cause its representatives on the Board of Directors to consent to the increase if the Company has reached its objectives as set out in the Project Report in the year prior to the proposal to increase the registered capital.
If the non-proposing Party does not agree to participate in such increase within nine (9) months from the date of the proposal, and the proposing Party proposes further, at the end of such period, to contribute the increase in the registered capital on its own, the non-proposing Party shall cause its representatives on the Board of Directors to consent to the increase and the resultant adjustment to the equity ratio held by the Parties in the Company.]
[可选方案3:[OPTION 3:
3.2.3 如果任何一方认为应当扩大公司的经营且该扩大要求增加注册资本,那么,该方应在有充分理由并由该方起草相关报告的基础上有权要求相应增加公司的投资总额和注册资本。该请求应以书面通知的形式向对方做出(“增资请求”)。在此情况下,双方应在收到增资请求后的[...] ([...])天内,对公司投资总额和注册资本的有关增加达成一致意见,并根据双方的股权比例认缴该增加的注册资本,且要促使其在董事会的董事批准该增资并采取实施增资所需的所有必要措施。如果对方在其收到增资请求后的[...] ([...])天内未能及时同意该增资和/或同意对实施公司注册资本的增加所需的变更,那么,请求方应有权要求单方增加公司的投资总额和注册资本并全额认缴对公司注册资本的该增加额。对方应同意该单方增资以及相关的对合资经营合同和章程的修改,并促使其在董事会的董事采取实施增资所需的所有措施。如果对方未能遵守其采取所有措施的义务,其应被视为严重违约,且即使请求方可能享有任何其他权利,其也应当承担支付罚金[…]的责任。]
3.2.3 If in any Party’s opinion the Company’s operations should be expanded and such expansion requires an increase in registered capital, then such Party shall be entitled to require a related increase of the Company’s total investment and registered capital on basis of sufficient reasons and a related Project Report drawn up by such Party. Such request shall be made in the form of a notice to the other Party in writing (the “Increase Request”). In such case the Parties within [...] ([...]) days following the receipt of the Increase Request shall agree on a related increase of the Company’s total investment and registered capital, subscribe for such increase of the registered capital of the Company in accordance with the equity ratio between the Parties and cause their directors of the Board of Directors to approve such increase and to take all measures required for its implementation. In case the other Party fails to agree on such increase in time and/or to agree on the required changes to implement such increase in the Company’s registered capital within [...] ([...]) days of its receipt of the Increase Request, then the requesting Party shall have the right to require an unilateral increase of the Company’s total investment and registered capital and to subscribe for such increase of the Company’s registered capital in whole. The other Party shall agree to such unilateral increase and the related amendment of the Joint Venture Contract and the Articles of Association and cause its directors to the board to take all measures required for its implementation. In case the other Party fails to comply with its obligations to take all necessary measures it shall be deemed in gross breach of contract and notwithstanding any other rights the requesting Party may have shall be liable to pay a penalty of […].]
3.3 股权上的权利负担3.3 Encumbrances to Equity
Neither Party shall mortgage, pledge, charge or otherwise encumber all or any part of its contribution to the Company´s registered capital without the prior written consent of the other Party.
[3.4 注:可选方案条款的成本超支
[3.4 NOTE: Optional Clause of Cost-Overrun
[可选方案1:[OPTION 1:
3.4.1 双方已经确定项目报告中的建设投资(除营运资本以外的资产以及在建设期间自然增加的贷款利息)将为人民币 [...] ([...])。如果在公司商业投产开始时建设投资超出项目报告中确定的数额,则双方应当调整注册资本以便使调整后的注册资本和投资总额的比例符合相关政府机关的规定。]
3.4.1 The Parties have determined the investment for construction (assets other than working capital and the loan interest accrued during the construction period) in the Project Report to be [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]). If this investment for construction at the beginning of commercial production of the Company exceeds the amount determined in the Project Report, the Parties shall adjust the registered capital so that the ratio between the adjusted registered capital and the total investment shall comply with the regulations of the relevant government authorities.]
[可选方案2:[OPTION 2:
3.4.2 如果在工厂建设期间或建设结束时,该时间点所确定的公司实际建设投资额超过项目报告的投资总额中所预测的建设投资额(“成本超支”),则董事会将审查对成本超支提供资金的可选方案。
3.4.2 If during or at the end of the construction of the Plants the amount of the actual construction investment of the Company, as determined at that point of time exceeds the amount of the construction investment as forecasted in the total investment in the Project Report ("Cost Overrun"), the Board of Directors will review the options for the funding of the Cost Overrun.
如果成本超支少于或相当于投资总额的百分之二十(20%),则公司应当尽最大努力获得额外贷款对该成本超支进行融资。如果公司在三(3)个月内尚未获得所需贷款,双方应当促使其委任的董事通过一项决议以增加注册资本,且双方应当按照其股权比例缴付需要追加的注册资本,以便使双方通过出资筹措到法律所要求的增加后的总投资的[...] ([…])或该比例。
If the Cost Overrun is less than or the equal of twenty percent (20%) of the total investment, then the Company shall undertake best efforts to obtain additional loans to finance such Cost Overrun. If the Company has not obtained the required loans within three (3) months, the Parties shall cause the Directors appointed by them to adopt a resolution to increase the registered capital and the Parties shall contribute the necessary additional registered capital according to their equity ratio so that [...] ([…]) or such ratio as shall be required by law of the increased total investment shall be financed by capital contributions of the Parties.
If the Cost Overrun is greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total investment any increase of the registered capital shall require the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors according to Article [...].
如果双方中的一方或一方以上不愿意根据本第[...] 条的规定对注册资本的任何增加全部或部分地缴纳其出资份额,对方应有权无需该不愿增资方出资而增加注册资本。在此情况下,对方应当缴付其所追加的注册资本份额;并且还要按比例对不愿增资方的份额进行缴付。]
In the event one or more of the Parties do not wish to contribute, in whole or in part, its share of any increase in the registered capital according to this Article […], the other Parties shall be entitled to increase the registered capital without a contribution from such refraining Party. In such event the other Parties shall contribute their share of the additional registered capital, and in addition contribute pro rata the portion of the refraining Party's share.]]
[3.5 注:可选方案条款的进一步贷款融资
[3.5 NOTE: Optional Clause on Further Loan Financing
3.5 公司应当通过银行提供贷款或公司的其他来源贷款融资达到人民币 [...] ([...])。
3.5 The Company shall finance up to [...] Renminbi (RMB [...]) through loans provided by banks or other sources to the Company.
A security to be provided for such loans shall be solely provided by the Company. Neither Party shall be obliged to provide any security.]
第四章 股份转让Chapter 4 Transfer of Shares
1.1 在向公司下发营业执照后[ ]年内,未经另一方的书面同意,任何一方均不得向任何第三方(包括任何关联方)出售、转让、出让或以其他方式处置其全部或部分股份,且任何一方无须同意该等转让。
1.1 During a period of […] ([…]) years from the issuance of the Business License to the Company, no Party shall sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of all or part of its shares to any third party including any affiliate without the written consent of the other Party and no Party shall be required to consent to such assignment.
1.2 未经另一方的事先书面同意,任何一方均不得就其持有的全部或部分公司股份设置抵押、质押、担保或以其他方式设置权利负担。
1.3 在第1.1条规定的期限届满后,任何一方均不得出售、转让、出让或以其他方式处置其任何一部分股份,除非如下条件得以充分实现:
1.2 Neither Party shall mortgage, pledge, charge or otherwise encumber all or any part of its share in the Company´s registered capital without the prior written consent of the other Party.
1.3 After the expiration of the period set out in Article 1.1, neither Party shall sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of any portion of its share unless the following conditions are duly fulfilled:
a) 任何一方(“要约方”)均不得出售或转让其持有的公司股份,除非其首先向另一方(“受要约方”)提出书面要约(“要约”)出售其股份。
a) No Party ("Offeror") shall sell or assign its share in the Company unless it first offers to sell, in writing ("the Offer"), its share to the other Party ("the Offeree").
b) 如果自收到要约后两(2)个月之后,受要约方未为对要约作出答复,或已书面表明其无意购买股份,要约方应有权根据本合资经营合同的规定向第三方要约出售其股份。
b) If after two (2) months from receipt of the Offer, the Offeree have not replied to the Offer, or have indicated in writing that they are not interested in purchasing the share, the Offeror shall have the right to offer its share for sale to a third party in accordance with the stipulations set forth in this Joint Venture Contract.
c) 如果自收到要约后两(2)个月内,受要约方至少书面表明其有意购买股份,双方应努力就合理的购买价格达成一致。
c) If within two (2) months from receipt of the Offer, at least the Offeree indicates in writing that it is interested in purchasing the shares, the Parties shall seek to agree on a reasonable purchase price.
d) 如果双方未能在受要约方收到要约后四(4)个月内就合理的购买价格达成一致,则
d) If the Parties fail to agree on a reasonable purchase price within four (4) months from receipt of the Offer by the Offeree,
可选方案 1:Option 1:
the Parties shall seek an opinion from an external auditor as to the reasonable purchase price for the offered share based on internationally accepted evaluation methods permitted by PRC law. [Note: The Parties should agree on the specific method on how to determine the purchase price.]. If the Parties fail to agree on the external auditor within further [two weeks], each Party shall be entitled to request the [note: a third party] to nominate an auditor to render the opinion. The costs of the opinion of the external auditor shall be shared by all of the Parties in proportion to their respective participations in the registered capital of the Company
可选方案2:Option 2:
then the Parties shall jointly conduct a valuation to determine the value of the Company
e) 要约方应在收到审计师的价格意见后一(1)个月内,向受要约方告知其是否准备按照该价格出售其股份。如果要约方拒绝按照意见中提出的价格出售其股份,或如果其未在上述一(1)个月期限内通知受要约方,要约方无权向第三方出售其股份。
e) The Offeror shall inform the Offeree, within one (1) month from receiving the auditor's opinion on the price, as to whether it prepares to sell its share at the price resulting from the opinion. If the Offeror refuses to sell its share at the price stated in the opinion, or if it does not inform the Offeree within the aforementioned one (1) month period, it shall not be entitled to sell its share to a third party.
f) 在要约方表明其出售意愿后一个半(1.5)个月内,受要约方应根据上文第4节1.3 e)款,向要约方告知其是否准备按照意见中提出的价格购买股份。如果受要约方拒绝按照意见中提出的价格购买股份,或其未在一(1)个月内向要约方告知其购买股份的意愿,要约方有权向第三方要约出售其股份。向第三方出售股份的条件不得优于向受要约方出售股份的条件。
f) The Offeree shall inform the Offeror within one and a half (1 1/2) months after the Offeror has indicated its willingness to sell, pursuant to Subchapter 4/1.3. e) above, as to whether the Offeree is prepared to purchase the share at the price stated in the opinion. If the Offeree refuses to purchase the share at the price stated in the opinion, or if within the period of one (1) month the Offeree fails to inform the Offeror of their intent to purchase the share, the Offeror shall have the right to offer for sale to a third party its share. The conditions of this offer to sell to the third party shall not be more favorable than those at which the share was offered for sale to the Offeree.
g) 在向第三方出售各自股份之前,受要约方有权要求要约方披露受要约方可能合理要求的关于本次转让以及第三方的所有信息。受要约方有权要求要约方按照与向第三方提供的条款条件相同的条款条件向其出售要约股份。在要约方向受要约方书面告知第三方的名称和地址以及出售协议的条款后三(3)个月内,受要约方应以书面方式行使该优先购买权。
g) Before the respective share is sold to a third party, the Offeree shall have the right to require the Offeror to reveal all information on this transfer as well as the third party as may be reasonably required by the Offeree. The Offeree shall have the right to require the offered share to be sold to them on the same terms and conditions as offered to the third party. Such right of first refusal shall be exercised in writing within a period of three (3) months after the Offeror has informed the Offeree in writing of the name and the address of the third party and of the terms of the sale agreement.
1.4 如果一方向第三方转让其股份,转让的一方应签订一项转让合同,根据该合同,第三方同意承担与转让的一方在签订股份转让合同时在如下文件项下存在的关于另一方的权利和义务相同的权利和义务:(i)本合资经营合同,和(ii)双方作为合资企业的股东相互订立的其他合法有效的协议和合同。转让的一方应向另一方提供关于上述承诺的证据。
1.4 If a Party transfers its share to a third party, the transferring Party shall enter into a transfer contract under which the third party agrees to assume in relation to the other Party the same rights and obligations as exist for the transferring Party at the signing of the share transfer contract under (i) this Joint Venture Contract and under (ii) other legally valid agreements and contracts between the Parties in their capacity as the shareholders to the Joint Venture. The transferring Party shall provide evidence of said undertaking to the other Party.
1.4.1 任何一方转让其股份的先决条件是(i)转让方按照另一方可能合理要求的格式签署确认和接受契据,根据该契据,买方同意受本合资经营合同的义务的约束并享有本合资经营合同的权益,如同其是本合资合同的原始方一样,和(ii)公司的业务、本合资经营合同的履行及其组织结构均不得因任何该等出售、转让或对股份的其他处置受到妨碍或影响。
1.4.1 It shall be a condition precedent to the right of any Party to transfer its share that (i) the transferring party executes in such form as may be reasonably required by the other Party a deed of ratification and accession under which the purchaser agrees to be bound by and entitled to the obligations and benefits of this Joint Venture Contract as if an original party hereto and (ii) neither the business of the -Company nor the performance of this Joint Venture Contract shall be interrupted, nor shall its organizational structure be affected by any such sale, alienation or other disposal of such share.
1.5 向第三方转让任何一方的任何一部分股份必须事先获得董事会的批准,并应在获得董事会的书面同意后方可生效。
1.5 Any transfer to a third party of any portion whatsoever of any Party's share must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors and shall be valid only with the written consent of the Board of Directors.
1.5.1 受限于本章规定的条款和条件,双方应同意并促使其向董事会委派的董事批准本合同项下关于股份的任何出售、转让、出让或其他处置,前提是(i)本条规定已予以遵守,和(ii)第三方(受让人)出示令另一方满意的证据,说明其完全能够在所有方面履行因相关合同产生的义务,并且(iii)已经合法有效地签署本合同第4节1.4款提及的文件和合同。另一方应同意并采取执行转让所需的所有措施,除非其有合理理由拒绝同意该等转让。
1.5.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this chapter the Parties shall consent and cause their directors appointed to the Board of Directors to approve any sale, transfer, assignment or other disposal of the shares hereunder provided that (i) the provisions under this Article have been complied with and (ii) the third party (Transferee) presents evidence satisfactory to the other Party that it is fully capable to fulfill all its obligations resulting from such contracts in all respects and (iii) has legally valid executed the documents and contracts referred to in Article 4/1.4 hereof. Unless it has other reasonable cause to reject its consent to such assignment, the other Party shall consent and take all measures required for its implementation.
1.6 可选项1.6 Optional
受第三方控制的情况] Control by Third Party]
如果:In the event that:
a) 第三方根据法律、合同或其他依据获得一方(“要约方”)的[ ]%(百分之[ ])或更多的股份;或
a) […] % ([…] percent) or more of the shares in a Party (“Offeror”) are acquired by a third party by law, contract or otherwise; or
b) 另一方或公司的竞争者获得、享有一方的[ ]%(百分之[ ])或更多的股份或行使该一方的表决控制权;或
b) […] % ([…] percent) or more of the shares in a Party (“Offeror”) are acquired, owned or voting control is exercised by a competitor of the other Party (“Offeree”) or of the Company; or
c) 在一项交易中,一方(“要约方”)作为非存续公司与另一家实体合并或并入另一家实体,或
c) a Party (“Offeror”) merges with or into another entity in a transaction in which it is not the surviving corporation, or
d) 在一项交易中,一方(“要约方”)作为存续公司与另一家实体合并或兼并另一家实体,但是(ii)适用
d) A Party (“Offeror) merges with or into another entity in which it is the surviving corporation, however (ii) apply,
then the Offeree shall have the right to purchase all of the shares held by the Offeror in the Company and the Offeror shall consent to such purchase and cause its directors appointed to the Board of Directors to approve such sale or assignment accordingly and to take all measures required for the implementation of such transaction. As regards the purchase price, the related regulation of Subchapter 4/1.3 (d) shall apply accordingly, i.e. in case the Parties cannot agree on a purchase price within 60 (sixty) days after Offeree´s purchase request, it shall be determined by an auditor to be appointed by the Board of Directors as set out in said Subchapter 4/1.3 (d) above. ]
1.7. 关于股份的任何出售、转让或其他处置应依据法律要求并在法律要求的范围内提交审批机关批准。公司应依法登记股份所有权变更。
1.7. Any sale, alienation or other disposal of the share, if and to the extent required by law, be submitted to the Examination and Approval Authority for approval. The Company shall register the change in ownership in accordance with the law.
1.8 就本章而言,各方的关联方(定义见下文)不应被视为第三方。
1.8 For purposes of this chapter, Affiliates (to be defined) of the Parties shall not be deemed to be third parties.
第五章 小股东保护条款 【可选条款】
Chapter 5 Minority Shareholders Protection Clauses 【Optional Clause】
第1条 跟售权Article 1 Tag-along Right
1.1 如果控制的一方计划向一位受让人出售其全部或部分股份,控制的一方应向其他小股东发出转让通知(“转让通知”),说明其计划进行的转让、其计划转让的股份数量、股份价格以及拟定受让人的状况。如果在收到转让通知后[ ]日内小股东选择不行使其在本合资经营合同项下的优先购买权,该等小股东应有权[而非义务]将不超过[ ]股的股份纳入该等转让,前提是适用的中国法律法规允许该跟售权的行使并且双方已获得行使跟售权所需的所有必要的批准、同意、允许和授权。
1.1 If the controlling Party intends to sell all or part of its shares to a transferee, then the controlling Party shall deliver a transfer notice (“Transfer Notice”) to the other minority Parties, stating the transfer it wishes to carry out, the number of shares it wishes to transfer, the price of the shares and the status of the proposed transferee. If the minority Parties elect not to exercise their rights of first refusal under this Joint Venture Contract within [ ] days after the receipt of the Transfer Notice, such minority Parties shall have the right (but not the obligation) to incorporate the shares not more than [ ] shares into such transfer, Provided such exercise of tag-along right is permitted under applicable PRC laws and regulations and the Parties have obtained all necessary and required approvals, consents, permits, authorizations regarding their exercise of such tag-along right.
1.2 在收到转让通知后[ ]日内,小股东可以向控制的一方发出书面通知行使其跟售权(“跟售通知”),说明(i)小股东在跟售通知项下行使其跟售权的决定,和(ii)受让人将从除(第1.1条所述的)控制的一方之外的其他方购买的股份的数量。
1.2 Within [ ] days after receiving the Transfer Notice, the minority Parties may exercise its tag-along rights by delivering a written notice (the “Tag-along Notice”) to the controlling Party, stating (i) the minority Parties’ decision to exercise their rights under such Tag-along Notice, and (ii) the number of shares to be purchased by the transferee from Parties other than the controlling Party as stated under (Article 1.1).
1.3 在小股东以善意方式发出跟售通知后[ ]日内,如果受让人无意接受公司的额外股份,双方应仅善意地向受让人转让股份。
1.3 Within [ ] days after the minority Parties in a bona fide manner send the Tag-along Notice, if the transferee is not willing to accept the additional shares of the Company, the Parties will only transfer the shares to the transferee on a pro rata basis.
第2条 卖出期权 Article 2 Put Option
2.1 控制的一方在此同意向小股东授予一项[不可撤销的]期权(“卖出期权”)。根据该期权,小股东有权(而非义务)向控制的一方出售其全部(而非部分)股份,并且控制的一方应直接购买或促使其他人士购买小股东出售的股份。若发生如下任何情况,小股东有权行使其卖出期权:
2.1 The controlling Party hereby agrees to grant an [irrevocable] option (the “Put Option”) to the minority Parties. Under such Put Option, the minority Parties shall have the right (but not the obligation) to sell all of their shares (but not part of its shares) to the controlling Party, and the controlling Party shall purchase directly or cause other Persons to purchase from the minority Parties of its shares. The minority Parties shall be entitled to exercise its Put Options if any of the following circumstances occurs:
i. 发生提前终止的任何事件(不包括因小股东违约导致的提前终止);
i. Upon the occurrence of any events of early termination (except for any early termination caused by the breach of the minority Parties);
ii. [双方经协商决定的其他情况。]
ii. [Other circumstances to be decided by the Parties through negotiation.]
2.2 除非双方另行约定,如果小股东选择行使上述卖出期权,其应向控制的一方发出评估通知(“评估通知”)。应通过评估程序确定公司股份的公平市场价。
2.2 Unless the Parties agree otherwise, if minority Parties elect to exercise the aforesaid Put Options, they shall send an appraisal notice (the “Appraisal Notice”) to the controlling Party. The fair market value of the shares of the Company shall be decided under appraisal procedures.
2.3 在经双方协商和/或依据评估价值确定公司股份的公平市场价之后,小股东应有权在此后[ ]日向控制的一方发出通知(“行权通知”),说明其希望按照双方约定的公平市场价乘以小股东届时持有的公司股份的百分比(“行权价格”)行使卖出期权向控制的一方出售所有股份。控制的一方应有权指定第三方购买小股东的股份,并且控制的一方应在收到行权通知后[ ]日内向小股东告知该第三方的情况。
2.3 Upon the determination of the fair market value of the shares of the Company by the agreement among the Parties and/or based on the appraisal value, the minority Parties shall have the right to send a notice (the “Exercise Notice”) to the controlling Party [ ] days thereafter, stating that their wishes to exercise the rights to sell all the shares to the controlling Party at the price of the fair market value agreed by the Parties multiplied by the then percentage of shares held by the minority Parties in the Company (the “Exercise Price”). The controlling Party shall have the right to designate a third party (the “Third Party Purchaser”) to purchase from the minority Parties the shares, and the controlling Party shall notify the minority Parties of the status of such Third Party Purchaser within [ ] days after his/her receipt of the Exercise Notice.
2.4 在递交行权通知后[ ]日内,控制的一方或控制的一方指定的第三方购买人(视情况而定)和小股东应就小股东按照行权价格向控制的一方或控制的一方指定的第三方购买人(视情况而定)转让其所有股份订立一份股份转让协议。控制的一方同意并保证,如果其指定第三方购买人购买小股东的股份,其应确保该第三方购买人将充分履行小股东转让的股份的义务。(视情况而定)
2.4 Within [ ] days after the delivery of the Exercise Notice, the controlling Party or the Third Party Purchaser designated by the controlling Party (as applicable) and the minority Parties shall enter into a share transfer agreement with respect to the transfer by the minority Parties of all its shares to the controlling Party or the Third Party Purchaser designated by the controlling Party (as applicable) at the Exercise Price. The controlling Party agrees and warrants that if she/he designates the Third Party Purchaser to purchase the shares from the minority Parties, she/he shall ensure that such Third Party Purchaser will fully perform the obligations relating to the share transfer by the minority Parties.
第六章 董事会和经营管理机构
Chapter 6 Board of Directors and Management
第1条 董事会的组成Article 1 Composition of the Board of Directors
1.1 公司设有董事会。董事会由【 】位董事组成。其中,【 】位董事由甲方任命,【 】位董事由乙方任命。如果双方在公司的注册资本中持有的股权比例发生变更,则每一方任命的董事人数应根据双方持有的新股权比例进行调整。双方在注册资本中持有的股权比例每改变【X%】即允许双方调整任命的董事人数。董事会应在营业执照签发之日成立,并应自营业执照签发之日起一个月内召开会议。
1.1 The Company shall have a Board of Directors consisting of […] members, […] of which shall be appointed by Party A and […] by Party B. In case the Parties’ equity shares in the registered capital of the Company change, the number of directors appointed by each Party shall be adjusted in accordance with the new equity share ratio. Each change of [X%] in the registered capital allows for adjustment of the number of directors. The Board of Directors shall be established on and shall meet within one month from the issuance date of the Business License.
1.2 董事任期【四/三】年。任何董事均可由最初任命其担任董事的一方再次任命或随时更换,且任何上述免职或任命应在另一方收到相关通知后生效。【管理委员会/管理办公室】的成员【可以/不可】担任董事。
1.2 The term of office for the directors shall be [four/three] years. Any director may be re-appointed or at any time be replaced by the Party which originally appointed him, and any such removal or appointment shall become effective upon receipt of a respec¬tive notice by the other Party. Members of the [Management Board/Management Office] [may/may not] be members of the Board of Directors.
1.3 【 】方应任命一位董事担任董事长,【 】方应任命副董事长。
1.3 Party […] shall appoint from among the directors the Chairman, while Party […] shall ap¬point the Vice Chairman.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Com¬pany.
【可选方案1:[Option 1:
Subject to prior consent of the members of the Board of Directors the Chairman may issue a power of attorney to the [President of the Management Board/General Manager] to represent the Company externally and internally as legal representative of the Company.
可选方案2:Option 2:
Subject to prior consent of the members of the Board of Directors the Chairman shall issue a power of attorney to the [President of the Management Board/General Manager] to represent the Company externally and internally as legal representative of the Company.
可选方案3 Option 3:
Unless revoked by the Board of Directors, the [President of the Management Board / General Manager] shall hereby have the power of attorney to represent the Company externally and internally as legal representative of the Company.]
The Chairman may contractually or otherwise bind the Company only after prior explicit and specific authorization by (i) this Joint Venture Contract, (ii) the Articles of Association of the Company, (iii) or a resolution of the Board of Directors. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman shall carry out all functions and tasks as authorized specifically by the Board of Directors. Should the Chairman be unable to exercise his responsibilities, he shall authorize the Vice Chairman to act temporarily on his behalf. In the event the Chairman acts on the Company's behalf or interferes in the management of the Company without prior approval by the Board of Directors then either Party shall have the right to demand the Chairman in writing to cease his unauthorised actions. If despite such demand the Chairman continues to act in an unauthorised manner then any director may request the Vice-Chairman to convene and hold a meeting. At such meeting to be presided over by the Vice-Chairman the directors will decide whether to revoke the Chairman. The Chairman shall have no voting right in such meeting. In the event a majority of the directors decides to remove the Chairman, rights of the Chairman shall be considered as suspended including voting rights and the Vice-Chairman shall act as caretaker Chairman if the Party having appointed the Chairman fails to appoint a successor within maximum seven days following the aforementioned resolution.
The same as provided above applies to the Vice Chairman.
1.4 如果任何董事损害了公司的利益,则提名该董事的一方应在收到另一方请求后三十(30)日内更换该董事。另一方发出的请求应详细说明更换该董事的原因。如果在上文规定的期限内,相关过错未被纠正或相关董事未被更换,则尽管该董事个人仍然应对其过错给公司造成的损害负责,董事会可以以简单多数票通过决议,撤销该董事的职务。该董事在相关董事会会议上无投票权,且其投票权应视为已被中止,直至有权提名该董事的一方提名一位新董事。
1.4 Directors who harm the Company's interest shall be replaced by the nominating Party within 30 (thirty) days upon request by the other Party, such request to specify the reasons for replacement. If the failure has not been rectified or replacement not been implemented within the time period stated above, such director may be removed by a simple majority resolution of the Board of Directors notwithstanding his personal liability towards the Company for damages incurred by the Company due to his failure. The director concerned shall have no voting right in such meeting. The voting rights of the respective director shall be suspended until a new director has been nominated by the Party entitled thereto.
1.5 每一方都应促使其提名的董事忠实地遵守并执行合资合同本章的条款。任何董事未能遵守并执行合资合同本章的任何条款均应构成,并应被视为构成提名该董事的一方对本合资经营合同的违约。
1.5 Each Party shall cause the directors nominated by it to faithfully follow and im¬plement the terms of this Chapter of this Joint Venture Contract. Any failure by a director to follow and implement the terms of this Chapter of this Joint Venture Contract shall constitute and be deemed to constitute a breach of this Joint Venture Contract by the Party that nomi¬nated that director.