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海商法(第六章船舶租用合同 中英文)

摘要: Chapter VICharter Parties第六章 船舶租用合同 Section 1Basic Principles第一节 一般规定 Article 127The provisions concerning the rights and obligations of the shipowner and the charterer in this Chapter shall apply only when there are no stip
Chapter VICharter Parties第六章 船舶租用合同
Section 1Basic Principles第一节 一般规定
Article 127The provisions concerning the rights and obligations of the shipowner and the charterer in this Chapter shall apply only when there are no stipulations or no different stipulations in this regard in the charter party.
第一百二十七条 本章关于出租人和承租人之间权利、义务的规定,仅在船舶租用合同没有约定或者没有不同约定时适用。
Article 128Charter parties including time charter parties and bareboat charter parties shall be concluded in writing.
第一百二十八条 船舶租用合同,包括定期租船合同和光船租赁合同,均应当书面订立。
Section 2Time Charter Party第二节 定期租船合同
Article 129A time charter party is a contract under which the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship during the contractual period for the agreed service against payment of hire.
第一百二十九条 定期租船合同,是指船舶出租人向承租人提供约定的由出租人配备船员的船舶,由承租人在约定的期间内按照约定的用途使用,并支付租金的合同。
Article 130A time charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner, the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage, capacity, speed and fuel consumption of the ship; the trading area; the agreed service, the contractual period, the time, place and conditions of delivery and redelivery of the ship; the hire and the way of its payment and other relevant matters.
第一百三十条 定期租船合同的内容,主要包括出租人和承租人的名称、船名、船籍、船级、吨位、容积、船速、燃料消耗、航区、用途、租船期间、交船和还船的时间和地点以及条件、租金及其支付,以及其他有关事项。
Article 131The shipowner shall deliver the ship within the time agreed upon in the charter party.
Where the shipowner acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the charterer is entitled to cancel the charter. However, if the shipowner has notified the charterer of the anticipated delay in delivery and has given an estimated time of arrival of the ship at the port of delivery, the charterer shall notify the shipowner, within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice from the shipowner, of his decision whether to cancel the charter or not.
The shipowner shall be liable for the charterer's loss resulting from the delay in delivery of the ship due to the shipowner's fault.
第一百三十一条 出租人应当按照合同约定的时间交付船舶。
Article 132At the time of delivery, the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy. The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service.
Where the shipowner acts against the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the charterer shall be entitled to cancel the charter and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
第一百三十二条 出租人交付船舶时,应当做到谨慎处理,使船舶适航。交付的船舶应当适于约定的用途。
Article 133During the charter period, if the ship is found at variance with the seaworthiness or the other conditions agreed upon in the charter, the shipowner shall take all reasonable measures to have them restored as soon as possible.
Where the ship has not been operated normally for 24 consecutive hours due to its failure to maintain the seaworthiness or the other conditions as agreed upon, the charterer shall not pay the hire for the operating time so lost, unless such failure was caused by the charterer.
第一百三十三条 船舶在租期内不符合约定的适航状态或者其他状态,出租人应当采取可能采取的合理措施,使之尽快恢复。
Article 134The charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed in the agreed maritime transport between the safe ports or places within the trading area agreed upon.
If the charterer acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the shipowner is entitled to cancel the charter and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
第一百三十四条 承租人应当保证船舶在约定航区内的安全港口或者地点之间从事约定的海上运输。
Article 135The charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed to carry the lawful merchandise agreed.
Where the ship is to be employed by the charterer to carry live animals or dangerous goods, a prior consent of the shipowner is required.
The charterer shall be liable for any loss of the shipowner resulting from the charterer's violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of this Article.
第一百三十五条 承租人应当保证船舶用于运输约定的合法的货物。
Article 136The charterer shall be entitled to give the Master instructions with respect to the operation of the ship. However, such instructions shall not be inconsistent with the stipulations of the time charter.
第一百三十六条 承租人有权就船舶的营运向船长发出指示,但是不得违反定期租船合同的约定。
Article 137The charterer may sublet the ship under charter, but he shall notify the shipowner of the sublet in time. The rights and obligations agreed upon in the head charter shall not be affected by the sub-charter.
第一百三十七条 承租人可以将租用的船舶转租,但是应当将转租的情况及时通知出租人。租用的船舶转租后,原租船合同约定的权利和义务不受影响。
Article 138Where the ownership of the ship under charter has been transferred by the shipowner, the rights and obligations agreed upon under the original charter shall not be affected. However, the shipowner shall inform the charterer thereof in time. After such transfer, the transferee and the charterer shall continue to perform the original charter.
第一百三十八条 船舶所有人转让以及租出的船舶的所有权,定期租船合同约定的当事人的权利和义务不受影响,但是应当及时通知承租人。船舶所有权转让后,原租船合同由受让人和承租人继续履行。
Article 139Should the ship be engaged in salvage operations during the charter period, the charterer shall be entitled to half of the amount of the payment for salvage operations after deducting therefrom the salvage expenses, compensation for damage, the portion due to crew members and other relevant costs.
第一百三十九条 在合同期间,船舶进行海难救助的,承租人有权获得扣除救助费用、损失赔偿、船员应得部分以及其他费用后的救助款项的一半。
Article 140The charterer shall pay the hire as agreed upon in the charter. Where the charterer fails to pay the hire as agreed upon, the shipowner shall be entitled to cancel the charter party and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
第一百四十条 承租人应当按照合同约定支付租金。承租人未按照合同约定支付租金的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。
Article 141In case the charterer fails to pay the hire or other sums of money as agreed upon in the charter, the shipowner shall have a lien on the charterer's goods, other property on board and earnings from the sub-charter.
第十百四十一条 承租人未向出租人支付租金或者合同约定的其他款项的,出租人对船上属于承租人的货物和财产以及转租船舶的收入有留置权。
Article 142When the charterer redelivers the ship to the shipowner, the ship shall be in the same good order and condition as it was at the time of delivery, fair wear and tear excepted.
Where, upon redelivery, the ship fails to remain in the same good order and condition as it was at the time of delivery, the charterer shall be responsible for rehabilitation or for compensation.
第一百四十二条 承租人向出租人交还船舶时,该传船舶当具有与出租人交船时相同的良好状态,但是船舶本身的自然磨损除外。
Article 143If, on the basis of a reasonable calculation, a ship may be able to complete its last voyage at around the time of redelivery specified in the charter and probably thereafter, the charterer is entitled to continue to use the ship in order to complete that voyage even if its time of redelivery will be overdue. During the extended period, the charterer shall pay the hire at the rate fixed by the charter, and, if the current market rate of hire is higher than that specified in the charter, the charterer shall pay the hire at the current market rate.
第一百四十三条 经合理计算,完成最后航次的日期约为合同约定的还船日期,但可能超过合同约定的还船日期的,承租人有权超期用船以完成该航次。超期期间,承租人应当按照合同约定的租金率支付租金;市场的租金率高于合同约定的租金率的,承租人应当按照市场租金率支付租金。
Section 3Bareboat Charter Party第三节 光船租赁合同
Article 144A bareboat charter party is a charter party under which the shipowner provides the charterer with an unmanned ship which the charterer shall possess, employ and operate within an agreed period and for which the charterer shall pay the shipowner the hire.
第一百四十四条 光船租赁合同,是指船舶出租人向承租人提供不配备船员的船舶,在约定的期间内由承租人占有、使用和营运,并向出租人支付租金的合同。
Article 145A bareboat charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner and the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage and capacity of the ship; the trading area, the employment of the ship and the charter period; the time, place and condition of delivery and redelivery; the survey, maintenance and repair of the ship; the hire and its payment; the insurance of the ship; the time and condition for the termination of the charter and other relevant matters.
第一百四十五条 光船租赁合同的内容,主要包括出租人和承租人的名称、船名、船籍、船级、吨位、容积、航区、用途、租船期间、交船和还船的时间和地点以及条件、船舶检验、船舶的保养维修、租金及其支付、船舶保险、合同解除的时间和条件,以及其他有关事项。
Article 146The shipowner shall deliver the ship and its certificates to the charterer at the port or place and time as stipulated in the charter party. At the time of delivery, the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy. The ship delivered shall be fit for the agreed service.
Where the shipowner acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the charterer shall be entitled to cancel the charter and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
第一百四十六条 出租人应当在合同约定的港口或者地点,按照合同约定的时间,向承租人交付船舶以及船舶证书。交船时,出租人应当做到谨慎处理,使船舶适航。交付的船舶应当适于合同约定的用途。
Article 147The charterer shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the ship during the bareboat charter period.
第一百四十七条 在光船租赁期间,承租人负责船舶的保养、维修。
Article 148During the bareboat charter period, the ship shall be insured, at the value agreed upon in the charter and in the way consented to by the shipowner, by the charterer at his expense.
第一百四十八条 在光船租赁期间,承租人应当按照合同约定的船舶价值,以出租人同意的保险方式为船舶进行保险,并负担保险费用。
Article 149During the bareboat charter period, if the charterer's possession, employment or operation of the ship has affected the interests of the shipowner or caused any losses thereto, the charterer shall be liable for eliminating the harmful effect or compensating for the losses.
Should the ship be arrested due to any disputes over its ownership or debts owed by the shipowner, the shipowner shall guarantee that the interest of the charterer is not affected. The shipowner shall be liable for compensation for any losses suffered by the charterer thereby.
第一百四十九条 在光船租赁期间,因承租人对船舶占有、使用和营运的原因使出租人的利益受到影响或者遭受损失的,承租人应当负责消除影响或者赔偿损失。
Article 150During the bareboat charter period, the charterer shall not assign the rights and obligations stipulated in the charter or sublet the ship under bareboat charter without the shipowner's consent in writing.
第一百五十条 在光船租赁期间,未经出租人书面同意,承租人不得转让合同的权利和义务或者以光船租赁的方式将船舶进行转租。
Article 151The shipowner shall not establish any mortgage of the ship during the bareboat charter period without the prior consent in writing by the charterer.
Where the shipowner acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph and thereby causes losses to the charterer, the shipowner shall be liable for compensation.
第一百五十一条 未经承租人事先书面同意,出租人不得在光船租赁期间对船舶设定抵押权。
Article 152The charterer shall pay the hire as stipulated in the charter. In default of payment by the charterer for seven consecutive days or more after the time as agreed in the charter for such payment, the shipowner is entitled to cancel the charter without prejudice to any claim for the loss arising from the charterer's default.
Should the ship be lost or missing, payment of hire shall cease from the day when the ship was lost or last heard of. Any hire paid in advance shall be refunded in proportion.
第一百五十二条 承租人应当按照合同约定支付租金。承租人未按照合同约定的时间支付租金连续超过七日的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。
Article 153The provisions of Article 134, paragraph 1 of Article 135, Article 142 and Article 143 of this Code shall be applicable to bareboat charter parties.
第一百五十三条 本法第一百三十四条、第一百三十五条、第一百四十二条和第一百四十三条的规定,适用于光船租赁合同。
Article 154The ownership of a ship under bareboat charter containing a leasepurchase clause shall be transferred to the charterer when the charterer has paid off the leasepurchase price to the shipowner as stipulated in the charter.
第一百五十四条 订有租购条款的光船租赁合同,承租人按照合同约定向出租人付清租购费时,船舶所有权即归于承租人。

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