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美国技术服务及货物购买协议(中英文 下部分)
- 点击数:发布时间:2016-12-31来源:未知
摘要: 17. ANTI-CORRUPTION LAWS 反贿赂行为 A. In this anti-corruption laws section of the Agreement, the term Included Scope means, both collectively and separately, the Agreement and the portions of Suppliers and Buyers respective businesses that
A. In this anti-corruption laws section of the Agreement, the term “Included Scope” means, both collectively and separately, the Agreement and the portions of Supplier’s and Buyer’s respective businesses that are involved in it.
B. In this anti-corruption laws section of the Agreement “Anti-Corruption Laws” means, both collectively and separately, any anti-corruption, anti-bribery or similar governmental ethics and transparency laws that have particular jurisdiction or that govern the Included Scope in any general manner. Although Supplier and Buyer are each responsible for determining the extent and applicability of Anti-Corruption Laws, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the “FCPA”) and the UK Bribery Act 2010 are both expressly included in the scope of “Anti-Corruption Laws” regardless of Buyer’s or Supplier’s actual residency or the actual location that services are performed and received or that goods are made, delivered and received under the Agreement.
C. resent to the other that, with respect to the Included Scope, as of entering into the Agreement: Supplier and Buyer each rep
i. they have not violated any Anti-Corruption Laws; and他们没有违反反腐败法,和
ii. they have not directly or indirectly made any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorized payment, or offered a gift, promised to give, or authorized the giving of anything of value to any Government Official (defined as any officer, employee or person acting in an official capacity for any government department, agency or instrumentality, including state-owned or -controlled companies, and public international organizations, as well as a political party or official thereof or candidate for political office) or any other person while knowing or having reason to know that all or a portion of such money, gift or thing of value will be offered, paid or given, directly or indirectly, to any Government Official, for the purpose of (1) improperly influencing an act or decision of the Government Official in his or her official capacity, (2) improperly inducing the Government Official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official, (3) securing an improper advantage, or (4) inducing the Government Official to use his influence to affect or influence any act or decision of a government or instrumentality, in order to assist ACL or any of its affiliates in obtaining or retaining business.
他们没有直接或间接地向任何政府官员提供、 付款、承诺或授权付款,或提供礼物,答应或授权向任何政府官员给予有价物(政府官员的定义为任何官员、 雇员或为任何政府部门、 机构以官员职务工作的人士,包括国有或-控制的公司和国际公共组织以及政党或其官员或政治职位的候选人) 或任何其他人知道或有理由知道全部或部分的这种金钱、 礼物或有价值的物品将会直接或间接地向任何政府官员提供、 或支付,其目的为 (1)对政府官员在他或她的官方身份的决定造成不正当影响;(2) 不当引诱政府官员在其职位上以作为或不作为进行违法; (3) 获得不正当利益或 (4) 诱导政府官方利用他的影响力来影响政府或机构,以帮助买方或其任何联属公司在获取或保留业务的决策。
D. Supplier and Buyer each warrant to the other that, with respect to the Included Scope, and during the term of the Agreement, they will:
E. Supplier represents that, unless disclosed to Buyer in a separate written statement, none of its employees, directors, officers or principals is a Government Official with jurisdiction or influence over the Included Scope. Supplier shall notify Buyer in writing within five (5) business days if at any time during the term of this Agreement any of its employees, directors, officers or principals is named, appointed, or otherwise becomes a Government Official with jurisdiction or influence over the Included Scope.
F. If Supplier learns or comes to have reason to know of any payment or transfer (or any offer or promise to pay or transfer) in connection with the Included Scope that would violate Anti-Corruption Laws, it shall immediately disclose it to Buyer.
如果供方知道或来有理由知道的任何违反反腐败法律的付款或转让(或任何提供或承诺支付或转让) 的包括的范围,应立即透露给买方。
A. Employer’s Liability insurance in the amount of not less than USD$400,000 per occurrence.
A. Supplier shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, penalties, forfeitures, suits, judgments, and the associated costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees), that Buyer may hereafter incur, become responsible for, or pay out as a result of: death or personal injury (including bodily injury) to any person, destruction or damage to any property, contamination of or adverse effects on the environment, and any clean up costs in connection therewith, caused in whole or in part by any negligent or willful acts, errors, or omissions by Supplier, its employees, officers, agents, representatives, or subcontractors while performing Services under this Agreement on the premises of Buyer and/ or any claim arising under Sections B and C below.
B. Notwithstanding Supplier’s immunities under applicable local worker’s compensation and industrial insurance acts, and as mutually negotiated and agreed between the parties in writing, Supplier specifically undertakes to defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer harmless from any and all claims or liabilities asserted against Buyer by Supplier’s employees or by any third party in respect of, relating to or in connection with Supplier’s employees. The foregoing indemnity shall include (but shall not be limited to) any claim made or threatened, whether by legal proceedings or otherwise, against ACL by any of Supplier’s employees or any third party on the grounds that any person supplied or engaged by Supplier is or was or is deemed to be or was deemed to be an employee of ACL and Supplier shall indemnify Buyer in respect of all loss, damage or injury and all costs and other liabilities incurred by Buyer as a result thereof, including any damages or other costs awarded and penalties or fines assessed by any court, tribunal or rights commission and any loss, costs or other liabilities incurred by compliance with any order of any court, tribunal or rights commission. Supplier further agrees that if Buyer is required by law or otherwise to include Supplier or any Supplier’s employees in any of Buyer’s benefit plans or provide severance benefits under law, Supplier shall reimburse Buyer for the actual amount required to be paid, or the fair market value of any benefit received by Supplier or Supplier’s employees arising from work performed under this Agreement.
C. Furthermore, Supplier shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer and any replacement supplier providing the same of similar Services to Buyer (“Replacement Supplier”) harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, penalties, forfeitures, suits, judgments, and the associated costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees), that Buyer or Replacement Supplier may hereafter incur, become responsible for, or pay out as a result of the automatic transfer of employment of any person employed or engaged by Supplier or by Supplier’s subcontractors engaged in the provision of the Services (“Supplier Personnel”) arising on termination, variation or expiry of either the provision of the Services or this Agreement including but not limited to the employment of Supplier Personnel prior to the automatic transfer of their employment, any failure by Supplier to inform and consult Supplier Personnel in accordance with national, state and local laws and regulations (including European Union where applicable) and any costs arising directly or indirectly from the employment or termination of employment of Supplier Personnel after the automatic transfer of their employment.
此外,供方应在法律所允许的最大范围内,保护买方并使买方和任何更换的提供相同的类似服务的供方("更换供方")免于承担任何及所有索赔、 负债、 请求、处罚、 没收、 起诉、判决和相关的开支和费用 (包括律师费)。买方或可能有的更换供方应供方雇佣或供方分包商雇佣来从事服务的人员("供方人员")由于服务条款或本协议终止、变更或期满的就业转移负责任或支付费用,包括但不是限于供方人员在此前自动转移他们的就业,如果供方未能通报,或根据国家、 州和地方法律和法规 (在适用的情况,包括欧洲联盟)咨询供方人员,将承担在供方人员自动转移他们的就业后,所产生的直接或间接的任何费用。
D. Upon receipt of notice of termination [or variation] of the provision of the Services or of this Agreement and at least sixty (60] days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, the Supplier shall provide Buyer and any potential replacement supplier identified by Buyer with such information regarding Supplier Personnel as may be reasonably requested by Buyer or prospective replacement supplier and shall seek to find alternative work for Supplier Personnel prior to the automatic transfer of their employment. Furthermore, Supplier shall not make any changes to the terms and conditions of employment or service of Supplier Personnel and shall not change the number of identity of Supplier Personnel without Buyer’s prior consent [other than in the ordinary course of business].
E. The obligations stated in this Section, General Indemnification, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. Supplier will maintain complete and accurate records of the Deliverables performed under this Agreement for a period of seven (7) years after the completion of these Services or delivery and/or performance of Deliverables. Records relating to the performance of this Agreement including but not limited to the Compliance with Laws and Rules section and the Anti-Corruption Laws section shall be made available to Buyer upon reasonable notice.
B. The obligations stated in this Section, Retention and Audits, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement as necessary to complete necessary audits.
A. In performing Services under this Agreement, Supplier is an independent contractor and its personnel and other representatives shall not act as nor be agents or employees of Buyer. As an independent contractor, Supplier will be solely responsible for determining the means and methods for performing the required Services. Supplier shall have complete charge and responsibility for and direction over personnel employed by Supplier; however, Buyer reserves the right to instruct Supplier to remove from Buyer's premises immediately any of Supplier's personnel for any reason and at anytime and without prior notice to Supplier. Such removal shall not relieve Supplier of its obligation to provide Services under this Agreement.
按 照 本 协 议 执 行 服 务 的 过 程 中, 供 方 为 独 立 承 包 人, 供 方 人 员 与 其 他代 表 将 不 作为 买 方 的 雇 员 或代理开 展 活 动。 作 为 独 立 承 包 商, 供 方 单 独 负 责 决 定 执 行 所 需 服 务所 使用 的 手 段 和 方 法。 供方 将 对 其 雇 佣 的人 员全权进行管理并对其负 全 部 责 任。 但 是,买 方 保 留在任何时候以任何理由通知 供方,令其雇员 立 即 离 开 买 方 生 产 场 地 的 权 利。 此 类撤 离 并 不免除 供 方 按 本 协 议 提 供 服 务 的 义 务。
B. Supplier shall, upon Buyer’s request submit such information regarding personnel or representatives as Buyer may reasonably require including but not limited to the following information to be submitted to Buyer’s authorized purchasing representative on a monthly basis:
(i) Contractors currently on assignment at Buyer’s facilities
(ii) Length of time on assignment 工作时间限制
(iii) Start and end dates 起止时间
(iv) Bill rates 费率
(v) Sponsoring Department Manager and department 主办经理
(vi) Time remaining on assignment. 任务剩余的时间
C. The obligations stated in this Section, Independent Contractor, shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. Supplier acknowledges and agrees that Supplier’s sole compensation is as set forth in this Agreement and that neither Supplier nor any of Supplier’s employees are entitled to participate in any of Buyer’s benefit plans, including but not limited to stock option plans, stock participation plans, profit sharing, retirement or pension plan contributions or savings or medical plans.
供方知道并同意,其唯一的补偿规定于本协议中。无论供方还是其雇员,均无权参加买方的福利计划,包括但不是限于股票期权计划、 股票参与计划、 利润分享、 退休或退休金计划供款或储蓄或医疗保险计划。
B. The obligations stated in this Section, Sole Compensation, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. Supplier confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and efforts, all Supplier employees and subcontractors set to perform work, or already performing work, if so permitted, at a Buyer facility have met all Buyer site access and security standards, including, but not limited to cooperation with access paperwork and completion of any required ACL orientation, and that Supplier has or will perform all relevant screening requirements. Supplier shall contact the local badging office or reference the contingent workforce supplier policy at supplier.ACL.com for details, prior to assigning employees to positions requiring on-site access.
B. Where not prohibited by law, and in accordance with any local acts or regulation, Buyer may at Buyer’s expense choose to conduct one or more additional background investigations during the Supplier personnel's engagement and that such personnel who do not pass will be denied access to Buyer’s facilities. Supplier must provide personnel willing to submit to the background investigation, willing to provide all relevant documentation, and must pass such investigation.
A. Supplier shall comply with Buyer’s Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Directive as outlined in the Contingent Workforce Global Policy on supplier.ACL.com in accordance with any applicable law or regulations..
合并、 修改、 放弃和补救措施
A. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between Buyer and Supplier with respect to the subject matter hereof and merges and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, dealings and negotiations. No modification, alteration, or amendment shall be effective unless made in writing, dated and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.
本 协 议 包 含 买 方 与 供 方 之 间 就 本 文 件 中 所 标 之 物 的 完 整理 解, 它 合 并并 取 代 所 有先 前 的 和 同 期 的 协 议、交易和 谈 判。 除 非 由 双 方 正 式授 权 的 代 表 书 面 作 出、 标 明 日期 并 签 字, 任 何 修 改、 改 动、 或 修 正 均 属 无效。
B. No waiver of any breach hereof shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.
对 本 协 议 中 任 一 项 违 约 的 豁 免 不 应视 为 对 任 何 其 它 违 约 或 后 续 违 约 的豁免。
C. Except as expressly provided otherwise herein, Buyer’s rights and remedies herein are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or in equity.
除本 协 议 中 规 定 的 买 方 权 利 和 赔 偿 条 件外,买方还享有法 律 或 公 平 原 则 所 赋予的任 何 其 它 权利 和 赔 偿 条 件。
D. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions unless Buyer determines in its discretion that the court’s determination causes this Agreement to fail in any of its essential purposes.
如 果 本 协 议 的 任 何 条 款 被 其 有 法 定 管 辖 权 的 法院 判 定 为 无 效、 非 法、 或不 能 强 制 执行, 这 种 判 定不 影 响 其 它 条 款 的 有 效 性, 除 非 买 方 认 为, 法 院 之 判 定使 本 协 议 的 任 何 主 要 目 的 不能 实 现。
E. The obligations stated in this Section, Merger, Modification, Waiver, and Remedies, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. Buyer may assign or delegate its rights and/or obligations, or any part thereof under this Agreement to ACL Corporation or any or all of ACL Corporation’s subsidiaries worldwide. Otherwise, neither party may assign or delegate its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. For purposes of this Assignment section, the acquisition, merger, consolidation, or change in control of Supplier or any assignment by operation of law shall be deemed an assignment that requires Buyer’s written consent. Buyer may cancel this Agreement for cause should Supplier attempt to make an unauthorized assignment of any right or obligation arising hereunder.
买方可以转让或将本协议中的权利或其中的一部分委托给买方公司或其他买方在全球的分支机构(直接或间接所有的)。除此之外,没 有对 方 的 书 面 允 许, 任 何 一 方 均 不 得 转 让本 协 议 中 的 权 利和义务。处于转让的目的,如果供方控股的收购、合并与兼并、变更或任何依法转让将被视为转让,买方须事先书面通知。如果供方试图进行未经认可的权利或义务,买方可以撤销本协议。
A. This Agreement is to be construed and interpreted according to the laws of Singapore and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Singapore. The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. All disputes or litigation arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including without limitation matters connected with its performance, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such courts and irrevocably waive all objections to such venue.
B. The obligations stated in this Section, Choice of Law and Forum, shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. The heading27. CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM 法律管辖
s provided in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used in interpreting or construing this Agreement.
本 协 议 中 提 供 的 标 题 仅 是 为 了 方 便, 不 应 用 来 解 释 或 推 定 本 协 议 内容。
Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree that failure to perform certain obligations undertaken in connection with this Agreement would cause irreparable damage, and that monetary damages would not provide an adequate remedy in such event. The parties further agree that failure to complete Deliverables called for in this Agreement, or on any project released under this Agreement, or failure to deliver or effect delivery of Services and/or materials as contracted, or failure to deliver against accepted Purchase Orders, or to deliver confirmed supply or pricing, are such obligations. Accordingly, it is agreed that, in addition to any other remedy to which the non breaching party may be entitled, at law or in equity, the non breaching party shall be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent breaches of the provisions of this Agreement, and an order of specific performance to compel performance of such obligations in any action instituted in any court of the United States or any state thereof having subject matter jurisdiction.
在 不 违 反 本 协 议 中 任 何 其 它 条 款 的 情 况 下,协 议 双 方 专 门 达 成 共 识,不能 履 行本 协议下应承 担 的 某 些 义 务 会 导 致 不 可 弥 补 的 损 失,而 损 害 赔 偿 金 在此情况下并 不 能 提 供 足 够的 补偿。双 方 对此进 一 步 达 成 下 列 共 识,供 方 不 能 完 全 履 行 本 协 议 中 要 求 的 服 务,或 不能 完 全 履 行 本 协 议发运 任 何 商品,或 不 能 按 合 同 提 供 或 有 效 提 供 服 务 和 / 或 物 料,就 是 这种 特 定 的 义务。相 应 地, 双 方 同 意, 除 了 非 违 约 方 按 法 律 或 公 平 原 则 可 获 得 的 任 何 其 它 赔 偿 之外,非 违 约 方 有 权在任何有管辖权的美国法院提起的任何诉讼中取得 实 际 履 行 裁 定, 以 强 制 履 行 这 些 义 务。
A. Supplier represents and warrants that Supplier has no outstanding agreement or obligation that is in conflict with any of the provisions of this Agreement, or that would adversely affect Supplier’s performance hereunder or Buyer’s exclusive right to Developments (defined below), and Supplier agrees that Supplier shall not enter into any such conflicting agreement during the term of this Agreement.
供 方 表 示 并 保 证, 供 方 没 有与 本 协 议 的 任 何 条 款 相 冲 突 的任 何 未 完 成 协议 或 责 任;或 者 会 对 供 方 履 行 本 协 议 产 生 不 利 影 响, 或 对 买 方 的 开 发 独 占 权( 下 面 定 义) 有不 利影 响; 供 方 并 且 同 意, 在 本 协 议 的 有 效 期 内, 供 方 将 不签 署 这 种 有 冲 突 的 协议。
B. Supplier agrees that all works of authorship, inventions, improvements, developments, and discoveries conceived, made, or discovered by Supplier, solely or in collaboration with others, in the course of its performance of Services or the development of deliverables for Buyer hereunder as set forth and described in a Statement of Work as well as all patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, and other ACLlectual property rights therein and thereto (collectively, "Developments"), are the sole property of Buyer. Supplier agrees to assign (or cause to be assigned) and does hereby assign fully to Buyer all such Developments.
供 方 同 意: 在 其 履 行 服 务 期 间, 或 由 此 而 为 买 方 交 付 期 间, 供 方 单 独 地或 与他方合 作而 构 想、 完 成、 或 发 现 的 所 有 著 作、 发 明、 改 进、 开 发、 及 发 现, 以 及 其 中 的 专 利、 版权、商 业 秘 密、 商 标、 及 其 它 知 识 产 权( 统 称 为 “ 开 发”〕都 是 买 方 的 独 有 财 产。 供 方同 意 并特此转 让(或 使之 转 让)这 些 开 发 给 买 方。
C. Supplier agrees to assist Buyer, or its designee, at Buyer's expense, in every proper way, to secure Buyer's rights in the Developments, including the disclosure to Buyer of all pertinent information and data with respect thereto and the execution of all applications, specifications, oaths, assignments, and all other instruments that Buyer may deem necessary in order to apply for and obtain such rights and in order to , its successors, assigns, and nominees the sole and exclusive rights, title, and interest in and to such Developments, including (without limitation) the Certificate of Originality Addendum and the Assignment of ACLlectual Property set forth in the Assignment of ACLlectual Property Addendum. Supplier further agrees that Supplier's obligation to execute or cause to be executed, when it is in Supplier's power to do so, any such application, specification, oath, assignment, or other instrument shall continue after the termination of this Agreement. Supplier further agrees to assist Buyer in enforcing all patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or other ownership rights to protect Buyer’s exclusive interest in Developments.
在 费 用 由 买 方 承 担 的 条 件 下, 供 方 同 意 协 助 买 方, 或 其 指 定 人 员, 以 每一 种 恰 当 方式 使 买 方 获 得 开 发 中 的 权 利, 包 括 向 买 方 公 开 全 部 有 关 资 料 和 数 据, 以 及 所 有 应用软 件、 技 术 规 范、 保 证、 转 让 和所有其他买方可能认为需要的文件, 以 便 申 请 和 取 得 上 述 权 利, 以及 将 这 些 开 发 中专 有 的 和 独 占 的 权 利、 所 有 权、 及 利 益 转 让 给 买 方、 它 的 继 承 人、受 让 人、 和 提 名 人, 其 中 包 括( 但不 限 于) 签 署 附 件 F 中 规 定 的 原 产 地 证 书 及 附 件 G 中 规 定 的 知 识 产 权 转 让。 供 方 还 同 意, 供方 在 其 权 力 范 围 内, 有执 行 任 何这 些 应 用 程 序、 技 术 规 范、 保 证、 转 让、 及 其 它 法 律文 件的义务, 或 使 之 得 以 执 行 的 义 务, 在 本 协 议 终止 之 后 仍 将 继 续。 供 方 进 而 同 意 协助 买 方 实 施 全 部 专 利、 商 标、 版 权、 商 业 秘 密 或 其 它 所 有 权, 以保 护 买 方 在 开 发 中的 独 占 权 益。
D. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Supplier shall retain sole and exclusive ownership of and/or unrestricted right to license, any invention, improvement, development, concept, discovery, or other proprietary information owned by Supplier or in which Supplier has an interest (“Supplier IP”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Supplier agrees that if in the course of performing the Services, Supplier incorporates any Supplier IP into any Development developed hereunder, Buyer is hereby granted and shall have a nonexclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license, including the right to sublicense, under any such Supplier IP, to make, have made, use, import, prepare derivative works of, reproduce, have reproduced, perform, display, offer to sell, sell, or otherwise distribute such invention, improvement, development, concept, discovery, or other proprietary information as part of or in connection with such Development.
买 方 承 认并同 意 供 方对许可、 发 明、 改 善、 改 进、 概 念、 发 现 或 其 它 与 之 有 关的专 有 信息 许 可具 有 独家 专 有权。 尽 管 如 此,供 方 同意, 如 果 在 执 行 服 务 中, 供 方 在 为 本 协 议 而 发 展 的 任 何 开 发 中 结 合 进 了“ 供 方 知识 产 权”,则买方由 此买 方 取 得 权 利并获得非 专 有、不必 支 付专利使用费 的, 永 久 性、 不 可 撤 销 的 全球 范 围 许 可, 包 括 再 许 可权, 且 根 据 任 何 此 种供方 知 识 产 权可 以 制 造, 委 托 制 造 、使 用、 进 口、 制 造 衍 生 品、复 制、 委 托复 制、 表 演、 陈 列、 报 价、 出 售、或 分 销 这 些 发 明、 开 发、 概 念、 发 现、 或 作 为 上 述 开 发的 一 部 分 的 或 与 这 些 开 发 有 联 系 的 其 它 专有 资 料。
E. Supplier represents, warrants, and agrees that it will not incorporate any third party ACLlectual property into any Development or deliverable provided hereunder without notifying and obtaining the prior written approval of Buyer.
供 方 表 示、 保 证 并 同 意 在 通 知 并 得 到 买 方 书 面 批 准 之 前, 不 会 将 任 何第 三 方 知 识产 权 并 入 任 何 开 发 中, 或 并 入 由 此 而 提 供 的 交 付 物 中。
F. Supplier hereby waives any and all moral rights, including the right to identification of authorship or limitation on subsequent modification, that Supplier (or its employees) has or may have in any invention, materials, or other deliverables assigned to Buyer hereunder.
供 方 特 此 放 弃 任 何 或 全 部 精 神 权利, 包 括 供 方( 或 其 员工) 在 任 何 发 明、 资 料、 或 其 它由 此 而 转 让 给 买 方 的 交 付 物 中 所 有 的, 或 可 能 有 的,原 著 作 作 者 署 名 权 或 后 续 修 改 限 制 权。
G. Supplier warrants that: (1) all of its employees or contractors who perform work for it hereunder will have entered into written agreements with Supplier that ensure that the work they do is subject to the terms and conditions of this New Developments section; and (2) it will not incorporate any Developments into deliverables to be provided to Buyer that contain ACLlectual property not assignable or licensable to Buyer as provided in this New Developments section of the Agreement.
供 方 保 证: (1) 供 方 全 体 员 工 或为 此 合 同 而 为 其 工 作 的 承 包 商将 与 供 方 签 定 书 面 协 议, 保 证 他 们 从 事 的 工 作 符 合本 条 中 的 条 款 和 条 件; (2) 供方 将 不 把 含 有 不能 按 本 条 转 让 给 买 方 或 给 买 方 以 许 可的知识产权的任 何 开 发 并 入 到 将 提 供 给 买 方 的 交付物 中。
H. Supplier warrants that: (1) all Contractors who perform work for Supplier hereunder will have entered into written agreements with Supplier that ensure that the work Contractors do is subject to the terms and conditions of this new developments language; and (2) Supplier and Contractor will not incorporate any Developments into deliverables to be provided to Buyer that contain ACLlectual Property not assignable or licensable to Buyer as provided in this Section of the Agreement.
供方保证: (1) 所有为买方履行义务的承包商将签署书面协议符合本条规定;及 (2)供方和承包商 将不 把 含 有 不 能 按 本 条 转 让 给 买 方 或 给 买 方 以 许 可的知识产权的任 何 开 发 并 入 到将 提 供 给 买 方 的 交 付 物中。
I. All documentation developed by Supplier and Contractor and connected with Supplier's and Contractor’s Services to Buyer hereunder or associated with the Development and any ACLlectual Property related thereto, shall be the exclusive property of Buyer. Upon Buyer's request, Supplier and Contractor shall make all such documentation available to Buyer.
J. Supplier shall provide Buyer with written or oral progress reports on development projects at such times as Buyer may specify. The time required for preparing such reports shall be reimbursable by Buyer to Supplier.
A. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, all notices to Buyer regarding this Agreement shall be sent to Buyer’s materials general counsel addressed as follows: ACL Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95052, Attn: General Counsel, Reference ID: TMG Group Counsel. A separate copy must be sent to Buyer’s materials department representative, at the address on the signature page of this Agreement.
B. Such notices shall be deemed served when received by addressee or, if delivery is not accomplished by reason of some fault of the addressee, when tendered for delivery. Either party may give written notice of a change of address and, after notice of such change has been received, any notice or request shall thereafter be given to such party at such changed address..
C. The obligations stated in this Section, Notices, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. Logical Controls: All systems containing ACL Confidential information will have strong access control mechanisms in place. Each system user must have a unique identifier and strong password combination. A strong password must be per industry standard, but at least 6 digits in length and comprised of alpha-numeric and special characters. There must be control methods for securely granting and revoking access to these systems. An audit trail sufficient to support an investigation must be maintained for changes to the security configuration and for system use (e.g. system security logs, user activity logs). Information classified as ACL confidential must be encrypted in network transit. Information above ACL confidential will require additional security controls as specified in the Enhanced Data Security Assessment from ACL Information Technology Risk and Security.
B. Physical Controls: Server and mass storage systems storing ACL classified information must be housed in a physically secure location with access controls to the granularity of the user (e.g. card access controlled room) and with 24x7 intrusion detection systems in place (e.g. a monitored perimeter alarm system). Access control audit trails must be maintained sufficient to support an investigation. Portable systems (e.g. laptops and small form factor devices) that contain ACL classified information will have additional access controls to prevent unauthorized access (e.g. hard disk encryption, file level encryption or hard disk access password protection)
物理上的控制:存储买方信息的系统必须放置在安全的地方,并和使用者之间的间隔中设置访问控制(例如卡片访问控制间)和24x7 侵扰探测系统(例如监控周围情况的警报系统)。访问控制审核须足以支持调查。载有买方保密信息的便携式系统(例如手提电脑和小型设备)进行额外的加密,以防止非授权访问(例如硬盘加密,文件级加密或硬盘访问密码保护)。
C. Intrusion Detection/Response: For systems and networks containing ACL classified material, mechanisms and controls must be in place to detect security breaches and to properly respond to a breach. Buyer must be notified within twenty four (24) hours of security breaches that affect ACL classified information.
D. Data Destruction: Electronic portable media (e.g. CD’s, hard drives, floppy disks, ZIP drives) which contained ACL classified information must be disposed of in a secure manner (e.g. disk wipe to DOD 5220.22M standard, degauss or physical destruction). Hard copies of ACL classified information must be disposed of by cross cut shredding or other secure destruction methods.
数据销毁:带有买方信息的可移动的电子媒介(例如CD, 硬件驱动, 软盘,ZIP驱动)必须以安全的方式销毁(例如根据政府标准去除磁盘内容,消磁,销毁磁盘)。买方信息的硬件复制件必须使用切碎或其它安全的销毁方法。
A. Subject to the terms and conditions of this section, the parties agree to accept electronic records and electronic signatures (as such terms are defined in the U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act) relating to transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
B. In connection with system-to-system implementations: 关于系统间执行:
(i) The parties will implement the particular transaction sets and/or message specifications mutually agreed upon by the parties. Each party’s implementation will comply with applicable standards (e.g., applicable ANSI standards or RosettaNet PIPs), except as otherwise mutually agreed.
协议双方将执行特定交易集合系统和/或双方同意的信息规范。除非另有约定,各方应根据适用的标准执行(例如ANSI标准或RosettaNet PIPs)
(ii) Where applicable standards require that the receiving party issue a notice to the other confirming message receipt, such notice will not constitute a binding acceptance or acknowledgement of anything more than mere receipt. In the event that any element of an applicable standard conflicts with a provision of this Agreement, the provision of this Agreement will control.
(iii) If a party has adopted an electronic identifier (e.g. a digital signature), the other party is entitled to rely on the authenticity of messages signed by or otherwise associated with such electronic identifier unless and until notified otherwise by the adopter.
C. Either party may use a third party service provider in connection with e-business activities (e.g., to route or translate EDI or XML messages, or to host web based services). The party contracting with a service provider must require that such service provider (a) use information disclosed to or learned by such service provider in connection with providing services solely for the purpose of providing the applicable services, and (b) not disclose such information to any third party. Either party may begin to use or may change a service provider upon reasonable prior written notice. Each party will be liable for the acts or omissions of its service provider in connection with activities contemplated by this Agreement.
A. Any dispute arising directly under the express terms of this Agreement or the grounds for termination of any rights granted under this Agreement shall be resolved as follows: First, within forty five (45) days from one party’s written request to the other, senior executives of both parties shall meet to attempt to resolve such dispute. If the senior executives cannot resolve the dispute, either party may then make a written demand for formal dispute resolution by tendering to the other party notice of the dispute and its intent to invoke the terms of this Section “Dispute Resolution”. The parties agree to meet within ninety (90) days of such a demand with an impartial mediator selected by mutual agreement to consider dispute resolution alternatives other than litigation. In the event the parties cannot agree on a mediator, they shall each select one nominator, who shall not at that time be employed by either party, and the two nominators shall agree on and appoint the mediator. If the parties have not agreed on an alternative method of dispute resolution within thirty (30) days after the one-day mediation, either party may begin litigation proceedings.
B. The obligations stated in this Section, Dispute Resolution, shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
A. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other document, the following order of precedence will apply:
1. Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agreement; 本协议
2. Any other Addenda to the Agreement; and 本协议附件
3. Scope of Work, Statement of Work or Work Order, as applicable. 工作范围、工作表(如有)
A. Supplier shall provide Buyer with copies of Supplier's annual and quarterly financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) within three (3) months of the period closing date. Supplier has an option to either complete the ACL provided spreadsheet template or provide full financial statements accepted by GAAP. If GAAP is applicable to Supplier, then these statements must include either independent auditors’ opinion or a signed management letter, which states that the financial statements provided to Buyer are in conformity with GAAP.
供方的截止日期期间三 3 个月内必须向买方提供供方的年度和季度财务报表按照公认会计原则 (GAAP) 的副本。供方有一个选项完成买方提供的电子表格模板或提供充分接受的公认会计准则的财务报表。如果公认会计原则是适用于供方的然后这些语句必须包含独立核数师的意见或签署的管理信件,其中规定向买方提供的财务报表符合公认会计原则。
This section intentionally left blank. 此条空白
Supplier agrees to safeguard Buyer’s classified (i.e., ACL Confidential, ACL Restricted Secret and ACL Top Secret) and proprietary information as set out in the body of the parties’ Agreement and relevant Unescorted Access Application forms for badges. Supplier also agrees to use and apply Buyer’s information protection methods stated below in this Addendum in the performance of Supplier’s work. Supplier agrees that this performance standard applies to all Buyer classified and proprietary information, regardless of the medium (Buyer’s or Supplier’s) in or on which it is retained or communicated and to software that is licensed by Buyer for its internal use.
供方同意保护买方的权限分类(即:买方机密、 买方限制级秘密和买方绝密)以及在双方协议中载明的专有信息和相关的无防护访问程序。供方同意在履行工作中使用补遗中规定的保护方法。供方同意此性能标准适用于所有买方机密和专有信息,而不管介质 (买方或供方) 或在它是保留或传达和由买方许可其内部使用的软件。
Supplier is not automatically granted access to Buyer classified and proprietary information, networks or software. However, authorization to use or access Buyer information, network (the ACL Intranet), software, or telecommunications may be granted by the Buyer information owner if access is necessary and directly related to Supplier’s scope of work or duties. Unless specifically authorized, Supplier may not use or access Buyer classified or proprietary information that may be happened upon or inadvertently discovered while performing work under this Agreement. Neither may a Supplier or Supplier’s employee control an Intranet web site at ACL.
供方是不会得到自动授予访问买方的权限分类和专有信息、 网络或软件。如果访问与供方工作有直接关系,将被授权使用或进入买方的信息、 网络 (买方内联网)、 软件或通讯。除非特别授权,供方不能访问或进入买方的权限分类和专有信息,这些信息可能在工作中无意获得。
Supplier shall not modify Buyer classified or proprietary information, software, hardware, or telecommunications without the explicit permission of the Buyer’s employee responsible for the resource, with the exception of contract-related requirements or resources that allow for individual customization (e.g., Microsoft Windows user features). Supplier’s employees, agents, or subcontractors may not disclose Buyer classified or proprietary information to their co-workers, except for disclosure to those similarly bound to protect Buyer’s ACLlectual property who have a need to know to fulfill this Agreement.
未经明确授权的买方的负责管理资源员工同意,供方不得修改买方机密或专有信息、 软件、 硬件或通讯,与合同有关的要求或允许进行个别自定义 (例如,Microsoft Windows 用户功能)例外。供方雇员、代理或分包商不能透露买方机密或专有信息给他们的同事,除了披露给那些同履行本协议并具有保密责任的人。
Supplier cannot use a non-Buyer managed system to connect to the Buyer network without a Buyer-approved waiver obtained by the Buyer management sponsor. Any Buyer classified or proprietary information in Supplier’s possession must be erased from the non-Buyer managed system on or before termination or expiration of the Agreement.
This Addendum outlines Buyer’s minimum requirements for protection methods for all Buyer classified or proprietary information and software that Supplier’s personnel may come in contact with. Buyer recognizes that the correct and proper protection of its information rests with its employees and Suppliers who have been authorized access. Failure to comply with these requirements will provide grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement by Buyer.
The obligations stated in this Addendum shall survive expiration or termination of the Agreement.
This Certificate of Originality must be completed by Supplier when furnishing software material (program product or offering and related documentation, or other software material) for Buyer.
One Certificate of Originality can cover one complete product, even if that product includes multiple modules. However, a separate Certificate of Originality must be completed for the code and another for its related documentation (if any.)
Signature :签署 Signature: 签署
Printed Name: 打印姓名 Printed Name: 打印姓名
Title: 职务 Title: 职务
Date: 日期 Date: 日期
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