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摘要: AGREEMENT ON HANDOVER AND SETTLEMENT ON INTLE.GOODS 本协议由 between 上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司 Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. (PACTL) 以下简称甲方and hereinafter referred to as Party A 公司地址:having i
between  上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司
Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. (PACTL)
以下简称“甲方”and hereinafter referred to as “Party A”
公司地址:having its principal office at :
以下简称“乙方”and hereinafter referred to as “Party B”
公司地址:having its principal office at :
With the purpose of speeding up the dispersing at airport (Intl. Inbound/Outbound cargo, and hereafter referred to as “Cargo”), the Parties reach an agreement, after negotiation with each other equally, on cargo handover and settlement as follows:
一.       总则ARTICLE 1 General
1.1 甲方作为货物承运人(国际航空公司)的货物处理代理人,接受承运人的委托,在浦东国际机场内,处理承运人承运的进出港货物。
Party A is authorized by the Carrier (Intl. Airlines) as the cargo handling agent at Pudong International Airport to handle Carrier’s inbound/outbound cargo.
1.2 乙方同意在本协议有效期内同甲方所进行的一切货邮航空运输操作活动中,将自觉遵守国家有关法律、法规,以及中国民航局(CAAC)、国际航协(IATA)有关规章及相关标准。同时,乙方自觉遵守甲方旨在加强安全管理所不时制订或修改的所有操作流程和管理规定。若有任何违反并造成相应后果的,将承担全部法律责任并且赔偿贵司全部的经济损失。
Within the effective term of this agreement, Party B agrees to conscientiously comply with related laws and regulations of China, rules and standards of CAAC & IATA for all cargo & mail operation in Party A’s facility. And Party B will also obey all operation procedures and related regulations issued and modified by Party A from time to time. If Party B had any violation and caused relevant consequence, Party B would take all legal responsibility and indemnity all economic loss of Party A.
1.3 本协议二、三项中所涉及的流程及双方责任服从海关的规定并根据其变化而调整。
The procedures and duties for two Parties mentioned in ARTICLE 2 and ARTICLE 3 should obey Customs Regulations and be subject to Customs procedure changes and new requirements.
二.       出港货物交接ARTICLE 2 Outbound Handover
2.1   双方同意根据实际需要配备人员设备,保证货物交接顺利进行,乙方负责将出港货物送到甲方货运站,提交海关报关放行的航空货运单和货物交接清单。
The Parties agree to arrange manpower and equipment according to actual needs to ensure cargo hand-over smoothly. Party B is responsible for transporting cargo to Party A and submitting the customs cleared AWB and the Delivery List (D/L).
2.2   由乙方负责打板装箱的货物,必须满足民航安检规定“航班起飞前24小时入库”,否则必须经安检检查方能收货。甲方对货物内容的短缺和损坏及货物受潮后产生的损失不负责任。木质包装至美、加等国的货物需提供熏蒸证明。
The cargo built-up by Party B must be put into the Party A’s warehouse in advance and the regulation, “24 hours prior to departure” issued by the CAAC, will be applicable. Otherwise security check must be done. Party A will not be liable for short in contents, loss and damage arising from damp. If cargo exporting to USA and Canada is packed with wood, Party B should provide the fumigation certificate.
2.3   由甲方负责打板装箱的货物,乙方必须遵守第2.7条规定的截止交货时间,甲方按交接清单现场查验,核收航空货运单和货物,乙方负责将货物搬运上安检入口,甲方负责在安检出口处接收,安检过程中发生异常情况的货物或发现不合规格货物有可能使内件短缺或损毁等不正常情况,甲方可以拒收,交乙方处理,若发现货物交接清单与实物不符,由乙方负责更正后交甲方。
Party B should comply with the Cut-off time stipulated in Item 2.7 to hand over the loose cargo to Party A which will be responsible for build-up. Party A should check the AWB and cargo at spot in accordance with the D/L. Party B should move the cargo to X-Ray entrance and Party A receives the cargo at X-Ray exit. Party A has the right to refuse accepting cargo and returning it to Party B in case that Party A find out some irregularities or cargo not being up to standard maybe potentially causes the contents short or damaged in the process of security check. Party B should be liable for modifying all documents and then do redelivery provided that the D/L is inconsistent with physical cargo.
2.4   甲方有权对货物进行实体检查,对不符合运输要求或存在潜在危险的货物,甲方可以拒绝收货。乙方在交运甲方货物中由于包装不妥或其性质发生变化而腐蚀污染其他货物,乙方应承担由此产生的一切责任和损失。货物体积、重量超出吨控预定,导致发运延误,甲方不承担责任。
Party A has the right to inspect the goods and refuse accepting the cargo provided that the package of cargo does not conform to the requirements for transportation or potential danger exists. In case that the cargo delivered by Party B corrodes and pollutes other cargo because of inappropriate package or alteration of the nature of cargo, Party B should responsible for all consequences arising therefrom. In case that the weight and volume of shipment exceed the tonnage control, Party A has no responsibility for the delay arising from it.
2.5   货物清点完毕,甲方在交接单上签字确认收讫,加盖收货时间标记,并签发出港货物交接清单,双方各留一份。
Party A should sign on the D/L for acceptance confirmation and stamp time on it, and then issue the D/L for outbound cargo after delivery is completed.
2.6 甲方实测货物重量和体积与货运单不符,乙方应按海关和承运航空公司有关规定更改货运单。
       In case that the cubage and weight on AWB is discrepant with the data measured actually, Party B should modify the AWB according to the concerned regulations issued by the Customs and Carrier.
2.7 乙方应遵守甲方与其所代理的航空公司确定的截止交货时间(Cut-off Time),乙方如超出规定时间交货,由此造成的延误发运,甲方不承担任何责任。
Party B should obey the Cut-off time confirmed by Party A and the Carrier. Party A will not take on responsibility for delay in case that Party B hands over cargo later than the Cut-off time.
三.进港货物交接ARTICLE 3 Inbound Delivery
       Party A should break down goods within the time as mutually agreed with the Carrier and inform Party B after the goods actually arrive at Party A’s terminal. Party B can pick up and hand over to consignees for those shipments with PVG as destination and Party B as receiver or maintained by Party A that Party B may do the pickup. According to the Customs’ principle of “centralized transportation”, the transportation service from Party A’s warehouse to Party B’s warehouse will be realized by the third party transportation company contracted with Party A via Customs bonded trucks.
3.2 双方同意用现场清点交接的方式交接航空货运单和货物,由甲方先理出航空货运单,按航空货运单制作交接清单,并将货物移至交接区域;乙方按交接清单查验,核收航空货运单和货物,在交接单上签字确认收讫后监督货物装车。
       The Parties agree to do the hand-over of AWB and goods on site. Party A should put AWB in proper order, make Delivery List and move the goods to handover area. Party B will check and accept goods and AWB according to Delivery List, then sign on Delivery List as pickup confirmation and supervise goods loading onto trucks.
3.3 乙方应指派专人在甲方货运站进行进港货物交接并核对航空货运单,交接清单与实际货物是否相符。如发现有破损,短缺等情况应和甲方共同对货物进行检查,作好事故记录并经双方签字认可。
       Party B should appoint and send dedicated staff to do the handover and check of inbound goods & AWB against Delivery List. If any irregularities like goods damage and shortage etc take place, the Parties should check the goods and make records with signatures from two sides.
3.4 甲方同意就交接前货物的丢失、短缺、毁坏、潮湿等情况与承运人协商,分清职责,由过失方承担由此产生的经济损失;乙方同意对交接后的丢失、短缺、破损、毁坏、潮湿及交付错误等负责,并承担由此产生的一切经济损失。
       For the missing goods, shortage, damage and damp etc before delivery, Party A agrees to discuss with Carrier and clarify the duties, and the Party with failure should be responsible for the loss caused. For the missing goods, shortage, damage, destruction, damp and wrong distribution after delivery, Party B agrees to bear all possible loss arising.
3.5 乙方应在其海关监管仓库配备必需的装卸设备和人力,以保证货物在运达后及时完成卸货工作。
Party B should arrange enough equipments and manpower to guarantee that breakdown is done timely after goods arrive at Party B’s Customs bonded warehouse.
3.6 进入乙方仓库的进港货物,乙方应严格按照航空货运单上列明的收货人,及时通知收货人提取;乙方不得以任何理由积压货物并以此向收货人收取不正当费用,由此引起的一切后果由乙方承担。
       For the inbound goods arrived at Party B’s warehouse, Party B should timely inform the consignee to do the pickup strictly according to the name listed as consignee on AWB. Party B cannot make goods overstocked and charge consignees unlawfully by any reasons. Otherwise Party B will be responsible for all consequences.
3.7 乙方如发现有甲方错分货物时,乙方应尽快将货物退还甲方仓库,不得以任何理由拖延。
If Party B found any goods mistaken delivered by Party A, Party B should return the goods ASAP and cannot delay with any reason.
四.费用结算ARTICLE 4 Settlement
4.1 甲方凭双方签字的货物交接清单统计出每月的进出港货物公斤数,双方同意按以下费率以人民币结算费用:
       Party A should calculate total kgs (outbound & inbound) per month according to the Delivery List with signatures from two sides, and both parties agree to settle at below rate in RMB:
附件1:Attachment 1
Other services will be charged in accordance with the latest Charge List (See attachment) of Party A. Party A has the right to modify the items and prices in the Charge List after one-month publication.
4.2 双方同意按月结算费用,甲方在月初5个工作日内将应收帐单交乙方,乙方收到帐单确认无误后应在7日内结清费用,费用结算方式可以采取现金、支票、贷记凭证等方式。
Both parties agree that Party A should issue the invoice in the first 5 working days of each month. After receive invoice and make sure no problem with invoiced items, Party B should pay within 7 days by cash, cheque, credit transfer and so on. The Accounts are as following:
a) For invoice issued by Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd., please pay to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Konggang Sub-Branch, Account ;
b) For invoice issued by Shanghai Pudong International Airport Public Cargo Terminal Co., LTD (WEST), please pay to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Konggang Sub-Branch, Account .
4.3 如乙方无故未在规定的结算期内付款,甲方有权以逾期付款总额的0.5%按天收取滞纳金。拖延付款达二个月的,甲方有权取消乙方月结帐资格,并保留采取其他相应措施的权力。
If Party B delays the settlement without any reasons, Party A has the right to charge Party B the overdue fine by 0.5 Percent per day. If this delay lasts up to 2 months, Party A will deprive Party B of qualification of month-settlement and reserve the right to take other appropriate measures.
五.不可抗力ARTICLE 5 Force Majeure
In case that some force majeure, such as war, strike, conflagration, Infectious disease, domestic turmoil, actions of government or real powerful personage locally, is coming forth, any Party undertaking the force majeure should inform the other party within 24 hours and not ask its counterparty to perform the duties regulated in this Agreement.
六.有效期限ARTICLE 6 Valid Terms
本协议的有效期限为1年,即自本协议生效之日起起算至     年   月   日止。在本协议有效期限届满之前的三个月内,双方都没有书面通知另一方终止本协议的,本协议自动顺延。
The valid term of this agreement is 1 year from the date of Effectiveness to         . At least 90 days prior to termination of valid term, if both Parties won’t provide the other party prior written notice for termination, the Agreement will automatically be extended.
If Party B doesn’t have import/export goods in succession for six months, this contract will be invalid automatically. Party B must apply to Party A again and resign the contract to reopen its business.
七.生效ARTICLE 7 Effectiveness
本协议由双方的法定代表人或委托代理人签字、单位盖章,自  年  月  日起生效。
This contract is effective from     after Legal Representatives or Authorized Representatives from two parties sign and seal this agreement.
Any matters not stipulated in the Agreement shall be settled after negotiation between Party A and Party B. This Agreement is executed in 2 (two) originals (mixture of English and Chinese), 1 (one) for each Party. The two languages have the same legal effects, and Chinese version will prevail if any conflicts existing between two language contents.
附件1:PACTL对代理服务收费价目表Attachment 1: PACTL service charge list for Agents
附件2:代理公司提供的信息Attachment 2: Agent information
序号 No.                                                                                                         服务项目 Service items     
国际进港货物仓库使用费Warehouse Use Charge for Int’l Inbound Cargo
(鲜活易腐货物、活体动物除外 | Exclude PER and AVI Cargo)
最低收费Minimum Charge
2国际出港货物仓库使用费Warehouse use Charge for Int’l Outbound Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
Warehouse Use Charge for Int’l Inbound PER Cargo and AVI Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
4国内进港货物仓库使用费Warehouse Use Charge for Dome. Inbound Cargo
(鲜活易腐货物、活体动物除外 | Exclude PER and AVI Cargo)
最低收费Minimum Charge
5国内出港货物仓库使用费Warehouse Use Charge for Dome. Outbound Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
Warehouse Use Charge for Dome. Inbound PER Cargo and AVI Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
Storage Charge for Int’l/Dome. General Cargo (exceeding the term for free storage)
(免费保管期限:免费保管3天)(free storage term of 3days)
最低收费Minimum Charge
8国际/国内贵重物品保管费Storage Charge for Int’l/Dome. Valuable Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
Storage Charge for Int’l/Dome. Dangerous Cargo (exceeding the term for free storage)
(免费保管期限:免费保管1天)(free storage term of 1days)
最低收费 Minimum Charge
Storage Charge for Int’l/Dome. Low-Temperature / Frozen Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
11国际特种货物收运检查费:Check-in Charge for Int’l Special Cargo
枪械收运检查费Check-in Charge for Firearms
活体动物收运检查费Check-in Charge for Live Animal
危险品收运检查费:Check-in Charge for Dangerous Goods
每票UN号码1-3个Up to 3 Different UN-numbers per AWB
每票UN号码超过3个,超出部分,另加收Every UN-number over 3 per AWB
再次收运检查费Recheck Fee
Animal Room Rental Charge up to 200 kg (no free storage term)
Animal Room Rental Charge Starting from 201 kg (no free storage term)
Storage Charge for Human Remains up to 200 kg & Human Ashes (no free storage term)
Storage Charge for Human Remains Starting from 201 kg (no free storage term)   
14国际出港退运货收费Withdrawal Charge for Outbound Int’l Cargo
最低收费Minimum Charge
Trucking Fee (PACTL→ agent warehouse on airport)
16分运单理货费Consol Break-down Fee
17到付运费手续费(根据有效的TACT)CC Fee (Subject to valid TACT)
最低收费Minimum Charge
18快件车辆施封费Seal for express trucking
19进出港货物协助海关查验服务收费Service charge for assisting Customs to inspect goods
20 “准予交接通知书” 制作费Making cost for Grant Notice of Handover Cargo
21载货RKN e1箱操作及充电费用
Handling and recharge fee for Envirotainer RKN e1 with cargo
(箱内货物免费保管期限:免费保管3天)(3days free storage term for cargo in RKN e1)
22海关直通式货物快速提取费Special pickup charge for Customs-through goods
最低收费Minimum Charge
Int’l PER with Express-Document Handling (on request)
最低收费Minimum Charge
  Note: (All above service charges are subject change by one-month prior notice. Other service charges please refer to PACTL charge list)
We promise that we will take responsibility for the troth of our company information provided above and submit update information to PACTL in January of each year.
盖章           Stamp
Agreement on Deposit of Monthly Settlement
(Supplement to Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods)
For matters not regulated in Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods, the following contents are made and agreed by both parties based on friendly negotiation:
Party B agrees to pay deposit for monthly settlement as credit guarantee.
2.甲方根据乙方在甲方经营场所单月货物操作量高峰值应付账款,另加20%的余量,  向乙方收取      元(大写金额)人民币作为月结保证金,最低限额伍万元人民币。
Deposit amount to be paid by Party B to Party A will be the highest monthly payment plus 20% extra. So total deposit is RMB     , minimum amount RMB50000.
3.乙方可采取现金、支票、贷记凭证等方式向甲方支付月结保证金。甲方在收到保证金后,应在7个工作日内向乙方出具上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司月结保证金收据,银行汇款帐号:上海浦东发展银行空港支行 076389 – 4135002616。
Party B can pay deposit by cash, check and credit voucher. Upon acceptance of deposit Party A should issue receipt within seven working days.
Party A’s bank information: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Konggang Sub-Branch, Account No.: 076389 – 4135002616
If Party B fails to pay Party A Receivables more than one month, Party A has the right to deduct the corresponding amount from Party B’s deposit. Party B should supply the deducted amount within 30 days, otherwise Party A can cancel Party B’s monthly settlement qualification and ask Party B to pay cash or take other measures.
If Party B cargo volume operated via Party A’s site has obvious increase and the original deposit can not cover one month payment, Party A should have the right to adjust Party B’s deposit amount.
Party B is not responsible for profit and loss of deposit during custody period. After agreement termination, Party B has the right to withdraw deposit corpus by providing the original receipt issued by Party A and deposit withdraw application with Party B’s company chop
As supplement to Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods, this contract has the same legal effects.
This contract will be effective and executed after Legal Representatives or Authorized Representatives from two parties sign and seal this agreement.
This Agreement is executed in 2 (two) originals (mixture of English and Chinese), 1 (one) for each Party. The two languages have the same legal effects, and Chinese version will prevail if any conflicts existing between two language contents.

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