Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malay, Filipino, Nepali, Burmese, Cambodian, Italian, Dutch, Swedish , Finnish, Polish, Arabic, Persian, Norwegian, Hindi, Lao, Malaysian, Hebrew, Turkish, Greek, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, New Mongolian, Amharic, etc.
We know the following industries:
International engineering (civil, mechanical, electrical, and petrochemical), manufacturing, new energy, biomedicine, IT, gaming, finance and securities, legal services, notary concerning foreign affairs, literary, publishing, media & entertainment, overseas study & tour, conventions , etc.
We transform the following contents:
Bidding documents, contracts, financial statements and audit reports, certificates, drawings, manuals, instructions, brochures, lyrics, subtitles, etc.
We provide the following services:
- Escort interpreting
- Consecutive interpreting
- Simultaneous interpreting
- On-site interpreting