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摘要: 船舶碰撞仲裁协议 ( 中英文 ) ARBITRATION AGREEMENT IN CASE OF COLLISION 年 月 日 Date : [ ] 代表 [ ] 号船舶(船旗国: [ ] 船籍港: [ ] )(地址: [ ] 电话: [ ] ,电传: [ ] 传真: [ ] ,邮政编码: [ ] ) It is hereby agreed between [ ] as
年 月 日  Date
  [ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ]
It is hereby agreed between [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ])
[ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ]
And [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ]);
 或者[ ]代表[ ]的财产所有人(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ])  达成协议如下:
Or [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of the owners of the property, as follows:
  第一条 双方当事人同意将[ ]号船舶于[ ][ ][ ][ ]时(格林尼治平时或北京时间)在[ ]地方发生碰撞而产生的一切争议,包括当事人应负的责任和有关赔偿损失的金额,提交中国海事仲裁委员会解决。
  1. The parties agree to refer to China Maritime Arbitration Commission for settlement of all disputes arising between the parties hereto in connection with the collision between m.v. [ ] and m.v. [ ] on the date of [ ] at [ ] hours (Greenwich Mean Time or Beijing Time, at [ ] with regard to the said collision including the eventual liability of each party and the amount of damages to be paid.
  第二条 为请求赔偿的损失进行财产保全,双方同意由[ ][ ][ ][ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保;由[ ][ ][ ][ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保。
  2. In order to secure the damages claimed, the parties agree that cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] (full names of vessel owners) to [ ] before [ ], (full names) of vessel or property owners), and cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] to [ ] (full names) of vessel or property owners) (full names of vessel owners) before [ ].
  Provision of security by a party to the other party in conformity to the provision in Paragraph 1 of this Clause shall not be taken as admission by him of collision liability.
  Where a party has provided the security conformable to that required in Paragraph 1 of this Clause, the other party shall not apply to the court for arrest or detention of the vessel or property owned by that party.
  3. The provision in Paragraph 3 of Clause 2 hereof shall not apply in absence of an agreement between the parties as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Clause 2 hereof, or in the case that a party fails to receive the security from the other party, though agreement has been reached between the parties, or that such security as has been provided becomes ineffective due to expiration.
  第四条 双方同意对方当事人对本方的碰撞损害进行检验并给予方便。
  The parties agree that one party conduct survey to damage to the vessel or property owned by the other party and provide convenience for survey to be held by the other party.
  第五条 仲裁程序应当依照中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则的规定进行,仲裁委员会的裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。
  5. The arbitration procedure shall be governed by the Rules of Arbitration of China Maritime Arbitration Commission and the award made by the Commission shall be final and binding on the parties.
  第六条 除另有明确约定外,本协议和根据本协议进行的仲裁应适用中华人民共和国法律。
  6. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to this Agreement and to the arbitration conducted under this Agreement.
  7. Any change of the name, address, fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this Agreement shall be immediately communicated to the Commission and the other party. Failing this, any letter and document mailed to such address as well as any facsimile and telex message transmitted to such number shall be
deemed to have been duly served to the parties over a period of time as deemed reasonable by the Commission or the arbitration tribunal.
签字:  Signature
年 月 日  Date
  [ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ]
It is hereby agreed between [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ])
[ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ]
And [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ]);
 或者[ ]代表[ ]的财产所有人(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ])  达成协议如下:
Or [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of the owners of the property, as follows:
  第一条 双方当事人同意将[ ]号船舶于[ ][ ][ ][ ]时(格林尼治平时或北京时间)在[ ]地方发生碰撞而产生的一切争议,包括当事人应负的责任和有关赔偿损失的金额,提交中国海事仲裁委员会解决。
  1. The parties agree to refer to China Maritime Arbitration Commission for settlement of all disputes arising between the parties hereto in connection with the collision between m.v. [ ] and m.v. [ ] on the date of [ ] at [ ] hours (Greenwich Mean Time or Beijing Time, at [ ] with regard to the said collision including the eventual liability of each party and the amount of damages to be paid.
  第二条 为请求赔偿的损失进行财产保全,双方同意由[ ][ ][ ][ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保;由[ ][ ][ ][ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保。
  2. In order to secure the damages claimed, the parties agree that cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] (full names of vessel owners) to [ ] before [ ], (full names) of vessel or property owners), and cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] to [ ] (full names) of vessel or property owners) (full names of vessel owners) before [ ].
  Provision of security by a party to the other party in conformity to the provision in Paragraph 1 of this Clause shall not be taken as admission by him of collision liability.
  Where a party has provided the security conformable to that required in Paragraph 1 of this Clause, the other party shall not apply to the court for arrest or detention of the vessel or property owned by that party.
  3. The provision in Paragraph 3 of Clause 2 hereof shall not apply in absence of an agreement between the parties as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Clause 2 hereof, or in the case that a party fails to receive the security from the other party, though agreement has been reached between the parties, or that such security as has been provided becomes ineffective due to expiration.
  第四条 双方同意对方当事人对本方的碰撞损害进行检验并给予方便。
  The parties agree that one party conduct survey to damage to the vessel or property owned by the other party and provide convenience for survey to be held by the other party.
  第五条 仲裁程序应当依照中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则的规定进行,仲裁委员会的裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。
  5. The arbitration procedure shall be governed by the Rules of Arbitration of China Maritime Arbitration Commission and the award made by the Commission shall be final and binding on the parties.
  第六条 除另有明确约定外,本协议和根据本协议进行的仲裁应适用中华人民共和国法律。
  6. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to this Agreement and to the arbitration conducted under this Agreement.
  7. Any change of the name, address, fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this Agreement shall be immediately communicated to the Commission and the other party. Failing this, any letter and document mailed to such address as well as any facsimile and telex message transmitted to such number shall be
deemed to have been duly served to the parties over a period of time as deemed reasonable by the Commission or the arbitration tribunal.
签字:  Signature

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