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船舶污染清除协议 (中英文)

摘要: 船舶污染清除协议 (中英文) Agreement for Ship Pollution Response 中国海事[2011]版China MSA [2011]Version 协议编号:Agreement No.: 中华人民共和国海事局制 甲方:Party A: 住所地:Domicile: 法定代表人:Legal representative: 联系人:Contact pe
船舶污染清除协议  (中英文)
        Agreement for Ship Pollution Response
中国海事[2011]版 China MSA [2011]Version
协议编号: Agreement No.:
甲方: Party A:
住所地: Domicile:
法定代表人: Legal representative:
联系人: Contact person:
通讯地址: Correspondence address:
电话: 传真: Telephone: Fax:
电子信箱: E-mail:
乙方: Party B:
资质等级及服务区域: Qualification level and service area:
住所地: Domicile:
法定代表人: Legal representative:
联系人: Contact person:
通讯地址: Correspondence address:
电话: 传真: Telephone: Fax:
电子信箱: E-mail:
In accordance with relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Marine Environment Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of the Prevention and Control of Marine Environment Pollution from Ships(hereinafter referred to
as “the Regulations), the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Marine Environment Pollution from Ships (hereinafter referred to asthe Rules) and the Detailed Rules of Maritime Safety Administration of the Peoples Republic of China on the Implementation of the
Administration Regime of Agreement for Ship Pollution Response (hereinafter referred to as “the Detailed Rules) and other laws and regulations, Party A and Party B agree to reach the following agreement after equal consultation and on the basis of truthfully and/or completely expressing respective intentions, and the said
agreement shall be abided by both Party A and Party B.
第一条甲方的权利义务 Article 1 Rights and Obligations of Party A
1. Party A shall provide Party B with basic information of the ships (hereinafter referred to asthe agreed ships, Appendix I) to receive services under this Agreement, and shall, within days prior to the agreed ships’ entry into Party B’s service area, inform Party B of the agreed ships’ dynamic information in accordance with the time, way and contents agreed by both parties. Party A shall, hours
prior to the agreed ships’ departure from Party B’s service area, inform Party B of the agreed ships’ relevant dynamic information. Party A shall confirm in written form the receipt of information on relevant emergency standby provided by Party B in accordance with stipulations of paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Agreement.
2. Party A shall keep this Agreement onboard the agreed ships, and make sure that relevant staffs onboard the ships are familiar with the contents of this Agreement and the contents of Pollution Response Operation Plan formulated by Party B.
3. Party A shall cooperate with Party B to carry out ship pollution emergency exercises in accordance with the provisions of the Detailed Rules.
4. Party A shall, when a pollution accident happens to the agreed ship, inform Party B immediately and coordinate the pollution control and cleanup action. Party A shall, after the termination of sch actions, cooperate with Party B to carry out the evaluation on such actions.
Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Party B
1. Party B shall possess relevant qualification approved by Maritime Safety Administration (MSA), and maintains its corresponding capability of pollution response.
2. Party B shall confirm in written form the receipt of the agreed ships’ relevant basic information and dynamic information provided by Party A in accordance with stipulation of paragraph 1 of Article 1, and inform Party A information on relevant emergency standby provided by Party B in accordance with the time, way, and contents
agreed by both parties.
3. Party B shall, upon receiving the notice concerning the agreed ships’ entry into the service area, make sure that the emergency ships, facilities and staffs are standby. After receiving the notice that the agreed ships of Party A have departed from the service area, Party B may cancel such standby status.
4. Party B shall, when concluding this Agreement, provide Party A with a Chinese and/or English version of the Pollution Response Operation Plan formulated by Party B.
5. Once a pollution accident happens to the agreed ships, Party B shall, under the command of Party A, carry out pollution control and cleanup actions. and shall cooperate with Party A to conduct the evaluation on such actions.
第三条费用 Article 3 fees and expenses
1. Party A shall pay Party B the ship pollution response agreement fees in accordance the rates (appendix II) and mode of payment agreed by both parties for the purposes of compensating Party B the incurred reasonable cost of emergency preparation.
2. If Party B carries out pollution control and cleanup actions in accordance with this Agreement after a pollution accident happens, Party A shall pay Party B the actual and reasonable expenses incurred in such actions.
3. When a pollution control and cleanup action last more than working days, to ensure the smooth performance of the actions by Party B, Party B may demand Party A to pay an interim sum every working days for the actions that has been carried out by Party B. This interim payment shall be remitted to the account appointed by Party B within working days after Party B issue the invoice to Party B and such interim payment should be deducted from the final invoice.
4. Upon terminating the pollution control and cleanup actions, Party B shall present to Party A a breakdown and preliminary evidence for the expenses incurred. Party A shall timely pay the undisputed sum and provide an appropriate security for the sum in dispute.
第四条联络人 Article 4 Contact Person
1. Both parties shall make arrangement for their own contact persons, and ensure that such contact persons can keep in touch with each other in the course of the emergency preparedness and response as per this Agreement. The telephone number provided by Party B shall be an emergency number, and the number shall be kept
2. Where any Party of the two parties needs to change its contact person or the contact persons contact detail, such party shall inform the other party by a written notice in a timely manner and no alteration shall be made until receiving the other partys notice for confirmation.
Article 5 Confidentiality Obligation
After conclusion of this Agreement, no matter whether this Agreement is in effect or not, or no matter whether this Agreement is terminated, both parties are obliged to keep all the materials and information provided by the other party confidential. Except that such government authorities as the MSA may obtain the said materials and information in accordance with law, both parties shall not make in public the contents of such materials and information.
Article 6 Entry into Effect, Modification and Termination of Agreement
固定期限为 年(或月);
1. The validity of this Agreement is:
Fixed term of years (or months);
voyages of the agreed ships (the time of each voyage shall be determined by separate agreement).
This Agreement shall enter into effect as of signed and stamped by both parties.
2. In case Party A or Party B needs to modify or terminate the Agreement, the other party shall be informed in accordance with the agreed time and way, and such modification or termination shall be confirmed in a written form by both parties’ consensus intention through negotiation. However, after the agreed ship(s) has (have) entered into the service area of Party B, neither party shall modify or terminate this Agreement.
3. Where both parties terminate this Agreement, or where this Agreement becomes invalid due to one partys breach of this Agreement, it shall be reported to MSA immediately.
Article 7 Liability for Breach of Contract and Tort
1. Where a Party causes any damage or loss to the other Party due to its breach of this Agreement or fault in the course of performing this Agreement, such Party shall, in accordance with this Agreement, bear the liability for breach of contract to the other Party, or be liable to the other Party for infringement of rights in accordance with provisions of relevant laws.
2. Where Party A or Party B causes any damage or loss to a third party due to performance of this Agreement, or where a third party causes any damage or loss to Party A or Party B, the party concerned shall bear corresponding liability in accordance with provisions of relevant laws.
3. Where Party A or Party B fails to perform or completely perform the obligations under this Agreement due to executing the orders or requirements of Ship Pollution Accident Emergency Commanding Organ or MSA, such party may be exempted from undertaking the liability for breach of contract. However, Party A shall, in accordance with the stipulation of Article 3 of this Agreement, pay Party B the expenses incurred in pollution control and cleanup actions that Party B has actually conducted in accordance with this Agreement.
Article 8 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
1. Laws of the Peoples Republic of China shall be applied to this Agreement and disputes arising from this Agreement.
2. Any and all disputes arising from this Agreement shall be solved through both parties’ mutual negotiation; where no resolution is reached after negotiation, such dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the following:
 Submit such dispute to MSA for mediation;
 Submit such dispute to the China Maritime Arbitration Commission for arbitrating at (location) in accordance with the arbitration rules effective at the time of arbitration;
Bring an action before a court in the Peoples Republic of China that has jurisdiction.
Article 9 With respect to matters not covered in this Agreement, both parties may conclude a supplementary agreement. (Appendix III)
Article 10 Copy of this Agreement
本协议正本一式份,具有同等法律效力,甲方持 份,乙方持 份,一份由乙方提交当地港口的海事管理机构。
This original Agreement is in ; each copy bears the same legal effect. Party A holds copy (copies), Party B holds copy (copies), and a copy shall be submitted the local MSA at the port.
甲方(盖章): Party A (seal):
Legal representative/Entrusted representative:(signature)
年 月 日 Date:
乙方(盖章): Party B (seal):
Legal representative/Entrusted representative:(signature)
年 月 日 Date:
附录一:Appendix I:
协议船舶名单List of the Agreed Ships
船名Name of vessel
IMO编号/船舶呼号IMO number/ Call sign
其它需要说明的事项Other matters to be Remarked
Appendix II Rates on the Ship Pollution Response Agreement
Appendix III Supplementary Agreement (if any)

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