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摘要: AGREEMENT TO AMENDMENT TO DESIGN DRAWING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B 丙方:Party C 甲.乙、丙三方于 日签署本修改设计协议,为对 工程设计图纸的补充、修改。本协议内容如下: Party A, Party B and Party C entered into this d
甲方:Party A:
乙方:Party B
丙方:Party C
甲.乙、丙三方于    日签署本修改设计协议,为对    工程设计图纸的补充、修改。本协议内容如下:
Party A, Party B and Party C entered into this design amendment agreement on    , which is a supplement and amendment on the design drawing of     . The contents of this Agreement are as follows:   
Party A requires to amend the functions of the office building and training center of partly completed by Party C. In order to complete the requirement, Party B makes amendments on the aforesaid project construction plan design. Party B’s amendments include but not limited to:
1.1  办公楼因使用功能改变及甲方要求变更引起的的暖通空调、电气及电信、给/排水专业的施工图修改,以及可能因此次调整产生的部分结构设计。
Amendments on the professional construction plans of Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC), electrical and telecommunications, water supply / drainages and part of structural design incurred due to the functional changes of office building upon request from Party A.      
1.2  空调系统冷水机组增设冷却塔循环水系统的暖通空调、电气及电信、给/排水专业的施工图修改,以及可能因此次调整产生的部分结构设计。
Amendments on the professional construction plans of Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC), electrical and telecommunications, water supply / drainages and part of structural design incurred due to the added cooling tower circulating water system of water chiller unit of air-conditioning system.
1.3  柴油发电机房因迁移而引起的暖通空调、电气及电信、给/排水专业的施工图修改,以及可能因此次调整产生的部分结构设计。
       Amendments on the professional construction plans of Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC), electrical and telecommunications, water supply / drainages and part of structural design incurred due to the relocation of diesel generator room.          
1.4  配合完成绿化管理用房F(甲方定义)因景观设计要求的结构设计及给/排水设计。内容包括但不限于:
       Coordination of completion of the structural design and water supply/ drainage design for landscape design requirements of greening administrative room F (defined by Party A), includes but not limited to:
Reinforced concrete landscape pool and retaining wall; foundations of pool and retaining wall (including pile foundations).
Water treatment pump room and water supply/drainage professional design.     
1.5  乙方的设计修改工作不得违反丙方的建筑设计专业方面的要求。
The design amendments of Party B shall not violate Party C’s   professional requirements of architectural designs.  
Submission of Amended Constructional Design Plans and Time for Submission 
2.1  乙方应于    日前提交上述设计协议范围内的有效机电设备表;
Party B shall submit the effective electromechanical equipment list under the aforesaid design agreement prior to the date of     .
2.2  乙方应于    日前提交全部本协议工作范围内的施工图及图纸光盘(电子版图纸包括但不限于PDF版、CAD版);本协议要求的各专业提交完成的经乙方设计工程师签字并盖章的蓝图各一式10份。
       Party B shall submit the whole constructional plans and drawings and compact disc (electronic drawings include but not limited to PDF, CAD versions), and ten (10) copies of blue drawings submitted and signed and stamped by Party B’s design engineers within the scope of the Agreement prior to the date of     .    
2.3  乙方完成上述的工作成果即各专业施工图必须满足甲方现场施工之深度和协议质量要求,若乙方提交的施工图因设计深度及质量问题造成甲方按乙方的施工图施工而引起的返工等全部损失由乙方承担。
Party B’s completed work, i.e. various professional constructional plans shall meet the depth and quality requirements of Party A’s construction site, in case Party A is required to rework according to Party B’s constructional plans, which arises from the design depth and quality problems, all the losses incurred shall be borne by Party B.
2.4  乙方必须委派相应专业的设计工程师参与甲方每次要求的本协议范围内的设计协调及设计交底会。
Party B shall appoint corresponding professional engineers to engage in the design coordination and design disclosure conference that party A requires under this Agreement.
2.5  乙方的本协议范围内的修改设计相关费用及支付方式:
Design amendment fees and payment method of Party B under this Agreement:    
2.5.1 乙方完成本协议范围内的所有设计修改等费用总计为:   ,此设计费用由甲方直接支付予乙方
The total expense that Party B completes the design amendment under this Agreement
is:    Party A shall pay the design fees to Party B directly.  
2.5.2 乙方设计费用的支付方式:本协议签订后10个工作日内甲方支付乙方设计费用总额的20%定金及人民币壹拾捌万捌仟元,等乙方完成本协议全部工作后抵付甲方支付予乙方的设计费用;乙方完成本协议的全部工作并全面提交协议成果后10个工作日内支付剩余的80%设计费用计人民币柒拾伍万贰仟整。
Payment method of Party B’s design fee: within ten(10) working days upon conclusion of this Agreement, Party A shall pay Party B 20% of the total design fee as deposit and RMB One Hundred Eighty Eight Thousand Yuan Only, which will be deducted from the design fee that Party A pays to Party B upon Party B’s completion of the whole work; within ten(10) working days when Party B completes the whole work under this Agreement and submits the results, Party A shall pay Party B the balance of 80% design fee RMB Seven Hundred Fifty Two Thousand Yuan Only.  
2.5.3 上述设计费用已包含所有税费,乙方收到甲方的设计费用后须出具正式税票予甲方。
The above design fee includes all taxes and fees. Upon receipt of the design fee from Party A, Party B shall issue a formal tax invoice to Party A. 
3. 为完成本协议设计修改的工作范围丙方需协调、配合乙方的事项范围:
In order to complete the design amendment scope, Party C shall coordinate with Party B:  
3.1 由于乙方按本协议约定的修改设计过程中,丙方负责本项目的室内装修设计已基本定稿,故要求丙方在建筑设计专业及室内装修设计等专业全力配合乙方依本协议开展的各专业的施工图修改设计,即     负责协调、配合   公司在甲方与   签署的合同范围内的所有设计工作。 
In the course of design amendment of Party B in accordance with the provisions under this Agreement, the interior decoration design that Party C is responsible for has been basically finalized, therefore, Party C is required to fully coordinate with Party B to carry out various kinds of professional amendments of construction design plans in terms of architectural design and interior decoration design pursuant to this Agreement, that is   is responsible for coordinating with   company to carry out all design work within the scope of the contract concluded between Party A an   .    
3.2  在本协议生效后3日内,丙方应提供本协议项目的最新版的建筑及装修施工图电子档版本作为乙方修改设计的依据。
Within three (3) days upon effectiveness of this Agreement, Party C shall provide the latest electronic version of construction and decoration constructional plans as the basis for Party B’s design amendment.
Party A is responsible for coordinating with Landscape Design Company, and providing Party B with the latest electronic versions of landscape design, which is used as the professional structure and water supply/drainage design basis of Party B under this Agreement.
3.4丙方须协助甲方协调并由丙方负责解决   日签署的《建筑设计服务协议》及《补充协议》及《本修改设计协议》范围内全部设计和协调配合事宜,否则因丙方的设计配合、协调拒绝或延误造成的所有本项目工期延误、返工的全部损失,甲方有权向未尽本协议约定的配合、协调义务方追偿。
Party C shall assist Party A in coordinating and be responsible for solving all design and coordination matters within the scope under  “Architectural Design Services Agreement” and “Supplementary Agreement” concluded on the date of     and “This Design Amendment Agreement”, otherwise, in case any losses airing from the time limit delay, rework occur, which are caused by the denial or delay of Party C’s design coordination, Party A has the right to claim against the Party that fails to coordinate the matters pursuant to the Agreement.      
3.5 丙方应委派相应专业的工程师参与上述甲方、乙方要求的设计协调会以及设计交底会。
Party C shall appoint corresponding professional engineers to participate in the aforesaid design coordination meeting and design disclosure meeting required by Party A and Party B.
3.6 丙方的设计协调、设计配合费用及支付方式:
丙方按本协议要求配合甲方/乙方完成所有修改设计配合、设计协调总计费用为    折合美元   ,在丙方完成本协议约定的全部设计配合、设计协调工作后10日内由甲方直接支付予丙方。
Design coordination fee and payment method of Party C:
The total costs for Party C’s coordination of completion of the design amendment and design coordination with Party A/Party B is    ,amounting to US dollars   . Within ten (10) days when Party C completes the whole design cooperation and design coordination stipulated under this Agreement, Party A shall pay Party C directly.  
In case any matters not covered herein in the course of design occur, Party A, Party B and Party C shall communicate and resolve them in time; the supplementary agreements concluded are equally authentic.    
In case of any disputes, the Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and the Chinese version shall prevail; this Agreement is made out in triplicate, Party A, Party B and Party C holds one copy respectively, each copy has equal legal effects.
(以下无正文)(No text hereinbelow)  
甲  方(签章):Party A (seal): 
授权代表(签字):Authorized representative (signature):
乙  方(签章):Party B (seal):
授权代表(签字):Authorized representative (signature):
丙  方:Party C: (seal)
授权代表(签字):Authorized representative (signature):
本协议于    日签订于上海市
This Agreement was concluded in Shanghai on the date of    

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