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- 点击数:发布时间:2017-04-06来源:CONTRACTUS的博客
摘要: Chapter 7 Obligations of the shipper to the carrier 第7 章 托运人向承运人履行的义务 Article 27 Delivery for carriage 第27 条 交付运输 1. Unless otherwise agreed in the contract of carriage, the shipper shall deliver the goods ready for carr
Chapter 7 Obligations of the shipper to the carrier 第7 章 托运人向承运人履行的义务
Article 27 Delivery for carriage 第27 条 交付运输
1. Unless otherwise agreed in the contract of carriage, the shipper shall deliver the goods ready for carriage. In any event, the shipper shall deliver the goods in such condition that they will withstand the intended carriage, including their loading, handling, stowing, lashing and securing, and unloading, and that they will not cause harm to persons or property.
2. The shipper shall properly and carefully perform any obligation assumed under an agreement made pursuant to article 13, paragraph 2.
根据第13 条第2 款订有约定的,托运人应当妥善而谨慎地履行根据该约定承担的任何义务。
3. When a container is packed or a vehicle is loaded by the shipper, the shipper shall properly and carefully stow, lash and secure the contents in or on the container or vehicle, and in such a way that they will not cause harm to persons or property.
Article 28Cooperation of the shipper and the carrier in providing information and instructions
第28 条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作
The carrier and the shipper shall respond to requests from each other to provide information and instructions required for the proper handling and carriage of the goods if the information is in the requested party’s possession or the instructions are within the requested party’s reasonable ability to provide and they are not otherwise reasonably available to the requesting party.
Article 29 Shipper’s obligation to provide information, instructions and documents
第29 条 托运人提供信息、指示和文件的义务
1. The shipper shall provide to the carrier in a timely manner such information, instructions and documents relating to the goods that are not otherwise reasonably available to the carrier, and that are reasonably necessary:
(a) For the proper handling and carriage of the goods, including precautions to be taken by the carrier or a performing party; and
(b) For the carrier to comply with law, regulations or other requirements of public authorities in connection with the intended carriage, provided that the carrier notifies the shipper in a timely manner of the information, instructions and documents it requires.
1. 托运人应当及时向承运人提供承运人无法以其他合理方式获取,且是为下述目的而合理需要的有关货物的信息、指示和文件:
(a) 为了正确操作和运输货物,包括由承运人或者履约方采取预防措施;并且
(b) 为了使承运人遵守公共当局有关预定运输的法律、条例或者其他要求,但承运人须及时将其需要信息、指示和文件事宜通知托运人。
2. Nothing in this article affects any specific obligation to provide certain information, instructions and documents related to the goods pursuant to law, regulations or other requirements of public authorities in connection with the intended carriage.
Article 30 Basis of shipper’s liability to the carrier 第30 条 托运人对承运人赔偿责任的基础
1. The shipper is liable for loss or damage sustained by the carrier if the carrier proves that such loss or damage was caused by a breach of the shipper’s obligations under this Convention.
2. Except in respect of loss or damage caused by a breach by the shipper of its obligations pursuant to articles 31, paragraph 2, and 32, the shipper is relieved of all or part of its liability if the cause or one of the causes of the loss or damage is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 34.
灭失或者损坏的原因或者原因之一不能归责于托运人本人的过失或者第34 条述及的任何人的过失的,免除托运人的全部或者部分赔偿责任,但托运人违反第31 条第2 款和第32 条对其规定的义务所造成的灭失或者损坏,不在此列。
3. When the shipper is relieved of part of its liability pursuant to this article, the shipper is liable only for that part of the loss or damage that is attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 34.
托运人根据本条被免除部分赔偿责任的,托运人仅对因其本人的过失或者第34 条述及的任何人的过失所造成的那部分灭失或者损坏负赔偿责任。
Article 31 Information for compilation of contract particulars
第31 条 拟定合同事项所需要的信息
1. The shipper shall provide to the carrier, in a timely manner, accurate information required for the compilation of the contract particulars and the issuance of the transport documents or electronic transport records, including the particulars referred to in article 36, paragraph 1; the name of the party to be identified as the shipper in the contract particulars; the name of the consignee, if any; and the name of the person to whose order the transport document or electronic transport record is to be issued, if any.
托运人应当及时向承运人提供拟定合同事项以及签发运输单证或者电子运输记录所需要的准确信息,包括第36 条第1 款所述及的事项;合同事项中拟载明为托运人的当事人名称;有收货人的,收货人名称;须凭指示签发运输单证或者电子运输记录的,指示人名称。
2. The shipper is deemed to have guaranteed the accuracy at the time of receipt by the carrier of the information that is provided according to paragraph 1 of this article. The shipper shall indemnify the carrier against loss or damage resulting from the inaccuracy of such information.
承运人收到根据本条第1 款提供的信息时,理当认为托运人已对信息的准确性给予保证。托运人应当就此种信息不准确所导致的灭失或者损坏向承运人作出赔偿。
Article 32 Special rules on dangerous goods 第32 条 危险货物特别规则
When goods by their nature or character are, or reasonably appear likely to become, a danger to persons, property or the environment:
(a) The shipper shall inform the carrier of the dangerous nature or character of the goods in a timely manner before they are delivered to the carrier or a performing party. If the shipper fails to do so and the carrier or performing party does not otherwise have knowledge of their dangerous nature or character, the shipper is liable to the carrier for loss or damage resulting from such failure to inform; and
(b) The shipper shall mark or label dangerous goods in accordance with any law, regulations or other requirements of public authorities that apply during any stage of the intended carriage of the goods. If the shipper fails to do so, it is liable to the carrier for loss or damage resulting from such failure.
(a) 托运人应当在货物交付给承运人或者履约方之前,及时将货物的危险性质或者特性通知承运人。托运人未履行此项义务,且承运人或者履约方无法以其他方式知道货物危险性质或者特性的,托运人应当就未发通知所导致的灭失或者损坏向承运人负赔偿责任;
(b) 托运人应当根据货物预定运输任何阶段所适用的公共当局的法律、条例或者其他要求,对危险货物加标志或者标签。托运人未履行此项义务的,托运人应当就由此导致的灭失或者损坏向承运人负赔偿责任。
Article 33 Assumption of shipper’s rights and obligations by the documentary shipper
第33 条 单证托运人享有托运人的权利并承担其义务
1. A documentary shipper is subject to the obligations and liabilities imposed on the shipper pursuant to this chapter and pursuant to article 55, and are entitled to the shipper’s rights and defences provided by this chapter and by chapter 13.
单证托运人必须承担本章和第55 条对托运人规定的义务和赔偿责任,且有权享有本章和第13 章为托运人提供的权利和抗辩。
2. Paragraph 1 of this article does not affect the obligations, liabilities, rights or defences of the shipper.
本条第1 款规定不影响托运人的义务、赔偿责任、权利或者抗辩。
Article 34 Liability of the shipper for other persons 第34 条 托运人为其他人负赔偿责任
The shipper is liable for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of any person, including employees, agents and subcontractors, to which it has entrusted the performance of any of its obligations, but the shipper is not liable for acts or omissions of the carrier or a performing party acting on behalf of the carrier, to which the shipper has entrusted the performance of its obligations.
Chapter 8 Transport documents and electronic transport records
第8 章 运输单证和电子运输记录
Article 35 Issuance of the transport document or the electronic transport record
第35 条 运输单证或者电子运输记录的签发
Unless the shipper and the carrier have agreed not to use a transport document or an electronic transport record, or it is the custom, usage or practice of the trade not to use one, upon delivery of the goods for carriage to the carrier or performing party, the shipper or, if the shipper consents, the documentary shipper, is entitled to obtain from the carrier, at the shipper’s option:
(a) A non-negotiable transport document or, subject to article 8, subparagraph(a), a non-negotiable electronic transport record; or
(b) An appropriate negotiable transport document or, subject to article 8, subparagraph (a), a negotiable electronic transport record, unless the shipper and the carrier have agreed not to use a negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record, or it is the custom, usage or practice of the trade not to use one.
(a) 不可转让运输单证,或者,符合第8 条第(a) 项规定的,不可转让电子运输记录;或者
(b) 适当的可转让运输单证,或者,符合第8 条第(a) 项规定的,可转让电子运输记录,除非托运人与承运人已约定不使用可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录,或者不使用可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录是行业习惯、惯例或者做法。
Article 36 Contract particulars第36 条 合同事项
1. The contract particulars in the transport document or electronic transport record referred to in article 35 shall include the following information, as furnished by the shipper:
(a) A description of the goods as appropriate for the transport;
(b) The leading marks necessary for identification of the goods;
(c) The number of packages or pieces, or the quantity of goods; and
(d) The weight of the goods, if furnished by the shipper.
1. 第35 条述及的运输单证或者电子运输记录中的合同事项应当包括由托运人提供的下列信息:
(a) 适合于运输的货名;
(b) 识别货物所必需的主标志;
(c) 货物包数、件数或者数量;和
(d) 货物重量(如果已由托运人提供)。
2. The contract particulars in the transport document or electronic transport record referred to in article 35 shall also include:
(a) A statement of the apparent order and condition of the goods at the time the carrier or a performing party receives them for carriage;
(b) The name and address of the carrier;
(c) The date on which the carrier or a performing party received the goods, or on which the goods were loaded on board the ship, or on which the transport document or electronic transport record was issued; and
(d) If the transport document is negotiable, the number of originals of the negotiable transport document, when more than one original is issued.
2. 第35 条述及的运输单证或者电子运输记录中的合同事项还应当包括:
(a) 承运人或者履约方收到待运货物时货物表面状况的说明;
(b) 承运人名称和地址;
(c) 承运人或者履约方收到货物日期、货物装船日期或者运输单证或者电子运输记录签发日期;和
(d) 运输单证可转让,且签发一份以上正本的,可转让运输单证的正本份数。
3. The contract particulars in the transport document or electronic transport record referred to in article 35 shall further include:
(a) The name and address of the consignee, if named by the shipper;
(b) The name of a ship, if specified in the contract of carriage;
(c) The place of receipt and, if known to the carrier, the place of delivery; and
(d) The port of loading and the port of discharge, if specified in the contract of carriage.
3. 第35 条述及的运输单证或者电子运输记录中的合同事项应当进一步包括:
(a) 收货人名称和地址(如果收货人已由托运人指定);
(b) 船舶名称(如果已在运输合同中指明);
(c) 收货地和交货地(如果承运人已知道交货地);和
(d) 装货港和卸货港(如果已在运输合同中指明)。
4. For the purposes of this article, the phrase “apparent order and condition of the goods” in subparagraph 2 (a) of this article refers to the order and condition of the goods based on:
(a) A reasonable external inspection of the goods as packaged at the time the shipper delivers them to the carrier or a performing party; and
(b) Any additional inspection that the carrier or a performing party actually performs before issuing the transport document or electronic transport record.
4. 就本条而言,本条第2 款第(a) 项中“货物表面状况”一词是指在下述基础上确定的货物状况:
(a) 货物由托运人交付给承运人或者履约方时对所装载货物进行的合理外部检验;和
(b) 承运人或者履约方在签发运输单证或者电子运输记录之前实际进行的任何进一步检验。
Article 37 Identity of the carrier 第37 条 承运人的识别
1. If a carrier is identified by name in the contract particulars, any other information in the transport document or electronic transport record relating to the identity of the carrier shall have no effect to the extent that it is inconsistent with that identification.
2. If no person is identified in the contract particulars as the carrier as required pursuant to article 36, subparagraph 2 (b), but the contract particulars indicate that the goods have been loaded on board a named ship, the registered owner of that ship is presumed to be the carrier, unless it proves that the ship was under a bareboat charter at the time of the carriage and it identifies this bareboat charterer and indicates its address, in which case this bareboat charterer is presumed to be the carrier. Alternatively, the registered owner may rebut the presumption of being the carrier by identifying the carrier and indicating its address. The bareboat charterer may rebut any presumption of being the carrier in the same manner.
合同事项中未按第36 条第2 款第(b) 项载明任何人为承运人,但合同事项载明货物已装上指定船舶的,推定该船舶的登记所有人为承运人,除非该登记所有人能够证明运输货物时该船舶处于光船租用之中,且能够指出该光船承租人及其地址,在这种情况下,推定该光船承租人为承运人。或者,船舶登记所有人可以通过 指出承运人及其地址,推翻将其当作承运人的推定。光船承租人可以按照同样方式推翻将其当作承运人的任何推定。
3. Nothing in this article prevents the claimant from proving that any person other than a person identified in the contract particulars or pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article is the carrier.
本条规定概不妨碍索赔人证明,承运人是合同事项所载明的人以外的人,或者是根据本条第2 款所识别的人以外的人。
Article 38 Signature 第38 条 签名
1. A transport document shall be signed by the carrier or a person acting on its behalf.
2. An electronic transport record shall include the electronic signature of the carrier or a person acting on its behalf. Such electronic signature shall identify the signatory in relation to the electronic transport record and indicate the carrier’s authorization of the electronic transport record.
电子运输记录应当包含承运人或者代其行事的人的电子签名。 凭借此种电子签名,应当能够识别与该电子运输记录有关的签名人,且表明承运人对该电子运输记录的授权。
Article 39 Deficiencies in the contract particulars第39 条 合同事项不完备
1. The absence or inaccuracy of one or more of the contract particulars referred to in article 36, paragraphs 1, 2 or 3, does not of itself affect the legal character or validity of the transport document or of the electronic transport record.
合同事项中缺少第36 条第1 款、第2 款或者第3 款述及的一项或者数项内容,或者这些内容不准确,本身不影响运输单证或者电子运输记录的法律性质或者法律效力。
2. If the contract particulars include the date but fail to indicate its significance, the date is deemed to be:
(a) The date on which all of the goods indicated in the transport document or electronic transport record were loaded on board the ship, if the contract particulars indicate that the goods have been loaded on board a ship; or
(b)The date on which the carrier or a performing party received the goods, if the contract particulars do not indicate that the goods have been loaded on board a ship.
. 合同事项包含日期而未载明其含义的:
(a) 如果合同事项载明货物已装船,该日期视为运输单证或者电子运输记录中载明的全部货物的装船日期;或者
(b) 如果合同事项未载明货物已装船,该日期视为承运人或者履约方收到货物的日期。
3. If the contract particulars fail to state the apparent order and condition of the goods at the time the carrier or a performing party receives them, the contract particulars are deemed to have stated that the goods were in apparent good order and condition at the time the carrier or a performing party received them.
合同事项未载明承运人或者履约方收到货物时货物表面状况的,该合同事项视为已载明承运人或者履约方 收到货物时货物表面状况良好。
Article 40 Qualifying the information relating to the goods in the contract particulars
第40 条 对合同事项中货物相关信息作出保留
1. The carrier shall qualify the information referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, to indicate that the carrier does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information furnished by the shipper if:
(a) The carrier has actual knowledge that any material statement in the transport document or electronic transport record is false or misleading; or
(b) The carrier has reasonable grounds to believe that a material statement in the transport document or electronic transport record is false or misleading.
在下列条件下,承运人应当对第36 条第1 款中述及的信息作出保留,指出承运人对于托运人所提供信息的准确性不负责任:
(a) 承运人实际知道运输单证或者电子运输记录中的任何重要声明有虚假或者误导内容;或者
(b) 承运人有合理的理由认为运输单证或者电子运输记录中的任何重要声明有虚假或者误导内容。
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this article, the carrier may qualify the information referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, in the circumstances and in the manner set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article to indicate that the carrier does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information furnished by the shipper.
在不影响本条第1 款的情况下,承运人可以按照本条第3 款和第4 款规定的情形和方式,对第36 条第1 款中述及的信息作出保留,指出承运人对于托运人所提供信息的准确性不负责任。
3. When the goods are not delivered for carriage to the carrier or a performing party in a closed container or vehicle, or when they are delivered in a closed container or vehicle and the carrier or a performing party actually inspects them, the carrier may qualify the information referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, if:
(a) The carrier had no physically practicable or commercially reasonable means of checking the information furnished by the shipper, in which case it may indicate which information it was unable to check; or
(b) The carrier has reasonable grounds to believe the information furnished by the shipper to be inaccurate, in which case it may include a clause providing what it reasonably considers accurate information.
货物不放在封闭集装箱内或者封闭车辆内交付给承运人或者履约方运输,或者货物放在封闭集装箱内或者封闭车辆内交付且承运人或者履约方实际检验了货物的,在下述条件下,承运人可以对第36 条第1 款中述及的信息作出保留:
(a) 承运人无实际可行或者商业上合理的方式核对托运人提供的信息,在这种情况下,承运人可以注明其无法核对的信息;或者
(b) 承运人有合理的理由认为托运人所提供的信息不准确,在这种情况下,承运人可以列入一个条款,提供其合理认为准确的信息。
4. When the goods are delivered for carriage to the carrier or a performing party in a closed container or vehicle, the carrier may qualify the information referred to in:
(a) Article 36, subparagraphs 1 (a), (b), or (c), if:
(i) The goods inside the container or vehicle have not actually been inspected by the carrier or a performing party; and
(ii) Neither the carrier nor a performing party otherwise has actual knowledge of its contents before issuing the transport document or the electronic transport record; and
(b) Article 36, subparagraph 1 (d), if:
(i) Neither the carrier nor a performing party weighed the container or vehicle, and the shipper and the carrier had not agreed prior to the shipment that the container or vehicle would be weighed and the weight would be included in the contract particulars; or
(ii) There was no physically practicable or commercially reasonable means of checking the weight of the container or vehicle.
(a) 第36 条第1 款第(a) 项、第(b) 项或者第(c) 项,条件是:
(i) 集装箱内或者车辆内货物未经过承运人或者履约方实际检验;并且
(ii) 无论承运人还是履约方均未在签发运输单证或者电子运输记录之前以其他方式实际知道集装箱内或者车辆内货物的情况;和
(b) 第36 条第1 款第(d) 项,条件是:
(i) 无论承运人还是履约方均未对集装箱或者车辆称重,且托运人和承运人均未在装运货物之前约定对集装箱或者车辆称重并将其重量记载在合同事项中;或者
(ii) 无实际可行或者商业上合理的方式核对集装箱或者车辆重量。
Article 41 Evidentiary effect of the contract particulars 第41 条 合同事项的证据效力
Except to the extent that the contract particulars have been qualified in the circumstances and in the manner set out in article 40:
(a) A transport document or an electronic transport record is prima facie evidence of the carrier’s receipt of the goods as stated in the contract particulars;
(b) Proof to the contrary by the carrier in respect of any contract particulars shall not be admissible, when such contract particulars are included in:(i) A negotiable transport document or a negotiable electronic transport record that is transferred to a third party acting in good faith; or (ii) A non-negotiable transport document that indicates that it must be surrendered in order to obtain delivery of the goods and is transferred to the consignee acting in good faith;
(c) Proof to the contrary by the carrier shall not be admissible against a consignee that in good faith has acted in reliance on any of the following contract particulars included in a non-negotiable transport document or a non negotiable electronic transport record: (i) The contract particulars referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, when such contract particulars are furnished by the carrier;
(ii) The number, type and identifying numbers of the containers, but not the identifying numbers of the container seals; and (iii) The contract particulars referred to in article 36, paragraph 2.
除合同事项已按照第40 条规定的情形和方式作了保留外:
(a) 运输单证或者电子运输记录是承运人收到合同事项中所记载货物的初步证据;
(b) 在下列情况下,承运人就任何合同事项提出的相反证据不予接受:
(i) 此种合同事项载于已转让给善意行事第三方的可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录,或者
(ii) 此种合同事项载于载明必须交单提货,且已转让给善意行事收货人的不可转让运输单证。
(c) 承运人提出的针对善意行事收货人的相反证据,在该收货人依赖载于不可转让运输单证或者不可转让电子运输记录中的下述任何合同事项时,不予接受:
(i) 第36 条第1 款中述及的合同事项,此种合同事项由承运人提供;
(ii) 集装箱的号码、型号和识别号, 而非集装箱封条的识别号;和
(iii) 第36 条第2 款中述及的合同事项。
Article 42“Freight prepaid” 第42 条 “预付运费”
If the contract particulars contain the statement “freight prepaid” or a statement of a similar nature, the carrier cannot assert against the holder or the consignee the fact that the freight has not been paid. This article does not apply if the holder or the consignee is also the shipper.
Chapter 9 Delivery of the goods第9 章 货物交付
Article 43 Obligation to accept delivery 第43 条 接受交货的义务
When the goods have arrived at their destination, the consignee that demands delivery of the goods under the contract of carriage shall accept delivery of the goods at the time or within the time period and at the location agreed in the contract of carriage or, failing such agreement, at the time and location at which, having regard to the terms of the contract, the customs, usages or practices of the trade and the circumstances of the carriage, delivery could reasonably be expected.
Article 44Obligation to acknowledge receipt第44 条 确认收到的义务
On request of the carrier or the performing party that delivers the goods, the consignee shall acknowledge receipt of the goods from the carrier or the performing party in the manner that is customary at the place of delivery. The carrier may refuse delivery if the consignee refuses to acknowledge such receipt.
Article 45 Delivery when no negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record is issued When neither a negotiable transport document nor a negotiable electronic transport record has been issued:
第45 条 未签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录时的交付未签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录的:
(a) The carrier shall deliver the goods to the consignee at the time and location referred to in article 43. The carrier may refuse delivery if the person claiming to be the consignee does not properly identify itself as the consignee on the request of the carrier;
承运人应当在第43 条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给收货人。声称是收货人的人未按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人的,承运人可以拒绝交付;
(b) If the name and address of the consignee are not referred to in the contract particulars, the controlling party shall prior to or upon the arrival of the goods at the place of destination advise the carrier of such name and address;
(c) Without prejudice to article 48, paragraph 1, if the goods are not deliverable because (i) the consignee, after having received a notice of arrival, does not, at the time or within the time period referred to in article 43, claim delivery of the goods from the carrier after their arrival at the place of destination, (ii) the carrier refuses delivery because the person claiming to be the consignee does not properly identify itself as the consignee, or (iii) the carrier is, after reasonable effort, unable to locate the consignee in order to request delivery instructions, the carrier may so advise the controlling party and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods. If, after reasonable effort, the carrier is unable to locate the controlling party, the carrier may so advise the shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods. If, after reasonable effort, the carrier is unable to locate the shipper, the carrier may so advise the documentary shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods;
在不影响第48 条第1 款的情况下,如果货物未能交付是因为(i) 收货人接到了到货通知而未在第43 条述及的时间或者期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,(ii) 承运人因声称是收货人的人未适当表明其为收货人而拒绝交货,或者(iii) 承运人经合理努力无法确定收货人, 请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知控制方,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定控制方的,承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的,承运人可以通知单证托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示;
(d) The carrier that delivers the goods upon instruction of the controlling party, the shipper or the documentary shipper pursuant to subparagraph (c) of this article is discharged from its obligations to deliver the goods under the contract of carriage.
承运人根据本条第(c) 项按照控制方、托运人或者单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下交付货物的义务。
Article 46Delivery when a non-negotiable transport document that requires surrender is issued
第46 条 签发必须提交的不可转让运输单证时的交付
When a non-negotiable transport document has been issued that indicates that it shall be surrendered in order to obtain delivery of the goods:
(a) The carrier shall deliver the goods at the time and location referred to in article 43 to the consignee upon the consignee properly identifying itself on the request of the carrier and surrender of the non-negotiable document. The carrier may refuse delivery if the person claiming to be the consignee fails to properly identify itself on the request of the carrier, and shall refuse delivery if the non-negotiable document is not surrendered. If more than one original of the non-negotiable document has been issued, the surrender of one original will suffice and the other originals cease to have any effect or validity;
承运人应当在收货人按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人并提交不可转让单证时,在第43 条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给收货人。声称是收货人的人不能按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人的,承运人可以拒绝交付;未提交不可转让单证的,承运人应当拒绝交付。所签发不可转让单证有一份以上正本的,提交一份正本单证即可,其余正本单证随即失去效力;
(b) Without prejudice to article 48, paragraph 1, if the goods are not deliverable because (i) the consignee, after having received a notice of arrival, does not, at the time or within the time period referred to in article 43, claim delivery of the goods from the carrier after their arrival at the place of destination, (ii) the carrier refuses delivery because the person claiming to be the consignee does not properly identify itself as the consignee or does not surrender the document, or (iii) the carrier is, after reasonable effort, unable to locate the consignee in order to request delivery instructions, the carrier may so advise the shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods. If, after reasonable effort, the carrier is unable to locate the shipper, the carrier may so advise the documentary shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods;
在不影响第48 条第1 款的情况下,如果货物未能交付是因为(i) 收货人接到了到货通知而未在第43 条述及的时间或者期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物, (ii) 承运人因声称是收货人的人未适当表明其为收货人或者未提交单证而拒绝交货,或者(iii) 承运人经合理努力无法确定收货人,请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的,承运人应当通知单证托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示;
(c) The carrier that delivers the goods upon instruction of the shipper or the documentary shipper pursuant to subparagraph (b) of this article is discharged from its obligation to deliver the goods under the contract of carriage, irrespective of whether the non-negotiable transport document has been surrendered to it.
承运人根据本条第(b) 项按照托运人或者单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下交付货物的义务,而不考虑是否已向承运人提交不可转让运输单证。
Article 47 Delivery when a negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record is issued
第47 条 签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录时的交付
1. When a negotiable transport document or a negotiable electronic transport record has been issued:
(a) The holder of the negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record is entitled to claim delivery of the goods from the carrier after they have arrived at the place of destination, in which event the carrier shall deliver the goods at the time and location referred to in article 43to the holder: (i) Upon surrender of the negotiable transport document and, if the holder is one of the persons referred to in article 1, subparagraph 10 (a) (i), upon the holder properly identifying itself; or (ii) Upon demonstration by the holder, in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1, that it is the holder of the negotiable electronic transport record;
(b) The carrier shall refuse delivery if the requirements of subparagraph (a) (i) or (a) (ii) of this paragraph are not met;
(c) If more than one original of the negotiable transport document has been issued, and the number
of originals is stated in that document, the surrender of one original will suffice and the other originals cease to have any effect or validity. When a negotiable electronic transport record has been used, such electronic transport record ceases to have any effect or validity upon delivery to the holder in accordance with the procedures required by article 9, paragraph 1.
1. 签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录的:
(a) 可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录的持有人有权在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,在这种情况下,下列要求之一得到满足时,承运人即应当在第43 条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给该持有人:
(i) 该持有人提交了可转让运输单证,该持有人为第1 条第10款第(a) 项第(i) 目述及的人的,还适当表明了其身份;或者
(ii) 该持有人按照第9 条第1 款述及的程序证明其为可转让电子运输记录的持有人。
(b) 本款第(a) 项第(i) 目或者第(a) 项第(ii) 目所列要求未得到满足的,承运人应当拒绝交付;
(c) 所签发可转让运输单证有一份以上正本,且该单证中注明正本份数的,提交一份正本单证即可,其余正本单证随即失去效力。
使用可转让电子运输记录的,按照第9 条第1 款规定的程序一经向持有人交付货物,该电子运输记录随即失去效力。
2. Without prejudice to article 48, paragraph 1, if the negotiable transport document or the negotiable electronic transport record expressly states that the goods may be delivered without the surrender of the transport document or the electronic transport record, the following rules apply:
在不影响第48 条第1 款的情况下,可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录明确规定可以不提交运输单证或者电子运输记录交付货物的,适用下列规则:
(a) If the goods are not deliverable because (i) the holder, after having received a notice of arrival, does not, at the time or within the time period referred to in article 43, claim delivery of the goods from the carrier after their arrival at the place of destination, (ii) the carrier refuses delivery because the person claiming to be a holder does not properly identify itself as one of the persons referred to in article 1, subparagraph 10 (a) (i), or (iii) the carrier is, after reasonable effort, unable to locate the holder in order to request delivery instructions, the carrier may so advise the shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods. If, after reasonable effort, the carrier is unable to locate the shipper, the carrier may so advise the documentary shipper and request instructions in respect of the delivery of the goods;
(a) 如果货物未能交付是因为(i) 持有人接到了到货通知而未在第43 条述及的时间或者期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,(ii) 承运人因声称是持有人的人未适当表明其为第1 条第10 款第(a) 项第(i) 目所述及的人之一而拒绝交货, 或者(iii) 承运人经合理努力无法确定持有人,请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的, 承运人应当通知单证托运人, 请求就货物的交付发出指示;
(b) The carrier that delivers the goods upon instruction of the shipper or the documentary shipper in accordance with subparagraph 2 (a) of this article is discharged from its obligation to deliver the goods under the contract of carriage to the holder, irrespective of whether the negotiable transport document has been surrendered to it, or the person claiming delivery under a negotiable electronic transport record has demonstrated, in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1, that it is the holder;
(b) 承运人根据本条第2 款第(a) 项按照托运人或者单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下向持有人交付货物的义务,而不考虑是否已向承运人提交可转让运输单证,也不考虑凭可转让电子运输记录主张提货的人是否已按照第9 条第1 款述及的程序证明其为持有人;
(c) The person giving instructions under subparagraph 2 (a) of this article shall indemnify the carrier against loss arising from its being held liable to the holder under subparagraph 2 (e) of this article. The carrier may refuse to follow those instructions if the person fails to provide adequate security as the carrier may reasonably request;
(c) 承运人根据本条第2 款第(a) 项对持有人负赔偿责任的,根据本条第2 款第(e) 项发出指示的人应当补偿承运人由此遭受的损失。该人未能按照承运人的合理要求提供适当担保的,承运人可以拒绝遵守这些指示;
(d) A person that becomes a holder of the negotiable transport document or the negotiable electronic transport record after the carrier has delivered the goods pursuant to subparagraph 2 (b) of this article, but pursuant to contractual or other arrangements made before such delivery acquires rights against the carrier under the contract of carriage, other than the right to claim delivery of the goods;
(d) 一人在承运人已根据本条第2 款第(b) 项交付货物后成为可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录的持有人,仍根据此项交货前的合同安排或者其他安排取得对承运人除主张提货权以外的运输合同下的权利;
(e) Notwithstanding subparagraphs 2 (b) and 2 (d) of this article, a holder that becomes a holder after such delivery, and that did not have and could not reasonably have had knowledge of such delivery at the time it became a holder, acquires the rights incorporated in the negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record. When the contract particulars state the expected time of arrival of the goods, or indicate how to obtain information as to whether the goods have been delivered, it is presumed that the holder at the time that it became a holder had or could reasonably have had knowledge of the delivery of the goods.
(e) 虽有本条第2 款第(b) 项和第2 款第(d) 项的规定,一持有人在此项交货后成为持有人,在其成为持有人时不知道且理应不可能知道此项交货的,取得可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录所包含的权利。合同事项载明预计到货时间,或者载明如何获取有关货物是否已交付的信息的,推定该持有人在其成为持有人时已知道或者理应能够知道货物的交付。
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2017-05-03海商法(第四章海上货物运输合同 中英文)
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